Risk Management
Basic Approach
In order to achieve stable growth and carry out our responsibility to our stakeholders, the Group is reinforcing management systems to address risks that may affect the Group’s operations. At Kikkoman Corp., corporate officers manage the divisions and subsidiaries to prevent potential risks. We also review our systems periodically and check if our measures are adequate.
The Kikkoman Group Risk Management Guideline
In October, 2010, aiming to accurately manage and make implementations in response to the various risks surrounding the Kikkoman Group, we established “The Kikkoman Group Risk Management Guideline” (Risk Management Guideline) to set forth basic matters related to risk management. In addition to this, we have been compiling a series of Crisis Management Manuals to promote the standardization of the Group’s crisis management response.
The Risk Management Guideline specifies the policies for eliminating or reducing the impact of risks on stakeholders of the Kikkoman Group. Rather than limiting the definition of risks to only natural disasters and accidents, the Risk Management Guideline also encompasses other content that would have a large impact on stakeholders such as compliance and environmental problems. By promoting the establishment of the risk management system, we fulfill our responsibility to stakeholders while realizing the stable growth of business.