Recent papers in Althusser
ABSTRACT: With the emergence of new information and communication technologies, education is forced to adapt to cover these changes. The professional needs to re-signify this distance, developing a new perspective related to this way of... more
Marksizm, bilimsel analizini ve Sosyalist ideolojisini dayandırdığı, ekonomik ve siyasal egemenliğin tarihsel ve toplumsal kaynaklarını inceleyen teorik çerçevesi itibarıyla, Devlet'e ve bu kapsamda bürokrasiye ilişkin geniş bir teorik... more
Créé il y a une trentaine d’années, le Mouvement « Critique du droit » a réuni des juristes et politologues français (Lyon, Montpellier, Nice, Saint-Étienne Toulouse, Paris) qui, en se référant principalement au marxisme, ont défini un... more
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo problematizar la relación entre teoría y práctica política en la obra de Althusser. Asimismo, la relación entre teoría y política está íntimamente ligada al problema de la totalidad social. Es... more
En el presente trabajo analizaremos la lectura de Marx que Althusser llevó adelante con un conjunto de colaboradores. La misma llevó al filósofo francés a postular una serie de tesis sobre la ruptura epistemológica que le permitió a Marx... more
This thesis examines the ways in which political journalists in the USA and UK talk about issues of truth and power as it relates to journalism’s role as the Fourth Estate. The theoretical basis comes from a critique of the two major... more
In the present paper we analyze a tradition of reflections on scientific knowledge which distinguish it because of its “discontinuity” with common sense or ordinary knowledge. The beginning of this tradition can be traced back to Gaston... more
The task of studying the impact of social class on physical and mental health involves, among other things, the use of a conceptual toolbox that defines what social class is, establishes how to measure it, and sets criteria that help... more
Marksist düşünür ve filozof Louis Althusser'in "İdeoloji ve Devletin İdeolojik Aygıtları" kitap özetidir.
Datos del original: Morfino, Vittorio. "Le cinque tesi della 'filosofia' di Machiavelli". Cur. Riccardo Caporali, Vittorio Morfino y Stefano Visentin. Machiavelli: tempo e conflitto. Milán: Mimesis, 2013: 157-183. Palabras clave:... more
E.P. Thompson used the Confucian trope of “rectification of human names” to summarize the major themes of his work. Such rectification has both political and scholarly ramifications that extend to poststructuralist debates over... more
While secondary schooling has developed much over the past century, its original impetus has remained. This includes the doctrine of social efficiency which may be understood as the ease of transition from student to workforce. In a... more
Thematically, [The Wire is] about the very simple idea that, in this Postmodern world of ours, human beings -all of us -are worth less. We're worth less every day, despite the fact that some of us are achieving more and more. It's the... more
The author of this paper questioned the linear chronological overdetermined history of Indic language and its subsequent genealogical classification by deploying following methods :(a) David Hume’s Regulatory Theory; (b) pratyavijna... more
Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks are today acknowledged as a classic of the human and social sciences in the twentieth century. The influence of his thought in numerous fields of scholarship is only exceeded by the diverse... more
Contemporary theorizations of neoliberalism are framed by a false dichotomy between, on the one hand, studies influenced by Foucault in emphasizing neoliberalism as a form of governmentality, and on the other hand, inquiries influenced by... more
Student notes on E. P. Thompson, Althusser, and positivism (By Chris Wright) Reading E. P. Thompson's The Poverty of Theory, his polemic against Althusser. A crushing demolition. I give Thompson credit for working through all the... more
Liksom en gam cirklar runt ett kadaver, så kretsar denna bok runt ett antal rättsliga föreställningar och begrepp som genom åren kommit att uppta, och alltmer begränsa, rättsvetenskapens synfält. Här presenteras emellertid ingen metod,... more
Th is article aims to show that the theory of violence in Marx and Engels is driven by a conceptual syntax which can be found in two important chapters of Hegel's Science of Logic ('Actuality' and 'Teleology'). Th ese categories are the... more
The objective of the master thesis presented here is to chart a concept of causality adequate for a historical materialism at pace with the times, uncircumventable for grasping complex social phenomena and relationships, their... more
L’article propose un retour sur l’assassinat, en 1980, d’Hélène Rytmann-Legotien par son mari, Louis Althusser, alors célèbre philosophe marxiste enseignant à l’École normale supérieure, à Paris. Il s’agit de saisir la signification... more
In questa tesi si presenta l’indagine svolta sulla concettualizzazione gramsciana dell’«egemonia» e sulle interpretazioni più recenti e rappresentative delle diverse correnti di studi. Nella prima parte della tesi si prendono in esame gli... more
L’intervento di Althusser ha toccato i grandi temi della filosofia e della politica degli anni Sessanta e Settanta – la dialettica, lo storicismo, l’umanesimo, il determinismo sociale – e continua a interrogare in profondità lo statuto... more
The fiftieth anniversary of the publications of For Marx and Reading Capital indeed calls for celebrations of Althusser's accomplishments, a Marxist legacy endowed by the opening years of the twenty-first century with renewed timeliness... more
Louis Althusser is a structuralist-Marxist. Immediately, one might ask how can that be?
Il ne fait pas de doute aujourd'hui que Louis Althusser a été un des principaux médiateurs ou «passeurs» dans cette véritable renaissance du spinozisme que connaît la philosophie post-marxiste occidentale. La contribution d'Althusser à... more
Produit d’un mémoire de Master 2 en Esthétique du cinéma sous la direction de Luc Vancheri, soutenu en mai 2013, ce texte est une tentative pour penser la politique en dehors de son attachement direct au cadre idéologique et partisan –... more
Cet article rend hommage à André Tosel en proposant une exploration de sa proposition d’un communisme de la finitude. Dans ce cadre, l’aliénation capitaliste se présente comme une contradiction en acte entre d’une part un fantasme... more
This essay measures Louis Althusser’s debt to Antonio Gramsci in light of his general theory of reading and his reflections on the science, philosophy, and politics of Marxism. It considers their respective approaches to reading,... more