Radioactive Material Licensing
Out-of-State Telemedicine Licenses for Authorized Users
The Department has received applications for physicians who carry a Texas Medical Board Telemedicine license to be an Authorized Users on radioactive materials licenses. The Department policy regarding the acceptance of an Out-of-State Texas Medical Board license is the following.
- The definition of an “Authorized User” in 25 TAC §289.256(c)(6) requires that a physician be licensed by the Texas Medical Board.
- According to the Texas Medical Board (TMB), based on a change in the law in 2017, a full medical license is required to practice telemedicine in Texas. Therefore, the issuance of telemedicine licenses has been suspended. The TMB is in the process of converting out-of-state telemedicine licenses to full Texas licenses.
- The Department will require that the physician have a full medical license through the Texas Medical Board. A physician who currently has an out-of-state telemedicine license will need to contact the TMB to convert their existing out-of-state telemedicine license to a full medical license.
The Texas Medical Board information regarding the out-of-state telemedicine license is at
The NRC has issued an Order that immediately suspends the general license authority to export special nuclear material, source material, or deuterium for nuclear end use to the People’s Republic of China. Exporters must now apply for a specific license in accordance with NRC regulation. The provided link to the Federal Register details this effective order.
Send all applications with fees to:
Department of State Health Services
Cash Receipts Branch – MC 2003
PO Box 149347
Austin, TX 78714-9347
To minimize delays in processing radioactive material renewal and amendment applications, submit documents to [email protected].
License Category
The Radioactive Materials Licensing Unit issues licenses that authorize the following uses of radioactive material:
For Medical Use:
- Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Unit
- Manual Brachytherapy Sources
- Medical Therapy (Sealed or Unsealed Source)
- Mobile Medical Services
- Nuclear Medicine (Diagnostic)
- Nuclear Pharmacy
- Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Remote Afterloader Units
- Teletherapy Units
For Non-Medical Use:
- Decontamination Services (Fixed Site/Mobile)
- Fixed gauges
- Industrial radiography (Fixed Facility/Temporary Field Site)
- Installation, repair, and maintenance of gauging systems
- Irradiators (Self-Contained, Unshielded)
- Leak test analysis
- Manufacturing and Commercial Distribution
- Mobile Scanning Service
- Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM)-Commercial Processing
- Neutron Generator Target (Sealed)
- Portable Gauge (Spinning Pipe-Thickness/Portable)
- Research & Development
- Sealed Source Evaluations
- Well logging
How to apply for a radioactive material license?
To apply for a radioactive material license, you will need:
- The applicable Regulatory Guide to help you prepare the application.
- RC Form 252-2 “Application for Radioactive Material License.” Complete Items 1 - 4 and 12 on the form. Submit separate attachments for Items 5 – 10.
- RC Form 252-1 “Business Information Form”.
- The required fee. For the fee amount contact (512) 231-5623 or [email protected]
Tips for completing and submitting an application:
- Provide enough detail to demonstrate that your equipment, facilities, training, experience, and radiation protection program are adequate to protect health and safety and minimize danger to life and property.
- Email a copy of the completed application to [email protected]
- Mail the check or money order with the required fee and a copy of RC Form 252-2 “Application for Radioactive Material License” to the address on the form.
- Contact us with questions [email protected] or 512-834-6661.
How to renew your radioactive material license?
You must submit a complete application for license renewal at least 30 days before the expiration date in condition 4 of your license. PAYMENT OF YOUR BIENNIAL FEE DOES NOT RENEW YOUR LICENSE.
A complete license renewal application includes:
- RC Form 252-2 “Application for Radioactive Material License”
- RC Form 252-1 “Business Information Form”
- Operating, Safety, and Emergency Procedures/Radiation Protection Program
- Diagram and description of RAM use and storage areas.
You do not need to submit qualifications for individuals already listed on the license.
Regulatory guides provide more information on how to prepare the application. They can be located here.
Email the completed application to [email protected]
How to request an amendment to a radioactive material license?
You must apply for and receive a license amendment before making changes to your radiation protection program such as:
- Changing the RSO.
- Receiving or using radioactive material not authorized on your current license.
- Adding or changing the areas in which you use or store radioactive material.
- Changing the address(es) of where you use or store radioactive material.
- Changing authorized users named on your license.
- Changing operating, safety, and emergency procedures.
Tips for Amendment Requests
- Include your license number on the request.
- Date your request.
- Clearly describe what changes you need and why you need them.
- Include supporting documentation such as facility diagrams, training documents, or revisions to your operating, safety, and emergency procedures.
- The request must be signed by either the radiation safety officer or a member of management.
- There is no fee required to amend a license.
Send the request to [email protected]
Common Amendment Requests
Below are guidelines for submitting common amendment requests. If you need to make a change to your license that is not described below, refer to the Application or Regulatory Guide for your license type.
