パンフレット一覧 | 外国語版(Brochures in foreign languages)
外国語版(Brochures in foreign languages: Please select from each category.)
大臣官房(Minister’s Secretariat)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
環境再生・資源循環局(Waste & Recycling)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
Manga "Nasubi no Gimon (Nasubi asks Questions)" Food Edition | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office of Environmental Regeneration | 2017, August |
What Does “Recycling of Removed Soil” Mean? | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office of Facilities for Contaminated Waste and Soil | 2022,October |
Disaster Countermeasures for Johkasou | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office for Promotion of Johkasou | 2015,March |
Night Soil Treatment and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems in Japan | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office for Promotion of Johkasou | 2013,December |
A Sound Material-Cycle Society through the Eyes of Hokusai [PDF] | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society | 2008,July |
History and Current State of Waste Management in Japan [PDF] | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society | 2014,February |
Solid Waste Management and Recycling Technology of Japan [PDF] | Environmental Regeneration and Material Cycles Bureau | Office for Promotion of Sound Material-Cycle Society | 2012,February |
総合環境政策統括官グループ(Environmental Policy)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
Xây Dựng Môi Trường Cùng Nhau Học Tập ~ 10 Kỹ Năng Sư Phạm Trong Giáo Dục Môi Trường~ (「『学びあう場』をデザインする~環境教育から学ぶ10のファシリテーションスキル~」ベトナム語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2021,November |
Designing for Places of Mutual Learning : 10 Facilitation Skills Learned from Environmental Education (「『学びあう場』をデザインする~環境教育から学ぶ10のファシリテーションスキル~」英語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,March |
创造"互学场域" 从环境教育中学习10个协作技巧 (「『学びあう場』をデザインする~環境教育から学ぶ10のファシリテーションスキル~」中国語簡体字版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,March |
創造"共學場域" 從環境教育中學習10個引導(facilitation)技巧 (「『学びあう場』をデザインする~環境教育から学ぶ10のファシリテーションスキル~」中国語繁体字版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2021,March |
'함께 배우는 장'을 디자인하자 ~환경 교육으로 배우는 10가지 퍼실리테이션 스킬~ (「『学びあう場』をデザインする~環境教育から学ぶ10のファシリテーションスキル~」韓国語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,March |
Act to change the world! To create a sustainable future by 2030 (子ども向けESD・SDGsパンフレット英語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,February |
为了改变世界,让我们行动吧! 面向2030年的可持续未来 (子ども向けESD・SDGsパンフレット中国語簡体字版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,February |
세계를 바꾸기 위해 행동하자! 2030년의 지속가능한 미래를 향해 (子ども向けESD・SDGsパンフレット韓国語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,February |
¡Vamos a actuar para cambiar el mundo! Hacia un futuro sostenible en 2030 (子ども向けESD・SDGsパンフレットスペイン語版) |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Environmental Education | 2020,February |
Environment Research and Technology Development Fund | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Office of Enviromental Research and Technology | 2023,September |
環境白書・循環型社会白書・生物多様性白書(英語版) Annual Report on the Environment,the Sound Material-Cycle Society,and the Biodiversity in Japan |
Director-General for Environmental Policy | General Policy Division | 2024,November |
Act on Promoting Green Procurement | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Environment and Economy Division | 2017,February |
Green Contract Law | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Environment and Economy Division | 2011,February |
Environmental Impact Assessment In Japan(環境アセスメント制度のあらまし) | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Environmental Impact Assessment Division | 2023,October |
持続可能な社会の形成に向けた金融行動原則(21世紀金融行動原則)(英語版)Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society(Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century) [PDF] | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Environment and Economy Division | 2012,March |
環境報告ガイドライン2018年版/Environmental Reporting Guidelines 2018 | Director-General for Environmental Policy | Environment and Economy Division | 2018,June |
環境保健部(Health & Chemicals)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
水銀による環境の汚染の防止に関する法律(2023年度改訂)(英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2024,March |
Summer in Japan is hot and humid! [PDF] | Environmental Health Department | Heat Illness Policy Office | 2017,March |
Further Actions to Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Chemical Substances― EXTEND2016 ―(Tentative Translation)June 2016 | Environmental Health Department | Chemical Safety Division | 2016,June |
