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Roy Book Binder

Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

Life and career

Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.

Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)

"Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)" is a popular song written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio, a member of The Four Seasons whose version of the song made it to No. 12 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in 1965. On the original issue of the single, the title was "Bye Bye Baby"; on The 4 Seasons Entertain You album (and later issues of the song), the name was changed to the longer, more familiar name. The song is about saying goodbye, not because the person is unloved, but rather the relationship is adulterous ("there's a wedding ring on my finger").

After a winding seven-bar introduction in B minor, the song settles into a triplet-swing beat and thereafter alternates between two keys, F-sharp major (in the chorus) and A major (in the verse and final chorus), bridging the gap with a five-step chromatic pivot-modulation (D-D-E-F-F over the line "She's got me and I'm not free").

The Symbols version

A cover version by British group The Symbols reached No. 44 in the UK Singles Chart in 1967.

Bye Bye Baby

Bye Bye Baby may refer to:

  • "Bye Bye Baby", a song by Leo Robin (lyrics) and Jule Styne from the 1949 Broadway musical Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and sung by Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film adaptation
  • "Bye Bye Baby" (Madonna song), a song from Madonna's 1992 album Erotica
  • "Bye Bye Baby", a song by OK Go from their 2002 album OK Go
  • "Bye Bye Baby", a song by Krokus from Painkiller
  • "Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)", a song performed by The Four Seasons and later covered by the Bay City Rollers
  • "Bye Bye Baby" (Mary Wells song), the debut single by Motown singer Mary Wells
  • "Bye Bye Baby" (CatCat song), a Eurovision song by CatCat
  • "Bye Bye Baby", a song written by Joey Ramone for the 1987 Ramones album Halfway to Sanity and later covered by Ronnie Spector
  • Bye Bye Baby, a song by Social Distortion from their 1992 album Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell
  • "Bye Bye Baby (film)", a 1989 film starring Brigitte Nielsen and Carol Alt
  • "Bye, Bye Baby", a song written by Powell St. John, interpreted by Big Brother and the Holding Company on their first album, featuring Janis Joplin.
  • Bye Bye Baby (Madonna song)

    "Bye Bye Baby" is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Madonna, for her fifth studio album Erotica (1992). It was released on November 15, 1993, as the sixth and final single from the album. "Bye Bye Baby" was written by Madonna, Shep Pettibone, and Anthony Shimkin and was produced by Madonna and Pettibone. The song is inspired by Madonna's emotions of that time and her S&M thoughts. Musically, it is a hip hop song, sampling a hook from LL Cool J's track "Jingling Baby", released in 1990. Madonna's vocals were filtered to make them appear as sound coming out from an antique radio. "Bye Bye Baby" features instrumentation from keyboard and lyrically finds Madonna asking questions to a lover she is about to abandon.

    "Bye Bye Baby" received mixed reviews from music critics, who complimented the composition and lyrics, but were disappointed with Madonna's vocal delivery. The song received limited release worldwide, peaking at number seven in Italy, and also charting in Australia, New Zealand and Switzerland. Madonna performed "Bye Bye Baby" on the 1993 MTV Video Music Awards and on her Girlie Show World Tour the same year. For both performances, she was dressed as a Victorian gentleman in tailcoat and top hat. She and her backup singers danced with three scantily clad women in a brothel-style setting, while singing the song. Critics and authors noted the gender bending and role play in the performance, and found it to be a response to misogyny.


    • The Four Seasons - Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (Official Audio)

      You're listening to the official audio of "Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" by The Four Seasons originally released in 1965 Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino.lnk.to/YouTubeSubID Check Out Our Favorite Playlists: Classic Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YTClassicRockID 80s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHitsID 80s Hard Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHardRockID 80s Alternative https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sAlternativeID 90s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT90sHitsID Stay connected with RHINO on... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RHINO/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rhino_records Twitter https://twitter.com/Rhino_Records https://www.rhino.com/ RHINO is the official YouTube channel of the greatest music catalog in the world. Founded in 1978, Rhino is the world's leading pop culture label ...

      published: 15 Feb 2019
    • Bay City Rollers - Bye Bye Baby (1975)• TopPop

      A couple of weeks ago, on April 20, 2021, singer Les McKeown of the Bay City Rollers died. McKeown was born on 12 November 1955, Edinburgh, Scotland). To commemorate him, we highlight this video of one of the Rollers biggest hits. The Bay City Rollers are a Scottish pop rock band known for their worldwide teen idol popularity in the 1970s. They have been called the "tartan teen sensations from Edinburgh" and "the first of many acts heralded as the 'biggest group since the Beatles'". The group's line-up had many changes over the years, but the classic line-up during its heyday included guitarists Eric Faulkner and Stuart Wood, singer Les McKeown, bassist Alan Longmuir, and drummer Derek Longmuir. The current lineup (since 2018) includes original guitarist Stuart "Woody" Wood, singer Ian T...

