Water filtration blocks sediment and larger particles as water passes through a series of filters. A filter will remove large to small particles, but not microscopic particles or bacteria. \n

Water treatment alters what’s in the water, typically removing trace amounts of minerals, chemicals and/or microscopic organisms. Water treatment can change the water’s pH, remove calcium and iron, kill bacteria and more depending on what kind of treatment you use.\n"},{"question":"How do water softeners work?","answer":"Water softeners filter out minerals like calcium and manganese to reduce hard water in your home. During this softening process some sodium is added to the water, about as much as a piece of bread. After installation, additional salt should be added to the softener about once a month to ensure the highest-quality, softened water."},{"question":"What are the benefits of whole house water softeners and treatment systems?","answer":"Benefits of water softeners and treatment systems go beyond cleaner, odorless, better-tasting water. After softening hard water, your skin may feel softer, your hair silkier, soap suds may last longer and your clothes feel softer—all with a reduced need for detergents and cleansers! Appliances like water heaters, dishwashers and washing machines will not only perform more efficiently, but last longer. Pipes and other appliances will also benefit from the reduction of calcium and magnesium buildup. And don't forget the positive impact on the environment."},{"question":"How much does a water softener cost to operate?","answer":"The benefits of softened water may outweigh the cost of the salt, water and energy required for operation. Water softener salt will likely amount to a few dollars per person, per month. Unless choosing the more expensive potassium chloride to avoid additional sodium and potassium intake, a homeowner should recoup this expense by the diminished need for soap and detergent. You also may minimize the higher water bills associated with water softener installation by selecting a water-efficient model with a control value that will prevent unnecessary regeneration. Finally, water softeners are very energy efficient, requiring less power to operate than most small household appliances. You can learn more by visiting our water treatment installation cost guide. "},{"question":"Why does water need to be softened?","answer":"Water is never destroyed. The same water that nourished the dinosaurs nourishes us as the never-ending water cycle continues to purify the same water over and over. However, as water falls back to earth as rain, it picks up air pollutants and dust. Once it hits the ground, this universal solvent dissolves and collects everything from sediment to pesticides. In the U.S., 80-90% of the total available water supply comes from this ground water."},{"question":"What water treatment system brands does Home Depot install?","answer":"Home Depot offers water treatment systems by Rainsoft, Eco Water, Puronics and Kinetico for installation in your home. Find out which solution is best for you by requesting a free in-home water test with your local, authorized water treatment specialist."}],"groups":[]},{"heading":"","subtitle":"","showDeviceOnly":"","sectionColor":"","navBarLink":{"text":"Current Offers","icon":{"title":"current offer icon","file":{"url":"https://images.ctfassets.net/z031v9hsq077/3jkcpdnH3IXTn4lTaFNE3K/be50333f0da0fb94edd675c893fed644/current_offer_icon.svg"},"$$meta":{"width":22,"height":26}}},"contentTypeId":"Banners","stores":[],"row1":[],"row2":[],"row3":[],"excludeStores":[]},{"heading":"Reviews","showDeviceOnly":"","serviceId":"","sectionColor":"Light","navBarLink":{"text":"Reviews","icon":{"title":"SVG: message","file":{"url":"https://images.ctfassets.net/z031v9hsq077/6elknui6SA4yUiE8Oyg4Ea/3a7e8927eb1285159460de212023096b/message.svg"},"$$meta":{"width":21,"height":21}}},"contentTypeId":"Reviews"},{"heading":"Filter Options","subHeading":"","showDeviceOnly":"","sectionColor":"","navBarLink":{"text":"","icon":{"title":"","file":{"url":""},"$$meta":{"width":"","height":""}}},"contentTypeId":"InfoPods","items":[{"label":"Water Filtration","title":"Water Filtration","imageWidth":"50%","imageAlign":"","textVerticalAlignment":"top","textBlock":"The Home Depot has many types of water filters available, including refrigerator water filters, showerhead filters, faucet water filters, countertop filters, reverse osmosis filters, and more. If you want to filter water for your entire home all at once, we have several whole house water filtrations systems to pick from.","image":{"title":"","altText":"Water filtration spigot on a kitchen counter","desktop":{"title":"Water Treatment - Info Pod - Water Filtration - image - desktop","file":{"url":"https://images.ctfassets.net/z031v9hsq077/6vWalg7RsVr5DUcC8hqPYl/d1ab7244dbe87e6d30054801a4901cdd/info_pod_50_desktop.jpg?fm=jpg&fl=progressive"},"$$meta":{"width":1000,"height":804}},"mobile":{"title":"Water Treatment - Info Pod - Water Filtration - image - mobile","file":{"url":"https://images.ctfassets.net/z031v9hsq077/5zXVytPK5G8HQ384ulPvLH/b7900c6076c253282cacab8360caeb91/info_pod_mobile.jpg?fm=jpg&fl=progressive"},"$$meta":{"width":1000,"height":462}}},"contentTypeId":"infoPod"},{"label":"Water Treatment","title":"Water Treatment","imageWidth":"50%","imageAlign":"","textVerticalAlignment":"top","textBlock":"Our water treatment options can reduce hardness, eliminate scale build-up, balance pH, and remove harmful chemicals and bacteria from your water. \nDepending on your needs, water treatment can remove the following:\n