Recent papers in Bazaar
The post-partition reconfiguration of the walled city of Jaipur that had originally been dominated by Hindu and Jain merchants is explored. Sindhi refugee retailers and traders were given space during the 1950s and 1970s by creating new... more
Anadolu’dan Mısır’a giden yol güzergâhında, Ön Asya ile Suriye toprakları arasında kavşak noktası olan Antakya; Asuri, Roma, Pers, Arap ve Osmanlı gibi birçok medeniyete ev sahipliği yapmış kadim bir kenttir. Kadim kentlerin kimliğinin... more
The issue of architectural cultural heritage preservation is really challenging in developing countries. Urban settlement transformation in the developing world was very slow before the industrial revolution but old urban fabrics... more
Tehran Bazaar has been the most influential marketplace in Iran, over the last two hundred years, since Tehran became the capital of the country. The Bazaar has been a significant socio-political agent in Iranian society. Nevertheless,... more
La ricerca nell'ambito della linguistica cognitiva si è avvicinata negli ultimi anni ad approcci funzionalisti (Croft e Cruse, 2004), gettando così le basi per l'emergere di un modello teorico di riferimento a discipline linguistiche... more
Prior to the collapse of communism, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese migrants arrived in various localities throughout COMECON countries by way of programs of mutual cooperation and “socialist solidarity,” including East Germany.... more
This thesis engages with different mobile livelihood strategies in Kyrgyzstan. The two prevalent types of mobility are small-scale cross-border trade and labor migration. Bazaar traders travel far distances to purchase merchandise in... more
After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the breakdown of the East German Socialistmgovernment, thousands of former contract workers from Vietnam stayed in the then reunified Germany. Due to their resulting precarious economic situation, a... more
Throughout history, each community has left a number of traces of its own life in the settlement where it lived. When these communities form the state as the most advanced social organization, the traces they leave acquire different... more
Se hace un estudio del arte frente a una reorganización de los servicios de atención a personas con trastornos conductuales compulsivos, que generan dependencia y la dependencia química a psicoactivos, para demostrar que es un sofisma,... more
В статье анализируется процесс трансформации представлений об открытом вещевом рынке в городских нарративах на примере иркутского кейса. На материале 60 полуформализованных интервью описываются функции, которыми наделяется рынок в... more
Daryaganj Sunday Book Market, popularly known as Daryaganj Sunday Patri Kitab Bazaar, is a weekly informal market for used, rare, and pirated books that has been operating on the streets of Old Delhi for the past fifty years. In this... more
Durante el laboratorio se crearon jaulas chroot mediante JailKit, asociadas a grupos de usuarios pertenecientes a un mismo equipo de desarrollo. Dentro de cada jaula se creó un repositorio de trabajo con Bazaar, el cual se estableció como... more
Excavations of the Bolgar fortified settlement in 2012–2013 were a continuation of the work carried out by M.D. Poluboyarinova, G.F. Polyakova and N.A. Kokorina in 1989–2000. The central part of the largest stone and brick building in the... more
The prevailing perception within the academy, policy circles, and the media inside and outside Iran has been that the members of bazaars are a unified social class engaged in a symbiotic relationship with the political elite of the... more
Abstract: In the past, markets were considered as the main axis of communication and urban space. However, the market as a center of trade and the heart of social life in the city has the same function in different cities of Iran, but... more
9 Lifestyles, milieu languages and the economy: the presence of Italian in the urban spaces of Berlin 195 Miriam Stock 10 From authentication to distinctionconsuming Arabic in Berlin's gentrifying falafel economies 223 Philipp Krämer 11... more
Durante el laboratorio se crearon jaulas chroot mediante JailKit, asociadas a grupos de usuarios pertenecientes a un mismo equipo de desarrollo. Dentro de cada jaula se creó un repositorio de trabajo con Bazaar, el cual se estableció como... more
We explore key changes in orientations toward encountering and experiencing the ‘other’ in new consumption venues as a result of the transformations in globalization and modern culture. Our research aims to provide insights into how... more
Corruption is a salient feature of human condition in any organised society. Where risks are low and the returns are high, corruption is almost inevitable. Nevertheless, defining corruption is difficult, especially as there are forms of... more
In Algeria, the informal dynamic experienced by the gold sector since the 1980s was accompanied by the creation of informal trading spaces, the most important of which are in Algiers and Oran. These markets play the role of intermediary... more