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Roy Book Binder

Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

Life and career

Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.


Coordinates: 54°54′32″N 2°42′14″W / 54.909°N 2.704°W / 54.909; -2.704

Talkin is a village in Cumbria, England situated close to Talkin Tarn. Area soil is dry and gravelly.


The name is of Brittonic origin. The Brittonic dialect known as Cumbric was formerly spoken in the area. According to A. M. Armstrong, et al., the first element, tal, means "brow" or "end" in Brittonic and modern Welsh, Cornish, and Breton. The second element is unclear. It may come from the Brittonic word which appears in Welsh and Old Cornish as can ("white") and Breton as kann ("bland, brilliant"). Talkin may be a hill-name meaning "white brow".

See also

  • Talkin Tarn
  • References

    External links

    Media related to Talkin at Wikimedia Commons


    • talkin yang amat sedih

      published: 15 Aug 2018
    • Mega Treehouse 🛠️ Talking Tom Shorts (S3 Episode 15)

      An afternoon in the treehouse turns into a day of epic DIY for Talking Tom and his friends! 🛠️🧰🌳 One idea turns into another, and soon the treehouse is getting taller and taller. 😲 Are they gonna keep going? Is the sky the limit?! Can the treehouse support all these cool new hangouts?! 😬 Produced by Outfit7 Limited: https://outfit7.com/ 3D Animation production by Lunar: http://www.lunaranimation.com/ Hi, guys. Thanks for watching! It’s so cool to meet you. I’m Talking Tom. 👋 Welcome to the channel! I post new videos every week so you know what to do... Hit that SUBSCRIBE button! That way you won't miss a single episode of the Shorts, or any of the super cool trailers for my games. And, I mean, you wouldn't want to do that, right?! 😉 Bring on the F U N! Check these playlists out! 👇 ...

      published: 20 Jun 2024
    • Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)

      Official Music Video for "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #YoureMyHeartYoureMySoul #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Deep in my heart, there's a fire, a burnin' heart Deep in my heart, there's desire for a start I'm dying in emotion It's my world in fantasy I'm livin' in my, livin' in my dreams ...

      published: 25 Oct 2009
    • Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Lyrics)

      ♫ Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon Stream/Download: • Bruno Mars • • http://www.brunomars.com​​​ • http://www.instagram.com/brunomars​​​ • http://www.twitter.com/brunomars​​​ • http://www.facebook.com/brunomars​​ (Lyrics): [Verse 1] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all I had [Pre-chorus] At night when the stars Light up my room I sit by myself [Chorus] Talking to the moon Try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Verse 2] I'm feelin’ like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah I've gone mad But they don't know What I know Cuz when the sun Goes down Some...

      published: 06 Apr 2021
    • Talking Tom Shorts – Ultra Marathon (All Episodes)

      Grab some popcorn and get comfortable - it’s time to binge-watch all 23 Talking Tom Shorts! Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingTomCat?sub_confirmation=1 I’m Talking Tom, and I’m the original talking tomcat. It’s great you’ve stopped by. If there’s fun to be had, this cool cat and my friends are probably having all of it! You should definitely check out my shorts, trailers, and gameplay videos featuring me and my friends. Also, keep up to date with my crazy thoughts and ideas via my video blog Talking Tom Brainfarts. You could try looking, but you won’t find a funnier guy anywhere else! Stick around! Don’t forget to explore the hilarious world of My Talking Tom. Adopt me as your very own virtual pet, dress me up the latest, greatest, and funniest ou...

      published: 21 Jul 2016
    • Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)

      Official Music Video for "Cheri Cheri Lady" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #CheriCheriLady #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Oh, I cannot explain, every time, it's the same Oh, I feel that it's real, take my heart I've been lonely too long, oh, I can't be so strong Take the chance for romance, take my heart I need you so Ther...

      published: 25 Oct 2009
    • ALL Talking Tom Shorts - Hyper Marathon

      Watch NEW video of Talking Tom Shorts: https://youtu.be/wLnv7JJTEbc Lights! Camera! MARATHON! It’s time to watch the first 30 hilarious, epic, and awesome Talking Tom Shorts episodes. All you need to do is get comfy and enjoy! Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingTomCat?sub_confirmation=1 I’m Talking Tom, and I’m the original talking tomcat. It’s great you’ve stopped by. If there’s fun to be had, this cool cat and my friends are probably having all of it! You should definitely check out my shorts, trailers, and gameplay videos featuring me and my friends. Also, keep up to date with my crazy thoughts and ideas via my video blog Talking Tom Brainfarts. You could try looking, but you won’t find a funnier guy anywhere else! Stick around! Don’t forget to ...

