Image of God
Recent papers in Image of God
This book is an analysis of early Jewish thought on human nature, specifically, the complex of characteristics that are understood to be universally innate, and/or God-given, to collective humanity and the manner which they depict human... more
The aim of this article is to reveal with an overall approach, how the psycho-social background, starting from woman image in first periods and reach modern day, is embraced by outstanding theorists of modern psychology, and also how... more
Der am Institut für Evangelische Theologie der Universität Osnabrück lehrende Systematiker Gregor Etzelmüller (E.) legt eine theologische Anthropologie vor, die ihren interdisziplinären Sitz im Leben im Heidelberger Marsilius-Projekt... more
The paper examines the phenomenon of brotherhood. The brotherhood is one of the most difficult subjects to analyze because of the sensitivity it creates in human society. The original meaning and other concepts that have benefited at... more
The purpose of this project was to design, develop, facilitate, and evaluate an experience in which participants come to a deeper knowledge of God the Creator and provide avenues for reflecting His image through innovation. This report... more
Il modulo è dedicato a Meister Eckhart, il cui pensiero riassume ed innalza a livelli mai più raggiunti la cosiddetta “mistica speculativa”, patrimonio indiscusso della scuola domenicana tedesca del XIV secolo. La teologia dell’imago dei... more
Nelson Mandela is one of the most appreciated political leaders of the last century, who fought for human dignity and for the reconciliation between the black and the white people in South Africa. After almost fifty years of the... more
The new book of David Steindl-Rast (99 Namen Gottes. Betrachtungen Mit 100 Kalligraphien von Shams Anwari-Alhosseyni Innsbruck-Wien: Tyrolia-Verlag, 2019). The "99 beautiful names" – the "Asma'ul Husna" – stand in the Islamic tradition... more
What do medieval knights, suicide bombers and "victimhood culture" have in common? This book argues that in the second decade of the twenty-first century, individuals, political parties and nations around the world are abandoning the... more
Εισήγηση που δόθηκε στις 15 Φεβρουαρίου 2019 στο διεπιστημονικό συνέδριο "Θρησκείες και Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα", 13-16 Φεβρουαρίου 2019, Εθνικό και Καποδιστριακό Πανεπιστήμιο Αθηνών, Αθήνα.
John Wesley's theology was a theology of mission. This becomes clear when we examine his theological orientation and four key Wesleyan themes: The image of God, prevenient (preceding) grace, salvation as healing, and the perfecting of... more
This Thesis was successfully submitted to the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Fall 2020 for obtaining the SSL degree at that institution. Directed by Dr. Gary Anderson (Notre Dame), it argues that the three instances of 'image of God'... more
Though the Bible never mentions ecology or the environmental crisis, Christians have developed a number of different understandings of a biblical approach to the issue. This paper examines the relations God built into the created order... more
Author: William David Spencer Publisher: CBE International I have often told my parishioners the biblical truth that we live in God’s schoolhouse. The world God created for us is a visual lesson of God’s existence and God’s watch-care... more
Arguably, no greater issue exists than the one elicited in the questions, “Where did we come from, and what is our purpose?” This paper will examine ancient works that presumed to answer these two questions regarding the creation of... more
Presented at the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society. San Diego, CA. November 2014
Ancient creation stories define humanity in relation to the gods. In the Atraḫasīs Epic, for example, humans were created as a labor force to relieve the lower caste of deities from their toil. In Gen 1-2 humanity was also created to... more
In this essay, I would like to show that Jonathan Edwards’ doctrine of human nature and freedom is grounded on and framed by his doctrine of God’s nature and freedom through the divine image. The first section will expound the New... more
Completed as part of my Biological Arts Masters Thesis with SymbioticA.
Explores the ethics of 'Playing God' in light of the opportunities and risks synthetic biology presents to us.
Explores the ethics of 'Playing God' in light of the opportunities and risks synthetic biology presents to us.
본 논문은 우종학의 『무신론 기자, 크리스천 과학자에게 따지다』에 나오는 진화 창조론은 전통적 개혁신학과 조화될 수 없음을 보여주고자 한다. 그 책에 나오는 “한 별 박사”(이하 “대화자”)는 창조과학과 신무신론 양측 모두를 비판한다. 그러나 “대화자”의 관점은 기본 전제적 측면, 과학적 측면, 신학적 측면이라는 세 가지 측면에서 문제가 있다. 그 중에서도 신학적 측면에서 가장 심각한 문제를 불러일으킨다. 첫째,... more
According to some relational views of the imago Dei, marriage itself is a fundamental part of what it means to image God. In this paper, I explore the basis of this interpretation, primarily as articulated by Karl Barth and John Paul II.... more
The goal of this paper is to first explicate both Calvin and Barth’s approaches of how they arrive at the doctrine of the image of God. Second, they will be put in conversation, seeing where Barth both follows and breaks from Calvin.... more
The image of God and how its remnants function as a basis for ethics and human rights
There is a longstanding debate in contemporary Augustine research concerning the influence of Platonist theory on Augustine’s exegesis of Genesis. In this essay I argue that while Augustine uses Platonist categories in a formal way to... more
Si l’on en croit la Genèse, l’homme et la femme ont été créés « à l’image de Dieu ». Cette affirmation, malgré son apparente simplicité, est parmi les plus débattues, les plus ambiguës aussi de la tradition judéo-chrétienne. Que peut-elle... more
The Greek noun μοναχός (“monk/single one”) is not attested before 4th century CE. Yet it emerges in the Gospel of Thomas, usually dated to 1st or 2nd century. Building on the so-called Monastic Thesis, monks read and copied Thomas from... more
Sainted Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in her love and service of the poorest of the poor, illustrates the importance of the universality of human reason gifted to all by God. Mother Teresa often affirmed that she and her Missionaries of... more
This paper works through the meaning, drilling down to the Koine Greek and exegeting the meaning of these five verses, commonly known as the "Christ-hymn" by Paul.
This paper is an inductive study of a large percentage of Calvin's works in English. Works were scanned for "image of God" terminology and then categorized based on how they would affect Calvin's work as a pastor in Geneva. After a review... more
This thesis investigates the development and significance of the idea of the human being as made in the ‘image of God’, from its origin in the book of Genesis through its historical and philosophical unfolding. There are, however, many... more
This article is an introductory approach to the theology of St Gregory Palamas on the imago Dei (κατ᾿ εἰκόνα). In particular, after sketching its biblical and patristic background, the issues that are examined are the precise location of... more
*This is an author's proof that preceded the published version. The published work includes some changes in pagination, foot notes, and content. Please contact me if you'd like the published version of the paper. You can purchase the full... more
This study concentrates on the divine Name’s role as the conduit of the divine presence and knowledge. It demonstrates that in various Jewish traditions the divine Name acted as a cypher for the divine presence which is predestined to... more
In Body, Mind and Human Life, Joel B. Green is approaching the challenges to the biblical interpretation in constructing a biblical theological anthropology in the context of modern neuro-scientific advances by dialoguing through the... more