var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Croatian Origins | A Genetic and Cultural History
SUPPORT the Barksdale Family and History Channel BELOW!
It begins with a mystery.
Potočani is a small farming village in the Croatian interior, closer to the borders of Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina than to its own capital Zagreb. In 2007, a villager in the nearby hills began to dig a foundation for a garage. Heavy rains stopped his work and revealed a small pit. Bones protruded from the earth.
The villager knew he had found a mass grave. But to further identify the skeletons he called the University of Zagreb. By chance, an archaeological team was nearby working on a highway project. They were able to study the remains on the very same day.
Mass graves are an unfortunate part of the landscape in that region. 44 corpses were identified. At first, it was assu...
published: 26 Mar 2022
First Slavic Tribes
Video about first Slavic tribes, before Slavic countries were founded, those areas were inhabited by approximately 75 Slavic Tribes.
*For better understanding turn on the subtitles*
List of all known medieval Slavic tribes:
Slavic Affairs Shop🔥
Follow SA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SlavicAffairs/
Follow SA Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlavicAffairs
Do you like what I'm doing? Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Slavicaffairs
Follow SlavMedia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_T2FoihcYHFkkpGj0HiXw
Follow our friends channel Slavic Pride: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8PFQqNjN8y0fZW-OfLIObQ...
published: 24 Jun 2017
Sista Brutally Beaten by Three White Croatian Men In Croatia
Naledi Mfoloe reports into a distressing case of racial violence involving a South African Black woman who was brutally attacked and beaten by three Croatian men in Croatia
Connect with Naledi Mfoloe
[ @nal.edi ]
published: 29 Aug 2024
Legend of the Arrival of the Croats (5 brothers and 2 sisters) | Croatian Words
Croatian History began when the Croats arrived in what is now known as Croatia in the 7th century. Legend has it that they were led by 5 brothers and 2 sisters. They settled on the land by the Adriatic sea after travelling miles and miles from White Croatia to wage war against the Avars. This historical event marked the beginning of their 1300 year old journey.
Like this video? Leave a comment!
Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400022
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
published: 08 Mar 2020
The Iranian Origin of Croats - White Red and Green Croatia
The Iranic origin of Croats is in fact the only way one can comprehend the traditional distinction existing between White Croatia, Red Croatia and Green Croatia:
"After the Iranian fashion the ancient Croats ascribed a specific colour to each of the four cardinal points of the compass in the territory which they inhabited. The colour white designated the west, red the south, green the east, and black the north. (10: Saussure, Le Systeme 235-297; idem, L'origine des noms 23; Sakac, op. cit., 37-40) Hence White or West Croatia, Red or South Croatia and Green or East Croatia." (Mandic 1970, Ch.1)
Further, Dobrovich notes,
"It should be noted that only the thesis of the Iranian origin of the Cr...
published: 18 Apr 2008
Croatia is the Whitest Country in the World? Part 1 (2018)
Back in the 2018 World Cup, there was a very strange discussion in the French media after the French anti-racism organisation LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) tweeted that the Croatian team was too white ahead of the World Cup Final. Nobody seemed to think that the Nigerian team was too black, by contrast.
Having lived in Croatia for 15 years at that point, mostly on a Dalmatian island, seeing non-white people was a rarity in my daily reality. Nothing right or wrong about that, just the way it was. It got me thinking about how many foreigners lived in Croatia, and just how homogenous Croatia was compared to other Caucasian countries in the world, and I published my findings on Total Croatia News - https://www.total-croatia-news.com/lifestyle/29956-99-3-croatia...
published: 06 Feb 2023
Карпатські Хорвати | Carpathian Croats | Ukrainian tribe
Племена карпатських горватів Карпато-Дністровського регіону (предки західних українців - галичан (басейн Дністра його приток, Сяну и Пруту), лемків, закарпатців (закарпатські діалекти зберегли карпато-горватську мову / вимову тоді, як в Галичині мова зазнала фонетчної трансформації), бойків, західних буковинців, західних подолян (з-над Дністра) за винятком волинян. Цитати з дослідження історика Леонтія Войтовича (доктор історичних наук, професор): Прикарпаття в другій половині І тисячоліття: найдавніші князівства: http://www.lnu.edu.ua/faculty/webhistory/Sajt_istfak/Vipusk_45_files/45_013-054.pdf
2: http://lnu.academia.edu/LeontiyVoitovycz/Papers/1333179/_I_I_I_I_._._
3. Др. Леонтій Войтович. «Білі» хорвати чи «карпатські» хорвати? Продовження дискусії: http://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Voitov...
published: 13 Aug 2012
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA #croatia #hrvatska #ancestry #dna #balkans #viral
published: 07 Feb 2024
"Arkan" - White Croatian/Hutsul Folk Song
The Hutsuls are an Ukrainian ethnic group spanning parts of western Ukraine and Romania. They are generally considered to be descendants of the White Croats, a Slavic tribe that inhabited the area.
