DENSO Quantum Computing - Optimize the moment | Innovation | DENSO Global Website
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DENSO   Game - Changing   Technologies

Quantum Computing

Optimize  the  Moment.

Optimize the Moment

In a future where everything is connected, there will be an expanding range of possibilities.
The solution that appears to be the best will be derived instantly from this vast range of possibilities.
We are imagining the future utilization of big data.


Taking up challenges is part of DENSO’s culture. We have continually created new value by accepting difficult challenges.
This culture will not change. We will continue to give form to new value through co-creation with our excellent partners.

Dr. Kadowaki was one of the first scientists in the world to propose quantum annealing. With the automobile industry entering a once-in-a-century phase of change of innovation, conditions are right to take up the new challenge of finding applications for quantum computing. DENSO is ready to support this challenge, and Dr. Kadowaki has already taken the first steps in Japan and globally.

Dr. Tadashi Kadowaki
