Peter Archer is the author of The Quotable Intellectual and 500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart. He received an MA in history from the University of Toledo...view morePeter Archer is the author of The Quotable Intellectual and 500 Foreign Words and Phrases You Should Know to Sound Smart. He received an MA in history from the University of Toledo and an MLlitt in medieval history from the University of St. Andrews, where he wrote his thesis on the writings of St. Bede. He also taught courses on history, humanities, and philosophy at Eastern New Mexico University.view less
The Quotable Intellectual: 1,417 Bon Mots, Ripostes, and Witticisms for Aspiring Academics, Armchair Philosophers…And Anyone Else Who Wants to Sound Really Smart
I Watch, Therefore I Am: From Socrates to Sartre, the Great Mysteries of Life as Explained Through Howdy Doody, Marcia Brady, Homer Simpson, Don Draper, and other TV Icons