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David's Garden Daisy Shasta Seeds (500)

David's Garden Daisy Shasta Seeds (500)
Now 16% Off
  • Exposure: Full sun
  • USDA Hardiness Zones: 4 to 9
  • When to plant: Early to mid-spring
  • Recommended varieties: White Magic, Ooh La LaSpider, Sante Shasta Daisy
  • Pests and diseases to watch out for: Aphids, leaf spot

How to Plant Daisy Flowers

Dig a hole twice as wide as the root ball, then fill soil back in around the plant, keeping it the same level as it was in the container. Water well, and mulch to keep down weeds and preserve moisture.

Flower, Plant, Wildflower, Pattern, Pedicel, Flowering plant, Petal,
Eddie Phan

How to Care for Daisies

These classic perennials have narrow serrated leaves and white flowers with yellow disk centers. They range from about 10 inches to several feet tall and include variations with single, double, frilly, or ruffled petals. They're not overly needy plants and are fast to moderate growers. Water them well the first season or two while they develop root systems but don't overdo it. They don't like soggy soils, and they will tolerate some drought once they are established. Give them a balanced fertilizer in late fall. Divide them in spring or fall when they get too big by digging pieces off the edges with a spade. Some varieties may need staked to stay upright.

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Should I cut off the dead flower heads?

Yes! Removing spent flowers (called "deadheading") encourages re-blooming and helps the plant look neater. Even in types that don’t re-bloom, snipping off old flowers improves the plant's vigor.

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Can I grow daisies indoors?

Nope. Shasta daisies are considered outdoor garden plants, and they won't do well inside your home. If you want to enjoy a daisy indoors, look instead for Gerbera daisies, which come in many vibrant colors and flower for two to three months.

Are there any other kinds of daisies I can grow outdoors?

Besides the classic white-petaled, yellow-centered Shasta daisies, try English daisies in your garden. They're dainty, cold-loving plants with broad leaves and short fringe-y flowers that come in shades of pink, red and white.

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GROWER TIP: "Divide your daisies every two to three years for better flowering and overall plant health," says Karl Batschke, global products manager for Darwin Perennials.

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