White Croats or simply known as Croats, were a group of Early Slavic tribes who lived among other West and East Slavic tribes in the area of modern-day Lesser Poland, Galicia (north of Carpathian Mountains), Western Ukraine and Northeastern Bohemia.
They were documented primarily by foreign medieval authors and managed to preserve their ethnic name until the early 20th century, primarily in Lesser Poland.
It is also considered that they were assimilated into Czech, Polish and Ukrainian ethnos, and are one of the predecessors of the Rusyn people.
In the 7th century, some White Croats migrat...
published: 27 Oct 2022
Which Country Do You HATE The Most? | CROATIA
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published: 18 Nov 2020
Croatian Origins | A Genetic and Cultural History
SUPPORT the Barksdale Family and History Channel BELOW!
It begins with a mystery.
Potočani is a small farming village in the Croati...
SUPPORT the Barksdale Family and History Channel BELOW!
It begins with a mystery.
Potočani is a small farming village in the Croatian interior, closer to the borders of Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina than to its own capital Zagreb. In 2007, a villager in the nearby hills began to dig a foundation for a garage. Heavy rains stopped his work and revealed a small pit. Bones protruded from the earth.
The villager knew he had found a mass grave. But to further identify the skeletons he called the University of Zagreb. By chance, an archaeological team was nearby working on a highway project. They were able to study the remains on the very same day.
Mass graves are an unfortunate part of the landscape in that region. 44 corpses were identified. At first, it was assumed that the bodies were from the recent Balkans conflict, or perhaps from World War II, but they found no modern objects in the pit. Upon inspecting the teeth of the dead, they found no fillings. These were not modern corpses. In fact, they were prehistoric. And they were men and women, old and young, close kin and stranger.
Potočani is the oldest indiscriminate massacre ever discovered.
Mario Novak, head of the Laboratory for Evolutionary Anthropology and Bioarchaeology at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb, Croatia, led a team who published a study in Plos One called Genome-wide analysis of nearly all the victims of a 6200 year old massacre. It details the genetic characteristics of 41 of the 44 bodies. The remaining three had insufficient material remaining for a genetic sample. What they learned opens a window into ancient Croatia.
The paper states: Direct radiocarbon dates (~4200 BCE) as well as several recovered pottery fragments, assign the massacred people to the Middle Eneolithic (Copper Age) Lasinja culture which was widespread in the region of continental Croatia, northern Bosnia, Slovenia, eastern Austria, and western Hungary.
SUPPORT the Barksdale Family and History Channel BELOW!
It begins with a mystery.
Potočani is a small farming village in the Croatian interior, closer to the borders of Hungary and Bosnia-Herzegovina than to its own capital Zagreb. In 2007, a villager in the nearby hills began to dig a foundation for a garage. Heavy rains stopped his work and revealed a small pit. Bones protruded from the earth.
The villager knew he had found a mass grave. But to further identify the skeletons he called the University of Zagreb. By chance, an archaeological team was nearby working on a highway project. They were able to study the remains on the very same day.
Mass graves are an unfortunate part of the landscape in that region. 44 corpses were identified. At first, it was assumed that the bodies were from the recent Balkans conflict, or perhaps from World War II, but they found no modern objects in the pit. Upon inspecting the teeth of the dead, they found no fillings. These were not modern corpses. In fact, they were prehistoric. And they were men and women, old and young, close kin and stranger.
Potočani is the oldest indiscriminate massacre ever discovered.
Mario Novak, head of the Laboratory for Evolutionary Anthropology and Bioarchaeology at the Institute for Anthropological Research in Zagreb, Croatia, led a team who published a study in Plos One called Genome-wide analysis of nearly all the victims of a 6200 year old massacre. It details the genetic characteristics of 41 of the 44 bodies. The remaining three had insufficient material remaining for a genetic sample. What they learned opens a window into ancient Croatia.
