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Looking for ideas to help accentuate the front of house.

9 days ago
last modified: 9 days ago

Seeking advice for awkward and unattractive arrival path to our house. At the end of the long driveway, visitors find themselves in a driveway and all they see is a four-car garage. Beyond the lack of curb appeal, it is confusing for them as they have to decide if they should go around to the right or to the left to find the front door. They should go to the right. There is currently a large flower bed and landscaping accentuating the correct walkway but this doesn't help. People often go to the left and around to the back door or arrive and express that they were unsure where to go. You can see the front door as you drive up the long part of the drive but not once you hit the curve. However, it isn't obviously the front of the house. We want it to be obvious, attractive, and welcoming. The house sits atop a hill with a small amount of flat yard to the front back so bringing the driveway around to the front is not an option.

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