International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism
Mathematical Fragments
Translated and introduced by David W. Wood*
The following is a series of notebook entries from 1798-1800 containing the
reflections of the romantic poet-philosopher Friedrich von Hardenberg
(Novalis) on pure and applied mathematics. Although this selection is not
exhaustive, it does try to collect together for the first time into English
Novalis’s most significant mathematical fragments. There has always been a
fascination about Novalis’s thoughts on mathematics. This is partly due to
the fact that his most well-known definition of romanticizing is based on a
mathematical operation – that of exponentiation, or raising an element to a
higher power. Hence, to know more about Novalis’s views on mathematics
is to better understand his conception of romanticizing.
That said, because Novalis is primarily known as a romantic poet there
exists a certain amount of scepticism about his mathematical knowledge.
Dilthey notoriously stated in 1905 that Novalis’s mathematical musings are
more like “hymns to mathematics and ultimately unfruitful,” rather than
actual rational reflections.1 Nevertheless, Novalis’s notes generally arose from
his studies of mathematics and the natural sciences at university and other
higher institutes of learning, such as the Mining Academy in Freiberg.
Research since Dilthey’s time has not only presented Novalis’s writings on
this topic in more accurate and faithful German editions, but confirmed the
true extent and competency of his mathematical understanding and training.2
Dr. phil. (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich / Université Paris-Sorbonne) –
[email protected]
Wilhelm Dilthey, Das Erlebnis und die Dichtung (Leipzig: Reclam, reprint 1991), p. 251.
Among others, see the recent studies by Franziska Bomski, Die Mathematik im Denken und
Dichten von Novalis (Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 2014). David W. Wood, “The ‘Mathematical’
Wissenschaftslehre: On a Late Fichtean Reflection of Novalis,” in: The Relevance of
Symphilosophie 3 (2021), pp. 273-290
ISSN 2704-8152
Hopefully this small selection in English translation will further contribute to
dispelling some of the misconceptions and ignorance. A number of the
notebooks clearly show Novalis not wildly speculating out of the blue, but
consulting and working his way through various contemporary textbooks on
mathematics, and forming many of his poetic ideas in direct reaction to these
works, as well as from his reading of philosophers like Immanuel Kant and
J.G. Fichte. Here the reader can follow Novalis’s reasoning and imagination
oscillating from mathematics to poetics and back again.
The following notes are selected from seven different notebooks or
texts. They may be classified into three main groups in which the idea of
exponentiation could be taken as a unifying guiding thread:
a). Science: notes on textbooks. These concern the factual discipline of
mathematics itself, mostly containing citations from works and textbooks of
the period (see especially sections 2 and 5). As mentioned, Novalis read these
writings and made observations on them, particularly noting specific
mathematical procedures and operations, including that of exponentiation.
Nevertheless, his thinking sometimes takes them in completely new
directions. Some of the unchanged citations from the textbooks he consulted
are also translated here, but reproduced in a smaller font size to distinguish
them from Novalis’s thoughts.
b). Art: here mathematical operations are transferred to the field of
poetry and literature, with exponentiation forming again the basis for
Novalis’s main poetic method of romanticizing the world (see, for example,
section 4: Logological Fragments II and Anecdotes). That is to say, an
element from “ordinary” empirical life may be depicted in a more poetic or
“higher” manner by means of a person’s talent and imagination. Apart from
some of the following fragments, this poeticization of the sciences and
everyday life is perhaps most evident in Novalis’s published texts, such as the
1798 fragment collection Pollen and the 1800 lyrical cycle Hymns to the Night,
or in the two unfinished novels, Henry of Ofterdingen and The Disciples of Saïs
(see James Reid’s new translation of the first half of this latter text in the
present issue of Symphilosophie).
Romanticism: Essays on German Romantic Philosophy, ed. Dalia Nassar (Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2014), 258-274. Howard Pollack-Milgate, “‘Gott ist bald 1 · ∞ – bald 1/∞
– bald 0”: The Mathematical Infinite and the Absolute in Novalis,” Seminar: A Journal of
Germanic Studies 51/1 (2015): 50-70; and Lucia Perrone Capano, “Matematica e poesia in
Novalis,” in: Parole, formule, emozioni. Tra matematica e letteratura, eds. P.