The paper states: Direct radiocarbon dates (~4200 BCE) as well as several recovered pottery fragments, assign the massacred people to the Middle Eneolithic (Copper Age) Lasinja culture which was widespread in the region of continental Croatia, northern Bosnia, Slovenia, eastern Austria, and western Hungary.
- published: 26 Mar 2022
- views: 157099
First Slavic Tribes
Video about first Slavic tribes, before Slavic countries were founded, those areas were inhabited by approximately 75 Slavic Tribes.
*For better understanding ...
Video about first Slavic tribes, before Slavic countries were founded, those areas were inhabited by approximately 75 Slavic Tribes.
*For better understanding turn on the subtitles*
List of all known medieval Slavic tribes:
Slavic Affairs Shop🔥
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Do you like what I'm doing? Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Slavicaffairs
Follow SlavMedia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_T2FoihcYHFkkpGj0HiXw
Follow our friends channel Slavic Pride: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8PFQqNjN8y0fZW-OfLIObQ
I hope you enjoyed the video! If you did, please like and subscribe.
Medieval Drum Dance Joe Matzzie
Polska tradycyjna muzyka weselna - Polish traditional wedding music (Instrumental)
***Veleti,Sorbs,Pomeranians,Polans, Silesians,Masovians,Vistulans,KievanRus,Czechs,Moravians,Morvians,Slovaks,Carantanians,Croats,Serbs,Seven SlavicTribes,Bulgaria,Draguvity,Vayunity,Volhynians,White Croats,Severians,Ulichs,Tivertsi,Dregovichs,Krivichs,Radimichs,Ilmen Slovenians,Novgorod,Vyatichi***
Enjoy my content? If you want to support me join me on Patreon
Video about first Slavic tribes, before Slavic countries were founded, those areas were inhabited by approximately 75 Slavic Tribes.
*For better understanding turn on the subtitles*
List of all known medieval Slavic tribes:
Slavic Affairs Shop🔥
Follow SA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SlavicAffairs/
Follow SA Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlavicAffairs
Do you like what I'm doing? Support me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Slavicaffairs
Follow SlavMedia: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe_T2FoihcYHFkkpGj0HiXw
Follow our friends channel Slavic Pride: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8PFQqNjN8y0fZW-OfLIObQ
I hope you enjoyed the video! If you did, please like and subscribe.
Medieval Drum Dance Joe Matzzie
Polska tradycyjna muzyka weselna - Polish traditional wedding music (Instrumental)
***Veleti,Sorbs,Pomeranians,Polans, Silesians,Masovians,Vistulans,KievanRus,Czechs,Moravians,Morvians,Slovaks,Carantanians,Croats,Serbs,Seven SlavicTribes,Bulgaria,Draguvity,Vayunity,Volhynians,White Croats,Severians,Ulichs,Tivertsi,Dregovichs,Krivichs,Radimichs,Ilmen Slovenians,Novgorod,Vyatichi***
Enjoy my content? If you want to support me join me on Patreon
- published: 24 Jun 2017
- views: 551678
Sista Brutally Beaten by Three White Croatian Men In Croatia
Naledi Mfoloe reports into a distressing case of racial violence involving a South African Black woman who was brutally attacked and beaten by three Croatian me...
Naledi Mfoloe reports into a distressing case of racial violence involving a South African Black woman who was brutally attacked and beaten by three Croatian men in Croatia
Connect with Naledi Mfoloe
[ @nal.edi ]
Naledi Mfoloe reports into a distressing case of racial violence involving a South African Black woman who was brutally attacked and beaten by three Croatian men in Croatia
Connect with Naledi Mfoloe
[ @nal.edi ]
- published: 29 Aug 2024
- views: 36641
Legend of the Arrival of the Croats (5 brothers and 2 sisters) | Croatian Words
Croatian History began when the Croats arrived in what is now known as Croatia in the 7th century. Legend has it that they were led by 5 brothers and 2 sisters....
Croatian History began when the Croats arrived in what is now known as Croatia in the 7th century. Legend has it that they were led by 5 brothers and 2 sisters. They settled on the land by the Adriatic sea after travelling miles and miles from White Croatia to wage war against the Avars. This historical event marked the beginning of their 1300 year old journey.