      published: 30 Mar 2017
    • Modern Talking - Brother Louie '98 (Official Video - New Version)

      Official Music Video for "Brother Louie '98" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #BrotherLouie98 #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, 'cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last forever Why we cannot live together Try, don't let ...

      published: 25 Oct 2009
    • Ain't Talkin Bout Love - Helix Stomp Tone Test

      Testing Van Halen 1 Tone on helix stomp with my frankie replica

      published: 07 Feb 2025
    • Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video)

      The official lyric video for Bruno Mars' "Talking To The Moon" from the album ‘Doo-Wops & Hooligans’. 🔔 Subscribe for the latest official music videos, live performances, lyric videos, official audio, and more ➤ https://Atlantic.lnk.to/BMsubscribe Watch All Of Bruno Mars’ Official Music Videos ➤ https://bit.ly/2U7I3mi See Bruno Mars on tour ➤ Visit http://brunomars.com/tour for dates and more info. Get Bruno Mars merchandise ➤ https://brunom.rs/brunomarsstore Follow Bruno Mars: http://www.brunomars.com http://www.instagram.com/brunomars http://www.twitter.com/brunomars http://www.facebook.com/brunomars LYRICS: [Verse 1] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all ...

      published: 02 Oct 2020
    talkin yang amat sedih

    talkin yang amat sedih

    • Order:
    • Duration: 5:34
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Aug 2018
    • views: 191477
    Mega Treehouse 🛠️ Talking Tom Shorts (S3 Episode 15)

    Mega Treehouse 🛠️ Talking Tom Shorts (S3 Episode 15)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 28:45
    • Uploaded Date: 20 Jun 2024
    • views: 38283052
    An afternoon in the treehouse turns into a day of epic DIY for Talking Tom and his friends! 🛠️🧰🌳 One idea turns into another, and soon the treehouse is getting taller and taller. 😲 Are they gonna keep going? Is the sky the limit?! Can the treehouse support all these cool new hangouts?! 😬 Produced by Outfit7 Limited: https://outfit7.com/ 3D Animation production by Lunar: http://www.lunaranimation.com/ Hi, guys. Thanks for watching! It’s so cool to meet you. I’m Talking Tom. 👋 Welcome to the channel! I post new videos every week so you know what to do... Hit that SUBSCRIBE button! That way you won't miss a single episode of the Shorts, or any of the super cool trailers for my games. And, I mean, you wouldn't want to do that, right?! 😉 Bring on the F U N! Check these playlists out! 👇 🔥 Every episode of Talking Tom Shorts: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLe_8Un8RVsVfTwDObiJfS67Zx4DBMUYbe 🥳 Talking Tom Shorts compilations: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy44_uO_NyU&list=PLe_8Un8RVsVfXDLPKZhKbV26PVUwOh7pI 🎮 Game trailers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dxwHHdWzVKk&list=PLe_8Un8RVsVcmkyJjvsaFJG48kZHqtyV0 Check out more Talking Tom & Friends channels! 💖 Talking Angela: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingAngelaCat 📺 Talking Tom & Friends TV: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingFriends 🎉 Talking Tom & Friends TV Mini: https://www.youtube.com/TalkingTomHeroes 📱 Talking Tom & Friends Games: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRLtkybxNbcLloUTNWS14ig Download Talking Tom & Friends games now! 🧁 My Talking Angela 2: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-angela-2 🏡 My Talking Tom Friends: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-tom-friends 🥁 My Talking Tom 2: https://talkingtomandfriends.com/apps/my-talking-tom-2 Check out Talking Tom & Friends adventures all around the world! 🇷🇺 Говорящий Том и Друзья: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsRu 🇧🇷Talking Tom and Friends Brasil: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsBr 🇪🇸Talking Tom and Friends Español: https://www.youtube.com/TomFriendsEs 🏳️ توم المتكلم والأصدقاء بالعربية: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqHnmAQd_liHj6pU0IH-jLg 🇮🇳 बातूनी टॉम और मित्र हिंदी: http://www.youtube.com/c/बातूनीटॉमऔरमित्रहिंदी 🇰🇷 토킹톰앤프렌즈: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR-_RUGyNsfnlhDof1S2KbQ 🇮🇹 Talking Tom and Friends Italia: https://www.youtube.com/c/TalkingTomandFriendsItalia 🇫🇷 Talking Tom and Friends France: https://www.youtube.com/c/TomFriendsFr 🇹🇷 Konuşan Tom ve Arkadaşları Türkiye: http://www.youtube.com/c/KonuşanTomveArkadaşlarıTürkiye 🇩🇪 Talking Tom and Friends auf Deutsch: http://www.youtube.com/c/TalkingTomandFriendsaufDeutsch 🇯🇵 トーキング・トム・アンド・フレンズ: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCddBa7iMC-JWDeLE8helOiQ 🇨🇳 會說話的湯姆貓家族中文頻道: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpB_Rt4GwuGnGr6yPISWd1A Talking Tom is also known as: 会说话的汤姆猫, トーキング・トム, 토킹톰, Говорящий Том, Konuşan Tom, توم المتكلم, बातूनी टॉम, 會說話的湯姆貓
    Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)

    Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:15
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2009
    • views: 786307298
    Official Music Video for "You're My Heart, You're My Soul" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #YoureMyHeartYoureMySoul #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Deep in my heart, there's a fire, a burnin' heart Deep in my heart, there's desire for a start I'm dying in emotion It's my world in fantasy I'm livin' in my, livin' in my dreams You're my heart, you're my soul I keep it shining everywhere I go You're my heart, you're my soul I'll be holding you forever Stay with you together You're my heart, you're my soul Yeah, a feelin' that our love will grow You're my heart, you're my soul That is the only thing I really know Let's close the door and believe my burnin' heart Feeling all right come on, open up your heart I'll keep the candles burning Let your body melt in mine I'm livin' in my, livin' in my dreams You're my heart, you're my soul I keep it shining everywhere I go You're my heart, you're my soul I'll be holding you forever Stay with you together You're my heart, you're my soul Yeah, a feelin' that our love will grow You're my heart, you're my soul That is the only thing I really know You're my heart, you're my soul Yeah, a feelin' that our love will grow You're my heart, you're my soul That is the only thing I really know You're my heart, you're my soul Yeah, a feelin' that our love will grow
    Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Lyrics)

    Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Lyrics)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:35
    • Uploaded Date: 06 Apr 2021
    • views: 120411017
    ♫ Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon Stream/Download: • Bruno Mars • • http://www.brunomars.com​​​ • http://www.instagram.com/brunomars​​​ • http://www.twitter.com/brunomars​​​ • http://www.facebook.com/brunomars​​ (Lyrics): [Verse 1] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all I had [Pre-chorus] At night when the stars Light up my room I sit by myself [Chorus] Talking to the moon Try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Verse 2] I'm feelin’ like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah I've gone mad But they don't know What I know Cuz when the sun Goes down Someone’s talkin’ back Yeah they're talkin’ back [Pre-chorus] At night when the stars Light up my room I sit by myself [Chorus] Talking to the moon Try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Bridge] Do you ever hear me callin’ Cuz every night I'm talkin’ To the moon... [Chorus] Still try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Outro] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away Tags: Talking To The Moon Bruno Mars Talking To The Moon Bruno Mars Bruno Mars Talking To The Moon Talking To The Moon Bruno Mars Lyrics Bruno Mars Talking To The Moon Lyrics Talking To The Moon Lyrics Bruno Mars Lyrics #BrunoMars​ #TalkingToTheMoon​ #Lyrics​ Contact: droppinglyricsvibe@gmail.com
    Talking Tom Shorts – Ultra Marathon (All Episodes)

    Talking Tom Shorts – Ultra Marathon (All Episodes)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 20:42
    • Uploaded Date: 21 Jul 2016
    • views: 666659189
    Grab some popcorn and get comfortable - it’s time to binge-watch all 23 Talking Tom Shorts! Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingTomCat?sub_confirmation=1 I’m Talking Tom, and I’m the original talking tomcat. It’s great you’ve stopped by. If there’s fun to be had, this cool cat and my friends are probably having all of it! You should definitely check out my shorts, trailers, and gameplay videos featuring me and my friends. Also, keep up to date with my crazy thoughts and ideas via my video blog Talking Tom Brainfarts. You could try looking, but you won’t find a funnier guy anywhere else! Stick around! Don’t forget to explore the hilarious world of My Talking Tom. Adopt me as your very own virtual pet, dress me up the latest, greatest, and funniest outfits ever, play some really cool mini games and join in the fun. http://MyTalkingTom.com New videos get uploaded all the time. But while you wait, check out my friends’ channels too! Talking Angela and Talking Ginger have some great stuff for you to watch, and you can find even more videos over on the Talking Tom & Friends channel. Stay awesome guys, Tom :) For more fun… ▶︎ enjoy our Animated Series on Talking Tom & Friends channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingFriends ▶︎ here’s the very popular Talking Angela’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingAngelaCat ▶︎ don’t miss out on Talking Ginger's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingGingerTM Talking Tom is also known as: Sprechender Kater Tom, Tom qui parle, Tom Falante, Tom el gato parlante, Konuşan Tom, توم المتكلم
    Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)

    Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:18
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2009
    • views: 735419090
    Official Music Video for "Cheri Cheri Lady" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #CheriCheriLady #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Oh, I cannot explain, every time, it's the same Oh, I feel that it's real, take my heart I've been lonely too long, oh, I can't be so strong Take the chance for romance, take my heart I need you so There's no time I'll ever go Cheri, cheri lady Goin' through a motion Love is where you find it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady Living in devotion It's always like the first time Let me take a part Cheri, cheri lady Like there's no tomorrow Take my heart, don't lose it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady To know you is to love you If you call me baby I'll be always yours I get up, I get down, all my world turns around Who is right? Who was wrong? I don't know I've got pain in my heart, got a love in my soul Easy come, but I think easy go I need you so All the times I move so slow Cheri, cheri lady Goin' through a motion Love is where you find it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady Living in devotion It's always like the first time Let me take a part Cheri, cheri lady Like there's no tomorrow Take my heart, don't lose it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady To know you is to love you If you call me baby I'll be always yours Cheri, cheri lady Like there's no tomorrow Take my heart, don't lose it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady To know you is to love you If you call me "baby" I'll be yours Cheri, cheri lady Like there's no tomorrow Take my heart, don't lose it Listen to your heart Cheri, cheri lady To know you is to love you If you call me "baby" I'll be yours
    ALL Talking Tom Shorts - Hyper Marathon

    ALL Talking Tom Shorts - Hyper Marathon

    • Order:
    • Duration: 30:59
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Mar 2017
    • views: 684961419
    Watch NEW video of Talking Tom Shorts: https://youtu.be/wLnv7JJTEbc Lights! Camera! MARATHON! It’s time to watch the first 30 hilarious, epic, and awesome Talking Tom Shorts episodes. All you need to do is get comfy and enjoy! Subscribe to my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TalkingTomCat?sub_confirmation=1 I’m Talking Tom, and I’m the original talking tomcat. It’s great you’ve stopped by. If there’s fun to be had, this cool cat and my friends are probably having all of it! You should definitely check out my shorts, trailers, and gameplay videos featuring me and my friends. Also, keep up to date with my crazy thoughts and ideas via my video blog Talking Tom Brainfarts. You could try looking, but you won’t find a funnier guy anywhere else! Stick around! Don’t forget to explore the hilarious world of My Talking Tom. Adopt me as your very own virtual pet, dress me up the latest, greatest, and funniest outfits ever, play some really cool mini games and join in the fun. http://MyTalkingTom.com New videos get uploaded all the time. But while you wait, check out my friends’ channels too! Talking Angela and Talking Ginger have some great stuff for you to watch, and you can find even more videos over on the Talking Tom & Friends channel. Stay awesome guys, Tom :) For more fun… ▶︎ enjoy our Animated Series on Talking Tom & Friends channel: https://www.youtube.com/TalkingFriends ▶︎ here’s the very popular Talking Angela’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/TalkingAngela ▶︎ don’t miss out on Talking Ginger's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/TalkingGinger Talking Tom is also known as: Sprechender Kater Tom, Tom qui parle, Tom Falante, Tom el gato parlante, Konuşan Tom, توم المتكلم
    Modern Talking - Brother Louie '98 (Official Video - New Version)

    Modern Talking - Brother Louie '98 (Official Video - New Version)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:29
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Oct 2009
    • views: 350290783
    Official Music Video for "Brother Louie '98" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID Subscribe to the newsletter https://moderntalking.lnk.to/FollowAN Watch more videos by Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/ListenID/youtube Subscribe on YouTube: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/SubscribeID Follow Modern Talking: https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowII https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowSI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowFI https://ModernTalking.lnk.to/FollowYx #ModernTalking #BrotherLouie98 #ModernTalkingOfficialVideo Lyrics: Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, 'cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last forever Why we cannot live together Try, don't let him take your love from me You're no good, can't you see Brother Louie, Louie, Louie I'm in love, set her free Oh, she's only looking to me Only love breaks her heart Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Only love's paradise Oh, she's only looking to me Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, she's only looking to me Oh, let it Louie She is undercover Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, doing what he's doing So, leave it Louie 'Cause I'm her lover Stay, 'cause this boy wants to gamble Stay, love is more than he can handle, girl Oh, come on stay by me forever, ever Why does he go on pretending That, his love is never ending fate Don't let him steal your love from me You're no good, can't you see Brother Louie, Louie, Louie I'm in love, set her free Oh, she's only looking to me Only love breaks her heart Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Only love's paradise Oh, she's only looking to me Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, she's only looking to me Oh, let it Louie She is undercover Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, doing what he's doing So, leave it Louie 'Cause I'm her lover Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, she's only looking to me Oh, let it Louie She is undercover Brother Louie, Louie, Louie Oh, doing what he's doing So, leave it Louie 'Cause I'm her lover Brother Louie, Louie Oh, she's only looking to me Oh, let it Louie
    Ain't Talkin Bout Love - Helix Stomp Tone Test

