Friends of Ken Dunkin Candidate Committee (inactive)

Committee purpose: To elect and support Ken Dunkin for public office.


Dec 31, 2020 quarterly report Amount
Funds available $175,359.54
Contributions since Dec 31, 2020 $0.00
Cash on Hand* $175,359.54

Net funds over time

Donations & Expenditures

Officer Title
John Whitiker Chair
Founded Nov 29, 2001
Reform for Illinois is a 501(c)3 nonpartisan nonprofit, and is not in any way affiliated with any of the campaigns listed on Illinois Sunshine.
To find contact information for a campaign, call the Illinois State Board of Elections at 312-814-6440.

Download all expenditures

<% $.each(transactions, function(i, transaction){ %>
Amount Date Recipient Purpose
<%= expense_verb(transaction.d2_part) %> <%= accounting.formatMoney(transaction.amount) %> on <%= moment(transaction.expended_date).format('MMMM DD, YYYY') %> <% if(transaction.first_name){ %> <%= transaction.first_name %> <% } %> <%= transaction.last_name %> <%= transaction.purpose %> <% }) %>

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