Maroscia, C. Toffalori, F.S. Tortoriello, G. Vincenzi (Turin: Utet, 2018), 227-244.
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c). Religion: these are the so-called “hymns to mathematics” (see
section 1 & above all the final section 7). Similar to the sphere of poetry,
Novalis perceives how various mathematical operations share affinities with
the domain of religion, the hierarchies, and prisca theologia. These fragments
remain rational enough, as soon as one sees his emphasis on mathematical
activity as such or hears that his historical references include Orphism,
Pythagoreanism, Judaism, Christianity, and the Greek, Egyptian, and Indian
Philosophically, therefore, it could be argued that these mathematical
fragments organically belong in the Platonic and Neo-Platonic tradition,
extending back to older works like Plato’s Meno and Timaeus on the one hand,
and down to contemporary texts like Hemsterhuis’s Simon and Aristée on the
A number of these translations have earlier appeared in print, but all
have been revised for this issue of Symphilosophie. Some have never appeared
in their entirety in English before, such as section five on “Universal
Arithmetic (arithmetica universalis),” which is originally from the 1798/99
Freiberg Natural Scientific Writings. The idea of a universal arithmetic is related
to a universal science, or a mathesis universalis. It is a key component of what
Novalis named “encyclopedistics,” a modern form of universal knowledge
par excellence,3 and again should be viewed at the crossroads of science, art
and religion, i.e. as an astronomical, musical, and Orphic variation on his
romantic philosophy of “magical idealism.”4
The original German texts can be found in many of the earliest editions
of Novalis’s works. To aid reference, I will simply cite the standard edition
of Novalis, Schriften – Historische Kritische Ausgabe (HKA) (Stuttgart:
Kohlhammer, 1960ff.), eds. R. Samuel, H.-J. Mähl, G. Schulz, et al.
For recent perspectives of Novalis’s life and work in this regard, see Olivier Schefer, Novalis
(Paris: Éditions du Félin, 2011), and Jean-Christophe Bailly, La Légende dispersée (Paris:
Bourgois, 2014).
On the philosophy of “magical idealism”, see Laure Cahen-Maurel, “Novalis’s Magical
Idealism: A Threefold Philosophy of the Imagination, Love, and Medicine,” Symphilosophie:
International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism 1 (2019): 129-165.
Symphilosophie 3 (2021)
1. Mathematical Notebook, 23 June [1798]1
The study of machines educates the mechanist – and accustoms the spirit to
skilful discoveries and combinations.
(The forces are inversely related, like their velocities).
Mechanics is the mathematics of forces. Geometry is the mathematics of forms.
Optics is the mathematics of light. Basso continuo is the mathematics of acoustics.
Perspective – the mathematics of vision.
Is mathematics the art of finding and determining from data or facts, other
dependent and connected data and facts – simply general analysis and synthesis?
Numerical system of nomenclature in arithmetic.
All sciences should become mathematics. Mathematics up to now has merely
been the first and simplest expression or revelation of true scientific spirit.
The numerical system is the model for a genuine system of linguistic signs –
The letters of our alphabet should become numbers, our language,
What did the Pythagoreans really understand by the forces of numbers?
Poetics of mathematics.
Grammar of mathematics.
Physics of mathematics.
Philosophy of mathematics.
History of mathematics.
Mathematics of philosophy.
Mathematics of Nature.
Mathematics of poesy.
Selections. The original German text of this section is entitled “Mathematischer Heft. 23
Junius [1798],” and can be found in Novalis, HKA III: 50-53. An earlier English translation
is in Novalis, Notes for a Romantic Encyclopaedia: Das Allgemeine Brouillon, edited and
translated by David W. Wood (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2007), pp.
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Mathematics of history.
Mathematics of mathematics.
Spirit of mechanics – is surely the spirit of the whole, without any connection
to the parts – or to the individuality.
