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The Nest
The Nest
The Nest
Ebook389 pages6 hours

The Nest

By Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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A warm, funny and acutely perceptive debut novel about four adult siblings and the fate of the shared inheritance that has shaped their choices and their lives.

Every family has its problems. But even among the most troubled, the Plumb family stands out as spectacularly dysfunctional. Years of simmering tensions finally reach a breaking point on an unseasonably cold afternoon in New York City as Melody, Beatrice, and Jack Plumb gather to confront their charismatic and reckless older brother, Leo, freshly released from rehab. Months earlier, an inebriated Leo got behind the wheel of a car with a nineteen-year-old waitress as his passenger. The ensuing accident has endangered the Plumbs' joint trust fund, “The Nest,” which they are months away from finally receiving. Meant by their deceased father to be a modest mid-life supplement, the Plumb siblings have watched The Nest’s value soar along with the stock market and have been counting on the money to solve a number of self-inflicted problems.

Melody, a wife and mother in an upscale suburb, has an unwieldy mortgage and looming college tuition for her twin teenage daughters. Jack, an antiques dealer, has secretly borrowed against the beach cottage he shares with his husband, Walker, to keep his store open. And Bea, a once-promising short-story writer, just can’t seem to finish her overdue novel. Can Leo rescue his siblings and, by extension, the people they love? Or will everyone need to reimagine the futures they’ve envisioned? Brought together as never before, Leo, Melody, Jack, and Beatrice must grapple with old resentments, present-day truths, and the significant emotional and financial toll of the accident, as well as finally acknowledge the choices they have made in their own lives.

This is a story about the power of family, the possibilities of friendship, the ways we depend upon one another and the ways we let one another down. In this tender, entertaining, and deftly written debut, Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney brings a remarkable cast of characters to life to illuminate what money does to relationships, what happens to our ambitions over the course of time, and the fraught yet unbreakable ties we share with those we love.

Release dateMar 22, 2016

Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney

Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney is the author of the instant New York Times bestselling novels Good Company (a Read with Jenna selection), and The Nest (named a best book of the year by People, the Washington Post, and NPR). Sweeney’s work has been translated into more than 28 languages. She holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars and lives in Los Angeles with her family. 

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Reviews for The Nest

Rating: 3.5068807752293574 out of 5 stars

1,090 ratings103 reviews

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Readers find this title engaging and enjoyable. The characters are well-developed and the story is solid. The book is easy to read and the individual pieces are tied together nicely. Some readers were not taken in by the story or the characters, but overall, the book is recommended and leaves readers wanting more from the author.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    This is a book I've seen circulating a lot since it was released in May, 2016. It sounded pretty interesting, so I checked it out. I was pleasantly surprised that it was even better than I'd expected!I love the dynamic between the Plumb siblings! I can see similarities in the members of my own family, as well as in those of other families I know. Granted, the Plumbs have a far different background from mine, growing up privileged in New York, while I grew up very middle-middle class in the Midwest. Still, there's something about the way these siblings interact with each other and with their mother, in one-on-one situations, in a gathering of just a few, or when they are all together. I've come to notice that in my own relationships, as I've gotten older. Sometimes, it's almost palpable, the tension or strain that is automatically present in certain circumstances. The author, Sweeney, really nails the various personalities of the key characters. I feel like I actually know each person in the story, and I really grew to care about each one individually.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    Leonard Plumb Sr. hat etwas Geld in einem Treuhandfonds für seine vier Kinder angelegt. Auf Englisch nennt man so ein finanzielles Polster für schlechte Zeiten "nest egg" und schon bald war dieser Fonds für seine Familie nur noch "das Nest". Eigentlich war es ein eher bescheidener Betrag, aber er konnte den Immobilienboom nach seinem Tod ja nicht voraussehen und hatte auch einen sehr umsichtigen Treuhandverwalter ausgesucht, so dass seine Kinder nun viel mehr Geld erwarten können, als er geplant hatte. Er wollte nie, dass sich seine Kinder auf den zukünftigen Geldsegen verlassen, sondern sich alles selbst erarbeiten, daher soll das Geld auch erst nach dem 40. Geburtstag von Melody, der Jüngsten, an alle verteilt werden.Melodys 40. Geburtstag naht. Wie ihre drei Geschwister Leo, Bea und Jack braucht sie das Geld dringend. Doch dann benutzt ihre Mutter das Geld aus dem "Nest", um Leo zu helfen, der sich in ernst zu nehmende Schwierigkeiten gebracht hat. Vereint in der Sorge um ihr Geld fangen die Geschwister wieder an zu kommunizieren und sich zu treffen…Ich habe das Buch mit einiger Skepsis begonnen, da ich mir nicht vorstellen konnte, wie Gezanke um Geld unter Geschwistern lesenswert sein könnte. Die ersten Seiten haben meine Bedenken dann erst mal verstärkt, weil die vier Geschwister alle nicht besonders sympathisch sind und den typischen New Yorker Lebenswandel zu haben schienen. Doch ich hatte nicht mit dem Schreibtalent der Autorin gerechnet. Sie hat mich in die Geschichte und das Familienleben hineingezogen und ich kam nicht wieder heraus!Beim ersten Treffen der Geschwister verspricht Leo, sich etwas einfallen zu lassen, damit das "Nest" bis zu Melodys Geburtstag vier Monate später wieder aufgefüllt ist. Leo ist der Älteste und die anderen drei wollen ihm glauben und vertrauen – obwohl sie ihn dafür eigentlich zu gut kennen – und sie hoffen und schieben ihre Geldsorgen vor sich her. Dabei lernt der Leser alle vier Geschwister besser kennen, ihre aktuelle Lebenssituation und wie sich ihr Leben entwickelt hat, und fragt sich, was Leo wohl tun wird und welche Auswege es für die anderen drei gibt.Am Ende hatte ich fast alle Charaktere irgendwie liebgewonnen, egal wie verkorkst sie waren, und war richtig traurig, dass das Buch zu Ende war. "Das Nest" ist eine interessante Familiengeschichte über die Beziehung zwischen Geschwistern und die Autorin erzählt so, dass man als Leser den Eindruck hat, mittendrin zu sein. Die Atmosphäre und die Denkweisen sind sehr amerikanisch, darauf muss man sich einstellen.Da ich intelligente, gut geschriebene Familiengeschichten sehr mag, hat mir das Buch sehr gut gefallen und ich hoffe, dass die Autorin weitere Bücher schreiben wird.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    3.5 stars

