These 40 days call us to do more, not less.
Brittany Larson is one of 142 Minnesota teachers nominated for the honor
Opening day for the 65th Area Art Show will be from 4:30 to 7 p.m. April 4 at the Memorial Auditorium Performing Arts Center.
Book Club to meet Feb. 24 in Worthington.


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People asked to make appointments now.
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The sport is still very much a part of his life as Eugene, a high school wrestling coach, lives with his family in Richmond, Kentucky.
Month 2 of the Winter Reading Program is under way.
Langseth joined the department in 1990 and was named chief in 1996.
The Adrian Library has new, extended hours.
The grant would be used for a resurfacing project between Worthington and Adrian that would create a trail for bicyclists.


Achievement banquet was Jan. 12.
Adrian Library announces new hours.
Stop in to pick up your punch card for the Winter Reading Program.



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