Reflective Practice
Recent papers in Reflective Practice
"Since its very inception, social work has been considered an organizationally based profession, with the majority of its workforce employed within formal organizations. Whether in nonprofit, for-profit, or governmental agencies, the... more
Reflective practice is a concept used in education studies, social work, psychology and management. It was introduced by Donald Schön in his two books (The Reflective Practitioner in 1983, Educating the Reflective Practitioner in 1987).... more
"Trainee teachers following the three-year undergraduate BEd course at the University of Wolverhampton undertake a final-year research study. This project requires each individual to investigate an aspect of teaching and learning within... more
In this case study I examine the reflective practices of two elementary preservice teachers during their student teaching internship. I extend current views of reflective practice to create a framework for a 'deliberate practitioner'.... more
Decision-making and reflective thinking are fundamental aspects of clinical reasoning. How osteopathy students think and make decisions will therefore have far-reaching implications throughout their professional lives. Models of... more
The impact of emotions on the construction of language teachers 'professional identity is a recent focus of research. Indeed, teachers' emotions have long been seen as an obstacle and are not sufficiently considered in professional... more
Background: Italian Nursing Faculties use a range of tutorial strategies (laboratory sessions, intensive clinical tutoring, weekly tutoring) aimed to enhance nursing students' diagnostic reasoning: these strategies have different impacts... more
Mollon, M., & Gentes, A. (2014). The Rhetoric of Design for Debate: triggering conversation with an “uncanny enough” artefact (pp. 1–13). In the proceedings of the Design Research Society International Consortium (DRS), Umeå, Sweden.... more
Denne bog er en introduktion til pædagogikken som fag og som praksis. Den hjælper dig med at finde faglig retning, så du med pædagogisk takt og omtænksomhed bliver i stand til at sætte dig selv i spil i arbejdet med menneskers udvikling.... more
Evidence-based practice has become an important approach to social work practice. This paper highlights some of the ethical dilemmas which may be implicated by this approach, and encourages social workers and social work researchers to... more
Title. Creating context for critical thinking in practice: the role of the preceptor. Aim. This paper is a report of a study to determine the impact of the preceptor coaching component of a reflective contextual learning intervention on... more
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This case study discusses a reflective writing assignment within a Travel Writing and Journalism (TWJ) module delivered at the University of Leeds in Yorkshire, England from 2015-2017. When the course tutor was commissioned to develop and... more
An earlier version of the program, Great Kids, was evaluated and found to be effective in increasing family cohesion and expressiveness and reducing family conflict. Participants also reported having more confidence in their parenting and... more
The work that is represented here demonstrates the importance of what we do in learning to work in professional settings of various sorts. Learning-in-context through experience and action is so essential that it is normalized and taken... more
The prime focus of the research study conducted by the authors is to investigate the applicability of reflective practices by prospective teachers in large classrooms and to examine what kind of benefits and challenges it entails. In this... more
In a course labelled "math methods" for preservice elementary school teachers, the focus is on constructivist philosophy and teaching as synonymous with research. The participants consciously view themselves as teacher-learners by... more
I Laboratori Tematici di Ricerca sono spazi di costruzione della conoscenza, che attraverso un dispositivo riflessivo, ispirato alle comunità di ricerca e di pratiche, attivano processi di innovazione e trasformazione professionale e... more
Тезисы доклада. Рассматриваются средства и процесс развития рефлексии учебной деятельности студентов вуза в рамках освоения курса "Практикум академической компетентности". Ссылка для цитирования: Меркулова О.П. Психологическая поддержка... more
Three definitions of ``quality'' have entered the qualityassurance (QA) debate: quality as value for money, quality as fitfor the purpose of the institution, quality as transforming. The firstis pivotal for retrospective QA, which sees QA... more
There appears to be generally a broad consensus that the multidimensional nature and complexity underlying the critical problems of Africa such as poverty, food insecurity and disease urge for integrated and holistic views and approaches... more
Models of learning to teach recognize the important relationship between university and school settings. The roles that educators in each setting play in the development of effective beginning teachers are not discrete. Rather they... more
Vaak blijft reflectie van studenten steken op het niveau van evaluatie, wordt er te veel op persoonlijke proble-men gefocust en wordt er onvoldoende geabstraheerd. Het gevolg hiervan is dat studenten reflectie saai en vervelend gaan... more
The ending of therapy is a crucial time for speech-language pathologists and can impact on their sense of achievement and satisfaction. Drawing on literature from psychotherapy, social work and rehabilitation as well as from the area of... more
1. 培力係一種 論述,但又不可衹是一種論述,培力應是可檢驗的實踐
2. 先說論述 - 培力的問題論述:聲稱搞培力的好興將弱化左的培力實踐去論述成實踐論述,可能是明知,又或是無意,這就拿掉了專業對培力所賦予的意義。這是我聽到那老行尊EEOrOr的納悶
3. 那麼 培力實踐 可如何檢驗?
4. 培力關乎 (a) 文化與社會安排與結構,是 (b)過去與現在的構成,沒有發展在這方面的知覺而指向 (c)將來的某一種美好 大多就不會太培到力
2. 先說論述 - 培力的問題論述:聲稱搞培力的好興將弱化左的培力實踐去論述成實踐論述,可能是明知,又或是無意,這就拿掉了專業對培力所賦予的意義。這是我聽到那老行尊EEOrOr的納悶
3. 那麼 培力實踐 可如何檢驗?
4. 培力關乎 (a) 文化與社會安排與結構,是 (b)過去與現在的構成,沒有發展在這方面的知覺而指向 (c)將來的某一種美好 大多就不會太培到力
Managers do not only take action. They are continually required to reflect upon that action. It seems obvious, but what does it mean to reflect? Can we develop a theoretical model for how it can be done or at least how we can come to... more
In looking towards future contexts of design where the processes and consequences of making are becoming increasingly scrutinised, I explore how we, as designers, can develop mindfulness towards what we ‘make’ together with others. I draw... more
Background. In the United Kingdom, the drive to encourage reflective practice through clinical supervision, as a means of ensuring quality of provision in nursing and other health care professions, is now well-embedded, not only in policy... more
This article aims at presenting an innovative curriculum proposal for a course in pedagogy at an institution of São Paulo in which the presence of specific disciplines for the training of the pedagogical coordinator suggests content and... more
Med denne artikkelen ønsker vi å vise at man ikke behøver å forstå teori og praksis som to ulike verdener. Vi argumenterer for at forskningsbasert teori må omformes til handlingsteori hvis den skal få betydning for skolens praksis, og vi... more
This thesis explores a pedagogical enquiry that has transformed the way I think and the way I teach. I used a variety of critical and theatre theories to frame my enquiry and for four years consecutively, visited a non-government... more
"By inviting educators from diverse backgrounds to participate in creative conversations I had hoped to reflect on experiences that had helped construct our theories of environmental education, and inform practice. I sought consistency... more
In this article we reflect on reflection. To do this, we share examples of pedagogic approaches used in undergraduate performance programmes at York St John University that re-situate reflective practice within creative practice. For... more