(Living force – absolute force – relative force – effective force).
By means of power the body is forced out of its relations – into a freely living
state. Life in turn is also – physical life, specific life – absolute life – living life.
The expression ‘absolute’ is in turn relative. Absolute absolute or absolute2 is the
highest and the ultimate.
Nature incessantly adds, subtracts, multiplies, raises to a higher power etc.
The applied mathematical sciences show us nature as a mathematician.
Physics is real mathematics.
General principles, which are already applied in universal arithmetic.
Principles of general addition, subtraction – multiplication and division etc.
Velocity is the quotient of space: time.
Levels of fluidity. Treatment of the solid as a fluid – and of the fluid as a
solid. Liquido-statics – liquido-mechanics. Solido-statics – solido-mechanics.
Friction is a mechanical secretion. Thrust is a mechanical inflammation or
nourishment – a body in motion is a mechanically living, combustible body –
There may exist several mechanical stimuli simultaneously in a body –
Together they constitute a mixed stimulus. On their diverse mixtures – in
opposed directions – their reciprocal expansions – and diminishments.
(Brown and his adherents belong among the mechanical physiologists, just as
humeral physiologists belong among the chemists).
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2. Mathematical Studies on Bossut and Murhard (1798)2
[Charles Bossut,
Traités de calcul différentiel et de calcul intégral. Paris 1798]
A quantity can be unknown (undetermined) and be constant or unknown (undetermined) and
invariable. [p. 1]
(Determined, variable, determined, constant).
(An unknown quantity can be absolutely unknown, like algebraic quantities
in general – or relatively unknown or undetermined. – I prefer the latter word
instead of ‘unknown’.)
A function in general is every product of a mathematical operation. The function in specie
of every product, which includes a variable quantity. [p. 3f.]
(A variable quantity = mathematical life).
(Function in specie = an organic or living quantity).
One has to be careful about confusing the exponential powers of the differentials with
ordinary exponents. [p. 7f.]
∆x2 is very different to ∆2x.
(Quantities of quantities are quantities of the second power, or the power
squared. Theory of the origin and classification of quantities.)
In order to simplify and reduce the elements belonging to the solution of a problem,
and to indicate a well-ordered problem, we often study analytical operations, quantities,
by means of an abstraction of their relations – however, these relations do not cease.
[p. 91]
One transports, as it were, the whole into a part, in order to better understand
the nature of the part, and then indirectly to understand better the nature of
the whole. For example, the contemplation of the human being and his
variations in the State and in an isolated environment – or alone on an island.
This is merely done to simplify the solution of civil problems – It is the view
This section contains excerpts from the notebook: “Mathematische Studien zu Bossut und
Murhard;” that is to say, Novalis’s reflections on mathematical texts by Bossut und
Murhard. The texts in a smaller font size and with page numbers in square brackets are the
texts and pagination from Bossut’s and Murhard’s works. The original German is to be
found in: Novalis, HKA III: 115-124; An earlier English translation in Novalis, Notes for a
Romantic Encyclopaedia, pp. 204-206.
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of the simplest States – the molecules of the State, the principles for the
education and development of a State).
[System der Elemente der allgemeinen Grössenlehre (System of Elements of the
General Theory of Magnitudes. Lemgo, 1798)]
Higher mathesis is also called analysis. It consists of higher arithmetic, geometry and
trigonometry. Its finite (common) part includes algebra and its application, its infinite
or higher (idealistic) part- includes differential and integral calculus and its application.
[p. 8]
(Higher analysis is also at once higher synthesis – and hence it is the basis for
the whole of mathematics. What comes at the end in teaching and empirically, comes at the beginning in pure science).