Like this video? Leave a comment!
Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400022
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
Croatian History began when the Croats arrived in what is now known as Croatia in the 7th century. Legend has it that they were led by 5 brothers and 2 sisters. They settled on the land by the Adriatic sea after travelling miles and miles from White Croatia to wage war against the Avars. This historical event marked the beginning of their 1300 year old journey.
Like this video? Leave a comment!
Lord of the Land by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1400022
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
- published: 08 Mar 2020
- views: 3683
The Iranian Origin of Croats - White Red and Green Croatia
The Iranic origin of Croats is in fact the only way one can comprehend the tr...
The Iranic origin of Croats is in fact the only way one can comprehend the traditional distinction existing between White Croatia, Red Croatia and Green Croatia:
"After the Iranian fashion the ancient Croats ascribed a specific colour to each of the four cardinal points of the compass in the territory which they inhabited. The colour white designated the west, red the south, green the east, and black the north. (10: Saussure, Le Systeme 235-297; idem, L'origine des noms 23; Sakac, op. cit., 37-40) Hence White or West Croatia, Red or South Croatia and Green or East Croatia." (Mandic 1970, Ch.1)
Further, Dobrovich notes,
"It should be noted that only the thesis of the Iranian origin of the Croats can explain the name "Horvath", the title of a Croat dignitary Banus, the names "White" and "Red Croatian", and the Bogumile phenomenon. According to this theory, the Croats were a branch of the Caucasian Iranians, who lived somewhere in the western Caucasus during the era of the Roman Emperors. The Caucasian Anten were another branch of this group." (Dobrovich 1963)
Let us conclude this section on Croats with the words of the learned Prof. Mandic: "The oldest historical evidence, the ancient Croatian social organization, religion, national customs and art indicate that the Croats are of Iranian origin." (Mandic 1970, Concl.)
Now, the exact path of migration of the Croats from Iran to the Balkans is still disputed. Some hold that they migrated via Anatolia, others that they migrated via Central Asia and the Pontic region. Some of the latter historians link the Sarmatians with the Croats and Jats. Thus, Dvornik traces both Serbs and Croats back to the Sarmatians of Southern Russia (Dvornik 1956). The Sarmatians were generally identified as Scythians. Thus, Sulimirski, author of "The Sarmatians" also makes mention of the referral of the Emperor's to the Belochrobati or White Croats who "exhibited certain Sarmatian characteristics ... [they were] of Iranian origin" (Sulimirski 1970, p.190-1) Their interest to history stems from the fact that their matriarchial Scythian society probably formed the basis of the Greek legends of the Amazons. In this connection, it is interesting to note numerous reference to the fighting ability, combat skills, bravery and great freedom of Jat women - the Jat amazons.
The name Sarmatian is an Anglicization of the original Sauro Matii, the Latin form of the Prakrit Surya Madra or Surya Mada. The name means "Solar Medes", in English, another testimony to the worship of Surya, or Cyrus, the Asshur of Assyria, the Ahura Mazda of the Zoroastrians, the splendid Sun-god of the Iranic peoples. In this regard, Mandic notes,
"Indeed from the end of the I to III century A.D. in the city-state of Tanais, in the region of the Don, lived various Iranian tribes of Samatians as well as Croats who must have been Iranians. (4: Concerning the Iranian tribes in present-day southeastern Russia around the Don and the Iranian origin of the Croats, see: Niederle, I, 321-434; Rostovtzeff; Vasmer, I; Hauptmann; Nartical; Sakac, 313-340; Dabo-Peranic. For a summary of the theories on the Croatian name see: Sisic, Povijest Hrvata 238-240) Furthermore the national name "Croat" is of Iranian origin. According to the Russian Vselod Miller the name "Croat" comes from the Iranian word Hor-va (t)u meaning: the sun's bed or path. (5. Miller, 259 sq.) M. Vasmer derives the Croatian name from Hu-urvata meaning, "friend". (6. Vasmer, op. cit., 56) And the terms used to designate the high officials among the Croats, "kral, ban, zupan", are of Iranian origin. (7 Sakac, The Iranian origins of the Croats, 30-46; RP 195-201) (Mandic 1970, Chapter 1)
The Iranic origin of Croats is in fact the only way one can comprehend the traditional distinction existing between White Croatia, Red Croatia and Green Croatia:
"After the Iranian fashion the ancient Croats ascribed a specific colour to each of the four cardinal points of the compass in the territory which they inhabited. The colour white designated the west, red the south, green the east, and black the north. (10: Saussure, Le Systeme 235-297; idem, L'origine des noms 23; Sakac, op. cit., 37-40) Hence White or West Croatia, Red or South Croatia and Green or East Croatia." (Mandic 1970, Ch.1)
Further, Dobrovich notes,
"It should be noted that only the thesis of the Iranian origin of the Croats can explain the name "Horvath", the title of a Croat dignitary Banus, the names "White" and "Red Croatian", and the Bogumile phenomenon. According to this theory, the Croats were a branch of the Caucasian Iranians, who lived somewhere in the western Caucasus during the era of the Roman Emperors. The Caucasian Anten were another branch of this group." (Dobrovich 1963)
Let us conclude this section on Croats with the words of the learned Prof. Mandic: "The oldest historical evidence, the ancient Croatian social organization, religion, national customs and art indicate that the Croats are of Iranian origin." (Mandic 1970, Concl.)
