Recent papers in Thorax
Respiratory mechanics, chest wall configuration, and lung morphometry were determined in rats before and at 30 (PTX.30) and 60 (PTX.60) min after pneumothorax induction (intrathoracic injection of 8 ml of room air; 50% collapse).... more
Cardiovascular complications of cocaine abuse include myocardial ischemia and infarction, dysrhythmias, cardiomyopathies and aortic dissection. The case in point pertains to a 26-year-old, Caucasian male, substance abuser who suffered a... more
Dose-escalation study was performed to evaluate the maximum tolerated dose, recommended dose and toxicity profile of weekly irinotecan with daily carboplatin and concurrent thoracic radiotherapy in patients with locally advanced... more
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Our recommen- dations were classified as class I, IIA, IIB, or III. For each recommendation we defined the level of supporting evidence as A, B, or C. Results. We identified class I indications for... more
Androgens are important in hair growth and patterning, whereas growth hormone substitution enhances their effect in growth hormone-deficient men. No previous study has jointly evaluated the function of sex steroids, sex hormone-binding... more
RESULTS: Seventeen patients were identified and divided into two groups. Group I consisted of seven patients with primary chest wall processes: four necrotizing soft-tissue infections and three with thoracic trauma resulting in... more
Pneumothorax (Ptx) is a life-threatening complication that can result from trauma, mechanical ventilation, and invasive procedures. Infrared thermography (IRT), a compact and portable technology, has become highly sensitive. We... more
Spontaneous pneumomediastinum is a rare medical entity occurring almost exclusively in otherwise healthy young individuals without known predisposing factors. We reported our experience with patients presenting with spontaneous... more