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sunfeather likes 3 comments on a discussion: Entry artwork over cabinet - which would you choose?
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Cabinet should be wider that what is above it.

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I agree it should be wider but what kind of width difference are we talking about? 2” each side or 5” each? Do you have the cabinet so you can just show us that? Cabinet you do show is very pretty & I assume is just an ad pic. I like both art & mirror but I really like the art & especially in that spot in front of kitchen. The concern is whether that art will overwhelm the cabinet.

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I do like the mirror too but it’s got a high ”cute” factor with the frame. The cabinet looks classic shaker / arts & crafts & the art complements it. If that’s your rug reflected in the mirror, I really like it too & the mirror frame looks pretty great with it both color & pattern wise. Maybe there’s a place for it in the room. The dining set reflected in the mirror looks Arts & Crafts too. I have Stickley Arts & Crafts / Mission pieces in my home & am really drawn to that style.

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