Now, the exact path of migration of the Croats from Iran to the Balkans is still disputed. Some hold that they migrated via Anatolia, others that they migrated via Central Asia and the Pontic region. Some of the latter historians link the Sarmatians with the Croats and Jats. Thus, Dvornik traces both Serbs and Croats back to the Sarmatians of Southern Russia (Dvornik 1956). The Sarmatians were generally identified as Scythians. Thus, Sulimirski, author of "The Sarmatians" also makes mention of the referral of the Emperor's to the Belochrobati or White Croats who "exhibited certain Sarmatian characteristics ... [they were] of Iranian origin" (Sulimirski 1970, p.190-1) Their interest to history stems from the fact that their matriarchial Scythian society probably formed the basis of the Greek legends of the Amazons. In this connection, it is interesting to note numerous reference to the fighting ability, combat skills, bravery and great freedom of Jat women - the Jat amazons.
The name Sarmatian is an Anglicization of the original Sauro Matii, the Latin form of the Prakrit Surya Madra or Surya Mada. The name means "Solar Medes", in English, another testimony to the worship of Surya, or Cyrus, the Asshur of Assyria, the Ahura Mazda of the Zoroastrians, the splendid Sun-god of the Iranic peoples. In this regard, Mandic notes,
"Indeed from the end of the I to III century A.D. in the city-state of Tanais, in the region of the Don, lived various Iranian tribes of Samatians as well as Croats who must have been Iranians. (4: Concerning the Iranian tribes in present-day southeastern Russia around the Don and the Iranian origin of the Croats, see: Niederle, I, 321-434; Rostovtzeff; Vasmer, I; Hauptmann; Nartical; Sakac, 313-340; Dabo-Peranic. For a summary of the theories on the Croatian name see: Sisic, Povijest Hrvata 238-240) Furthermore the national name "Croat" is of Iranian origin. According to the Russian Vselod Miller the name "Croat" comes from the Iranian word Hor-va (t)u meaning: the sun's bed or path. (5. Miller, 259 sq.) M. Vasmer derives the Croatian name from Hu-urvata meaning, "friend". (6. Vasmer, op. cit., 56) And the terms used to designate the high officials among the Croats, "kral, ban, zupan", are of Iranian origin. (7 Sakac, The Iranian origins of the Croats, 30-46; RP 195-201) (Mandic 1970, Chapter 1)
- published: 18 Apr 2008
- views: 19237
Croatia is the Whitest Country in the World? Part 1 (2018)
Back in the 2018 World Cup, there was a very strange discussion in the French media after the French anti-racism organisation LICRA (International League Agains...
Back in the 2018 World Cup, there was a very strange discussion in the French media after the French anti-racism organisation LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) tweeted that the Croatian team was too white ahead of the World Cup Final. Nobody seemed to think that the Nigerian team was too black, by contrast.
Having lived in Croatia for 15 years at that point, mostly on a Dalmatian island, seeing non-white people was a rarity in my daily reality. Nothing right or wrong about that, just the way it was. It got me thinking about how many foreigners lived in Croatia, and just how homogenous Croatia was compared to other Caucasian countries in the world, and I published my findings on Total Croatia News - https://www.total-croatia-news.com/lifestyle/29956-99-3-croatia-the-most-racially-pure-caucasian-country-in-the-world
This video is the first in a two-part series, and it deals with the data in that 2018 article. The second video (feel free to subscribe to receive it) will follow, looking at the data from 2023, just 5 years later, to see if and how Croatia is changing (spoiler alert - it is).
