Reviews by Peep-Chicken

Pros: Unique
Cons: Fliers
I got my Cemanis as adults. I bet if I raised them from chicks they would be more friendly. They're really pretty and quiet. They like to forage so they don't eat as much as my other hens. They sure are a pain to get in the coop when it's time to be put away though!
Pros: 'Fun-sized', very nice, pretty
Cons: Fly a lot, not a lot of eggs, small eggs
I have a RBOEGB I hatched in April named JJ. Her parents where both from TSC. She tolerates being held and is easy to catch. She is a good flier.

Great chickens, I would recommend them!
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Pros: Beautiful, Good-Sized Eggs
Cons: Spook Easily
I have a SFH I hatched in April named Reid. She is so pretty! She has a black mohawk, with blue, gold, brown, orange, gray feathers with white speckles!

She spooks very easily though and broke her beak because of it. She is nice to smaller chickens(she lives with a OEGB named JJ) and gets along with her fine.


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Pros: Small, Pretty, Quiet
Cons: Don't Like Being Held, Small, Flighty
My Jap, Yuki, I got from a friend a year or so ago. She is 4-5 years old I was told, so I am not sure on eggs. She is small and cute, and the noises are funny as well. She gets picked on a lot, but still gets a long with my layers.

A nice chicken to add to a small bantam flock.
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Pros: Cute Crests, Nice Eggs, Wacky Personalities, Can be Social
Cons: Poof Restricts Vision, Skittish
I have had several Polish before, and two right now. A wc black bantam, Marian, and a wc black standard, Rebel.

Marian is sometimes skittish, but will peck your leg demanding for treats or will jump on you when you are sitting wanting to be pet. I got her a couple years ago from MPC as a chick. She started laying at 22ish weeks in the winter.

Rebel is a different story. I got her a couple of years ago from a fellow BYCer at 20 weeks. Rebel came from Meyer. Her poof never grew back from when I first got her, she hats being held and is hard to catch. She lays nice medium tinted eggs though.

The white poofs do get dirty in the spring and are impossible to clean. In the winter, they will freeze if the Polish drink wrong.
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Pros: Eggs, Blend in with Enviorment
Cons: Mean
I have a PR rescue named Bonnie. She is pretty nice to people, but not nice to other chickens. She is maybe 3-4 years old and still laying nicely.
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Pros: Interesting Feathers
Cons: Mean, Flighty, No Eggs, Loud
I had a rooster and now have a chick from TSC. The combs are ugly in my opinion. The rooster I had was hard to catch, and pecked sometimes. The chick I have is 3 weeks and already mean. Don't think I will ever like them.
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Pros: Large Eggs, Eggs Daily, Friendly
Cons: None Yet
I have a Red Star, a Red Star cross, and Black Star cross and have had Black Star hens in the past. My RSL cross lays medium sized tan eggs, and her mother lays super large eggs that never fit in the carton. Super pretty eggs, and hasn't missed a day since winter.

The rooster has never crowed, and is very friendly. Really large though.
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Pros: Resilient, Friendly, Super Smart, Pretty, Big Eggs, Pretty Eggs
Cons: None!
I hatched out a Rhode Island Red pullet from a bunch of barnyard eggs. This chick seemed sickly. She breathed odd, it was quite loud and raspy. Her feathers took a while to grow in as well.

After giving away eight chicks and only keeping four, she was the only brown one I had hatched. Being the ‘odd’ color against the three other black chicks, she was most noticed. I disliked her at first, she despised being held. She screamed and squawked and pooped everywhere. She grew up with three males. I kept one who I thought was female and hasn’t crowed to this day.

Anyways, the chicks started to smell real bad, so I had to put them in the garage in January. In Michigan, it was usually below zero. I noticed blisters on her feet when she was maybe eight or nine weeks. They were in the coop with my main chickens to help keep warm, my hens were too cold to care, but liked the heat lamp the chick had. None of the others had it, maybe because they feathered faster and could cover their toes up.

