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Without a critical mass of immunized kids, children at schools and child care operations can be more vulnerable to diseases, including measles and chickenpox, that are preventable.
EMS funding remains critical as the legislative session approaches and new EMS funds roll out across Minnesota.
The Minnesota Department of Health has reported a higher rate of norovirus outbreaks in the state this December than in previous years.
While none have yet reached the levels seen at this time last year, they are all on the increase once again.


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In 2024, the state of Minnesota is seeing an increase in pertussis, or whooping cough, cases over 2023.
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Medication abortion, out-of-state patients and funding for clinics are key points of focus for Minnesota abortion experts.
$30 million in EMS funding passed by the Minnesota Legislature this year is a small step to solving a growing crisis in the industry.
On Nov. 19, Sanford opened the Virtual Care Center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, a hub for all of the aspects of virtual healthcare.




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