Management of Chemicals in Japan [PDF] | Environmental Health Department | Chemicals Evaluation Office | 2014,October |
日本人における化学物質のばく露量について2017 -化学物質の人へのばく露量モニタリング調査(2011~)- (英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Environmental Risk Assesment Office | 2017,March |
日本の野生生物におけるダイオキシン類の蓄積量について (英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Environmental Risk Assesment Office | 2009,March (Updated 2010,July) |
水銀に関する水俣条約と日本の水銀対策の取組(英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2019,March |
水俣のリソースを活用した水俣条約への貢献(英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2019,March |
水銀に関する水俣条約と日本の貢献(英語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2015,September |
Lessons from Minamata Disease and Mercury Management in Japan | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(中国語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(アラビア語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(フランス語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(スペイン語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
水俣病の教訓と日本の水銀対策(ロシア語版) | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2013,September |
フライヤー集:日本における水銀対策技術 (2022年度更新)英語版 | Environmental Health Department | Office of Mercury and Inernational Chemicals Management | 2023,March |
地球環境局(Global Environment)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
"Supply-chain emissions" in Japan [PDF 3.6MB] | Global Environment Bureau | Climate Change Policy Division | 2015,March |
Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons(Fluorocarbon Emissions Control Act) | Global Environment Bureau | Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy | 2023,March |
Let's protect the ozone layer 2022 edition | Global Environment Bureau | Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy | 2022,October |
Energy Efficient Refrigeration and Air-Condition Equipment Based on Natural Refrigerants Good Practices | Global Environment Bureau | Office of Fluorocarbons Control Policy | 2012,November |
国際広報誌 Japan Environment Quarterly (JEQ) | Global Environment Bureau | International Strategy Division | 2013,March-2022,March |
Climate Change in Mongolia - Outputs from GCM [PDF 3.17KB] | Global Environment Bureau | Climate Change Adaptation Office | 2015,March |
Climate Change in South Asia - Outputs from GCM [PDF 850KB] | Global Environment Bureau | Climate Change Adaptation Office | 2015,March |
Climate Change in Southeast Asia - Outputs from GCM | Global Environment Bureau | Climate Change Adaptation Office | 2015,March |
水・大気環境局(Air & Transportation, Water / Soil / Ground Environment)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
ダイオキシン類2009(関係省庁共通パンフレット)(英語版) | Environmental Management Bureau | Office of Environmental Pollution Control | 2009,March |
Sato-umi(さとうみパンフレット《英語版》)[PDF] | Environmental Management Bureau | Office of Environmental Management of Coastal Seas | 2009,November |
Guidance for Introducing the Total Pollutant Load Control System (TPLCS) ~Summary~[PDF] | Environmental Management Bureau | Office of Environmental Management of Coastal Seas | 2011,August |
Model Project for Improvement of Water Environment in Asia | Environmental Management Bureau | Environmental Management Division | 2024,June |
Water Environment Partnership in Asia (WEPA)(リンク) | Environmental Management Bureau | Environmental Management Division | 2011,March |
WEPA Outlook on Water Environmental Management in Asia 2021[PDF](リンク) | Environmental Management Bureau | Environmental Management Division | 2021,December |
WEPA Fourth Phase Final Report 2024[PDF](リンク) | Environmental Management Bureau | Environmental Management Division | 2024,March |
Regulations Amended to Control Mercury Emissions toward the Effective Implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury | Environmental Management Bureau | Office of Environmental Pollution Control | 2017,March |
マイクロプラスチック削減に向けたグッド・プラクティス集(英語版) | Environmental Management Bureau | Marine Environment Division | 2021,November |
Guidelines for Harmonizing Ocean Surface Microplastic Monitoring Methods | Environmental Management Bureau | Marine Environment Division | 2019,May |
自然環境局(Nature & Parks)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
環境省自然環境局 《英語版》 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Policy Planning Division | 2008,March |
パンフレット・報告書等(動物愛護管理室ホームページ) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Animal Welfare and Management Office,Policy Planning Division | |
日本の世界自然遺産〔ダイジェスト版〕(英語版)[PDF] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2012,July |
日本の世界自然遺産〔詳細版〕(英語版) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2013,March |
ICRI東アジア地域サンゴ礁保護区ネットワーク戦略2010(英語版)[PDF 896KB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2010,September |
