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Roy Book Binder

Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

Life and career

Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.

King Edward

Edward has been the name of 11 monarchs in English history:

  • Edward the Elder (c. 871–924)
  • Edward the Martyr (c. 962–978)
  • Edward the Confessor (c. 1004–1066)
  • Edward I of England (1239–1307)
  • Edward II of England (1284–1327)
  • Edward III of England (1312–1377)
  • Edward IV of England (1442–1483)
  • Edward V of England (1470–1483?)
  • Edward VI of England (1537–1553)
  • Edward VII of the United Kingdom (1841–1910)
  • Edward VIII of the United Kingdom (1894–1972)
  • Edward may also refer to other monarchs:

  • Edward of Portugal (Port: Duarte) (1391–1438)
  • Edward Bruce (c. 1275–1318), High King of Ireland
  • Edward Balliol (c. 1282–1364), King of Scots, considered a usurper
  • Edward may refer to the following places:

  • King Edward, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
  • King Edward Avenue
  • Edward may also refer to:

  • King Edward Hotel (Jackson, MS, USA), a former hotel-now-National Landmark in Jackson, Mississippi
  • King Edward VII-class battleship
  • HMS King Edward VII
  • King Edward Hotel (Toronto), Ontario, Canada
  • King Edward's School
  • Edward King

    Edward King may refer to:


  • Edward J. King (1925–2006), Governor of Massachusetts, 1979–1983
  • Edward King (Irish politician), MP for Carrick, 1781–1793
  • Edward King (Ohio politician) (1795–1836), twice Speaker of the Ohio House and co-founder and on first faculty of Cincinnati Law School
  • Edward Bolton King (1800–1878), British Liberal Party politician, MP for Warwick 1830–1837, South Warwickshire 1857–59
  • Edward John King (1867–1929), U.S. Representative from Illinois
  • Edward King (Parliamentarian) (1606–1681), English lawyer and politician
  • Ed King (mayor), mayor of Mount Pleasant, Iowa, who was assassinated during a 1986 city council meeting
  • Athletes

  • Eddie King (footballer, born 1914) (1914–1993), English-born football defender who played for Tottenham Hotspur
  • Ed King (American football) (born 1969), former football player
  • Eddie King (jockey), horse racing jockey who won the 2005 Rumson Stakes
  • Musicians

  • Ed King (born 1949), American musician; member of Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • Edward T. King, early 20th century musician and Zon-o-phone, Victor and Columbia executive
  • Podcasts:

    • The Dark Side of The Royal Family: King Edward VIII

      On this episode of The Dark Side we look into the life of King Edward VIII, uncle to Queen Elizabeth II, and how his actions during his short reign nearly destroyed the reputation of the Crown. His scandalous love affair that led to his swift abdication was only topped by his secret allegiance to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party during World War II. What led Britain’s most romantic monarch to back the world’s most ruthless dictator? Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/127976 Welcome to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things mystery, conspiracy, supernatural, true crime, and everything in between. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2zuaR06. MERCH: We've got it! SHOP NOW: https://bzfd.it/2MDBk2d MUSIC Licensed via Audio Network SFX Pr...

      published: 23 Apr 2021
    • King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936

      While he was still Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VIII began a relationship with a married American divorcee, Wallis Simpson. He inherited the throne from George V at the beginning of 1936 and in due course let it be known to his ministers that he was determined to marry Wallis and make her his Queen. The British government and church were totally opposed to the idea of a twice divorced American woman on the throne of England (she divorced Mr Simpson towards the end of 1936) but Edward was adamant that she should become his wife. Rather than cause a consitutional crisis, he took the course of abdication and made a speech to the nation (11 December 1936) before going into exile. He became HRH The Duke of Windsor and the couple were married in June 1937, though the title "Her Royal ...

      published: 16 Dec 2011
    • Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentary

      For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please support us via Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/thepeopleprofiles, Buy me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/peopleprofiles or Join as a YouTube member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6TPU-PvTMvqgzC_AM7_uA/join The script for this video has been checked with Plagiarism software and scored 3% on Grammarly. In academia, a score of below 15% is considered good or acceptable. All footage, images and music used in People Profiles Documentaries are sourced from free media websites or are purchased with commercial rights from online media archives. Attributions: Image Creative Commons Attributions Von Lincolnian (Brian) from Lincoln, UK [CC BY-SA 2.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0)...

      published: 30 Nov 2018
    • The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royalty

