A photo of a directional sign at Redâs Meadow on the John Muir Trail shows us there are many directions one can go â on the trail and in life. Whatever path you choose, you are in for an adventure. (Ed Riggs photograph)
When you are on a trail that you have never been on before, you donât always know where that trail will lead you. There are not always white blazes to follow, and many times there is no guide book. But most trails definitely do go somewhere, whether it is your intended destination or not.
I have made a few mistakes while hiking. Carrying too much food, having packed only one hiking stick, hiking a ways in the wrong direction, hiking on in the rain when I really should have stopped and set up camp â these are things that can be annoying. But with determination, a calm approach, and a positive attitude, these detours to enjoyment can actually be enlightening and lead to a good hike. And they can make great stories.
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