With regard to the essential, individual character of the mathematical method, Kant
maintains that the mathematician is not discursive like the philosopher – but proceeds
intuitively – he doesn’t infer from concepts, but constructs his concepts – presents them in
a sensible manner – yet actively sensible – or forms pure intuitions. [p. 28]
(Here too I believe that the mathematician’s procedure is not unique. He
sculpts the concepts in order to fix them, and thereby to be able to take a
clearly designated and secure course and return course. Shouldn’t the
philosopher do likewise – or even every scientific expert? – In every science
one should self-actively sculpt. The sculptural method is the genuine
experimental method. We shouldn’t merely be active in One world – but be
simultaneously active in both – not think, without also reflecting, not reflect
without also thinking. The inverse method, the mathematical method,
consists in the construction of intuitions (in contrast to concepts) – in the nonsensible, immediate presentation of intuitions – in active thinking – in the
development of pure thoughts – in the fixing of intuitions (reflections) by means
of thoughts – to also be capable of carrying out that secure progression and
regression, that revision etc. The method of comprehending, or the cognitive
method, is none other than the genuine
method of observation.
Figures etc. are necessary in the former – words etc., in the latter.
In the former, reason delineates and reflects upon (external senses) its inner
motions etc. – and vice versa in the latter.
In the former, reason reflects from without –in the latter, from within.
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Words and figures determine one another in constant alternation – audible
and visible words are actually word figures – Word figures are the ideal figures
of other figures – All figures etc. should become literal or linguistic figures –
just as figurative words – are the inner images etc., the ideal words of other
thoughts or words – they all should become inner images.
Therefore imagination, which fashions figurative words, especially deserves the
predicate “genius”.
That will be a Golden Age, when all words become – figurative words – myths
– And all figures become – linguistic figures – hieroglyphs – When we learn
to speak and write figures – and learn to perfectly sculpt and make music with
Both arts belong together, are indivisibly connected and will become simultaneously perfected).
3. Mathematical Fragments (1798)3
The highest and the purest is the most common and the most understandable.
Hence, elementary geometry is higher than higher geometry. The more difficult
and more intricate a science, the more derived, the more impure, and the
more mixed.
The so-called physico-mathematical sciences are, like neutral salt or other
chemical combinations, a mixture of physics and mathematics – that assume
a new Nature – and which in another sense may be called higher Nature.
The former is the elementary highest – the latter is the mixed highest.
Two-fold path, from the latter to the former, or vice-versa.
Definitions are either external (characteristic records), or internal (elementary
records), or a mixture. They are formulae for constructions. Indirect definitions
Excerpts from “Mathematische Fragmente,” Novalis, HKA III: 125-128; Earlier English
translation in Novalis, Notes for a Romantic Encyclopaedia, pp. 206-207.
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are prescriptions. Experimental instructions, or descriptions, belong to the
prescriptions./ Positive and negative definitions./
Propositions should say something new – something that is not contained in
the definition/ an indication of its own inherent nature./ Following the
terminology, they must be synthetic.
/ Supplements, explanations, expositions, applications./
The greatest clarity – or repetition of this truth – fresh declarations of the
same theme using different words – are to blame for the apparent obscurity
and difficulty for the learner. The rigorous scientific path would be easier
Better theses /Definitions/ would render countless propositions superfluous.
A proof is an indirect construction – a mathematical experiment – a prescription.
(Most) mathematical propositions are all equal to the proposition a=a. Every
mathematical proposition is an equation.
(/Determining the square of the volume by using its weight when investigating specific gravities./ Submerging a ball into water, and determining its
volume using a cubic foot of water).
[…] The external is the common. The internal, is the particular./ The integration is much more difficult than the differentiation. In relation to physics
and philosophy./
The science that joins and puts both into contact with one another – that
instructs in deriving the particular from the common, and the inverse, as well
as with the external and internal aspects – this science is the connecting – and
higher science.
If the first is quantitative mathematics, and the second qualitative mathematics, then the third is relative mathematics – which appear in four systems
of elements and in a single universal system.
/ Categories. Fichte’s Wissenschaftslehre.
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Concept of factor, quotient, sum, difference, potency, root, logarithm,
function, series etc. fraction – exponential.
The smaller the curve of the section of the circle, the more it approaches a
straight line – an infinitely small curve is a straight line. Here we can apply the
Pythagorean theorem.
Even the irregular is lawful, like curves. The difference between rational and
irrational quantities.
Pure algebra doesn’t contain any numbers.
The combinatorial analysis of physics might be the indirect art of invention
that was sought by Francis Bacon.
4. Logological Fragments II & Anecdotes (1798)4
Is there such a thing as beautiful mathematics? Mystical mathematics. Musical
Mathematics. Does mathematics merely have a finite purpose? Isn’t mathematics purely theoretical? Genuinely pure mathematics? Quantities are
constructed through quantities.
The world must be romanticized. This yields again its original meaning.
Romanticizing is nothing more than a qualitative exponentiation. In this
operation, the lower self becomes identified with a better self. Just as we
ourselves are an exponential series of this kind. This operation is still entirely
unknown. By giving a higher sense to the ordinary, a mysterious semblance
to the everyday, the dignity of the unknown to the known, and the
appearance of the infinite to the finite – I romanticize it. For what is higher,
unknown, mystical, infinite, ones uses the inverse operation – by means of
this interconnection it becomes logarythmized. It receives a typical
expression. Romantic philosophy. Lingua romana. Reciprocal raising and
Cf. Vorarbeiten, nos. 95, 105, 308, 309 (HKA II: 543, 545, 593-594.)
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Higher mathematics and philosophy / or the theory of ideas, of the infinite etc./
share lots of analogies. Series of curves. / elements. 3 axes.
Baader5 is a real psychologist and speaks the genuine psychological
language. Real psychology is also perhaps a field that could suit me.
3 invariable quantities and qualities or forces. If I am the one, then the
others have to orient themselves in line with me.
Appearances are the differentials of ideas. It is very difficult to differentiate
ideas and integrate appearances.
5. Universal Arithmetic (arithmetica universalis)6
Newton. Bezout. Burja. Vieth.
Mönch. Stahl. Kästner’s Analysis
finitorum. Hindenburg’s Writings
and others as well.
Schulzen’s Mathematics.
Klügel. From: Hindenburg’s Polynomial Principle.
My Observations.
Counting is an analytic-synthetic operation. It is the unity of a group of
elements. It is both a homogenising and heterogenising – both a comprehending and distinguishing – and in alternation.
Calculating in general is likewise a composite action. An action that is solely
composed of actions. The composition is only possible through the
polarization of the elementary actions – for through this they first become
Undetermined calculating – determined calculating.
Franz Baader; see the translation of his “On the Pythagorean Square in Nature” by Carlos
Zorrilla Piña in this issue of Symphilosophie.
6 HKA 3: 167-169.
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A mode of calculating is a particular manner of calculating – an individual
modification of calculating in general.
There are no modifications in perfect calculating.
Imperfect calculating is calculating – where the elementary actions of
calculating are separated – where the modification of an elementary action is
not represented by the opposite, and vice versa – where one proceeds in an
irregular – irrational way – where each analysis does not at the same time
correspond to a synthesis, and inversely – where the elements work disproportionately and simultaneously.
Imperfect calculating partly cancels itself out – and disputes its own purpose.
If we could perfectly polarize imperfect calculating, then we could cancel out
one error by means of another – and the two results would together yield a
result in which the errors reciprocally destroy each other, and the remainder
would be the pure, sought after, and intended goal of the two. This type of
calculating could perhaps be called indirect calculating. An example is
differentiation and integration.
The proof is the calculation, whose result is the proposition that is to be
proven. Calculating and thinking are one and the same. There are as many
cognitive actions and as many compositions of them, as there are modes of
calculating. Only imperfect calculating is different from thinking in general –
just as imperfect or particular thinking is different from thinking in general.
(Imperfect and individual are one and the same – via an extremely long
period – or until the imperfect or the individual become absolute.)
The question regarding the possibility of mathematics divides into two parts:
1). Is it possible? 2). How is it possible?
A well-ordered solution of the task of mathematics indirectly involves all the
other mathematical tasks to be solved.
(Kant’s procedure with metaphysics – which is synonymous for him
with mathematics. His famous question.) (It is the question concerning
the possibility and method of construction of philosophical genius).