Want to learn more about the realities of living in this flawed but majestic country? Our new book, Croatia, a Survival Guide for Foreigners is now available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Croatia-Survival-Kit-Foreigners-2023/dp/9535033808
Video produced by Igor Vuk of Wolf Media.
Like our videos and want to see more? Be part of the story by buying me a coffee or something stronger https://ko-fi.com/paulbradbury
For your daily dose of Croatia, check out https://www.total-croatia-news.com
Follow Paul Bradbury on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-bradbury-58662a85/
Back in the 2018 World Cup, there was a very strange discussion in the French media after the French anti-racism organisation LICRA (International League Against Racism and Antisemitism) tweeted that the Croatian team was too white ahead of the World Cup Final. Nobody seemed to think that the Nigerian team was too black, by contrast.
Having lived in Croatia for 15 years at that point, mostly on a Dalmatian island, seeing non-white people was a rarity in my daily reality. Nothing right or wrong about that, just the way it was. It got me thinking about how many foreigners lived in Croatia, and just how homogenous Croatia was compared to other Caucasian countries in the world, and I published my findings on Total Croatia News - https://www.total-croatia-news.com/lifestyle/29956-99-3-croatia-the-most-racially-pure-caucasian-country-in-the-world
This video is the first in a two-part series, and it deals with the data in that 2018 article. The second video (feel free to subscribe to receive it) will follow, looking at the data from 2023, just 5 years later, to see if and how Croatia is changing (spoiler alert - it is).
Want to learn more about the realities of living in this flawed but majestic country? Our new book, Croatia, a Survival Guide for Foreigners is now available on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Croatia-Survival-Kit-Foreigners-2023/dp/9535033808
Video produced by Igor Vuk of Wolf Media.
Like our videos and want to see more? Be part of the story by buying me a coffee or something stronger https://ko-fi.com/paulbradbury
For your daily dose of Croatia, check out https://www.total-croatia-news.com
Follow Paul Bradbury on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-bradbury-58662a85/
- published: 06 Feb 2023
- views: 23123
Карпатські Хорвати | Carpathian Croats | Ukrainian tribe
Племена карпатських горватів Карпато-Дністровського регіону (предки західних українців - галичан (басейн Дністра його приток, Сяну и Пруту), лемків, закарпатців...
Племена карпатських горватів Карпато-Дністровського регіону (предки західних українців - галичан (басейн Дністра його приток, Сяну и Пруту), лемків, закарпатців (закарпатські діалекти зберегли карпато-горватську мову / вимову тоді, як в Галичині мова зазнала фонетчної трансформації), бойків, західних буковинців, західних подолян (з-над Дністра) за винятком волинян. Цитати з дослідження історика Леонтія Войтовича (доктор історичних наук, професор): Прикарпаття в другій половині І тисячоліття: найдавніші князівства: http://www.lnu.edu.ua/faculty/webhistory/Sajt_istfak/Vipusk_45_files/45_013-054.pdf
2: http://lnu.academia.edu/LeontiyVoitovycz/Papers/1333179/_I_I_I_I_._._
3. Др. Леонтій Войтович. «Білі» хорвати чи «карпатські» хорвати? Продовження дискусії: http://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Voitovych_Leontii/Bili_khorvaty_chy_karpatski_khorvaty/
Борщівської сорочка (південна Тернопільщина) - це по суті "біло / карпато-хорватська" сорочка" (племені дністровських хорватів "теребовлян"), за стилем вельми близька закарпатським та хорватським зразкам. Лише гуцули різко відрізняються від решти західно-українського хорватського масиву. Це через те, що вони зберегли сильний "ілліро-фракійський елемент" (бл. 50%) споріднений древнім дакам (предкам румунів) та зниклим костобокам (липицької культури - заселяли землі аж до Рогатинщини і були витіснені на-південь, частково асимільовані словяно-хорватськими племенами). Гуцулів можна окреслити як "словяно-хорватизованих" костобоків / племя півн. даків.