The RIR still wasn’t nice, but because I didn’t want to loose her (I had lost one of favorite roosters from her hatch a day or so before) so I took her in my house. I soaked her feet, put antibiotics on the blisters. Everything went away, so when it got to be 40F that weekend, I thought it’d be best to put her outside, I wanted her friends to remember her and not pick on her. A week later, it came apparent she would lose the tips of most of her toes. I worried as on two of her toes, the fourth phalange out was black. And as time went on and hey where to fall off, you could see the the bone of the third phalange out on her toes! I fretted she would get infection, decided to not bring her inside and just wrap up her bleeding toes. Being so cold, infection never came.

I decided this chicken needed a name, all of mine had names. I had gone through several names when she was a chick, none fit. At first she was Clairece, then Thirteen, and after I didn’t want those names, she ended up being ‘that brown chick’, and that didn’t work at all either. I watched a few TV shows at the time, and there was a Cameron on one and a Camille on the other. Both smart doctors. And over the course of time I had been treated the RIRs toes for frostbite, she turned super friendly, and very, very smart. I taught her several tricks, and she loved to stretch out in the sun on me. She talked too. So her name became Cam.

Right now, Cam is 17 weeks. She only has three nails left, and is missing two bones.

I had to share my Cam’s story. I had two RIRs before for a few months before giving them to a friend, but Cam was different. Rhode Islands are resilient, and super friendly. I hope yours will be as friendly and smart as my Cam.
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Olive Egger

Pros: Super friendly, Pretty, (assuming) Pretty eggs
Cons: Slow to POL
My first and only Olive Egger, Olive, sadly died before she could lay any eggs. So I can't write too much of a review... She was super friendly, and beautiful. I hope to get another very soon.
Pros: Good show birds
Cons: Flighty, Poor egg laying
I hatched out a white leghorn bantam pullet in the Summer of 2014. She started laying a month or so ago. She lays only like three eggs a week, kinda disappointing. Being so small, she is difficult to catch. She can fly quite well too.
Pros: Gentle, Lots of big eggs daily, Pretty
Cons: Vocal, Loud
I had to BSLs before. If I ever needed a good egg laying bird, I would get these or RSLs.


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Pros: Unique, Conserves food, Big eggs
Cons: Dislikes confinement, Hard to catch
I have a Sumatra named Raven I got from Meyer. I think they are cool birds and would defiantly get another. I did hear roosters can't be kept together though.
Pros: Lots of eggs, cheap
Cons: Metal grate rolls eggs too easily, hard to clean, unstable tempature
My first one of these stopped heating so I had to get a new one. Otherwise, it's a simple investment for a simple hobbyist. I have never had excellent gatch rates. The temperate isn't very stable either.
Pros: Can be easy to clean, hives chicks food/water all day, durable
Cons: Messy with older chicks
I have had mine for two years and still use them (I am right now for chicks ). They just tend to get dirty easily with older birds and run out quicker. Otherwise it's a great product!
Pros: Funny, Sweet, Nice Eggs
Cons: A LIttle Stupid
My Peep lays daily. But can be a little stupid when free-ranging, like going to the roads, not listening to warning calls... Would get again


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Pros: Cute Noises
Cons: Feathers arent so silkied, get dirty fast, aggresive
My silkies are my meanest birds. They aren't so fuzzy either.
Pros: Cool Eggs, Unique Patterns
Cons: Skiddish, Beard Freezes in Winter when Drinking, Very long till they get to POL
My EE is super hard to catch. She flies away and learned she could fly onto the roofs. Is almost 30 weeks and still no eggs.

Update: 4/8/15 My EE started to lay a green egg with white speckles 4-6 times a week. She was eleven months old at POL. She is pretty, but still flighty.


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Pros: Pretty, Friendly, Great Free-Rangers
Cons: None Yet
We have one Wellie named Pepper. She is quite comical. I will talk t her and she will cluck back. We call her Dr. Pepper for a nick-name. Love her, defiantly getting more next time.
Pros: Friendly, Good Layers
Cons: none that I know of
We owned two for a brief period for a friend. We see the chickens we raised for her often. One has passed but the other is still super friendly and is a good layer.
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