    Original idea, great reader, rushed ending, uneven writing.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    I've been excited to read this book for a while now, based solely on the cover design. I had no idea what it was about. In the end, I gave it two stars, which based on my rating scale, means it was not for me, but you might like it. It was a quick read.

    I think the main reason I didn't give the book a higher rating is because I really didn't enjoy any of the characters. They were all, with maybe the exception of Bea, selfish and self-centered. That's not to say that selfish, terrible people can't be well-written and enjoyable, but these just weren't. None of them had anything special going on, or any really defining characteristics. (And this is just a personal pet peeve of mine, but OMG, the bland, boring character names made it impossible to remember who was who. Jack, Paul, Walker, Walter [yes, really], Nora, Louisa, Maggie, Melody... even when I was three-quarters of the way through the book, I had to keep reminding myself who each person was.

    The plot itself was fine, but it felt like a lot of fuss over nothing. So Leo blew the money. Oh no! Now Melody's kids might have to go to a state school. Jack was irresponsible with the money he does have, and now he and Walter (Walker? I don't remember which one he was married to) might lose their summer house.

    Seriously, these were the MAJOR PROBLEMS that the family faced. And then those problems were solved in about two sentences when Bea offered to share her money with her siblings, and they both immediately accepted. Problems solved!

    Jack is an addict, which is an actual problem and could have really been explored more, but it wasn't. He got Stephanie pregnant then disappeared, but it was cool because she makes tons of money and really prefers to be a single mom anyway, so NBD. Like, that would be an actual major problem for the majority of people in the US, but nah, it's played out and wrapped up in a couple of pages, and life goes on!

    There was nothing wrong with the writing. It was a quick read and I only considered abandoning it once or twice, but decided to stick it out because overall it had good reviews.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    I've been excited to read this book for a while now, based solely on the cover design. I had no idea what it was about. In the end, I gave it two stars, which based on my rating scale, means it was not for me, but you might like it. It was a quick read.

    I think the main reason I didn't give the book a higher rating is because I really didn't enjoy any of the characters. They were all, with maybe the exception of Bea, selfish and self-centered. That's not to say that selfish, terrible people can't be well-written and enjoyable, but these just weren't. None of them had anything special going on, or any really defining characteristics. (And this is just a personal pet peeve of mine, but OMG, the bland, boring character names made it impossible to remember who was who. Jack, Paul, Walker, Walter [yes, really], Nora, Louisa, Maggie, Melody... even when I was three-quarters of the way through the book, I had to keep reminding myself who each person was.

    The plot itself was fine, but it felt like a lot of fuss over nothing. So Leo blew the money. Oh no! Now Melody's kids might have to go to a state school. Jack was irresponsible with the money he does have, and now he and Walter (Walker? I don't remember which one he was married to) might lose their summer house.

    Seriously, these were the MAJOR PROBLEMS that the family faced. And then those problems were solved in about two sentences when Bea offered to share her money with her siblings, and they both immediately accepted. Problems solved!

    Jack is an addict, which is an actual problem and could have really been explored more, but it wasn't. He got Stephanie pregnant then disappeared, but it was cool because she makes tons of money and really prefers to be a single mom anyway, so NBD. Like, that would be an actual major problem for the majority of people in the US, but nah, it's played out and wrapped up in a couple of pages, and life goes on!