Video is in Ukrainian language and is based upon the research of Lviv historian Leontiy Voytovych (Dr. of historical sciences, professor at Lviv University) - quotes of his scientific articles.
Carpathian croats (horvats) - one of the most important and biggest proto-Ukrainian tribes of 5-11th centuries AD from western Ukraine (ancestors of most of western Ukrainians (Galicians, Carpathians, Transcarpathians, Lemkos, Boykos, west Bukovinians and west Podolians) as well as of Dalmatian Croats (Bosnians among them). Carpathian croats played one of the key roles upon the formation of Ukrainian nation and language (i.e. Sarmatian, Ukrainian, Czechoslovak "h, khv" instead of Slavic g, f). Role of the Iranian speaking sarmatian tribes of Roxolans and Yazygs (Jasses) of Upper Dniester and Prut valleys in the formation of the ancient Croatian community is also examined in the video as well as the migration of original Sarmatian Chrovatae from the north of Azov into upper Dniester basin. The first historic Chorvatae was Sarmatian (Iranian speaking) tribe next to Azov sea. In White Croatia, close to ancient Croatian Terebovlya (Ternopil region, west Ukraine) we also find cultic center Zarvanytsia (from Zurvan, Zoroastrian Sarmatian deity), now Marian shrine.
Major centers of Ukrainian Croats were tribal centers of Horvat (upon the Prut river), Stolsk (on the northen Dniester, in Lviv region, tribal center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of bobrians and west terebovlians), Terebovlya (capital of the eastern carpatho-croatian subtribe of trebovlians in Ternopil region), Peremyshl (center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of zasians). Later carpatho-croatian centers were Halych, Zvenyhorod and same Peremyshl and Terebovlia.
Carpathian Croatia (Great Croatia, modern western Ukraine - Subcarpathia) is ancient home of all Croats, that migrated first westwards, as far as northern Czechia and Silesia reaching Laba and Saale rivers (so called "white croats, or western croats") and later south to Dalmatia, where "New Croatia" (or "Red Croatia" if to use old Irano-Sarmatian term "red" for "southern") emerged - modern states of Croatia and Bosnia. Carpatho-croatian population of Zakarpattia (Ukrainian Transcarpathian province), as wells Croats of the Upper Dniester, especially major croatian subtribe of trebovlians took part in the first wave of Croatian migration to the Balkans, into the Dalmatia (modern Croatia and Bosnia) where there 53 placenames are connected with the ancient Ukrainian-Croatian tribes of trebovlians, many with zasians and poborans (bobrians) and some with dulibs and buzhans (duliby and buzhans were only non-Croatian, major Volhynian tribes, which took part in the migration too)
Племена карпатських горватів Карпато-Дністровського регіону (предки західних українців - галичан (басейн Дністра його приток, Сяну и Пруту), лемків, закарпатців (закарпатські діалекти зберегли карпато-горватську мову / вимову тоді, як в Галичині мова зазнала фонетчної трансформації), бойків, західних буковинців, західних подолян (з-над Дністра) за винятком волинян. Цитати з дослідження історика Леонтія Войтовича (доктор історичних наук, професор): Прикарпаття в другій половині І тисячоліття: найдавніші князівства: http://www.lnu.edu.ua/faculty/webhistory/Sajt_istfak/Vipusk_45_files/45_013-054.pdf
2: http://lnu.academia.edu/LeontiyVoitovycz/Papers/1333179/_I_I_I_I_._._
3. Др. Леонтій Войтович. «Білі» хорвати чи «карпатські» хорвати? Продовження дискусії: http://chtyvo.org.ua/authors/Voitovych_Leontii/Bili_khorvaty_chy_karpatski_khorvaty/
Борщівської сорочка (південна Тернопільщина) - це по суті "біло / карпато-хорватська" сорочка" (племені дністровських хорватів "теребовлян"), за стилем вельми близька закарпатським та хорватським зразкам. Лише гуцули різко відрізняються від решти західно-українського хорватського масиву. Це через те, що вони зберегли сильний "ілліро-фракійський елемент" (бл. 50%) споріднений древнім дакам (предкам румунів) та зниклим костобокам (липицької культури - заселяли землі аж до Рогатинщини і були витіснені на-південь, частково асимільовані словяно-хорватськими племенами). Гуцулів можна окреслити як "словяно-хорватизованих" костобоків / племя півн. даків.
