Scenario Building
Recent papers in Scenario Building
The future is by its very nature uncertain and unknown, and only by discussion and debate regarding how the future may develop can we adequately prepare for what may lie ahead. A collaborative scenario development process was developed... more
Purpose-The aim of this study is to trace the factors that have contributed to the adoption and institutionalization of foresight practices within the Singapore Public Service, Government of Singapore. Design/methodology/approach-This... more
The paper aims to determine plausible scenarios for widespread adoption of online residential cleaning services in the Philippines by 2025. A section in the paper summarizes the different incumbent industry players in the Philippines and... more
This paper examines the role of narrative in the process of interactive experience design, focusing on the potential uses of narrative in prototyping and iteration efforts to uncover deeper and more meaningful responses from users by... more
Effective management of artisanal fisheries requires understanding fishers, their behaviors, and the drivers that underpin their choices. Behavioral drivers are critical links in understanding the interactions between social and... more
In a turbulent environment characterized by unexpected events, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, a sharp oil price decline, and dramatic economic crises, many organizations face not only challenges but also an “identity crisis” as they are... more
We offer an argumentative explanation of the reasons why the field of futures and foresight has not been successful at becoming part of the social scientific establishment. We contend that the very set of norms, beliefs, and... more
The paper aims to provide technology foresight on the pineapple leather industry in the Philippines by utilising scenario building and scenario planning tools. The authors have formulated PowerTex, a consulting firm that evaluates the... more
The paper aims to determine plausible scenarios for widespread adoption of online residential cleaning services in the Philippines by 2025. A section in the paper summarizes the different incumbent industry players in the Philippines and... more
Von den Veröffentlichungen der Lehrstuhlinhaber für Demographie und anderer Bevölkerungswissenschaftler in den 1970er Jahren zu einer Enquete-Kommission zum Thema über drei Legislaturperioden über den Jahrtausendwechsel hinweg, hatte... more
The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of the different scenario planning methodologies and to offer some practical guidelines for employing scenario planning in its basic form
The paper aims to provide technology foresight on the pineapple leather industry in the Philippines by utilising scenario building and scenario planning tools. The authors have formulated PowerTex, a consulting firm that evaluates the... more
The paper aims to provide technology foresight on the pineapple leather industry in the Philippines by utilising scenario building and scenario planning tools. The authors have formulated PowerTex, a consulting firm that evaluates the... more
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to introduce the Futures Triangle 2.0, a methodological advancement of the Futures Triangle method (Inayatullah, 2008), which better integrates the original method with Scenario Planning by visually... more
Questo libro è l'esito di una riflessione comune dei quattro autori. I diversi testi devono però essere attribuiti secondo le indicazioni riportate di seguito.
This thesis has two main aims. The first of these is to study available methodologies for researching the future in the social sciences, and particularly in political science and international relations (IR). To be more specific, it... more
Durch die genaue Analyse der Rolle von zwölf relevanten Akteuren im syrischen Bürgerkrieg, die entweder ein lokales, regionales oder internationales Profil besitzen, ihrer Ziele und Befürchtungen sowie möglicher proaktiver... more
A comparative review and analysis of 42 different scenario projects drawn from government and NGO futures projects around the world. Both the methods used and the content of the resulting scenarios are compared and clustered, resulting in... more
We would like to extend our thanks to colleagues and students in the third year (ID301) studio, for their valuable involvement at the project negotiation stages and for providing an excellent foundation of future scenarios, on which we... more
Development of sustainable water management strategies involves identifi cation of vulnerability and adaptation possibilities, followed by an effect analysis of these adaptation strategies under different possible futures. Recent scenario... more
Water management strategies in times of global change need to be developed within a complex and uncertain environment. Scenarios are often used to deal with uncertainty. A novel backcasting methodology has been tested in which a normative... more
Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore extant distinctions between plausibility and probability in scenario planning and re-frame the either/or stance in the literature within a broader set of methodological choice... more
This paper highlights the importance of Software architecture in the present IT industry scenario. It focuses on different architectural styles and their suitability in existing projects. The paper provides an overall view of the... more
Scenario planning studies are an important CNR-Irpps research branch for about fifteen years. The innovative Delphi methodology developed by the Institute (Delphi MIX), and over time improved by the editor of this paper, has had several... more
Szenarien sind allgegenwärtig: als Klima- oder Wirtschafts-, als Best-Case- oder Worst-Case-, als Katastrophen- oder gar apokalyptische Szenarien. Diese Untersuchung formuliert mit Blick auf zwei historische Zeitschichten Antworten... more
Quantitative point forecasts of energy and emissions have experienced difficulty with responding to uncertainty. Accuracy issues arise even in the short term with consequences for policy. The technique of scenario analysis is increasingly... more