Food News and Trends Trends Do Cherries Make You Poop? We turn to the experts to help us sort internet rumors from fact. By Sara Haas, RDN, LDN Sara Haas, RDN, LDN Sara Haas RDN, LDN, is a food and nutrition expert with formal training in the culinary arts. She works as a writer, recipe developer, media authority, public speaker, and consultant dietitian/chef. Sara has over 20 years of experience as a registered and licensed dietitian. She has also been a professional chef for 15 years and a food photographer for 10 years. Allrecipes' editorial guidelines Updated on August 3, 2023 When cherry season rolls around, inevitably the conversations about them begin. Favorite cherry recipes are traded, stories of cherry pitting contests are told, and then someone asks, “Do cherries really make you poop?” Okay, maybe that’s not exactly how the subject comes up, but it’s a question you and others around you may have, especially when videos like this one circulate on social media. We asked Registered Dietitians to give us the truth about cherries and if they really make you poop. Here’s what they had to say. Catalin Lungu/EyeEm/Getty Images First, a Food Science Lesson We need to dive into a bit of science to answer any question about bowel movements. Maybe your eyes glazed-over during this subject in school, but science explains a lot about the human body and pooping. First, remember that you have a digestive system, which, simply put, is a collection of organs that work together to break down the food you eat. Digestion starts in your mouth, as soon as you begin to chew your food. The process continues as the food travels through a series of organs, where it’s broken down even further and finally into usable parts and unusable parts—aka waste. Nutrients—the usable substances from the food—are absorbed, and anything the body can’t digest travels down and “out” in the form of urine and feces (the scientific name for poop). Do Cherries Make You Poop? Now that you’ve been briefed about how digestion works, let’s talk about how it relates to cherries. Lauren Manaker MS, RDN, LD, author of "Fueling Male Fertility", reminds us that like most fruit, cherries are a source of fiber. Cherries contain insoluble fiber, a type of carbohydrate that can't be broken down by our bodies. Since it can’t be absorbed, it passes through the digestive tract, sweeping away waste as it goes and providing bulk to your stool. Eating fiber-rich foods, like cherries, says Qula Madkin, MS, RDN, LDN, CDCES promotes gut health. Insoluble fiber can fuel beneficial gut bacteria to promote regular bowel movements. Finally, the insoluble fiber in cherries also absorbs water, helping to soften stool. Is One Cherry Type Better Than Another for Pooping? Luckily cherries, both sweet and tart, have similar nutritional properties. Manaker notes that tart cherries contain slightly less fiber than sweet cherries, but both are fantastic additions to a healthy digestion-supporting diet. “Choosing the best cherry to eat may come down to taste preference and cooking or preparation method,” says Madkin. “Whatever the case,” she adds, “including cherries to your eating plan can provide various potential health benefits, including pooping.” Bottom Line Yes, cherries will help keep you regular, but if you don’t love cherries, don’t worry, says Manaker. There are plenty of other fiber-containing fruits that can help support healthy digestion. Since most Americans don’t consume the recommended servings of fruit every day anyway, she adds, we shouldn't get hung up on trying to only eat cherries. All fruits can fit into a healthy and balanced diet. If you’re looking to improve the quality and frequency of your bowel movements, Madkin suggests focusing on including a variety of fiber-rich foods. Also, be sure to drink plenty of fluids and add physical activity to your day. Just try to think of fresh summer cherries as, well, the cherry on top! Was this page helpful? Thanks for your feedback! Tell us why! Other Submit