Recent papers in Hydrology
A model subglacial drainage system, coupled to an ice-dammed reservoir that receives a time-varying meltwater input, is described and analysed. In numerical experiments an ice-marginal lake drains through a subglacial channel, producing... more
The design of flood control structures requires rainfall intensity estimation for design discharge computation. To make the rainfall intensity values easily available in Warri, Delta state of Nigeria, this research developed rainfall... more
La presente copia viene fornita all'autore non per scopi commerciali, ma solo per scopi didattici o scientifici senza fini di lucro. Non deve essere riprodotta o distribuita dall'autore Provided for non-commercial research and education... more
This paper aims to quantify the potential impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the River Nile System within Sudan territories, in the context of hydrology. GERD reservoir with a capacity of (74 Km 3) is approximately... more
Analyses of long-term data are an important component of climate-change research because they can help further our understanding of the effects of climate change and can help establish expectations for biological responses to future... more
To enable a relevant interpretation of otolith strontium : calcium (Sr/Ca) variations in terms of habitat shifts of eels, the Sr/Ca-salinity relationship in eel otoliths was validated. Downstream and upstream migrations of young eels were... more
In order to manage the world's increasingly scarce water resources we must have a sound understanding of how water moves around the planet and what influences water quality. Fundamentals of Hydrology provides an engaging and comprehensive... more
Twenty-five rangeland sites were monitored over two decades first to assess the impact of the 1983-1984 droughts on fodder resources, then to better understand ecosystem functioning and dynamics. Sites are sampled along the south-north... more
Land surface schemes are vital components of general circulation models (GCMs) which provide the fluxes of heat, water and momentum at the land-atmosphere interface. The fluxes simulated by these schemes are especially dependent on the... more
Stretta è la relazione che corre tra lo svolgimento millenario della tecnica di lavoro dell'uomo, e i rapporti con l'ambiente naturale. L'uomo primitivo, come l'animale, raccoglie e consuma frutti spontanei colla semplice operazione... more
Unsaturated infiltration into the Ramiha silt loam, an Andic Dystrochrept, follows the classic pattern. A rapid drop-off from a high flow rate, seemingly induced by capillary attraction, appears followed by an apparent steady-flow... more
Floods are one of the most frequently occurring natural disasters in Indonesia. It is therefore of special concern to reduce the risk of flood fatalities and other damage. The purpose of this study is to design a flood early warning... more
The management and maintenance of groundwater quality play a vital role in the development of a region as well as health aspects of living beings in that area. The contamination of groundwater also affects crop yield and production of... more
Appelo, C.A.J., Willemsen, A., Beekman, H.E. and Griflioen, J., 1990. Geochemical calculations and observations on salt water intrusions. II. Validation of a geochemical model with laboratory experiments. J. Hydrol., 120: 225-250.
A 2-D mathematical model (SED-2) was developed simulating the sediment transport in alluvial shallow-wide streams in order to solve practical problems in the Nile River. The Finite Difference technique was used to solve the... more
Complementary analysis of satellite mission data (altimetry, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometers (MODIS)) and climate fields over 2000–2009 was conducted to investigate the variability of the water cover surfaces and the... more
Floodplains mitigate against extreme annual hydrologic phenomena by storing substantial volumes of water which would otherwise increase flood volumes. Later floodplains gradually release this water which serves to maintain baseflows. This... more
Modeling surface water quality using soft computing techniques is essential for the effective management of scarce water resources and environmental protection. The development of accurate predictive models with significant input... more
Public reporting burden for the collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and... more
The transient response to projected climate change of two ice caps in the central Icelandic highland was simulated with a vertically integrated ice-flow model coupled to a degree-day mass-balance model. The ice caps, Langjökull and... more
This study compared the centrifuge and pressure plate methods with appropriate run durations. Samples collected in tropical soils located in Brazil along a 10-km local hydrosequence across the Cerrado-Amazonia transition (Set 1) and along... more
The hydraulic performance of round-cornered rectangular labyrinth weirs with varying weir heights and effective lengths has not been explored in the existing literature to the authors’ knowledge. The purpose of this experimental study was... more
A new graphical technique is developed that takes advantage of time-subsidence data collected from either traditional extensometer installations or from newer technologies such as fixed-station global positioning systems or... more
This study explored the occurrence and distribution of ordinary high water mark (OHWM) indicators in non-perennial streams in the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast (WMVC) Region of the United States. Physical and biological indicators... more
Knowledge on the spatial variability and temporal trends of mean rainfall is essential for efficient management of water resource and agriculture. We have analyzed the rainfall data of the Cauvery river basin, a larger river basin in... more
. Karstic interpretation of the Winnipeg aquifer (Manitoba, Canada).
We have developed NEMO-VN1 (NanoElectronic MOdelling), a new modelling tool that simulates a wide variety of quantum devices including Quantum Dot (QD), Resonant Tunneling Diode (RTD), Resonant Tunneling Transistor (RTT), Single Electron... more
An accurate representation of reality in numerical variably-saturated flow models requires reliable estimates of necessary model parameters. Inverse modeling seeks to estimate parameters such as the saturated and residual water contents,... more
In this paper, an experimental investigation was conducted to study the effect of flow and transition parameters on the protection length downstream (DS) of the sudden expansion. A laboratory flume of 10 cm wide, 31 cm deep and 3 m long... more
Relationships were determined between methane (CH 4 ) production and in situ conditions J. L. Wadham* within the permafrost active layer during a single melt season at Stordalen, Sweden, with E. R. C. Hornibrook † and a specific emphasis... more
An expression for the distribution function of peak runoff is derived, combining results of frequency analysis of rainfall volumes with the traditional concepts of runoff coefficients and the unit hydrograph. Rainfall volume, scaled with... more
Physically-based groundwater models (PBMs), such as MODFLOW, contain numerous parameters which are usually estimated using statistically-based methods, which assume that the underlying error is white noise. However, because of the... more
The Hindukush Karakoram Himalayan mountains contain some of the largest glaciers of the world, and supply melt water from perennial snow and glaciers to the Upper Indus Basin (UIB) upstream of Tarbela dam, which constitutes greater than... more
Increased productivity from sewage effluents can enhance species richness locally. Results from a study of spottail shiners (Notropis hudsonius) in 1999 showed that prevalence and the mean number of myxozoan parasite species per host were... more
Urban flooding is an inevitable problem for many cities around the world. In the present paper, modelling approaches and principles for analyses of urban flooding are outlined. The paper shows how urban flooding can be simulated by... more
Aquatic coastal systems are affected by high fluctuations in salinity and the zooplankton may rely on dispersal or dormancy to recolonise these environments. Here, we analysed the long-term dynamics of the zooplankton community over 6... more
Afghanistan is highly prone to intense and recurring natural hazards, including earthquakes, floods, flash floods, landslides, avalanches, and droughts. Where 54% of the natural disasters in Afghanistan are water-related and makes the... more
Numerical programs for simulating flow and reactive transport in porous media is essential for predicting reservoir properties related to CO 2 sequestration performance, subsurface storage and risk assessment. In this paper we solve the... more
Hydrology is the single most important abiotic factor in the formation and functioning of a wetland. Many limitations still exist to accurately characterizing wetland hydrology over large spatial extents, especially in forested wetlands.... more
Cross-borehole geoelectrical imaging, in particular electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and transmission radar tomography, can provide high-resolution images of hydrogeological structures and, in some cases, detailed assessment of... more
Recently available hydrological data from Hukou station at the junction of the Poyang Lake with the Yangtze River along with other data from stations in the Poyang Lake basin have allowed further examination and understanding of the basin... more