    There was nothing wrong with the writing. It was a quick read and I only considered abandoning it once or twice, but decided to stick it out because overall it had good reviews.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    A dysfunctional, upper class family in NYC in current day. Four siblings lose their soon to be received inheritance from their father after their mother spends it all to correct the mistake of one of them. All but one had plans for the money and were in serious debt, knowing that the windfall would be coming soon. The story is told from several perspectives and each main character is well-developed. On the whole, they seem spoiled, living beyond their means and just not nice people. The story did keep me reading but the ending was a huge disappointment. It ended like a fairy tale, all problems solved, everyone happy and not at all realistic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    I had very high hopes for this book, especially due to all the publicity and reviews I had seen leading up to it's release. I enjoyed it, but not quite as much as I thought I would; perhaps my expectations were a little unrealistic. I wasn't completely blown away, and it wasn't a book that I stayed up all night reading, but I don't necessarily have anything negative to say either. I enjoyed the plot twists but I also thought there were a couple plot lines that would've been really interesting if they were more fully developed. I liked that the protagonists were flawed which made them much more relatable. I would recommend this to people who don't mind a slower pace and alternating narrators.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    It was okay. It was lacking a major story-line punch. The characters seemed to be orbiting in their own worlds without much interaction. Leo, one of the main characters was just too narcissistic. Never really cared for most of the characters.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    I am a sucker for a fictional story taking place in New York City! I also adore stories that involve multiple characters who all connect in some way. This book had both and I loved it! I thought I wouldn't be able to relate to the characters since they are wealthy high society New Yorkers but it felt like a Modern Family episode and everyone can relate to money problems and family issues! Very fast paced and just the right amount of detail to draw you into the typical New York lifestyle and scene. I appreciate how the author brought up issues in parenting, dating, motherhood, sibling rivalry, career choices and money problems. Each character connected in some way and had their own problems to deal with but I loved how while they all were depending on money to solve their issues, they used other means and resources to get through the difficulties and overcome. Money isn't everything but family is! Great read, great ending and highly recommended.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Nov 27, 2018

    Enjoyed reading this book. Was fully invested in all of the characters which keep me turning the page.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jun 6, 2017

    The book must have been great book and i highly recommend it for readers all over the world.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Aug 3, 2018

    While I liked how each character's story intertwines by the end, I wish I liked any of them on their own merit. The narrator's vocal fry and way of using an almost Valley Girl inflection for a couple of the characters absolutely drove me nuts.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Nov 11, 2024

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  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Dec 7, 2022

    Originally published in 2016.New York Times best seller list? Really? I don't think so! A dysfunctional family fighting over an inheritance. This was just too predictable to be of any interest. I see it has been optioned as a film. Maybe that would be more interesting...maybe.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jul 1, 2022

    Slow to start, but the last third was engaging. I liked the ending and how the characters loosened into themselves.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Aug 5, 2021

    I was not taken in by this story or these characters and the plot was flimsy.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Jan 15, 2021

    Test test test test test test test test test test
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Sep 28, 2020

    Wonderful language, great characters and a solid story. I am neither a New Yorker nor am I the product of affluent, distant parents, yet I was able to connect with these character who are. I didn’t want the book to end but felt an urgent need to find out what happened to the characters. I’m hoping this author has more than one book inside her!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 8, 2020

    I didn't think I'd like this book about a dysfunctional group of characters, but it redeemed itself and I found myself interested in getting to the end just to see how it would play out.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

    Apr 27, 2017

    A lovely, easy read. A touching inspiring family tale. I look forward to more from this author. I liked the way the individual pieces were tied together. I loved the use of 911 events and The Kiss by Rodin.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jan 23, 2023

    Usually I have absolutely no patience with whiny, self-absorbed, or rash and reckless characters (either real or fictional, lol). They get on my very last nerve, and have been responsible for more than one book being relegated to my DNF shelf. I began reading The Nest only because it’s on a reading challenge in which I am participating, and I admit I had nothing but negative expectations going in.

    Surprisingly, I found myself enjoying it. Even though many of the characters are whiny, self-absorbed or rash and reckless. Sweeney wrote them in such a way that they didn’t get on my nerves -- I could actually feel sympathy for some of them, and yes, even kinda liked a few. A couple of times characters popped up out of nowhere, it seemed, and I thought the story was getting a bit disjointed. But those characters were indeed there for a purpose, and Sweeney tied it all together very nicely in the end.

    The Nest is good, solid entertainment and I am happy I read it.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Mar 29, 2023

    Yes, totally dysfunctional family, but somehow the book works, and most of them even figure out how to have a life.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    May 13, 2019

    I would have to say that this book is not for everyone. It's about the Plumbs who are a crazy and dysfunctional family waiting until the youngest is 40 so they can inherit their nest of money. I found the siblings to be well-developed characters that are very believable but also very flawed. They lie, cheat and steal but you still find yourself wondering what will happen to each of them. There is a lot of dark humor and lots of surprises along the way that keep you interested. I can really see a movie in the making from this book. As I have said in the beginning of my review, these shallow characters are not for everyone but if you love family sagas, then I suggest you give it a try. I would definitely look to read more from this author, as I found this debut interesting. What I have taken away from this book is: In the end, you just have to accept your family for who and what they are.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

    Aug 16, 2021

    An enjoyable jaunt through the lives of some interesting characters who are larger than life but somehow believable. NYC as a backdrop is critical to the story as some of the characters could only exist in such a city. Entertaining read.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Nov 27, 2016

    If you want to feel better about your dysfunctional family in anticipation of holiday get-togethers, read this book about a pack of siblings who are thrown off-kilter when their mother uses money from the family trust (their anticipated "nest") to pay off the victim of brother Leo's drug-induced accident. Sister Melody is faced with having to sell her dream home; sister Bea is plagued by writer's block; brother Jack is hiding massive debt from his husband and tries some "creative" schemes to make up for the loss of his inheritance.