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Fundamental problem of mathematics.
(Is there a mathematical genius (life?) How is it possible? The solution
to the first question furnishes the proposition – the second furnishes the
proof, its method of construction.
Genius is the synthesizing principle, the genius makes the impossible
possible, and the possible impossible – the unknown known – and the known
unknown etc. In short, it is the moralizing element – the transubstanizing
principle. (Life and the inspired principle or genius are one and the same.)
(Imperfect genius.).
Dividing – ordering – counting – distributing – calculating – subtracting and
repeating –writing, are more or less synonyms.
Synthetic calculating, e.g. adding and subtracting – adding and multiplying – adding and exponentializing – subtracting and multiplying –
subtracting and dividing – adding and subtracting with multiplying –
adding and subtracting with dividing – adding and subtracting with
multiplying and dividing and so forth. Exhausting the types of calculating through the combinatory art. In order to carry this out in a
proficient manner one has to first critically study the concepts of the
individual calculations.
Ordinary arithmetic calculating on the whole is a combinatory adding etc. –
a distributed calculating – a successive – partial calculating – actually a
synthesizing calculating – from the elements to the whole. (The different
meanings of the expression ‘synthesis’).
6. Mathematical Reflections from: Das allgemeine Brouillon (1798/99)7
MATHEMATICS. The exposition of mathematics must itself be
mathematical. / Mathematics of mathematics.
Entry nos. 42, 69, 238, 348, 487, 495, 719, 977, 1006, 1016, 1026, in: HKA III: 245, 251252, 281, 303, 346-347, 349, 407, 453, 457-458, 459, 460-461; Cf. Novalis, Notes for a
Romantic Encyclopaedia: Das Allgemeine Brouillon, pages 6, 11, 35, 52, 86, 87, 133, 170, 174,
175, 176.
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MATHEMATICS. In the end, the whole of mathematics is certainly not a
special science – but only a general scientific instrument – a beautiful
instrument is a contradiction in terms. It is possibly nothing more than the soulforce of the intellect fashioned into an exoteric, external object and organ – a
realized and objectified intellect. Isn’t this perhaps also the case with many
or even with all the forces of the soul – that through our efforts they should
become external instruments? – Everything should be drawn out of us and
rendered visible – our soul ought to become representable. – The system of the
sciences should become the symbolic body (organ system) of our inner life. –
Our soul ought to become a sense perceptible machine – not within us, but
outside us.
/ Inverse task with the external world. /
the alphabet cogitationum humanarum [alphabet of human cognition] – in which
each letter comprises an action – a philosophical operation – a higher
(mathematical) calculus. – The philosophy of the categories is of the utmost
MATHEMATICS. The inner living character of mathematics. Magic of
numbers. Mystical doctrine of Pythagoras – Personification of 3 – of 4 etc.
arises through the self-criticism and self-system of the science. (A science
becomes applied if it serves as the analogous model and stimulus for a specific
self-(post) development of another science. Through the genuine raising to a
higher power, every science can pass over into a higher philosophical science,
since it is an element and function of a series.
In the end, mathematics is only common, simple philosophy, and philosophy,
is higher mathematics in general.
In particular, higher mathematics connects common mathematics with the
system of mathematics, while the latter borders on the philosophy of
mathematics—or philosophical mathematics, just as systematic science is
generally always the precursor and boundary of a higher degree of science—
of the philosophical degree. (Degrees of scientific character. The highest degree
of scientific character would be termed philosophy). The philosophical
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degree again divides into 3 parts and immediately—passes over into the
higher series, or into the higher degree of the philosophy of philosophy, and
so on.
(Just as the man of nature passes over into the common and complex human
being, so too pure science into the common and higher. Higher science is the
transition to a system, just as the scholar, or complex man is the transition to
the systematist).
MATHEMATICAL LOGIC. Application of mathematics to the theory of
thought – swiftness – and richness of thinking – not merely strength of thinking.
Degrees of thinking. Language is a thought-meter. Acute thinking –
penetrating thinking.
[…] (Has philosophy originated from the contemplation of mathematics?)
