
Finance and Performance Data

Revenue and Operating Profit Trend *1

  • Revenue

    • alt
  • Operating Profit / Profit *1

    • alt
'20/3 '21/3 '22/3 '23/3 '24/3
Revenue 5,153,476 4,936,725 5,515,512 6,401,320 7,144,733
Operating Profit(*1) 61,078 155,107 341,179 426,099 380,599
Profit Before Income Taxes 89,631 193,753 384,808 456,870 436,237
Profit for the period *1 68,099 125,055 263,901 314,633 312,791
Total Assets 5,651,801 6,767,684 7,432,271 7,408,662 9,093,370
Equity 3,558,869 4,076,717 4,489,526 4,579,711 5,746,505
Ratio of profit to equity attributable to owners of the parent companyReturn on Sales 1.9% 3.4% 6.4% 7.3% 6.3%

【*1】 Profit attributable to owners of the parent company.
【*1】 Figures are based on IFRS

Financial Indicators

  • Basic earnings per share(EPS)

    • alt
  • Dividends per Share

    • alt

’20/3 ’21/3 ’22/3 '23/3 ’24/3
Basic earnings per share(EPS)   (yen) 21.97 40.35 85.69 104.00 104.97
Dividends per Share   (yen) 35.00 35.00 41.25 46.25 55.00
Equity attributable to owners of the parent company per share   (yen) 1,096.03 1,255.38 1,408.10 1,461.27 1,901.56
Equity Ratio   (%) 60.1 57.5 57.8 59.1 60.9
PER 39.72 45.52 22.93 17.89 27.47
Capital Expenditures   (millions of yen) 436,452 374,277 353,875 366,809 394,563
Depreciation    (millions of yen) 302,129 323,018 335,472 353,336 361,749
R&D Expenditures   (millions of yen) 507,827 492,012 497,556 521,615 550,921
Number of Employees 170,932 168,391 167,950 164,572 162,029

* Figures are based on IFRS