親愛的客戶您好,因 2019/6/20(四)晚上18:00~24:00 台電施工工程,0800技術專線暫停服務,於 2019/6/21(五)上午09:30 恢復正常服務;服務暫停期間,如果有產品相關問題建議可來信 eSupport 技術支援(https://esupport.gigabyte.com/),我們將於上班日後儘速為您處理。","HolidayStart":"","HolidayEnd":"2020/02/10 23:58:00","IsShowOnHomePage":"no","IsShowOnSuppotHome":"yes"}; //Holiday Notice 新版
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GIGABYTE's all-in-one package eliminates the painful process of setting up your own hardware & software environment Achieve maximum utilization of your hardware investment with powerful optimization features, so that downtime is minimal Faster startup of a DNN training environment for developers; spend less time and resources on employee training Standard version has image classification and object detection, but a customized solution can be made, just ask GIGABYTE Real-time monitoring of system components (GPU, CPU, memory, etc.) to make sure system is stable, and for user peace of mind Deep Learning can be done faster using DNN Training Appliance vs an Open Source Community (OCS) solution Object detection and segmentation techniques can be applied to various traffic enforcement tasks, such as license plate recognition, seat belt usage, and driver cell phone usage. Deep Learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) can be used by bank operations, such as customer service automation (by chatbots), analyzing contracts, intelligent document search and credit scoring. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) can help and optimize routine tasks for medical image analysis and disease detection, such as eye disease and brain MRI segmentation. Non-image analysis can be used, such as in epileptic seizures prediction.
Powering Change with Deep Learning & AI
Why Myelintek MLSteam DNN Training System
Deep Learning with Myelintek MLSteam DNN Training System
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