      published: 22 Oct 2015
    • Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) 4 Seasons Frankie Valli 1965 {Stereo}

      Original video edited and remastered with HQ studio sound.

      published: 16 Sep 2021
    • Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (1984 Single version)

      Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (Original Single version)fra 1984. Video made by Roffe Films 2008.

      published: 17 Aug 2008
    • Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - Lyrics

      If I made a mistake, PLEASE tell me!! Like and subscribe for more!!!!! Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - 1965

      published: 05 Mar 2017
    • Rainbow m/Lars Kristoffersen, Bye Bye Baby Goodbye (Rune Sundby)

      Video with; Bye bye baby goodbye, RAINBOW & Lars Kristoffersen

      published: 11 Aug 2008
    • Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster)

      Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster) · Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons The Definitive Pop Collection ℗ 2006 The Four Seasons Partnership Producer: Bob Crewe Keyboards: Bob Gaudio Vocals: Frankie Valli Guitar: Joe Long Guitar: Tommy DeVito Writer: Bob Crewe Writer: Bob Gaudio Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 25 Jan 2017
    • Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster)

      Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster) · Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Jersey Beat: The Music Of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons ℗ 2007 The Four Seasons Partnership Producer: Bob Crewe Keyboards: Bob Gaudio Vocals: Frankie Valli Guitar: Joe Long Guitar: Tommy DeVito Writer: Bob Crewe Writer: Bob Gaudio Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 28 Jan 2016
    • Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics)

      Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics) 📧 For all enquiries, please send an email to - uklyrics@hotmail.com Subscribe and turn on notifications to see new videos first! 🔔 Let us know what you think in the comments and thank you for watching 🙌

      published: 19 Sep 2023
    • Bye Bye Baby Goodbye

      Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Bye Bye Baby Goodbye · Rainbow · Lars Kristoffersen Blå blå øyne ℗ 2005 Tylden, distributed by Universal Music AS, Norway Released on: 2005-09-01 Producer: Stein Ove Jensen Producer: Ole Petter Bjørling Producer: Lars Kristoffersen Composer, Author: Rune Sundby Auto-generated by YouTube.

      published: 11 Apr 2019
    The Four Seasons - Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (Official Audio)

    The Four Seasons - Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (Official Audio)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:33
    • Uploaded Date: 15 Feb 2019
    • views: 946413
    You're listening to the official audio of "Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" by The Four Seasons originally released in 1965 Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino.lnk.to/YouTubeSubID Check Out Our Favorite Playlists: Classic Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YTClassicRockID 80s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHitsID 80s Hard Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHardRockID 80s Alternative https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sAlternativeID 90s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT90sHitsID Stay connected with RHINO on... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RHINO/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rhino_records Twitter https://twitter.com/Rhino_Records https://www.rhino.com/ RHINO is the official YouTube channel of the greatest music catalog in the world. Founded in 1978, Rhino is the world's leading pop culture label specializing in classic rock, soul, and 80's and 90's alternative. The vast Rhino catalog of more than 5,000 albums, videos, and hit songs features material by Warner Music Group artists such as Van Halen, Madonna, Duran Duran, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, The Doors, Chicago, Black Sabbath, John Coltrane, Yes, Alice Cooper, Linda Ronstadt, The Ramones, The Monkees, Carly Simon, and Curtis Mayfield, among many others. Check back for classic music videos, live performances, hand-curated playlists, the Rhino Podcast, and more!
    Bay City Rollers - Bye Bye Baby (1975)• TopPop

