40 years in Ladakh
Our work in Ladakh has included hosting workshops and international conferences, producing theater, radio shows, Ladakhi language schoolbooks, the first Ladakhi-English dictionary, and an educational comic book, ‘A Journey to New York‘.
We also helped to establish several indigenous organizations: Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG), the Women’s Alliance of Ladakh, the Amchi Association, and the Ladakh Environment and Health Organisation (LEHO). We have worked in about 80 villages throughout region.

Mindful Futures workshop
4-Day workshop
Who: Ladakhi youth
Hosts: Flowering Dharma, Skarma Gurmet and Local Futures
When: Summer 2017, 2018 and 2019
During these workshops the participants analyzed the workings of the globalized economy, consumerism and advertising, after which the focus shifted to the importance of re-buidling localized, cooperative and sustainable economies and livelihoods. At each of the workshops, guest speakers were invited to share their experiences. These have included renowned Tibetan philosopher and spiritual leader, Samdhong Rinpoche; Snow Leopard Conservancy leader Rigyal Rinpoche; Central Institute for Buddhist Studies (CIBS) director Geshe Konchok Wangdu; local film-maker Stanzin Gya; and long-time Local Futures ally Keibo Oiwa from Japan. The days were packed with talks, debates, films and participatory activities.
Global to Local workshop
5-Day workshop
Who: foreign visitors
Hosts: Operation Groundswell and Local Futures
When: Summer 2018
With a dozen participants from North America, Local Futures staff dissected the global economy and connected it to phenomena like the plastic waste crisis in Ladakh. The workshop’s themes were illuminated by activities including the spectrogram (posing controversial statements about development to see where people ‘stand’, literally, on the matter, and interrogating the stances), a field-trip to the local waste dump, and connections-mapping. Film screenings, debates, talks, guided walks, and trips to affiliated local NGOs rounded out a rich and rewarding week.
Mindful Futures workshop
4-Day workshop
Who: Ladakhi youth
Hosts: Flowering Dharma, Skarma Gurmet and Local Futures
When: Summer 2017, 2018 and 2019
During these workshops the participants analyzed the workings of the globalized economy, consumerism and advertising, after which the focus shifted to the importance of re-buidling localized, cooperative and sustainable economies and livelihoods. Guest speakers were invited to share their experiences. The days were packed with talks, debates, films and participatory activities.
Global to Local workshop
5-Day workshop
Who: foreign visitors
Hosts: Operation Groundswell and Local Futures
When: Summer 2018
With a dozen participants from North America, Local Futures staff dissected the global economy and connected it to phenomena like the plastic waste crisis in Ladakh. The workshop’s themes were illuminated by activities including the spectrogram, a field-trip to the local waste dump, and connections-mapping. Film screenings, debates, talks, guided walks, and trips to affiliated local NGOs rounded out a rich and rewarding week.
Learning from Ladakh workshop
5-Day workshop
Who: foreign visitors
Hosts: Operations Groundswell and Local Futures
When: Summer 2017
Youth from the US, Canada and Mexico took part in the programme, which involved a five-day intensive workshop, fieldtrips and encounters with Ladakhi NGOs and innovators. Highlights included:
– a heritage walk to learn about Ladakh´s history and multicultural roots;
– a field trip to the dump of Leh, to experience the growing waste-mountains;
– a hike to a melting glacier to see the impacts of climate change first-hand;
– encounters with youth groups, including Flowering Dharma and Unexplored Ladakh.
Media Literacy and Film Making workshop
7-Day workshop
Who: Ladakhi youth
Hosts:Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation and Local Futures
When: Summer 2018
The themes of this workshop were the advertising industry, corporate control of media, and the psychological, social, and environmental effects of ‘screen culture’. Guest speakers shared their expertise in topics like media ethics, media and junk food, gender and media, and creating media for positive social change. Experienced film-makers also taught basic story writing, filming, and editing skills. Participants had the opportunity to create short films about their own experiences of media in Ladakh. The films were later screened for an audience of parents and local invitees from Ladakhi civil society.
Learning from Ladakh workshop
5-Day workshop
Who: foreign visitors
Hosts: Operations Groundswell and Local Futures
When: Summer 2017
Youth from the US, Canada and Mexico took part in the programme, which involved a five-day intensive workshop, fieldtrips and encounters with Ladakhi NGOs and innovators. Highlights included: a heritage walk to learn about Ladakh´s history and multicultural roots; a field trip to the dump of Leh, to experience the growing waste-mountains; a hike to a melting glacier to see the impacts of climate change first-hand; encounters with youth groups.
Media Literacy and Film Making workshop
7-Day workshop
Who: Ladakhi youth
Hosts:Ladakh Arts and Media Organisation and Local Futures
When: Summer 2018
The themes of this workshop were the advertising industry, corporate control of media, and the psychological, social, and environmental effects of ‘screen culture’. Guest speakers shared their expertise in topics like media ethics, media and junk food, gender and media, and creating media for positive social change. Experienced film-makers also taught basic story writing, filming, and editing skills. Participants had the opportunity to create short films.
Ancient Futures
by Helena Norberg-Hodge
A moving portrait of tradition and change in Ladakh. Originally published in 1991, the 2016 edition contains a new preface by the author, as well as the original foreword by H.H. the Dalai Lama.
The award-winning film based on the book was produced and narrated in 1993 by Local Futures’ Programs Director, John Page.

Dhontang: Food in Ladakh
‘Dhontang: Food in Ladakh’, co-published by Local Futures, surveys Ladakh’s traditional food cultures, as well as changes, challenges and new initiatives for a sustainable food future in the region. It is intended mainly, though not exclusively, for Ladakhi youth.
Ladakh Project Coordinator Alex Jensen was one of the co-authors and editors of the book (available at the office of Snow Leopard Conservancy, from the Ladakh Arts and Media Organization, as well as in select local book stores in Leh).
Economics of Happiness conference
In 2019 we hosted a two-day conference looking at different notions of ‘progress’, and exploring the need for compassionate economics – an ‘economics of happiness’ – and what we can do to achieve it.
Watch the video message by Helena Norberg-Hodge →
Economics of Happiness conference
In 2019 we hosted a two-day conference looking at different notions of ‘progress’, and exploring the need for compassionate economics – an ‘economics of happiness’ – and what we can do to achieve it.
Watch the video message by Helena Norberg-Hodge →

More on Ladakh
For more information, download Local Futures in Ladakh (PDF) or browse our annual reports, each of which has a special section on that year’s work in Ladakh.
Also visit the website created by our partners in Ladakh: