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The objective of this investigation was to compare the clinical performance of a nano-hybrid resin composite and a low-shrinkage Giomer resin composite. Material and methods: In total, 35 pairs of restorations were performed using either... more
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Images In this work we present an automatic algorithm for detection of mycobacterium tuberculosis from stained sputum smear images applying a novel method of tubeness filtering in conjunction with Otsu thresholding and connected component... more
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      Image ProcessingMycobacterium tuberculosisAutomatic Detection
Most studies on product package design elements have conceptualised the role of visual package elements such as colour, shape, size and picture in influencing consumer buying behaviour of fast moving consumer goods. Limited researches... more
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      BusinessMarketingAdvertisingFast Moving Consumer Goods
M ismatch of lesion visibility between diffusion-weighted image and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery image (DWI-FLAIR mismatch) is a useful surrogate marker for estimating the lesion age in ischemic stroke. Reperfusion therapy based on... more
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      Nuclear medicineMedicineStrokeColor
The monochrome ink medium, long celebrated for its visual economy, emerges in the Yuan period as an unexpected conduit of sound. The cicada, an insect of little pictorial appeal yet endowed with a piercing cry, became a recurring motif in... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMedia StudiesSound and Image
We conducted a consumer acceptability analysis of dry-cured ham based on sensory evaluation. Consumer acceptability data are rendered heterogeneous by the diverse backgrounds and assessment abilities of the participants, requiring... more
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      Chemical EngineeringMeat SciencePrincipal Component AnalysisConsumer Behavior
S471a Seminário de Artes Digitais (4. : 2018 : Belo Horizonte, MG) Anais do IV Seminário de Artes Digitais (SAD) 2018 [recurso eletrônico] / Organização Pablo Gobira e Equipe LabFront. – Dados eletrônicos. – Belo Horizonte : EdUEMG,... more
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      Contemporary ArtVisual CultureVisual ArtsArtes
نظرية فرانكلين (Benjamin Franklin): يُعتقد أن بنجامين فرانكلين قد أجرى تجارب على الألوان والضوء، لكنه لم يطور نظرية شاملة في علم الألوان مثل العلماء الآخرين. ومع ذلك، فقد كان مهتمًا بتأثيرات الضوء والكهرباء، وربما ساهمت تجاربه في فهم... more
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    • Color
Recent advances in pedestrian detection, a fundamental problem in computer vision, have been attained by transferring the learned features of convolutional neural networks (CNN) to pedestrians. However, existing methods often show a... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer Vision and Pattern RecognitionPedestrianPedestrian Detection
The influence of post fermentative addition of American barrel-shoot wastes on phenolic composition and chromatic quality of Syrah red wines has been evaluated as an environmentally sustainable alternative to the conventional winemaking... more
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      ChemistryOrganic ChemistryFood ScienceMedicine
Three independent methodologies were investigated to achieve the differentiation of red grapes from different grape varieties (Garnacha, Graciano, Mazuelo and Tempranillo) collected from five vineyards located in the D.O.Ca. Rioja.... more
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      ChemistryAnalytical ChemistryChemometricsPrincipal Component Analysis
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The attempt was made to find a correlation between the density of thermally modified pinewood treated at various temperatures and times and its compressive strength and modulus. The highest correlation coefficients were obtained for the... more
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Six samples of virgin olive oil obtained from several varieties of olive fruits (Picual, Manzanilla, Lechín, and Arbequina) were submitted to an accelerated oxidation process during a 63‐h period under the conditions of the oil stability... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryOlive OilQuality Control
The differences in color coordinates obtained from the use of different spectral features in the calculation are studied. Seven groups of food (olive oil, vanilla milkshake, brandy, honey, grape juice, vinegar, and orange juice) and an... more
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      MathematicsAlgorithmsChemistryAnalytical Chemistry
Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS), also called ''panela", is a high carbohydrate-content food obtained by boil evaporation of the sugar cane juice. This study was undertaken to assess physicochemical properties and sensory characteristics... more
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      ChemistryFood ScienceFood ChemistryMedicine
Three different varieties of Opuntia ficus-indica (R, red; Y, yellow; RY, red-yellow) have been considered in this study. Attention was focused on differential tristimulus colorimetry and on the analysis of individual betalains... more
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      EngineeringBotanyChemistryFood Science
ZnO-based light emitting diodes (LEDs) have been considered as a potential candidate for the next generation of blue/ near-UV light sources, due to a direct wide bandgap energy of 3.37 eV, a large exciton binding energy of 60 meV at room... more
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      EngineeringMaterials ScienceNanowireNanotechnology
26-27 September 2024, Faculdade de Letras, Universidade do Porto.