Change the Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
To request an RSO change for your license you must submit:
- A letter signed by either the current radiation safety officer identified on the license or a member of management.
- A delegation of authority confirming the RSO’s responsibilities. You can use a Delegation of Authority Model Form or an equivalent document.
- The proposed RSO’s telephone number and email address.
- Documents demonstrating the proposed RSO meets the minimum qualifications in rule for your license type:
- Medical licensees: refer to Item 6.1 of Application Guide 3.1.
- Portable gauge licensees: refer to Item 6 of Application Guide 2.8.
- Fixed gauge licensees: refer Item 6 of Regulatory Guide 2.7.
- Industrial radiography licensees: refer to Item 6 of Regulatory Guide 2.1.
- Well logging licensees: refer to Item 6 of Regulatory Guide 2.10.
Change the Associate Radiation Safety Officer (ARSO) and Site Radiation Safety Officer (SRSO)
To request a change or add an ARSO or SRSO to your license, submit ONE of the model forms or provide your own equivalent:
For Medical Use:
For Non-Medical Use:
Add an Authorized User (AU)
To add an authorized user to the license, submit ONE of the following:
- The number of a Department RAM license on which the physician was listed as an AU within the past 7 years for the same uses you are ; or
- A copy of an Agreement State or Nuclear Regulatory Commission RAM license on which the physician was listed as an AU within the past 7 years for the same uses you are requesting; or
- A copy of an accepted board certification issued within the last 7 years. You can review accepted board certifications by visiting the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Medical Uses Licensee Toolkit; or
- The applicable form(s) for the types of use(s):
- NRC Form 313A (AUD) – AU for Uptake, Dilution, and Excretion Studies; Imaging and Localization Studies, Sealed Sources for Diagnosis
- NRC Form 313A (AUT) – Use of Unsealed RAM for which a Written Directive is Required (Including I-131)
- NRC Form 313A(AMP) – Authorized Medical Physicist or Ophthalmic Physicist
- NRC Form 313A(ANP) – Authorized Nuclear Pharmacist
- NRC Form 313A (AUS) – Manual Brachytherapy, Ophthalmic Use of Sr-90, Remote Afterloaders, Teletherapy Units, or Gamma Stereotactic Radiosurgery Units
Add an additional use or storage location
Condition 9 of your license limits you to certain storage or use locations. To add a new location, submit:
- The complete address of the proposed site including street address, city, including zip code and suite number, if applicable.
- Identify the owner of the property.
- If you lease or rent, provide a letter from the property owner or owner’s agent acknowledging radioactive material will be used or stored on the premises.
- Detailed location information for your license type:
- Medical licensees: refer to Item 8 of Application Guide 3.1.
- Portable gauge licensees: refer to Item 8 of Application Guide 2.8.
- Fixed gauge licensees: refer to Item 8 of Regulatory Guide 2.7.
- Industrial radiography licensees: refer to Item 8 of Regulatory Guide 2.1.
- Well logging licensees: refer to Item 8 of Regulatory Guide 2.10.
Remove a use or storage location
To remove a location submit:
- RC Form 252-4 “Certificate of Disposition of Materials”.
- All required attachments such as transfer records, the results of area and contamination surveys or leak test results.
How to terminate a radioactive material license?
Before you can terminate your license, ensure any compliance issues, or open enforcement cases are resolved. To terminate a license, submit:
- RC Form 252-4 “Certificate of Disposition of Materials”.
- All required attachments such as transfer records, the results of area and contamination surveys or leak test results.
Email the completed form and supporting documentation to [email protected].
Change in Control and Bankruptcy
You are required to notify the Department in writing in advance of a change in control.
You are required to notify the Department, in writing, immediately following the filing of a voluntary or involuntary petition for bankruptcy by the licensee or its parent company, if the parent company is involved in the bankruptcy.
Rule Guide 8.1, “Guidance about Changes of Control and about Bankruptcy” provides detailed information on the licensing and notification process and how to complete the Transfer of Control Application Questionnaire.
To assist the department in determining whether a change of control has taken place answer the following:
Has there been a change to the Texas Secretary of State filing number?
- If NO, submit a request to amend the business name, if applicable. Include RC Form 252-1 "Business Information Form" with the applicable box checked under “Certification of Financial Qualification” and “Authorization to Conduct Business in Texas.”
- If YES, complete and submit the following:
- A signed letter by a member of management or the radiation safety officer describing the transaction.
- Appendix B: Transfer of Control Application Questionnaire [only for a Change in Control]
- RC Form 252-1 "Business Information Form"
- Transferee’s Commitment to Abide by the Transferor’s Commitments. You can use the example or an equivalent document. Example
- Only for Bankruptcy: Appendix C: Suggested Format for Requests for Additional Information Regarding Bankruptcy or an equivalent document
Email the completed form and supporting documentation to [email protected].