  • 2X +

    Faster Proposals

    4 of 5 create proposals twice as fast or faster with Houzz Pro

  • 90%

    Get Organized

    Houzz Pro tools keep design proposals on track

  • 52%

    Do More Projects

    Houzz Pro helps designers take on more projects

Based on a Dec. 2021 survey of current U.S. Houzz Pro Designer Customers, out of those who had an opinion


Beautifully Branded Proposals

Let your clients review and approve online. Pull products from your custom sourcing library in seconds. The Proposal perks never end.


Mother-daughter design duo uses Houzz Pro to nurture their interiors company

Polish Up Your Proposals

Every proposal and document features your company name and logo beautifully and professionally


Propose Custom Products With Ease

Creating a custom piece of furniture for a client? List out all of its components and group them together under one main item. All your client sees is the name of the piece, while the full list of components is visible only to your firm on the internal version of your proposal.

“With the proposal tool I can build a proposal for a client within 5 to 10 minutes. I have my services saved and can quickly drag and drop the upfront cost, put in their projected installation time, and then I can send it for payment”


A Powerful Database at Your Fingertips

"With the Clipper, it’s a faster and more efficient process than going to a vendor site each time I want product information for a client"
Ana Lolomari | Zesty Designs

Purchase Orders That Deliver the Goods

When you convert Proposal line items into Purchase Orders, their relevant specs seamlessly carry over, including product names, colors, dimensions, SKUs, and more.

Take a Deeper Dive

Swoon clients from the get-go with a Proposal that reflects your great taste. Plus, everything in our Proposal feature is customizable.

Track Products From Start to Finish

Get one central place to see and do it all. Whenever you add a product to a project, share it on a proposal, invoice it or add it to a PO. Each item automatically shows up in the Project Tracker with an updated status.

"The Product Clipper is a blessing that has made our lives way easier. Before Houzz Pro and the Clipper we were using spreadsheets, the clients couldn't see the items and they would have to click on links. Now, I love that you can clip items and they will appear directly in your Room Plans."

Help Yourself to On-Demand Answers

Get to know our best-in-class software through curated video tutorials, how-to walkthroughs, and beyond.


Feature Spotlight: Create and Send Beautiful Proposals


Free Template: Complete Guide to Construction Purchase Orders


How to Create a Proposal

Proposals & Sourcing Tailored for Every Trade


Schedule Your Free Demo

Have questions? Give us a call at (888) 372-2851

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