CORRADO ZEDDA, Il Giudicato di Cagliari. Un regno mancato nel Mediterraneo medievale
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesPapacy (Medieval Church History)Sardinia (Medieval Studies)
Resumo O artigo investiga a importância das cores na propaganda política, tomando como objeto de análise postagens no Instagram dos dois principais candidatos à Presidência da República em 2018-Jair Bolsonaro (PSL) e Fernando Haddad (PT),... more
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      ColorEleiçõesInstagramEleições Presidenciais
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      Modernism (Art History)Scandinavian StudiesOrientalismColor Theory
The present study examined the effects on dentin ablation efficiency arising from various pulse durations of Er: YAG laser at a fixed energy fluence. Ten flat human dentin disks were prepared and exposed to an Er: YAG laser at 1 pps for... more
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      Materials ScienceDentistryBiomedical EngineeringBiomaterials
La preferencia del consumidor por alimentos de alta calidad ha promovido la creación de nuevos sistemas de conservación, siendo esto especialmente inducido por factores como la demanda de alimentos mínimamente procesados y la aparición de... more
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    • Food Quality and Safety
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      Materials ScienceNanotechnologyMedicineMultidisciplinary
Հոդվածում քննության են ենթարկվում հայ բանագիտության ավանդական մոտեցումներն ու արդի մարտահրավերները: Հայ բանագիտությունը սկզբնավորումից ի վեր զարգացել է երկու հիմ նական ուղղություններով՝ բանահյուսական նյութի գրառում ու հրատարակություն և... more
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      FolkloreHistory of Folklore Theory and Method
El resultado del Proyecto consta de 15 programas en Matlab con mas de cien funcionalidades. Ocho estan dedicados a demostraciones para el estudio del Sistema Auditivo humano (e.g. diferentes tipos de espectrogramas, Transformadas Wavelet,... more
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This paper discusses convolution algorithms to reconstruct off-axis digital holograms. The problem of convolution is addressed by considering the spatial spectral properties of digital holograms, especially the unusual localization... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringComputer ScienceOpticsDigital Holography
Sherry-type pale white wines were subjected under different stirring times to color correction treatments based on the use of variable concentrations of free yeast and a single concentration of yeast immobilized on carrageenan gel. At all... more
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      Chemical EngineeringChemistryFood ScienceFood
ABSTRACTThe trichromatic theory was applied to wines at the end of the 1930s. Trichromatic co‐ordinates, dominant wavelength, purity and luminance were determined. The Munsell system and the Lovibond method, which had industrial... more
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Dominant wavelength is a representative variable of the hue useful for the characterization of the eolour of red wines. It is usually obtained through a conventional graphical method on the CIE 1931 (x,y) diagram. In this work, three... more
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      MathematicsModelingFood ChemistryMultidisciplinary
This research intended to investigate the transport phenomena that occur during microwave freeze-drying (MFD) of potato slices using drying kinetics and finite element analysis (FEA). The impacts of microwave power levels and potato slice... more
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A prototype X-ray colour imaging system has been assembled using the principle of tomographic energydispersive diffraction imaging (TEDDI ). The new system has been tested using samples of nylon-6, aluminium powder and deer antler bone.... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceOpticsX-ray imaging
A prototype X-ray colour imaging system has been assembled using the principle of tomographic energy-dispersive diffraction imaging (TEDDI). The new system has been tested using samples of nylon-6, aluminium powder and deer antler bone.... more
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      PhysicsMaterials ScienceOpticsX-ray imaging
It is well known that there are different preferences in correlated color temperature of light sources for daily living activities or for viewing artistic paintings. There are also data relating the capacity of observers to make judgments... more
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      MathematicsMedicineColor PerceptionColor
Customers preferences are difficult to predict automatically because they are subjective and relative to human likeness patterns which are different from each people. This paper proposes the combination of Interactive Genetic Algorithm... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringMathematicsApplied MathematicsComputer Science
