Hazel Jean Clark, 88, of Gettysburg, died on Saturday, December 14, 2024, at WellSpan Gettysburg Hospital. She was born on September 30, 1936, in Cairnbrook, a daughter of the late Admiral Dewey âMerleâ and Julia M. (Custer) Frazier.
On November 14, 1970 in Point, she married Donald O. Clark who survives along with the following family: a son Michael Hilmer and wife Patt of Worland, Wyo.; a son Terry Hilmer of Harrisburg; a daughter Julia Hilmer Ickes and husband Randy of Imler; seven grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; seven great-great-grandchildren; and one sister Mary Belle Griffith of Schellsburg. She was preceded in death by two sisters, Rose Marie Poeppelmeyer, and Erma Rose; and four brothers, Frank, George, A.J. âBud,â and Fred Frazier.
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