Alfred Adler
Recent papers in Alfred Adler
A 7-item measure was created to represent the most emphasized aspects of Positive Discipline, a type of parenting program based on Adlerian psychology. We examined the reliability and validity of this scale using an online internet... more
In order to better cope with the pressures and stresses of the current day, modern psychology is anxiously seeking to find new therapies to address the increasing disorders within the human psyche. In the process new fields of research,... more
This is a presentation that I did at the Association for Creativity in Counseling 2019 Annual Conference at Clearwater, Florida on Dec 13, 2019
The purpose of this article is to trace the historical roots of Individual Psychology in Switzerland and to identify the current primary approaches to Individual Psychology in the Swiss therapeutic community today. Firstly, we share a... more
By most accounts, Adler’s vision of humanity was a precocious and bold critique of human interactions as much as it was a supremely collaborative effort aimed at advancing human potential for better living. Having been invited to speak... more
Stres Yönetimi / Kişilik ve Stres
The author explores religion and spirituality by means of the presidential addresses of two prominent scholars - one in the are of the psychology of religion, the other in the filed of spirituality. This review provides a segue for... more
The author considers whether the dystopian society of 2025 described in Spike Jonze's movie Her is as far away as one might think. The intervention of social me dia and "smart technology" has resulted in human beings preferring... more
öz Bu makalede Bireysel Psikoloji açısından; dinin ve Tanrı'nın anlamı, işlevi ve önemi, insanın manevi görevleri ve ruh-beden ilişkisi konu edilmektedir. Ayrıca Bireysel Psikoloji ve dinler arasındaki ilişkiye dikkat çekilmektedir. Bu... more
The authors worked for several years together at the Adler School of Professional Psychology in Chicago, U.S.A. There, the school has taken a creative stand on social justice by developing the Institute on Social Exclusion (ISE,... more
This article addresses the publication record of Individual Psychologists within the field of the psychology of religion and spirituality. By means of a thorough literature review, it refutes the common opinion that there are very few... more
[Phan Chí Dũng (chủ biên) cùng Tập thể các lớp Tài năng] [1] ADLER ADLER Alfred (1870-1937) 1 [Psy] [Tên riêng] 1.1 Thuật ngữ tương đương • Alfred Adler 1.2 Giải nghĩa ngắn • Nhà tâm lý học cá nhân; • Nhà nghiên cứu phân tâm học và có... more
The process of encouragement serves to facilitate brief counseling approaches According to Watts and Pietrzak (2000) the process of solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) mirrors the Adlerian process of encouragement with regard to:
Tradução do original publicado em A VIDA SACERDOTAL por Marcio Sombrio. Nossa intenção é apresentar a personalidade e como curto as ideias fundamentais no campo da psicologia prática de Rudolf Allers. Deixando de lado, portanto, outros... more
Tratto da una versione ampliata dell'articolo omonimo pubblicato in Ecclesia, 15 (2001) pag. 539 -562.
Adler, Bireysel Psikoloji, Aşağılık Kompleksi, Üstünlük Kompleksi, Zillet Psikolojisi, Miskinlik psikolojisi, Kibir Psikolojisi, Rüyalar.
This study was conducted to find out whether birth order is a factor in academic performance. Adler’s (1930) assertions on the personality differences based on different birth order were used as this study’s theoretical basis. The... more
Técnica particular que el individuo ha elaborado para resolver los problemas de la vida social, con arreglo a sus fines personales. Sintetiza el sistema conceptual de la caracterología adleriana. Teoría del carácter, Psicogénesis del... more
The present paper aims to analyse the dynamics of power relations in King Lear through the characters of Lear, Goneril, Cordelia, and Edmund from a psychodynamic and psychoanalytic approach with regards to interrelated theories of... more saytı böyük psixoloqların reallığımızı dəyişən 14 ən yaxşı kitabını təqdim edir:
FREUD 1.STRUKTURA LICNOSTI-svesno…..nesvesno-cela licnost i njeno funkcionisanje,
Many trade in illusions and false miracles, thus deceiving the stupid multitudes
Se analisarmos unicamente o texto de 1920 em que Freud introduz o conceito de pulsão de morte, ficaremos com a impressão de uma virada radical em sua teoria pulsional, que força inclusive a um reordenamento de outros pontos da teoria... more
N uestra intención es presentar en modo breve la personalidad y las ideas fundamentales en el campo de la psicología práctica de Rudolf Allers. Dejamos de lado, por lo tanto, otros aspectos de su pensamiento, como sus estudios sobre la... more
ailenin 3. çocuğu olarak 7 Şubat 1870 yılında Viyana yakınlarında bir taşrada dünyaya gelmiştir. Yaşamının daha ilk başlarında çeşitli hastalıklarla mücadele etmiş ve bu sebepten ötürü hem kendini kardeşlerinden hem de okuldaki... more
dilahirkan pada 7 Februari 1870 di pinggiran kota Wina dan wafat pada 28 Mei 1937 di Skotlandia. Adler tumbuh dan berkembang dalam keadaan menderita rakhitis dan pneumonia. Penyakit tersebut membuatnya lemah, tidak bisa berjalan bahkan... more
This is the Complete Publication of the Self-Hypnosis guide 'The Mind Inside' by Dr. Ewald Oersted and Edouard d'Araille. It includes a series of self-hypnosis experiments and guidance in self-hypnotic techniques. The first part looks at... more
Written as a publisher's preface to _Healing Fiction_ by James Hillman (Barrytown: Station Hill Press, 1983), it looks at the "axial" title (which I created for Hillman) as a double meaning: fiction that heals and healing the fiction.... more
A history of the origins, principles, and evolution of Transpersonal Psychology.
Bu çalışmanın iki amacı bulunmaktadır; İlki, direnç ve bu terimi ilk kez kullanan Freud’dan günümüze ‘direnç’ terimi hakkındaki teorilerin, psikanalitik ve psikodinamik terapiler açısından psikoloji tarihi boyunca nasıl geliştiği ve... more
The Study and Report of Adler Theory
Cansu Ertan
Department of Psychology, Gediz University
Cansu Ertan
Department of Psychology, Gediz University
"Resumen - Abstract: Se investigarán los fundamentos y alcances de la afirmación de Freud acerca de la primacía del impulso de muerte, del impulso thanático1 o autodestructivo, sobre las demás pulsiones. Por otra parte se mostrará como... more