The color stability of composite resins is a fundamental factor in their clinical behavior. Objective: To evaluate the color stability of composite resins of different colors exposed to a colabased soft drink after different storage... more
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    • Materials Science
Industrial processes create a variety of wastewater pollutants; which are difficult and costly to treat. The present study is under taken to assess the level of physiochemical parameters of the distillery spent wash. These parameters will... more
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DRAWING IN DRESDEN Andreas Kempe and Patricia Westerholz from GALERIE URSULA WALTER in Dresden will be showing their selection of my drawings and bringing them together with works by Petra Trenkel and Klaus Walter in their own spatial... more
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      Contemporary ArtDrawing
Sharmin, pre product of Kangdizh, (Persian Color R&D) are scarves measuring 128 by 128 centimeters. The idea for this product became increasingly prominent for me since 2008, when I observed Muslim Malay women in the global modeling... more
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      SpiritualityColorPersian mysticism
Ամփոփում 2020 թվականի 44-օրյա պատերազմի հետևանքով Ադրբեջանի կողմից Արցախի Հադրութի շրջանից բռնի տեղահանվեց շուրջ 13․000 արցախահայ։ Բռնի տեղահանությունը, ի թիվս հումանիտար և սոցիալ-տնտեսական խնդիրների, խաթարեց նաև արցախահայերի ավանդական... more
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      Intangible cultural heritageRefugees and Forced Migration StudiesArtsakh
“Solo il colore e non la forma o la dimensione è oggetto della percezione visiva” (Galeno, Delle dottrine di Ippocrate e Platone, VII, 7). Sebbene il colore sia il primo oggetto della vista secondo il pensiero antico, grazie al quale... more
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      ArchitectureMedieval StudiesLate AntiquityPolychromy in Ancient Art
Noodles are widely consumed around the world, coming in second only to bread in terms of global consumption. The proper and rational composition of ingredients in instant noodles allows for calorie reduction, resulting in a healthier... more
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    • Food Product and Process Development, Sensory Analysis of Food, Food Composition and Microbiology
Two surveys were conducted to determine characteristics important in containerized edible flowers that could be sold in retail outlets. Self-selected participants at Bloomfest at Cobo Hall, Detroit, were assigned to one group that rated... more
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      MarketingMathematicsHorticultureAgricultural Economics
WetEarth, a processed recycled newspaper product, was used in combination with pine bark, sand, and vermiculite as a growing medium for rose of Sharon and forsythia. Rose of Sharon was taller and had more leaves; more leaf area per plant;... more
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      HorticultureBiologyConjoint AnalysisConsumer
The objective was to examine the effects of immunocastration on carcass traits and meat quality of Nellore and Nellore x Aberdeen Angus male animals finished in feedlot. Surgically castrated, immunocastrated, and intact animals were... more
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      Chemical EngineeringAnimal ScienceMeat ScienceSkeletal muscle biology
Dans cette thèse nous examinons le Künstlerroman (le roman de l'artiste) de George Sand en tant que lieu d'un investissement intellectuel complexe qui permet à la romancière à la fois de résoudre une crise identitaire, causée par le... more
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    • Art
The application of image processing in the medical field is widely used among medical experts since it can help them by providing an earlier detection and treatment stages. Image enhancement plays an important role in medical images... more
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      EngineeringComputer ScienceArtificial IntelligenceImage Analysis (Mathematics)
В Милане завершилась Неделя дизайна, на которой были представлены 838 брендов. В этом году её посетило рекордное количество зрителей, на 23% больше по сравнению с предыдущим годом. Специально для DEL'ARTE Magazine искусствовед Алёна... more
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      DesignContemporary ArtContemporary Design (Architecture)Color
Through a narrow crack, like on an old blurry photo, an ancient forum is presented, which is about to crumble into ashes, like an archaeological discovery in contact with fresh air. The architect Davide Bossi and the art historian Alena... more
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      Installation ArtContemporary ArtDrawingSculpture
В районе элитного жилья Шелепиха на берегу Москвы-реки, откуда в скором счастливом будущем можно будет легко добраться на электротрамвайчике до выставок интерьерного пространства The Dom, находящихся среди дизайнерских и архитектурных... more
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      DesignContemporary ArtPhilosophy of LoveColor