      Edward of York becomes King Edward IV in 1461, after wresting power from Henry VI, but must subsequently deal with his ally, Warwick the Kingmaker. In 1465, Edward marries the beautiful but lowborn Elizabeth Woodville. From Elizabeth II to Cleopatra, Real Royalty peels back the curtain to give a glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential families in the world, with new full length documentaries posted every week covering the monarchies of today and all throughout history. Subscribe to Real Royalty: http://bit.ly/3tofGQL Content licensed from DRG to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com

      published: 16 Jun 2020
    • Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)

      GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVA4NH4SYWVDC3OIOOB9JPNDIG2F-ABDICATION-OF-KING-EDWARD-VIII King Edward VIII of Great Britain renounces the throne over great opposition to his relationship with Wallis Warfield Simpson (Wallis Simpson) Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Our Throne ENGLAND: London: various: EXT Big Ben, Winston Churchill, House of Commons, Parliament, Buckingham Palace, King George VI, Changing the Guard. Fort Belvidere, Dispatch Riders. Elizabeth II, coronation, Piccadilly, Gloucester, Proclamation of King George VI, First toast to the new King at Mansion House, Mary, Queen Mother, Monckton, Sir Walter, Sir John Simon, tennis, sport. Soccer, Winter begins Crowd sing God Save t...

      published: 10 Nov 2020
    • Edward VIII the traitor king - complete documentary

      Was Edward VIII a nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995.

      published: 16 Jul 2014
    • Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)

      Full interview is here: https://goo.gl/GAhvyu Kenneth Harris interviews HRH Duke of Windsor, the former King Edward VIII, and his spouse Wallis, Duchess of Windsor. Filmed in October 1969. First broadcast as a radio interview on 27 March 1970.

      published: 09 May 2017
    • King Edward II Surrenders

      A composition I made for a sample of the series "World Without End" provided to me. I do not own this series, I only own the music and the video you see posted here.

      published: 08 Jan 2019
    • The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royalty

      This film examines recently discovered letters written by socialite Wallis Simpson that reveal her secret love, and chart her fear as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying King Edward VIII. From Elizabeth II to Cleopatra, Real Royalty peels back the curtain to give a glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential families in the world, with new full length documentaries posted every week covering the monarchies of today and all throughout history. Subscribe to Real Royalty: http://bit.ly/3tofGQL Content licensed from DRG to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com