Philosophy is universal—or higher mathematics—the animating principle of
mathematics—poetical mathematics—Or the substance, if mathematics is
the form. Mathematics is merely objective philosophy—formal philosophy—
and so- called philosophy—is merely subjective philosophy or mathematics—
real philosophy. By combining them in a manner analogous to that of the
combination of chemistry and mechanics—there arises substantial—
synthetic—philosophy—or mathematics, or physics. Contrasted with
philosophy, physics is mathematics— while contrasted with mathematics—it
is philosophy.
All the universal sciences—e.g. physics and mathematics, etc., really resemble
philosophy in one respect—they are Proteusses—universal substances—
indications etc.
The mathematical method is the essence of mathematics. Whoever fully
understands this method, is a mathematician.
As the scientific method in general it is extremely interesting, and perhaps
supplies us with the most accurate model for the classification of knowledge,
or for the faculty of experience.
Axioms and postulates denote the theoretical (a.) and practical (b.) cognitive
faculty as such. Problems denote the desire. Solution and proof, the analytic
(ad a.) and synthetic (ad b.) ability. Explanations and corollaries also have
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their significance. This reveals that our desire for knowledge is the
intelligence’s desire for life, a play of intellectual forces.
All historical science aspires to be mathematical. The mathematical force is
the ordering force. Every mathematical science strives in turn to be
philosophical – to be animated or rationalized – then poetical – lastly moral –
and ultimately: religious.
The calculus of variable quantities is a kind of mechanics – the theory of
configuration and commotion.
Mathematics is genuine science—because it contains created knowledge—the
products of its own spiritual activity—and because it methodically inspires.
It is art, because it has fashioned inspired procedures into rules—because it
teaches one to be a genius—and because it replaces Nature with reason.
Higher mathematics is concerned with the spirit of quantities—with their
political principle—with the world of quantities.
7. Final Mathematical Fragments (1799/1800)8
The whole of mathematics is really, by and large, an equation for the other
Mathematics is to the other sciences, what logarithms are to it. The concept
of mathematics is the concept of science in general.
Hence, all the sciences should become mathematics. Our current mathematics is little more than a special empirical organon.
Mathematics is a substitute for convenient reduction – an aid to thought.
Its complete applicability is a necessary postulate of its conception.
Mathematics is the most valid testament of the idealism of nature.
“Mathematische Fragmente,” Novalis, HKA III: 593-594.
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The inner relationship, the sympathy of the universe, is the basis of mathematics.
Numbers are – like signs and words – appearances, representations kat exoxin.
The relationships of mathematics are world relationships. Pure mathematics
is the conception of the intellect as a universe.
Miracles, as facts contrary to nature, are a-mathematical – yet there does not
exist a miracle in this sense, and what is thus called is comprehensible
precisely by means of mathematics, for nothing is a miracle to mathematics.
Genuine mathematics is the true element of the magician.
In music, mathematics appears formally, as revelation – as creative idealism.
It legitimizes itself here, as a heavenly messenger, kat anthropon.
All enjoyment is musical, and therefore mathematical.
The highest life is mathematics.
There can be supremely ranked mathematicians who cannot calculate.
One could be a great calculator without having an inkling of mathematics.
The true mathematician is an enthusiast per se. Without enthusiasm there is
no mathematics.
The life of the Gods is mathematics. All divine messengers must be mathematicians.
Pure mathematics is religion.
One only advances to mathematics through a theophany. Mathematicians
alone are fortunate. The mathematician knows all. He could know it, even if
he did not already.
All activity ceases when knowledge enters. The state of knowledge is
eudemony, the blessed peace of contemplation – heavenly quietism.
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True mathematics is at home in the East. In Europe it has degenerated into
a purely technical science.
Whoever does not take hold of a mathematical book with devotion, and read
it as the word of God, fails to understand it.
Every line is a world axis.
A formula is a mathematical prescription.
Numbers are the drugs.
Arithmetic is its pharmacy.
In the end, mathematics only contains methods of abbreviation.
Symphilosophie 3 (2021)