Citrix™ ShareFile

Filing Instructions & Opt-In Form

Attorneys may submit certain documents in criminal, civil violation, and juvenile cases to the court using ShareFile, a secure online file transfer platform. Please review Administrative Order JB-21-06 (A. 7-22) for more information on the process and guidelines.

Filings may continue to be submitted in person or by U.S. mail.


Instructions for each step in the ShareFile process—(1) how to sign up for ShareFile; (2) how to log into ShareFile; and (3) how to upload pleadings, may be found by clicking on the links to the Google documents below. Please note: instructions may be revised or updated; use the Google document links each time.

Step 1: Submit the Opt-In Form for Filing Through Citrix™ ShareFile. Once you are entered into the system, the system will email an invitation to upload files for the appropriate ShareFile folder.

Step 2: Login to ShareFile. See ShareFile Login Instructions

Step 3: Upload Documents to ShareFile. See Filing Documents with the Court using ShareFile

All Documents & Materials


Email questions and completed Opt-In Form to [email protected].