    Ain't Talkin Bout Love - Helix Stomp Tone Test

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:43
    • Uploaded Date: 07 Feb 2025
    • views: 69
    Testing Van Halen 1 Tone on helix stomp with my frankie replica
    Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video)

    Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 3:35
    • Uploaded Date: 02 Oct 2020
    • views: 192941545
    The official lyric video for Bruno Mars' "Talking To The Moon" from the album ‘Doo-Wops & Hooligans’. 🔔 Subscribe for the latest official music videos, live performances, lyric videos, official audio, and more ➤ https://Atlantic.lnk.to/BMsubscribe Watch All Of Bruno Mars’ Official Music Videos ➤ https://bit.ly/2U7I3mi See Bruno Mars on tour ➤ Visit http://brunomars.com/tour for dates and more info. Get Bruno Mars merchandise ➤ https://brunom.rs/brunomarsstore Follow Bruno Mars: http://www.brunomars.com http://www.instagram.com/brunomars http://www.twitter.com/brunomars http://www.facebook.com/brunomars LYRICS: [Verse 1] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away I want you back I want you back My neighbors think I'm crazy But they don't understand You're all I had You're all I had [Pre-chorus] At night when the stars Light up my room I sit by myself [Chorus] Talking to the moon Try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Verse 2] I'm feelin’ like I'm famous The talk of the town They say I've gone mad Yeah I've gone mad But they don't know What I know Cuz when the sun Goes down Someone’s talkin’ back Yeah they're talkin’ back [Pre-chorus] At night when the stars Light up my room I sit by myself [Chorus] Talking to the moon Try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Bridge] Do you ever hear me callin’ Cuz every night I'm talkin’ To the moon... [Chorus] Still try’na get to you In hopes you're on the Other side Talking to me too Or am I a fool Who sits alone Talking to the moon [Outro] I know you're somewhere Out there Somewhere far away Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video) The official YouTube channel of Atlantic Records artist Bruno Mars. 11x GRAMMY Award winner and 27x GRAMMY Award nominee Bruno Mars is a celebrated singer, songwriter, producer, and musician with iconic hits like "The Lazy Song", "That's What I Like", "Just The Way You Are", "24K Magic", "Locked Out Of Heaven", and "When I Was Your Man". His legendary body of work also includes blockbuster albums such as Doo-Wops & Hooligans, Unorthodox Jukebox, and 24K Magic, as well as era-defining collaborations like "Uptown Funk" with Mark Ronson, "Finesse" with Cardi B, and "Nothin' On You" with B.o.B. Forever classic, yet supremely innovative, Bruno continues to redefine music, style, and popular culture, pushing the boundaries of pop, R&B, funk, soul, hip-hop, and dance, and remains as influential as ever. #BrunoMars #TalkingToTheMoon #DooWopsandHooligans #OfficialLyricVideo #AtlanticRecords #TikTok #TalkingToTheMoonTikTok #TikTokTalkingToTheMoon #TalkingToTheMoonSong
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    • Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)
      Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)remove from playlist
    • Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Lyrics)
      Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Lyrics)remove from playlist
    • Talking Tom Shorts – Ultra Marathon (All Episodes)
      Talking Tom Shorts – Ultra Marathon (All Episodes)remove from playlist
    • Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)
      Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)remove from playlist
    • ALL Talking Tom Shorts - Hyper Marathon
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    • Modern Talking - Brother Louie '98 (Official Video - New Version)
      Modern Talking - Brother Louie '98 (Official Video - New Version)remove from playlist
    • Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video)
      Bruno Mars - Talking To The Moon (Official Lyric Video)remove from playlist
    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 1:44:55

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    Modern Talking - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Official Video)
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    Modern Talking - Cheri Cheri Lady (Official Video)
    Official Music Video for "Cheri Cheri Lady" by Modern Talking Listen to Modern Talking: ...
    published: 25 Oct 2009
    Play in Full Screen
    ALL Talking Tom Shorts - Hyper Marathon
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    Ain't Talkin Bout Love - Helix Stomp Tone Test
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    Roy Book Binder

    Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

    Life and career

    Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

    By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.

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