サンゴ礁を保全する地域コミュニティ ~陸域とサンゴ礁のつながりの視点から進められた8つの取組事例とその考察~(英語版)[PDF 14.4MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2016,March |
サンゴ礁生態系保全行動計画2016-2020~サンゴの海の恵みを守るために(英語版)[PDF 9.32MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2017,January |
Living with Bountiful Seas(豊かな海とともに)[PDF] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2010,January |
Marine Biodiversity Conservation Strategy(海洋生物多様性保全戦略) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2012,January |
Marine Biodiversity Conservation Strategy(Summary)(海洋生物多様性保全戦略 概要リーフレット) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2012,January |
SATOYAMAイニシアティブ Satoyama Initiative 自然共生社会の実現を目指して(英語版) SATOYAMA INITIATIVE Aiming at realization societies in harmony with nature | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2010,March |
里地里山保全活用行動計画~自然と共に生きるにぎわいの里づくり~(概要版) 英語 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2010,January |
里地里山保全活用行動計画~自然と共に生きるにぎわいの里づくり~(全体版) 英語 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2010,January |
Nature Restoration Projects in Japan -Towards Living in Harmony with the Natural Environment | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2009,September |
Satoyama in Japan - For Nature-based Solutions- | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2022,July |
持続可能な地域づくりのための生態系を活用した防災・減災(Eco-DRR)の手引きの概要(英訳)[PDF 1.05MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Policy Division | 2023,March |
The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan of Japan 2023-2030 Summary |
Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Strategy Office | 2024,October |
Basic Concept of Climate Change Adaptation on Biodiversity in Japan | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Strategy Office | 2016,March |
Living in harmony with nature -The Nathional Biodiversity Strategy of Japan 2012-2020- | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Strategy Office | 2012,October |
Ecosystem-based Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan [PDF 4.4MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Strategy Office | 2016,March |
Japan Biodiversity Outlook 3 (JBO3) Summary for Policymakers | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Strategy Office | 2021,March |
「つなげよう、支えよう森里川海」~自然の恵みで豊かなくらしへ~ | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2021,March |
Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2021,March |
企業情報開示のグッドプラクティス集(英語版) Good Practices in Corporate Disclosure Related to Biodiversity and Natural Capital |
Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2021,March |
ABS Guidelines [PDF 2.4MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2017,July |
ABS Implementation in Japan (English) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2018,October |
Implementación del APB en Japón (Spanish) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2018,October |
Mise en oeuvre de l'APA au Japon (French) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2018,October |
生物多様性民間参画ガイドライン(英語版)Guidelines for Private Sector Engagement in Biodiversity | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Mainstreaming Biodiversity | 2023,March |
Nature and Earthquake, five years after the Great East Japan Earthquake | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Center of Japan | 2016,March |
ESABIIパンフレット≪英語≫ | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Center of Japan | 2021,March |
AP-BON アジア太平洋生物多様性観測ネットワーク《英語版》[PDF](リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Center of Japan | 2012,November |
生物多様性センター《英語版》[PDF](リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Center of Japan | 2017,March |
Impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake on the Natural Environment in Tohoku Coastal Regions[PDF](リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Biodiversity Center of Japan | 2013,November |
National Parks of Japan | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2020,March |
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《韓国語》 | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2012,March |
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《台湾語》 | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2012,March |
日本の国立公園(表紙:桜)《中国語》 | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2012,March |
Outstanding Natural Beauty for Future Generations National Park of Japan | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2020,March |
Green Reconstruction:Creating a new National Park | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Division | 2013,October |
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(英語版) Rules and manners in National Parks Welcome to the National Park -You are in a National Park |
Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2023,March |
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(簡体字版) 参观礼貌手册 欢迎光临 国立公园 -您所在之处为国立公园- |
Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2023,March |
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(繁体字版) 參觀禮貌手冊 觀迎光臨 國立公園 -您所在之處為國立公園- |
Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2023,March |
マナーブック ようこそ国立公園へ -あなたのいる場所は国立公園です-(韓国語版) 지켜야할 매너와 규칙 국립공원에 오신절 환영합니다 -당신이 겨신 이 곳은 국립공원입니다- |
Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2023,March |
SEE FEEL DISCOVER | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2018,March |
Let's Practice Ecotourism! | Nature Conservation Bureau | National Park Visitor Use Promotion Office | 2010,October |
パンフレット「ご存知ですか?カルタヘナ法(英語)」(リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2010,March |
RAMSAR SITES in JAPAN -Conservation and Wise Use of Rich and Diverse Wetlaneds- | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2012,September |
日本の野生生物(英語版) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2015,March |
日本の野生生物(中国語簡体版) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2008,June |
日本の野生生物(韓国語版) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2008,June |
East Asian-Australasian Flyway Network Sites in Japan | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2022,March |
EAST ASIAN-AUSTRALASIAN FLYWAY PARTNERSHIP(リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Wildlife Division | 2018,January |
外来生物法リーフレット(輸入者用・英語版) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Alien Species Management | 2016,October |
チラシ「To Genome Editing Technologies Users(English)」(リンク) | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Alien Species Management | |
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(英語)[PDF 11.2MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation of Endagered Species | 2015,March |
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(韓国語)[PDF 13.5MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation of Endagered Species | 2015,March |
まもろう日本の生きものたち(私たちにできること)(中国語簡体字)[PDF 11.7MB] | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation of Endagered Species | 2015,March |
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の英語版「The ABCs for the Safe and Secure Use of Onsen」 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs | 2019,March |
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の中国語版「放心、安全 温泉使用入门知识」 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs | 2019,October |
「あんしん・あんぜんな温泉利用のいろは」の韓国語版「안심・안전한 온천 이용의 기본상식」 | Nature Conservation Bureau | Office for Conservation and Promotion of Hot Springs | 2019,October |
地方環境事務所(Regional Office)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |
サロベツ湿原センター | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Hokkaido | 2019,September |
Winter-Flooded Rice Paddies | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Tohoku | 2012,March |
Ogasawara Islands a World Natural Heritage - On-Going Nature Conservation Efforts in the Ogasawara Islands | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Kanto | 2021,March |
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園70周年記念パンフレット(記事面) | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Kanto | 2023,March |
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園70周年記念パンフレット(地図面) | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Kanto | 2023,March |
秩父多摩甲斐国立公園アクティビティガイドブック | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Kanto | 2023,March |
Fujimae-higata National Wildlife Protection Area | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Chubu | 2020,March |
Ise-Shima National Park | Regional Environment Office | Ise-Shima National Park Office | - |
The Setouchi Story-Tied to the Setonaikai National Park-(The Hinase Islands・Ushimado)English_1/2 | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku | 2023,March |
The Setouchi Story-Tied to the Setonaikai National Park-(The Hinase Islands・Ushimado)English_2/2 | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku | 2023,March |
National Park in Okayama.Rules & Manners in National Parks (English) | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku | 2020,June |
大山隠岐国立公園_各種資料 | Regional Environment Office in Chugoku-Shikoku | Daisen-Oki National Park Office | 2023,April |
パンフレット「ラムサール条約湿地「荒尾干潟」(英語版)」 [PDF 4.3MB] | Regional Environment Office | Regional Environment Office in Kyushu | 2014,March |
Saikai National Park, Kujukushima, Manners guide | Regional Environment Office | Kujukushima Visitor Center(Kyushu Regional Environment Office) | 2012,March |
地域脱炭素推進審議官グループ(Regional Decarbonization)
パンフレット等の名称(List of Brochures) | 作成部局(Department) | 作成課・室(Division / Office) | 作成年月(Year/Month of Publication) |