      published: 22 Nov 2019
    The Dark Side of The Royal Family: King Edward VIII

    The Dark Side of The Royal Family: King Edward VIII

    • Order:
    • Duration: 12:38
    • Uploaded Date: 23 Apr 2021
    • views: 978655
    On this episode of The Dark Side we look into the life of King Edward VIII, uncle to Queen Elizabeth II, and how his actions during his short reign nearly destroyed the reputation of the Crown. His scandalous love affair that led to his swift abdication was only topped by his secret allegiance to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party during World War II. What led Britain’s most romantic monarch to back the world’s most ruthless dictator? Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/127976 Welcome to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things mystery, conspiracy, supernatural, true crime, and everything in between. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2zuaR06. MERCH: We've got it! SHOP NOW: https://bzfd.it/2MDBk2d MUSIC Licensed via Audio Network SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.audioblocks.com) STILLS Drawings and Prints, Print, Design for a Regency, Artist, Subject, Subject, Subject, William Heath ('Paul Pry'), Leopold I, King of the Belgians, William IV, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Sepia Times/Getty Images Antique photograph: Queen Victoria ilbusca/Getty Images Queen Victoria And Her Family Heritage Images/Getty Images The Wedding Of The Duke Of York And Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Print Collector/Getty Images Nature of Socotra Island, Yemen Siempreverde22/Getty Images Harold II Swears Fidelity To Duke William Of Normandy 1064 (1864) Heritage Images/Getty Images Portrait of Wallis Simpson Hulton Deutsch/Getty Images King Edward VII with his son George V and his grandson the Prince of Wales (to become Edward VII before abdicating) on the Royal yacht shortly before his death in 1910 Culture Club/Getty Images Herzog von Windsor und Ehefrau bei Hitler auf Obersalzberg ullstein bild Dtl./Getty Images King Edward VIII Holding Hands with Wallis Simpson Bettmann/Getty Images Duke and Duchess of Windsor with Dogs Bettmann/Getty Images Joachim von Ribbentrop Bettmann/Getty Images Queen Elizabeth at a Picnic with the Royal Family Bettmann/Getty Images Duke and Duchess of Windsor After Their Wedding Bettmann/Getty Images Adolf Hitler with Duke and Duchess of Windsor Bettmann/Getty Images Paul Of Greece And Frederica Of Hanover Keystone-France/Getty Images The Duke of York with the Earl of Strathmore's shooting party, Glamis Castle, 1921, (1923). Print Collector/Getty Images King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, 1936. Print Collector/Getty Images Lord Mayor addressing King George III duncan1890/Getty Images Governor Of The Bahamas Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images Governor Of The Bahamas Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images Queen Victoria and Prince Albert Imagno/Getty Images The Duke & Duchess Of Windor In Portugal Thomas D. McAvoy/Getty Images TRH Prince Charles & The Duchess Of Cornwall Attend Blessing At Windsor Pool/Getty Images Portrait Of The Prince Of Wales Time Life Pictures/Getty Images Andrew Morton With Diana Book Tim Graham/Getty Images File picture dated April 1986 showing the villa of MICHEL CLEMENT/Getty Images Royal Wedding Keystone/Getty Images Schellenberg Keystone/Getty Images Duke And Hitler Keystone/Getty Images Wallis Simpson Fayer/Getty Images VIDEO Germany surrenders in World War II May 7, 1945 Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Fog dust smoke loop animation loopFX/Getty Images Background mask with damaged frame effect of old film with scratches and flicker 4k Alexander Bashkirov/Getty Images Explosions light up the night sky as the Nazis invade England. Discovery Access/Getty Images Burning paper, burning a hole Xiaoxing Zhao/Getty Images Scenes from the London Blitz during World War II Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Nazi bombers attack France during World War II. Discovery Access/Getty Images Buckingham Palace, Bank of England building, and Royal Exchange in London Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images UK's Leader of the Opposition Stanley Baldwin calls for sacrifice in world finance crisis Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Almodóvar Castle Drone Video Enrique Díaz / 7cero/Getty Images Spooky Dark Forest at Night in Moonlight Treedeo/Getty Images George VI crowned King of the UK, and the former Edward VIII weds Wallis Simpson Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Hohenzollern Castle, Germany. Aerial FPV drone flights. cookelma/Getty Images \
    King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936

    King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936

    • Order:
    • Duration: 7:03
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Dec 2011
    • views: 912798
    While he was still Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VIII began a relationship with a married American divorcee, Wallis Simpson. He inherited the throne from George V at the beginning of 1936 and in due course let it be known to his ministers that he was determined to marry Wallis and make her his Queen. The British government and church were totally opposed to the idea of a twice divorced American woman on the throne of England (she divorced Mr Simpson towards the end of 1936) but Edward was adamant that she should become his wife. Rather than cause a consitutional crisis, he took the course of abdication and made a speech to the nation (11 December 1936) before going into exile. He became HRH The Duke of Windsor and the couple were married in June 1937, though the title "Her Royal Highness" was withheld from Wallis who became known simply as the Duchess of Windsor. The Duke died in 1972 aged 77 and the Duchess died in 1986 aged 89.
    Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentary

    Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 35:01
    • Uploaded Date: 30 Nov 2018
    • views: 1512236
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    The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royalty

    The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royalty

    • Order:
    • Duration: 44:59
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Jun 2020
    • views: 1220580
    Edward of York becomes King Edward IV in 1461, after wresting power from Henry VI, but must subsequently deal with his ally, Warwick the Kingmaker. In 1465, Edward marries the beautiful but lowborn Elizabeth Woodville. From Elizabeth II to Cleopatra, Real Royalty peels back the curtain to give a glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential families in the world, with new full length documentaries posted every week covering the monarchies of today and all throughout history. Subscribe to Real Royalty: http://bit.ly/3tofGQL Content licensed from DRG to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com
    Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)

    Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 8:14
    • Uploaded Date: 10 Nov 2020
    • views: 127065
    GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVA4NH4SYWVDC3OIOOB9JPNDIG2F-ABDICATION-OF-KING-EDWARD-VIII King Edward VIII of Great Britain renounces the throne over great opposition to his relationship with Wallis Warfield Simpson (Wallis Simpson) Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Our Throne ENGLAND: London: various: EXT Big Ben, Winston Churchill, House of Commons, Parliament, Buckingham Palace, King George VI, Changing the Guard. Fort Belvidere, Dispatch Riders. Elizabeth II, coronation, Piccadilly, Gloucester, Proclamation of King George VI, First toast to the new King at Mansion House, Mary, Queen Mother, Monckton, Sir Walter, Sir John Simon, tennis, sport. Soccer, Winter begins Crowd sing God Save the King (George VI) at Chelsea v. Brentford match at Stamford B, Duke of Windsor. Royalty, peacetime, war is not mentioned, Queen Mary, HM, British Royal Family, His Royal Highness, HRM, Wallis Duchess of Windsor, King George V, Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin, Background: King Edward VIII of Great Britain renounces the throne over great opposition to his relationship with Wallis Warfield Simpson (Wallis Simpson) FILM ID: VLVA4NH4SYWVDC3OIOOB9JPNDIG2F To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.com/video/VLVA4NH4SYWVDC3OIOOB9JPNDIG2F-ABDICATION-OF-KING-EDWARD-VIII Archive: Reuters Archive managed by: British Pathé
    Edward VIII the traitor king - complete documentary

    Edward VIII the traitor king - complete documentary

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:37:47
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Jul 2014
    • views: 1239207
    Was Edward VIII a nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995.
    Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)

    Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 25:03
    • Uploaded Date: 09 May 2017
    • views: 4482019
    Full interview is here: https://goo.gl/GAhvyu Kenneth Harris interviews HRH Duke of Windsor, the former King Edward VIII, and his spouse Wallis, Duchess of Windsor. Filmed in October 1969. First broadcast as a radio interview on 27 March 1970.
    King Edward II Surrenders

    King Edward II Surrenders

    • Order:
    • Duration: 1:30
    • Uploaded Date: 08 Jan 2019
    • views: 277691
    A composition I made for a sample of the series "World Without End" provided to me. I do not own this series, I only own the music and the video you see posted here.
    The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royalty

    The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royalty

    • Order:
    • Duration: 51:17
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Nov 2019
    • views: 2110204
    This film examines recently discovered letters written by socialite Wallis Simpson that reveal her secret love, and chart her fear as she found herself becoming trapped into marrying King Edward VIII. From Elizabeth II to Cleopatra, Real Royalty peels back the curtain to give a glimpse into the lives of some of the most influential families in the world, with new full length documentaries posted every week covering the monarchies of today and all throughout history. Subscribe to Real Royalty: http://bit.ly/3tofGQL Content licensed from DRG to Little Dot Studios. Any queries, please contact us at: owned-enquiries@littledotstudios.com
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    • King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936
      King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936remove from playlist
    • Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentary
      Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentaryremove from playlist
    • The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royalty
      The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royaltyremove from playlist
    • Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)
      Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)remove from playlist
    • Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)
      Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)remove from playlist
    • King Edward II Surrenders
      King Edward II Surrendersremove from playlist
    • The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royalty
      The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royaltyremove from playlist