    It's a good old-fashioned, soapy story and an enjoyable read. Yes, it's very New Yorky and definitely a huge dose of White People''s Problems, but for all their and the author's obliviousness to their class privilege, it somehow wasn't annoying. Leo was a wonderfully portrayed heel, fun to hate, so if you're in a hating mood, as I am lately, this book is for you.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Feb 7, 2021

    Well written portrait of a family in all its glory and disfunctionality. Each one of the 4 Plump siblings are very human, easy to like and to relate to in some way or another. A great read.!!
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Jun 6, 2020

    I love a good dysfunctional family story. This one was packed full of it. I didn’t think I’d read it as fast as I did, but I definitely couldn’t wait to find out what was happening with each character.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Apr 17, 2020

    This was a cornovirous book. I had a hard time concentrating on reading so this was an easy read that suited me well. The 4 siblings of a family are waiting till the youngest turns 40 so they can all get their inheritance. The oldest sibling has stolen the inheritance and the story revolves around the other 3 siblings trying to find him.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars

    Sep 19, 2019

    Not my kind of story. Only one minor character likable and the story felt episodic.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

    Aug 5, 2019

    Lots of first-world problems amongst this dysfunctional family, but I liked this novel! Good writing. More characters than I expected, but the author didn‘t allow this to sprawl. I kind of hope there will be a sequel to this novel.

Book preview

The Nest - Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney


As the rest of the guests wandered the deck of the beach club under an early-evening midsummer sky, taking pinched, appraising sips of their cocktails to gauge if the bartenders were using the top-shelf stuff and balancing tiny crab cakes on paper napkins while saying appropriate things about how they’d really lucked out with the weather because the humidity would be back tomorrow, or murmuring inappropriate things about the bride’s snug satin dress, wondering if the spilling cleavage was due to bad tailoring or poor taste (a look as their own daughters might say) or an unexpected weight gain, winking and making tired jokes about exchanging toasters for diapers, Leo Plumb left his cousin’s wedding with one of the waitresses.

Leo had been avoiding his wife, Victoria, who was barely speaking to him and his sister Beatrice who wouldn’t stop speaking to him—rambling on and on about getting together for Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. In July. Leo hadn’t spent a holiday with his family in twenty years, since the mid-’90s if he was remembering correctly; he wasn’t in the mood to start now.

Cranked and on the hunt for the rumored empty outdoor bar, Leo first spotted Matilda Rodriguez carrying a tray of champagne glasses. She moved through the crowd with a lambent glow—partly because the setting sun was bathing the eastern end of Long Island an indecent pink, partly because of the truly excellent cocaine wreaking havoc with Leo’s synapses. The bubbles rising and falling on Matilda’s tray felt like an ecstatic summons, an invitation meant just for him. Her sturdy black hair was pulled away from the wide planes of her face into a serviceable knot; she was all inky eyes and full red lips. Leo watched the elegant weave of her hips as she threaded her way through the wedding guests, the now-empty tray held high above her head like a torch. He grabbed a martini from a passing waiter and followed her through the swinging stainless-steel doors into the kitchen.

IT WOULD SEEM TO MATILDA (nineteen, aspiring singer, diffident waitress) that one minute she’d been passing champagne to seventy-five members of the extended Plumb family and their closest friends and the next she was barreling toward the Long Island Sound in Leo’s brand-new leased Porsche, her hand down the front of his too-tight linen trousers, the fat of her thumb inexpertly working the underside of his penis.

Matilda had resisted when Leo first pulled her into a side pantry, his fingers cuffing her wrists while he pelted her with questions: Who are you? Where did you come from? What else do you do? Are you a model? An actress? Do you know you’re beautiful?

Matilda knew what Leo wanted; she was propositioned at these events all the time, but usually by much younger men—or ludicrously older men, ancient—with their arsenal of lame pickup lines and vaguely bigoted attempts at flattery. (She was constantly being called J. Lo in spite of looking nothing like her; her parents were Mexican, not Puerto Rican.) Even in this moneyed crowd, Leo was unreasonably handsome, a word she was quite certain she’d never employed for someone whose attention she was almost enjoying. She might think hot, she might think cute or maybe even gorgeous, but handsome? The boys she knew hadn’t grown into handsome yet. Matilda found herself staring up at Leo’s face trying to determine which variables added up to handsome. Like her, he had dark eyes, dark hair, a strong brow. But where his features were angular and sharp, hers were round and soft. On television he would play someone distinguished—a surgeon maybe, and she would be the terminally ill patient begging for a cure.

Through the pantry door she could hear the band—orchestra, really, there had to be at least sixteen pieces—playing the usual wedding fare. Leo grabbed her hands and pulled her into a little two-step. He sang close to her ear, above the beat, his voice pleasantly lively and rich. "Someday, when I’m awfully low, when the world is cold, I will dah-dah-dum just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight."

