Submit an Event

CRN welcomes submissions for its event section. If your company has an event you would like considered for inclusion in this section, please fill out the form below. Your event may be eligible for a listing fee. Our sales staff will contact you to confirm the cost.

Tell us about your event

NOTE: HTML is not permitted.

Event Name *
Short Summary of the Event (300 chars max) *
Full Description *
A detailed description of the event that will appear in the ad. If you wish, you may include your contact details for enquiries.
Image or Logo
An image or logo for the event (*.jpg, *.png, *.gif only). Max 1MB filesize.

Where and When is it?

Use the button below to add locations for this Event.
NOTE: At least 1 location is required. Locations can be reordered by dragging the grey bar.

Add/Edit Event Venue

Venue Name
Venue Website
Run dates and times for this venue
Start Time
End Time

Tickets and More Information

Cost and Ticket Info (Describe pricing, incl. Concession, Student or other special pricing)
Tickets URL (URL to an external website where you can purchase tickets to the event)
Reference URL (URL to an external website showing more info about the event)
Phone Number (Phone number for more information or to make enquiries about the event)

About You

These details WILL NOT appear on the website, but are required so we can respond to you.
Your Name *
Your Email *
Company *

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