    The Dark Side of The Royal Family: King Edward VIII

    On this episode of The Dark Side we look into the life of King Edward VIII, uncle to Queen Elizabeth II, and how his actions during his short reign nearly destroyed the reputation of the Crown. His scandalous love affair that led to his swift abdication was only topped by his secret allegiance to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party during World War II. What led Britain’s most romantic monarch to back the world’s most ruthless dictator? Credits: https://www.buzzfeed.com/bfmp/videos/127976 Welcome to the BuzzFeed Unsolved Network! This channel is your one-stop destination for all things mystery, conspiracy, supernatural, true crime, and everything in between. Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/2zuaR06. MERCH: We've got it! SHOP NOW: https://bzfd.it/2MDBk2d MUSIC Licensed via Audio Network SFX Provided By AudioBlocks (https://www.audioblocks.com) STILLS Drawings and Prints, Print, Design for a Regency, Artist, Subject, Subject, Subject, William Heath ('Paul Pry'), Leopold I, King of the Belgians, William IV, King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington Sepia Times/Getty Images Antique photograph: Queen Victoria ilbusca/Getty Images Queen Victoria And Her Family Heritage Images/Getty Images The Wedding Of The Duke Of York And Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon Print Collector/Getty Images Nature of Socotra Island, Yemen Siempreverde22/Getty Images Harold II Swears Fidelity To Duke William Of Normandy 1064 (1864) Heritage Images/Getty Images Portrait of Wallis Simpson Hulton Deutsch/Getty Images King Edward VII with his son George V and his grandson the Prince of Wales (to become Edward VII before abdicating) on the Royal yacht shortly before his death in 1910 Culture Club/Getty Images Herzog von Windsor und Ehefrau bei Hitler auf Obersalzberg ullstein bild Dtl./Getty Images King Edward VIII Holding Hands with Wallis Simpson Bettmann/Getty Images Duke and Duchess of Windsor with Dogs Bettmann/Getty Images Joachim von Ribbentrop Bettmann/Getty Images Queen Elizabeth at a Picnic with the Royal Family Bettmann/Getty Images Duke and Duchess of Windsor After Their Wedding Bettmann/Getty Images Adolf Hitler with Duke and Duchess of Windsor Bettmann/Getty Images Paul Of Greece And Frederica Of Hanover Keystone-France/Getty Images The Duke of York with the Earl of Strathmore's shooting party, Glamis Castle, 1921, (1923). Print Collector/Getty Images King Edward VIII of the United Kingdom, 1936. Print Collector/Getty Images Lord Mayor addressing King George III duncan1890/Getty Images Governor Of The Bahamas Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images Governor Of The Bahamas Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images Queen Victoria and Prince Albert Imagno/Getty Images The Duke & Duchess Of Windor In Portugal Thomas D. McAvoy/Getty Images TRH Prince Charles & The Duchess Of Cornwall Attend Blessing At Windsor Pool/Getty Images Portrait Of The Prince Of Wales Time Life Pictures/Getty Images Andrew Morton With Diana Book Tim Graham/Getty Images File picture dated April 1986 showing the villa of MICHEL CLEMENT/Getty Images Royal Wedding Keystone/Getty Images Schellenberg Keystone/Getty Images Duke And Hitler Keystone/Getty Images Wallis Simpson Fayer/Getty Images VIDEO Germany surrenders in World War II May 7, 1945 Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Fog dust smoke loop animation loopFX/Getty Images Background mask with damaged frame effect of old film with scratches and flicker 4k Alexander Bashkirov/Getty Images Explosions light up the night sky as the Nazis invade England. Discovery Access/Getty Images Burning paper, burning a hole Xiaoxing Zhao/Getty Images Scenes from the London Blitz during World War II Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Nazi bombers attack France during World War II. Discovery Access/Getty Images Buckingham Palace, Bank of England building, and Royal Exchange in London Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images UK's Leader of the Opposition Stanley Baldwin calls for sacrifice in world finance crisis Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Almodóvar Castle Drone Video Enrique Díaz / 7cero/Getty Images Spooky Dark Forest at Night in Moonlight Treedeo/Getty Images George VI crowned King of the UK, and the former Edward VIII weds Wallis Simpson Grinberg, Paramount, Pathe Newsreels/Getty Images Hohenzollern Castle, Germany. Aerial FPV drone flights. cookelma/Getty Images \
    The Dark Side of The Royal Family: King Edward VIII
    On this episode of The Dark Side we look into the life of King Edward VIII, uncle to Queen...
    published: 23 Apr 2021
    Play in Full Screen
    King Edward VIII's Abdication Speech 1936
    While he was still Prince of Wales, the future King Edward VIII began a relationship with ...
    published: 16 Dec 2011
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    Longshanks - Edward I Hammer of the Scots Documentary
    For early access to our videos, discounted merch and many other exclusive perks please sup...
    published: 30 Nov 2018
    Play in Full Screen
    The Betrayal And Revenge Of King Edward | Wars Of The Roses | Real Royalty
    Edward of York becomes King Edward IV in 1461, after wresting power from Henry VI, but mus...
    published: 16 Jun 2020
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    Abdication of King Edward VIII (1936)
    GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit https://www.britishpathe.c...
    published: 10 Nov 2020
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    Edward VIII the traitor king - complete documentary
    Was Edward VIII a nazi sympathiser? Complete Channel 4 documentary from 1995.
    published: 16 Jul 2014
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    Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson - Interview with Kenneth Harris (video)
    Full interview is here: https://goo.gl/GAhvyu Kenneth Harris interviews HRH Duke of Winds...
    published: 09 May 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    King Edward II Surrenders
    A composition I made for a sample of the series "World Without End" provided to me. I do n...
    published: 08 Jan 2019
    Play in Full Screen
    The Secret Diaries Of Edward VIII's Wife | Wallis Simpson | Real Royalty
    This film examines recently discovered letters written by socialite Wallis Simpson that re...
    published: 22 Nov 2019
    Play in Full Screen

    Roy Book Binder

    Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

    Life and career

    Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

    By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.

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