Matilda shook her head and laughed a little, pulled away. His attention was unnerving, but it also made something deep within her thrum. And fending off Leo in the pantry was marginally more interesting than wrapping asparagus with prosciutto in the kitchen, which was what she was supposed to be doing. When she shyly told him she wanted to be a singer, he immediately offered that he had friends at Columbia Records, friends who were always keen to discover new talent. He moved in again and if she was alarmed when he stumbled a little and seemed to need to keep a palm on the wall to maintain balance, her worry evaporated when he asked if she had a demo, something of hers they could listen to in his car.

Because if I like it, Leo said, taking Matilda’s slender fingers in his, I’d want to get on it right away. Help you get it to the right people.

AS LEO DEFTLY MANEUVERED MATILDA past the parking valet, she glanced back at the kitchen door. Her cousin Fernando had gotten her this job, and he would be furious if he found out she’d just up and left. But Leo had said Columbia Records. He’d said, Always looking for new talent. When did she ever get opportunities like this? She would only be gone for a little bit, just long enough to make a good impression.

Mariah was discovered by Tommy Mottola when she was a waitress, she said, half joking, half trying to justify her behavior.

Is that right? Leo hustled her toward his car, scanning the windows of the beach club above the parking lot. It was possible that Victoria could see him from the side terrace where everyone was gathering and quite probable she’d already noticed his absence and was stalking the grounds looking for him. Furious.

Matilda stopped at the car door and slipped off her black-canvas work shoes. She took a pair of silvery stilettos from a worn plastic shopping bag.

You really don’t need to change shoes for this, Leo said, resisting the urge to put his hands around her tiny waist right then and there in plain sight of everyone.

But we’re getting a drink, right? Matilda said.

Had Leo said something to her about a drink? A drink was not possible. Everyone in his tiny hometown knew him, his family, his mother, his wife. He finished off his martini and threw the empty glass into the bushes. If the lady wants a drink, we’ll find the lady a drink, Leo said.

Matilda stepped into the sandals and gently slid one slender metallic strap over the swell of her left heel, then her right. She straightened, now eye level with Leo. I hate wearing flats, she said, tugging her fitted white blouse a little lower. They make me feel flat all over. Leo practically pushed Matilda into the front seat, out of sight, safely behind the tinted glass.

SITTING IN THE FRONT SEAT OF THE CAR, Matilda was stunned to hear her tinny, nasal voice coming through the car’s obscenely high-quality speakers. She sounded so different on her sister’s ancient Dell. So much better.

As Leo listened, he tapped his hand against the steering wheel. His wedding ring glinted in the car’s interior light. Married was most assuredly against Matilda’s rules. She could see Leo struggling to summon an interest in her voice, searching for something flattering to say.

I have better recordings. I must have downloaded the wrong version, Matilda said. She could feel her ears flush with shame. Leo was staring out the window. I better get back, she said, reaching for the door handle.

Don’t, Leo said, placing his hand on her leg. She resisted the impulse to pull away and sat up a little straighter, her mind racing. What did she have to sustain his attention? She hated waitressing, but Fernando was going to kill her for disappearing during dinner service. Leo was boldly staring at her chest. She looked down at her lap and spotted a small stain on her black trousers. She scraped at the spot of balsamic vinaigrette with a fingernail; she’d mixed gallons of it. Everyone inside was probably plating the mesclun and grilled shrimp now, squeezing the dressing from bottles around the edge of each plate into a pattern that was supposed to approximate waves, the kind a child would draw to indicate a sea. I’d like to see the ocean, she said, quietly.

And then, so slowly she wasn’t sure what was happening at first, Leo took her hand in his (for a foolish moment she thought he was going to kiss it, like a character in one of her mother’s telenovela shows) and placed it on his lap. And she would always remember this part, how he never stopped looking at her. He didn’t close his eyes or lean his head back or lunge in for a sloppy kiss or fumble with the buttons on her blouse; he looked hard and long into her eyes. He saw her.

She could feel him respond beneath her hand and it was thrilling. As Leo held her gaze, she applied a little pressure with her fingers and the balance of power in the car abruptly shifted in her favor. I thought we were going to see the ocean, she said, wanting to get out of sight of the kitchen. He grinned and put the car into reverse. She had his pants unzipped before his seat belt was fully fastened.

YOU COULDN’T BLAME LEO for the rapidity of his climax. His wife had cut him off weeks earlier, after she caught him fondling a babysitter in the back corridor of a friend’s summerhouse. Driving toward the water, Leo hoped the combination of booze, cocaine, and Wellbutrin would stall his response, but when Matilda’s hand tightened with resolve, he knew everything was happening too fast. He closed his eyes for a second—just a second—to collect himself, to stop the intoxicating image of her hand, her chipped blue fingernails, moving up and down. Leo never even saw the SUV barreling down Ocean Avenue, coming from the right, perpendicular to their car. Didn’t realize until it was too late that the screech he heard wasn’t Matilda’s voice coming from the sound system, but something else entirely.

Neither of them even had time to scream.




Because the three Plumbs had agreed on the phone the previous evening that they should not drink in front of their brother Leo, they were all—unbeknownst to one another—sitting in separate bars in and around Grand Central, savoring a furtive cocktail before lunch.

