留学生の皆さんへ (For International Students)

外国人留学生の就職状況 Employment results of international students


The employment rates of international students who have graduated / completed their studies in 2023 from our university for the fiscal year 2023 are as follows:

Number of Graduates
 Number of Job Applicants
Number of Job Applicants who Attained
に対する就職率 Employment Rate for the Number of Job Applicants
Undergraduate Program
25人 9人 5人 56%
Master's Program
361人 243人 185人 76%
Doctoral Program
90人 76人 63人 83%
Professional Degree Course
0人 - - -

主な就職先 The main companies of employment

マイクロンメモリジャパン合同会社、マツダ株式会社、株式会社ニトリ、パナソニック株式会社、シャープ株式会社 など

Micron Memory Japan, G.K. (MMJ), Mazda Motor Corporation, Nitori Co., Ltd., Panasonic Co., Ltd., Sharp Co., Ltd., etc.

就職活動を始めるにあたって Tips to start job searching activities


Job searching activities in Japan are unique in their scheduling, selection methods and other aspects. So we recommend that you start job searching while you are still in school. First, start by understanding the aspects of job searching in Japan and how the process is different from your own country.


We have provided a resume template containing the Hiroshima University logo, and have also included a sample entry as a reference. Please feel free to download this template and fill-in the necessary details accordingly.
Please visit the "Download Resume" page.

進路希望・進路決定入力(全員必須) Enter your desired career path and decided career(action required by all students)


Please enter your desired career path after graduating/completing your course and your decided career according to the following.

求人情報 Job information


教授推薦(大学推薦、類・専攻推薦 等)の求人については各学部・研究科の就職担当教員へお問い合わせください。

As a general rule, open to application job openings provided by companies and other organizations can be viewed through the 「キャリタスUC」"Caritas UC" career support cloud service (Caritas UC is a system that has replaced the "MOMIJI" job search function). You can search for jobs by specifying the industry, location, and other criteria.

Please contact the faculty member in charge of employment at each faculty or graduate school for information on faculty-recommended job openings (university-recommended, department-recommended, etc.).


The login ID and password for "Caritas UC" is posted on the「進路・就職掲示」page of "MY MOMIJI". The title of the page is "広大生用「キャリタスUC(求人・インターンシップ検索システム)」ID・パスワード年度更新 [進路・就職掲示/Message from the Career Center]  (yearly update)."

※All job openings on "Caritas UC" are posted in Japanese.

「キャリタスUC」の求人検索の仕方 How to find job openings on Caritas UC

  1.  キャリタスUC にログインをする。
  2. 「求人票・企業を探す」をクリックする。
  3. 「フリーワード検索」をクリックする。
  4. 「条件変更/詳細検索」をクリックする。
  5.   その後、1番下の方にある 「その他こだわり条件」をクリックし、「外国人留学生採用実績あり」にチェックを入れる。
  6.   そして、下にある「この条件で検索する」ボタンを押す。
  1.  Login to "キャリタスUC".
  2.  Click  "「求人票・企業を探す」(search for job openings and companies)".
  3.  Click  "「フリーワード検索」(search by free word)".
  4.  Click  "「条件変更/詳細検索」(change search conditions / advanced search)".
  5.  After that, around the bottom of the page, click "「その他こだわり条件」(other special requirements)", and click the  recruitment target check box of "「外国人留学生採用実績あり」(companies with experience in hiring international students)".
  6.  Finally, click "「この条件で検索する」(search using these conditions)" at the very bottom of the page to search for applicable positions. 

ガイダンス・セミナー情報 Guidance sessions and seminars information


We recommend that you participate in the guidance sessions and seminars which are held in the University or off-campus. For on-campus sessions and seminars, international students are encouraged to join and participate. The guidance sessions for only international students are scheduled to be held twice a year.

まずはこちら↓↓をクリック  First of all, click here.

英語版      English version 留学生のためのオリエンテーション  Orientation for international students
中国語版 Chinese version 留学生のためのオリエンテーション  Orientation for international students

  新入留学生オリエンテーション(Orientation for Newly Arrived International Students)

キャリア相談 Career counseling

We welcome any questions you may have about job searching and are able to provide career counseling when you need any help in choosing your career, conducting a job search or looking for a job. Also, we support you by helping you to brush up your Entry Sheet (ES) and prepare for a job interview.

留学生就職支援ネットワーク Career Support Network for International Students in Japan



What is the "Career Support Network for International Students in Japan"?
It’s a system which is in place to enhance the available support for international students in regard to their job searching activities. It is only provided to university members with an official approval. Hiroshima University has attained this official approval and is a part of this system. For those who want to get a job in Japan, this system will explain to you the Japanese way of job searching and how to prepare for it. You can learn a great deal from the internet resource within just 24 hours. Also, the system provides information about job openings, which companies are eager to hire international students, guidance sessions, seminars, job fairs and so on. Please refer to the link below for details on how to register for it.

※ ID registration is required to use the "Career Support Network for International Students in Japan".

広島県留学生活躍支援センター The Hiroshima Support Center for International Students (HiCIS)

The Hiroshima Support Center for International Students (HiCIS) is providing the following support to help international students with job searching.

  • インターンシップ          Internships
  • 就職活動実践セミナー    Job searching activities practical seminar
  • 留学生と企業の交流会    Networking events for international students and companies    
  • 留学生合同企業説明会        Job fair for international students
  • 就職活動個別コンサルタント Job search individual consultants
  • 就職・定着支援事業         Employment and retention support business

日本学生支援機構 Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)

日本学生支援機構 (JASSO)は、留学生交流を一層推進するため、留学生の受入れ・派遣の両面において、様々な支援事業を実施しています。日本で学ぶ外国人留学生が、それぞれのキャリアデザインに沿った就職ができるよう、留学生の就職・採用活動に関する有益な情報を提供しています。「外国人留学生のための就活ガイド」は、大変役に立ちます。

JASSO is carrying out various support projects in regard to both the accepting and dispatching of exchange students, in order to promote international networking and exchange opportunities.
JASSO provides useful information in regard to job searching and recruitment activities for international students studying in Japan so that they can find employment opportunities which fit their planned career designs. The "Job Hunting Guide for International Students", which can be found within the below link can be very helpful.
