The Reverend Doctor Donald Leroy Mitchell, Jr. died on Dec. 21, 2024, after a prolonged illness; he was 90 years old. He is survived by his wife of 30 years, Marion Hamilton Mitchell; sister Sally Mitchell Reimold; children Amy Mitchell Meza (Hector Meza Sr.) and Donald R. Mitchell (LeeAnn Stover); step-daughters Meghan McCoy and Katie McCoy Harris; grandchildren Angela E. Meza, Lilia G. Mitchell, Julian R. Mitchell, and Evan McCoy Harris; two sisters-in-law and a brother-in-law, as well as beloved nieces and nephews. Don was preceded in death by his parents, Donald Leroy Mitchell Sr. and Cora Leventhal Mitchell; his sister Gene M. Ferron; two brothers-in-law; and two nephews, all of whom he talked of frequently and remembered fondly.
Born in Waymart, PA, in 1934, Don was raised from the age of one in Hazleton, PA. He was very engaged in school, the performing arts, and sports (baseball/basketball). He loved learning and was fascinated with the rich diversity of cultural perspectives he encountered in his hometown, later in college/university, and during his long career as a scholar and Presbyterian minister.
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