    Bay City Rollers - Bye Bye Baby (1975)• TopPop

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:38
    • Uploaded Date: 22 Oct 2015
    • views: 7503069
    A couple of weeks ago, on April 20, 2021, singer Les McKeown of the Bay City Rollers died. McKeown was born on 12 November 1955, Edinburgh, Scotland). To commemorate him, we highlight this video of one of the Rollers biggest hits. The Bay City Rollers are a Scottish pop rock band known for their worldwide teen idol popularity in the 1970s. They have been called the "tartan teen sensations from Edinburgh" and "the first of many acts heralded as the 'biggest group since the Beatles'". The group's line-up had many changes over the years, but the classic line-up during its heyday included guitarists Eric Faulkner and Stuart Wood, singer Les McKeown, bassist Alan Longmuir, and drummer Derek Longmuir. The current lineup (since 2018) includes original guitarist Stuart "Woody" Wood, singer Ian Thomson, bassist Marcus Cordock, and drummer Jamie McGrory. The Bay City Rollers have sold 120 million records worldwide. "Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby Goodbye)" is a popular song written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio, a member of The Four Seasons, whose version of the song made it to No. 1 in Canada and No. 12 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in 1965. The Bay City Rollers version made it to no 1 in the UK, sold a million copies and hit No. 1 on the UK Singles Chart for six weeks from March 1975. It ended the year as the UK's top-selling single. In Australia and Ireland it also reached to no. 1. In the Netherlands it reached to #11 in the Dutch Top 40. In the film 'Love Actually' the song is played by Daniel (Liam Neeson) at his wife's funeral, and by the DJ (Junior Simpson) at Juliet (Keira Knightley) and Peter's (Chiwetel Ejiofor) wedding reception. Watch our great music videos ❯ https://goo.gl/feVLNN More TopPop? Subscribe here ❯ https://goo.gl/aICMxi More info on Wikipedia ❯ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TopPop Broadcast date: 25 April 1975 This is to let you know that the video recording of the video clip was originally recorded by AVROTROS Broadcasting. AVROTROS Broadcasting hereby warrants and represents that it is the sole and exclusive owner of the physical film and/or videotape footage in this video clip. The performance of the artist(s) in the clip was filmed and recorded with the written consent of the artist(s) and their representatives. AVROTROS is a Dutch radio and television broadcaster, founded in 2014 from a merger of AVRO and TROS. From January 1st, 2014 the name of the merged broadcaster was used in joint programmes. AVRO was founded in 1923 as the Netherlands first public broadcaster. TROS started broadcasting in 1964. Toppop was a weekly AVRO pop program that was aired between 1970 and 1988. AVROTROS Broadcasting PO Box 2 1200 JA Hilversum The Netherlands TopPop was the first regular dedicated pop music TV show in the Dutch language area. Dutch broadcaster AVRO aired the programme weekly, from 1970 to 1988. Presenter Ad Visser hosted the show for its first fifteen years. World famous music artists performed on TopPop: ABBA, 10CC, Bee Gees, The Jacksons with Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Earth & Fire, Queen, Golden Earring, Boney M, KC & The Sunshine Band, Chic, Donna Summer and many many more.
    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) 4 Seasons Frankie Valli 1965 {Stereo}

    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) 4 Seasons Frankie Valli 1965 {Stereo}

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:39
    • Uploaded Date: 16 Sep 2021
    • views: 64092
    Original video edited and remastered with HQ studio sound.
    Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (1984 Single version)

    Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (1984 Single version)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:32
    • Uploaded Date: 17 Aug 2008
    • views: 382519
    Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (Original Single version)fra 1984. Video made by Roffe Films 2008.
    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - Lyrics

    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - Lyrics

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:31
    • Uploaded Date: 05 Mar 2017
    • views: 41525
    If I made a mistake, PLEASE tell me!! Like and subscribe for more!!!!! Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - 1965
    Rainbow m/Lars Kristoffersen, Bye Bye Baby Goodbye (Rune Sundby)

    Rainbow m/Lars Kristoffersen, Bye Bye Baby Goodbye (Rune Sundby)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 4:59
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Aug 2008
    • views: 735536
    Video with; Bye bye baby goodbye, RAINBOW & Lars Kristoffersen
    Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster)

    Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:33
    • Uploaded Date: 25 Jan 2017
    • views: 77705
    Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster) · Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons The Definitive Pop Collection ℗ 2006 The Four Seasons Partnership Producer: Bob Crewe Keyboards: Bob Gaudio Vocals: Frankie Valli Guitar: Joe Long Guitar: Tommy DeVito Writer: Bob Crewe Writer: Bob Gaudio Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster)

    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster)

    • Order:
    • Duration: 2:35
    • Uploaded Date: 28 Jan 2016
    • views: 102534
    Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster) · Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons Jersey Beat: The Music Of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons ℗ 2007 The Four Seasons Partnership Producer: Bob Crewe Keyboards: Bob Gaudio Vocals: Frankie Valli Guitar: Joe Long Guitar: Tommy DeVito Writer: Bob Crewe Writer: Bob Gaudio Auto-generated by YouTube.
    Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics)

    Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics)

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    • Duration: 4:41
    • Uploaded Date: 19 Sep 2023
    • views: 78345
    Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics) 📧 For all enquiries, please send an email to - uklyrics@hotmail.com Subscribe and turn on notifications to see new videos first! 🔔 Let us know what you think in the comments and thank you for watching 🙌
    Bye Bye Baby Goodbye

