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Mid-sized trendy master multicolored tile and porcelain tile porcelain tile, beige floor and double-sink bathroom photo in Chicago with gray cabinets, a two-piece toilet, beige walls, a drop-in sink, quartz countertops and beige countertops
Coco Design & Build Co.
Coco Design & Build Co.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

Berwyn Ave Master Bathroom

Contemporary Bathroom, Chicago

Simple clean this master bathroom renovation things were kept in the same place but in a very different interpretation. The shower is where the exiting one was, but the walls surrounding it were taken out, a curbless floor was installed with a sleek tile-over linear drain that really goes away. A free-standing bathtub is in the same location that the original drop in whirlpool tub lived prior to the renovation. The result is a clean, contemporary design with some interesting "bling" effects like the bubble chandelier and the mirror rounds mosaic tile located in the back of the niche.
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