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The Alien's Voyage: Alien Warrior Mates III, #1
The Alien's Voyage: Alien Warrior Mates III, #1
The Alien's Voyage: Alien Warrior Mates III, #1
Ebook56 pages53 minutes

The Alien's Voyage: Alien Warrior Mates III, #1

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It is the night before Rey and the group of humans and warriors will return to the settlement to free the Mikana, and just days before the others will climb aboard the shuttles headed for Earth so that they can celebrate Samira and Ty's long-awaited wedding. Everyone is coming down from the adrenaline of the last few days and trying to decide what they should do.

With so much still left to be done on Uoria and so many questions still left unanswered, the couples must decide where they are most needed, and how they are going to move forward from here. As decisions are made and commitments are tested, they all continue to confront their unraveling view of Uoria and the secrets that are still waiting to be told…

Release dateMay 5, 2020
The Alien's Voyage: Alien Warrior Mates III, #1

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    The Alien's Voyage - Grace Kensington


    Ivy glanced up as Maxim approached her, offering him a smile. She felt the relief flow through her knowing that she could look at him, reach out and touch him, and know that he was safe even among the Denynso warriors who had just recently been completely set on killing him. She wondered if she was ever going to get over that sense of relief, and just being close to the man who she had fallen so deeply in love with without having to worry that any moment he would be dragged out of her arms again. Even if she didn't ever get over that feeling, she knew that she would always appreciate that she had the ability to feel it, that she hadn't lost him in the dark, terrifying moments that she was positive Pyra would simply destroy the entire group of Mikana men who had come to the Nyx 23 settlement.

    Her eyes drifted from Maxim to Pyra as he entered the hall. He looked tired and drawn and Ivy could only imagine that Eden had sent him out of the house to come join the revelry so that he could get a break from their new baby. Having only been around babies of any kind when he was extremely young and the other warriors were born, Pyra seemed to be taken aback by the realities of the tiny, needy creature who was at once the most beautiful and beloved thing that he had ever seen, and the most terrifying, by his own admission. Eden had stepped into motherhood with much greater ease and confidence than Pyra had stepped into fatherhood, and though he was completely in love with his newborn son and was as prepared as he was when they were on their quest to protect Lysander from anything, Ivy could see on his face that taking a break and returning to the world that he already knew and was comfortable in would do him good.

    As she watched the leader of the Denynso warriors walk through the banquet hall and drop down onto the bench of one of the long tables and reach for a piece of bread, she couldn't help but still feel a touch of animosity toward him. She wished that she didn't and that she had the ability to shove the thoughts away, but even though Pyra had earned the forgiveness of his king and apparently the others in the community, Ivy was not as quick to extend her good graces toward him. The journey that she had gone on since arriving on Uoria just weeks before was far more difficult and trying than anything that she could have ever imagined, and much of that was the fault of Pyra and the warriors who followed him with such devotion.

    When Ivy first planned on coming to the planet to be with the scientist whose research assistant she had been for a couple of years, she had envisioned an exciting and thrilling opportunity that would allow her to use her knowledge and skill in a useful way while also having the unique chance to explore a new planet and encounter a species that she had only ever heard of, but never seen. Being a part of a university exchange program didn't seem like anything that could possibly be threatening. In fact, it seemed like the safest option for venturing off of Earth and seeing and experiencing new things while also pursuing the career path that she was so passionate about.

    Almost as soon as she arrived, however, she found that her thoughts of this experience were nothing like what she was actually going to experience. Within moments of the university shuttle landing, all of her expectations of her time on the planet and her plans for what she and George would accomplish together shattered. Creia and Theia, the king and queen of the Denynso compound, had not been the welcoming people Ivy had heard that they could be. Instead, they showed cold anger and distrust toward her because she had arrived without giving them the notification that they expected from all who arrived on the planet. She had accepted this reaction with as much grace as she could, understanding that in her rather spontaneous decision to join George on Uoria even after telling him that she wouldn't be able to because of the timing, she had gone against the strictly held rules of the Denynso and offended their sense of tradition

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