    Bye Bye Baby Goodbye

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    • Duration: 4:59
    • Uploaded Date: 11 Apr 2019
    • views: 42590
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Bye Bye Baby Goodbye · Rainbow · Lars Kristoffersen Blå blå øyne ℗ 2005 Tylden, distributed by Universal Music AS, Norway Released on: 2005-09-01 Producer: Stein Ove Jensen Producer: Ole Petter Bjørling Producer: Lars Kristoffersen Composer, Author: Rune Sundby Auto-generated by YouTube.
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    PLAYLIST TIME: 0:00 / 34:40

    The Four Seasons - Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (Official Audio)

    You're listening to the official audio of "Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" by The Four Seasons originally released in 1965 Subscribe to the Rhino Channel! https://Rhino.lnk.to/YouTubeSubID Check Out Our Favorite Playlists: Classic Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YTClassicRockID 80s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHitsID 80s Hard Rock https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sHardRockID 80s Alternative https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT80sAlternativeID 90s Hits https://Rhino.lnk.to/YT90sHitsID Stay connected with RHINO on... Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RHINO/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rhino_records Twitter https://twitter.com/Rhino_Records https://www.rhino.com/ RHINO is the official YouTube channel of the greatest music catalog in the world. Founded in 1978, Rhino is the world's leading pop culture label specializing in classic rock, soul, and 80's and 90's alternative. The vast Rhino catalog of more than 5,000 albums, videos, and hit songs features material by Warner Music Group artists such as Van Halen, Madonna, Duran Duran, Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, The Doors, Chicago, Black Sabbath, John Coltrane, Yes, Alice Cooper, Linda Ronstadt, The Ramones, The Monkees, Carly Simon, and Curtis Mayfield, among many others. Check back for classic music videos, live performances, hand-curated playlists, the Rhino Podcast, and more!
    The Four Seasons - Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (Official Audio)
    You're listening to the official audio of "Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye)" by The Four Season...
    published: 15 Feb 2019
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    Bay City Rollers - Bye Bye Baby (1975)• TopPop
    A couple of weeks ago, on April 20, 2021, singer Les McKeown of the Bay City Rollers died....
    published: 22 Oct 2015
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    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) 4 Seasons Frankie Valli 1965 {Stereo}
    Original video edited and remastered with HQ studio sound.
    published: 16 Sep 2021
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    Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (1984 Single version)
    Rainbow - Bye bye baby goodbye (Original Single version)fra 1984. Video made by Roffe Fil...
    published: 17 Aug 2008
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    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) - The Four Seasons - Lyrics
    If I made a mistake, PLEASE tell me!! Like and subscribe for more!!!!! Bye Bye Baby (Bab...
    published: 05 Mar 2017
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    Rainbow m/Lars Kristoffersen, Bye Bye Baby Goodbye (Rune Sundby)
    Video with; Bye bye baby goodbye, RAINBOW & Lars Kristoffersen
    published: 11 Aug 2008
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    Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster)
    Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye, Bye, Baby (Baby, Goodbye) (2006 Remaster) · Frankie Val...
    published: 25 Jan 2017
    Play in Full Screen
    Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster)
    Provided to YouTube by Rhino Bye Bye Baby (Baby Goodbye) (2007 Remaster) · Frankie Valli ...
    published: 28 Jan 2016
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    Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics)
    Ruby Turner - Bye Baby (Lyrics) 📧 For all enquiries, please send an email to - uklyrics@h...
    published: 19 Sep 2023
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    Bye Bye Baby Goodbye
    Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Bye Bye Baby Goodbye · Rainbow · Lars Kristo...
    published: 11 Apr 2019
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    Roy Book Binder

    Roy Book Binder (born October 5, 1943) is an American blues guitarist, singer songwriter and storyteller. A student and friend of the Rev. Gary Davis, he is equally at home with blues and ragtime, he is known to shift from open tunings to slide arrangements to original compositions, with both traditional and self-styled licks. His storytelling emphasis is another characteristic that makes his style unique.

    Life and career

    Book Binder was born in Queens, New York, United States. Upon graduation from high school, he joined the Navy and undertook a tour of duty in Europe. He bought his first guitar at a military base in Italy. After his enlistment was up, he returned to New York where he met his guitar hero, and became friends with Dave Van Ronk. Book Binder soon sought out Davis who also lived in New York, and became first a student of Davis and later a chauffeur and tour companion. Much of Bookbinder's original material was based on his time on the road with Davis.

    By the mid-to-late 1960s Book Binder was recording for both Kicking Mule and Blue Goose Records. In 1969, he toured England with Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup and Homesick James.

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