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Inspiration for a mid-sized contemporary concrete floor, gray floor, wood ceiling, exposed beam and vaulted ceiling kitchen/dining room combo remodel in Austin with beige walls
NR Interiors
NR Interiors
Average rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars20 ReviewsView Profile

Organic Modern, Cordillera Ranch

Contemporary Dining Room, Austin

We fully furnished this open concept Dining Room with an asymmetrical wood and iron base table by Taracea at its center. It is surrounded by comfortable and care-free stain resistant fabric seat dining chairs. Above the table is a custom onyx chandelier commissioned by the architect Lake Flato. We helped find the original fine artwork for our client to complete this modern space and add the bold colors this homeowner was seeking as the pop to this neutral toned room. This large original art is created by Tess Muth, San Antonio, TX.
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