It was a strange kind of autumn afternoon. Two days earlier, a nor’easter had roared up the mid-Atlantic coast, colliding with a cold front pushing east from Ohio and an arctic mass dipping down from Canada. The resulting storm had dropped a record-breaking amount of snow in some places, blanketing towns from Pennsylvania to Maine with a freakishly early winter. In the small commuter town thirty miles north of Manhattan where Melody Plumb lived, most of the trees were still shouldering their autumn foliage, and many had been destroyed or damaged by the snow and ice. The streets were littered with fallen limbs, power was still out in some towns, the mayor was talking about canceling Halloween.

In spite of the lingering cold and spotty power outages, Melody’s train ride into Manhattan was uneventful. She was settled in at the lobby bar of the Hyatt Hotel on Forty-Second Street where she knew she wouldn’t run into her brother or sister; she’d suggested the hotel restaurant for lunch instead of their usual gathering spot, Grand Central’s Oyster Bar, and had been mocked by Jack and Beatrice, the Hyatt not landing on their list of venues deemed acceptable by some arcane criteria she had zero interest in decoding. She refused to feel inferior to those two anymore, refused to be diminished because she didn’t share their veneration for everything old Manhattan.

Sitting at a table near the soaring windows on the upper level of the hotel’s massive lobby (which was, she had to admit, completely unwelcoming—too big and gray and modern, some awful kind of sculpture made of steel tubing lurked overhead, she could hear Jack’s and Bea’s pointed ridicule in absentia; she was relieved they weren’t there), Melody ordered the least expensive glass of white wine (twelve dollars, more than she would spend on an entire bottle at home) and hoped the bartender had a generous pour.

The weather had remained unseasonably cold since the storm, but the sun was finally breaking through and the temperatures beginning to rise. The piles of snow at every Midtown crosswalk were rapidly melting into unnavigable puddles of slush and ice. Melody watched a particularly inelegant woman try to leap over the standing water and miss by inches, her bright red ballet flat landing squarely in the water, which had to be frigid, and filthy. Melody would have loved a delicate pair of shoes like those and she would have known better than to wear them on a day like today.

She felt a twinge of anxiety as she thought of her daughters heading uptown and having to navigate the treacherous street corners. She took a sip of her wine (so-so), removed her phone from her pocket, and opened her favorite app, the one Nora called Stalkerville. She hit the find button and waited for the map to load and for the dots that represented her sixteen-year-old twins to materialize on the screen.

Melody couldn’t believe the miracle of a handheld device that allowed her to track Nora’s and Louisa’s precise whereabouts as long as they had their phones. And they were teenagers; they always had their phones. As the map started to appear, she felt the familiar panicky palpitations until the tiny, blue pulsating circles and the word Found! popped up at the top of the screen, showing the girls exactly where they were supposed to be, at the SAT tutoring center uptown.

They’d been taking the weekend classes for over a month, and usually Melody tracked their morning progress from her kitchen table, watching the blue dots slowly glide north from Grand Central according to her meticulous directions: From the train station, they should take the Madison Avenue bus to Fifty-Ninth Street where they would disembark and walk west to the tutoring center on Sixty-Third just off Columbus. They were not to walk along the park side, but were supposed to walk on the south side of the street, passing by the parade of uniformed doormen, who would hear them scream for help if they were in trouble. They were strictly forbidden from entering Central Park or deviating from their route. Melody put the fear of God into them every week, filling their heads with stories of girls being snatched or lost, forced into prostitution or murdered and dumped in the river.

The Upper West Side is not exactly Calcutta, her husband, Walter, would gently argue. But she got scared. The thought of them wandering the city without her protecting their flank made her heart thud, her palms sweat. They were sweating now. When they’d all disembarked at Grand Central that morning, she hadn’t wanted to let them go. On a Saturday, the terminal was full with tourists checking guidebooks and train schedules and trying to find the Whispering Gallery. She’d kissed them good-bye and had watched until she could no longer see the backs of their heads—one blond, the other brunette. They didn’t look like visitors; there was nothing tentative about how they moved through the crowd. They looked like they belonged to the city, which filled Melody with dread. She wanted them to belong to her, to stop getting older. They didn’t confide every last thought or desire or worry anymore; she didn’t know their hearts and minds the way she used to. Melody knew that letting them grow and go was the proper order of life. She wanted them to be strong and independent and happy—more than anything she wanted them to be happy—but that she no longer had a fix on their inner workings made her light-headed. If she couldn’t be sure how they were moving through the world, she could at least watch them move through the world, right there in the palm of her hand. She could at least have that.

Leo’s never paying you back, Walter had said as she was leaving for the train station. You’re all dreaming, wasting your time.

Though Melody feared he was right, she had to believe he wasn’t. They’d borrowed a lot of money to buy their house, a tiny but historic building on one of their town’s most beautiful streets, only to watch the economy collapse and property values sink. The fluctuating interest rate was about to rise on the mortgage they already couldn’t afford. With little equity in the house, they couldn’t refinance. College was approaching and they had next to nothing in the bank; she’d been counting on The Nest.

