Joseph R. Kaminskas died on December 19, 2024, at the age of 89. He was born and raised in Newark, N.J., to a Lithuanian-American family. His parents were the late Justinas/Joseph and Eva V. Elsneris Kaminskas.
Joe earned his private pilotâs license in Newark, New Jersey, and enlisted in the New Jersey Air National Guard. He was accepted into U.S. Air Force Aviation Cadet training and qualified for advanced fighter jets, flying the F-84 and F-86. He returned home to run his familyâs business, Wentzelâs Wonder Bar and Grill, upon the death of his uncle and father, but soon returned to the New Jersey Air National Guard, and later became an airline transport pilot for Capitol International Airways and later for United Airlines. Among the aircraft he flew professionally were the Lockheed Constellation, C-46, DC-8, DC-10, and Boeing 727.
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