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Northland Outdoors

I still catch myself referring to ruffed grouse as “partridges” from time to time, but calling a sharptail a “chicken” never caught on with me.
Mike Frisch recalls what he learned walleye fishing in 2024
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The 6x12-foot fish house is available for families across the region to use at no charge. At least one adult must accompany young anglers who use the fish house.


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It applies to deer permit areas 646, 647 and 648.
The snow shovel may need to come out as fresh snow is in the forecast.
Only a few pilots noticed at first until Google Earth launched in 2001 and a satellite photo of the state-shaped forest went viral.
Mike Frisch reflects on what he learned bass fishing in 2024
This is the first time the event will be held in the Crosslake area
Highs stay in the single digits and teens for a chilly first weekend of the new year, with lows dropping well below zero with a chance for snow sliding through the Northland.


Garrison’s wildlife rehab facility, Wild and Free, has helped multiple bald eagles return to the wild this past year.
The hikes are being held at 10 state parks as part of a nationwide effort to connect people with the outdoors, according to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
Rain looks likely for a good portion of the region for Friday and Saturday, before temperatures start to cool down



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