Out on the street, Melody watched people tug off their gloves and unwind scarves, lift their faces to the sun. She felt a tiny surge of satisfaction knowing that she could spend the entire afternoon indoors if she wanted. The main reason Melody loved the bar at the Hyatt was because she could access it through an underpopulated, nondescript hallway connecting the hotel to Grand Central. When it was time for lunch, she’d return to the terminal through her secret corridor and head downstairs to the Oyster Bar. She would spend hours in New York City and not have to step one sensibly shod foot onto pavement, could entirely avoid breathing the Manhattan air, which she always pictured as rife with gray particulate. During her and Walt’s brief stint living in Upper (upper) Manhattan where the twins were born, she’d waged a ferocious, losing battle with the city’s soot. No matter how many times she wiped the woodwork with a dampened cloth, the flecks of black would reappear, sometimes within hours. Minus any verifiable source, the residue was worrisome to her. It felt like a physical manifestation of the city’s decay, all the teeming masses being worn down to grimy, gray window dust.

She caught sight of another woman across the room holding a wineglass, and it took a moment for her to recognize her own reflection. Her hair was blonder than usual—she’d chosen a lighter shade at the drugstore and hoped the color would soften the elongated nose and strong chin both she and her sister, Beatrice, had inherited from their father’s New England ancestors. Somehow, the strong features that worked in Bea’s favor (Madam X, Leo used to call Bea, after the Sargent portrait) just made Melody look unintentionally dour. She particularly resented her face around Halloween. One year when the girls were little and they were out shopping for costumes, Nora had pointed to an advertisement featuring a witch—not an excessively ugly one, no warts or green face or rotten teeth but still, a witch—standing over a boiling cauldron and had said, Look! It’s Mommy!

Melody picked her bar bill up from the table and handed it to the waiter with a credit card. He’s never paying you back, Walt had said. Oh yes he is, thought Melody. There was no way that one night of Leo’s stupidity, his debauchery, was going to ruin her daughters’ future, not when they’d worked so hard, not when she’d pushed them to dream big. They were not going to community college.

Melody looked at the map on her phone again. There was another private reason she loved the blue dots with their animated ripples so much; they reminded her of the very first ultrasound where she and Walt had seen twin heartbeats, two misshapen grayish shadows thumping arrhythmically deep inside her pelvis.

Two for the price of one, the cheerful technician had told them as Walt gripped her hand and they both stared at the screen and then at each other and grinned like the starry naifs they were. She remembered thinking in that moment: It won’t ever get better than this. And in some ways she’d been right, had known even then she would never feel so capable, so stalwart a protector once she pushed those vulnerable, beating hearts out into the world.

The waiter was coming toward her now with a worried look on his face. She sighed and opened her wallet again. I’m sorry, ma’am, he said, handing her the Visa she’d hoped had a little more juice on it, but this was declined.

It’s okay, Melody said, digging out the secret card she’d activated without telling Walt; he would kill her if he knew. Just as he’d kill her if he found out that even though the SAT place in the city was cheaper than the suburban private tutor she’d wanted to hire, it was still twice as much as she’d admitted, which was why she needed the extra card. I meant to give you this one. She watched the waiter back at his station as he swiped, both of them holding perfectly still and only exhaling when the machine started spitting out a receipt.

I like our life, Walt had said to her that morning, pulling her close. I like you. Can’t you pretend—just a little—to like me, too? He smiled as he said it, but she knew he sometimes worried. She had relaxed then into his reassuring girth, breathed in his comforting scent—soap and freshly laundered shirt and spearmint gum. She’d closed her eyes and pictured Nora and Louisa, lovely and lithe, clothed in satiny caps and gowns on a leafy quad in a quaint New England town, the morning sun illuminating their eager faces, the future unfurling ahead of them like an undulating bolt of silk. They were so smart and beautiful and honest and kind. She wanted them to have everything—the chances she’d never had, the opportunities she’d promised. I do like you, Walter, she’d mumbled into his shoulder. I like you so much. It’s me I hate.

AT THE OPPOSITE END OF GRAND CENTRAL, up a carpeted flight of stairs and through the glass doors that said CAMPBELL APARTMENT, Jack Plumb was sending his drink back because he believed the mint hadn’t really been muddled. "It was just dumped in there as if it were a garnish, not an ingredient," he told the waitress.

Jack was sitting with his partner of two decades and legal husband of nearly seven weeks. He was confident the other Plumbs wouldn’t know about this place, which was the former office of a 1920s tycoon, restored and reimagined as a high-end cocktail bar. Beatrice might, but it wasn’t her kind of spot. Too staid. Too expensive. There was a dress code. At times the bar could be annoyingly full of commuters who were in mercifully short supply on this Saturday afternoon.

Version 2.0, Walker said as the waitress placed the remade drink in front of Jack.

Jack took a sip. It’s fine, he said.

Sorry for your trouble, Walker said to the waitress.

Yes, Jack said as the waitress walked away, under his breath but loud enough for Walker to hear, terribly sorry for making you do your job.

She’s just delivering the drinks. She’s not making them. Walker kept his voice amiable. Jack was in a mood. Why don’t you take a nice generous sip of that and try to relax.

Jack picked a piece of mint from his glass and chewed on it for a second. I’m curious, he said, is telling someone to relax ever helpful? It’s like saying ‘breathe’ to someone who is hyperventilating or ‘swallow’ to a person who’s choking. It’s a completely useless admonition.

I wasn’t admonishing, I was suggesting.

It’s like saying, ‘Whatever you do, don’t think about a pink elephant.’

I get it, Walker said. "How about I relax and you do what you want."

Thank you.

I am happy to go to this lunch with you if it helps.

So you’ve said. About a thousand times. Trying to provoke Walker was mean and pointless, but Jack was trying anyway because he knew that snapping at Walker would briefly loosen the spiraling knot of fury at his core. And he had considered inviting Walker to lunch. His family preferred Walker’s company anyway; who didn’t? Walker with his rumbling laugh and kind face and bottomless bonhomie. He was like a clean-shaven, slightly trimmer, gay Santa Claus.

But Jack couldn’t invite Walker because he hadn’t told the other Plumbs yet about his early September wedding to Walker, the wedding to which they hadn’t been invited because Jack wanted the day to be perfect and perfect for Jack meant Plumb-free. He did not want to listen to Bea’s worries about Leo’s accident or hear Melody’s lumbering husband telling everyone who might listen that his name was Walter-not-Walker. (That Jack and Melody had chosen partners with almost the exact same name was something that still rankled both of them, decades on.)

I’m sorry I snapped at you, Jack finally said.

Walker shrugged. It’s fine, love.

I’m sorry I’m being an asshole. Jack rotated his neck, listening for the alarming but satisfying little pop that had recently appeared. God, he was getting old. Six years until fifty and who knew what fresh horrors that decade had in store for his slender-but-softening physique, his already-fraying memory, his alarmingly thinning hair. He gave Walker a feeble smile. I’ll be better after lunch.

"Whatever happens at lunch, we’ll be fine. It will all be fine."

Jack slumped deeper into the leather club chair and proceeded to crack the knuckles on each hand, a sound he knew Walker loathed. Of course Walker thought everything would be fine. Walker didn’t know anything about Jack’s financial straits (another reason Jack didn’t want him at lunch, in case the opportunity arose to tell Leo exactly how much the little escapade on the back roads of Long Island was costing him). Their retirement account had taken a terrible hit in 2008. They’d rented the same apartment on West Street since they’d been together. Jack’s small antique shop in the West Village had never been hugely profitable, but in recent years he felt lucky to break even. Walker was an attorney, a solo practitioner, and had always been the wage earner in their partnership. Their one solid investment was a modest but cherished summer place on the North Fork that Jack had been borrowing against, secretly. He’d been counting on The Nest, not only to pay off the home equity line of credit but because it was the one thing he had to offer Walker as a contribution to their future. He didn’t believe for a second that Leo was broke. And he didn’t care. He just wanted what he was owed.

Jack and Leo were brothers but they weren’t friends. They rarely spoke. Walker would sometimes push (you don't give up on family), but Jack had worked hard to distance himself from the Plumbs, especially Leo. In Leo’s company, Jack felt like a lesser version of his older brother. Not as intelligent, interesting, or successful, an identity that had attached to him in high school and had never completely gone away. At the beginning of ninth grade, some of Leo’s friends had christened Jack Leo Lite and the denigrating name stuck, even after Leo graduated. His first month at college, Jack had run into someone from his hometown who had reflexively greeted him by saying, Hey, Lite. What’s up? Jack had nearly slugged him.

The door to the bar opened and a group of tourists barged in, bringing in a gust of air too cold for October. One woman was showing everyone her soaking wet shoe, a cheap ballet flat in a tacky shade of red. It’s completely ruined, she was saying to her companions.

Silver linings, Jack said to Walker, nodding to indicate the shoe.

You probably shouldn’t be late. Walker lifted his wrist, presenting the watch that had been a wedding gift from Jack, a rare Cartier tank from the ’40s in perfect condition. It had cost a small fortune; Walker had no idea. Just another thing to resent about Leo’s fuckup, how now Jack couldn’t help but mentally affix a huge neon price sticker to everything they owned, regretting briefly every single purchase of the last year, years, including all the not-insignificant expenses surrounding their otherwise idyllic wedding.

I love this watch, Walker said, and the tenderness in his voice made Jack want to fling his glass against the opposite brick wall. He could almost feel the sweet relief that would flood in as the leaded crystal smashed into a million tiny pieces. Instead, he stood and placed the glass back on the table, hard.

Don’t let them rile you, Walker said, placing a reassuring hand on Jack’s arm. Just listen to what Leo has to say and then we’ll talk.

Will do. Jack buttoned his coat and headed down the stairs and out the door onto Vanderbilt Avenue. He needed a little fresh air before lunch; maybe he’d take a walk around the block. As he muscled his way through the sluggish weekend crowds, he heard someone calling his name. He turned and it took him a minute to recognize the woman in the beret, grinning madly above a pink-and-orange hand-knit scarf, waving and calling after him. He stood and watched her approach and in spite of himself, he smiled. Beatrice.

BEATRICE PLUMB WAS A REGULAR AT MURPHY’S, one of the commuter pubs that lined the short stretch of Forty-Third Street perpendicular to Grand Central Station. Bea was friendly with the owner, Garrie, an old friend of Tuck’s from Ireland. Tuck approved of how Garrie pulled a pint and of how when the bar

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