Video is in Ukrainian language and is based upon the research of Lviv historian Leontiy Voytovych (Dr. of historical sciences, professor at Lviv University) - quotes of his scientific articles.
Carpathian croats (horvats) - one of the most important and biggest proto-Ukrainian tribes of 5-11th centuries AD from western Ukraine (ancestors of most of western Ukrainians (Galicians, Carpathians, Transcarpathians, Lemkos, Boykos, west Bukovinians and west Podolians) as well as of Dalmatian Croats (Bosnians among them). Carpathian croats played one of the key roles upon the formation of Ukrainian nation and language (i.e. Sarmatian, Ukrainian, Czechoslovak "h, khv" instead of Slavic g, f). Role of the Iranian speaking sarmatian tribes of Roxolans and Yazygs (Jasses) of Upper Dniester and Prut valleys in the formation of the ancient Croatian community is also examined in the video as well as the migration of original Sarmatian Chrovatae from the north of Azov into upper Dniester basin. The first historic Chorvatae was Sarmatian (Iranian speaking) tribe next to Azov sea. In White Croatia, close to ancient Croatian Terebovlya (Ternopil region, west Ukraine) we also find cultic center Zarvanytsia (from Zurvan, Zoroastrian Sarmatian deity), now Marian shrine.
Major centers of Ukrainian Croats were tribal centers of Horvat (upon the Prut river), Stolsk (on the northen Dniester, in Lviv region, tribal center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of bobrians and west terebovlians), Terebovlya (capital of the eastern carpatho-croatian subtribe of trebovlians in Ternopil region), Peremyshl (center of carpatho-croatian subtribe of zasians). Later carpatho-croatian centers were Halych, Zvenyhorod and same Peremyshl and Terebovlia.
Carpathian Croatia (Great Croatia, modern western Ukraine - Subcarpathia) is ancient home of all Croats, that migrated first westwards, as far as northern Czechia and Silesia reaching Laba and Saale rivers (so called "white croats, or western croats") and later south to Dalmatia, where "New Croatia" (or "Red Croatia" if to use old Irano-Sarmatian term "red" for "southern") emerged - modern states of Croatia and Bosnia. Carpatho-croatian population of Zakarpattia (Ukrainian Transcarpathian province), as wells Croats of the Upper Dniester, especially major croatian subtribe of trebovlians took part in the first wave of Croatian migration to the Balkans, into the Dalmatia (modern Croatia and Bosnia) where there 53 placenames are connected with the ancient Ukrainian-Croatian tribes of trebovlians, many with zasians and poborans (bobrians) and some with dulibs and buzhans (duliby and buzhans were only non-Croatian, major Volhynian tribes, which took part in the migration too)
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 33252
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA #croatia #hrvatska #ancestry #dna #balkans #viral
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA #croatia #hrvatska #ancestry #dna #balkans #viral
Croatia - Ancestry and DNA #croatia #hrvatska #ancestry #dna #balkans #viral
- published: 07 Feb 2024
- views: 1565
"Arkan" - White Croatian/Hutsul Folk Song
The Hutsuls are an Ukrainian ethnic group spanning parts of western Ukraine and Romania. They are generally considered to be descendants of the White Croats, a ...
The Hutsuls are an Ukrainian ethnic group spanning parts of western Ukraine and Romania. They are generally considered to be descendants of the White Croats, a Slavic tribe that inhabited the area.
White Croats or simply known as Croats, were a group of Early Slavic tribes who lived among other West and East Slavic tribes in the area of modern-day Lesser Poland, Galicia (north of Carpathian Mountains), Western Ukraine and Northeastern Bohemia.
They were documented primarily by foreign medieval authors and managed to preserve their ethnic name until the early 20th century, primarily in Lesser Poland.
It is also considered that they were assimilated into Czech, Polish and Ukrainian ethnos, and are one of the predecessors of the Rusyn people.
In the 7th century, some White Croats migrated from their homeland, Great White Croatia, to the territory of modern-day Croatia in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic sea, forming the ancestors of the South Slavic ethnic group of Croats.
The Hutsuls are an Ukrainian ethnic group spanning parts of western Ukraine and Romania. They are generally considered to be descendants of the White Croats, a Slavic tribe that inhabited the area.
White Croats or simply known as Croats, were a group of Early Slavic tribes who lived among other West and East Slavic tribes in the area of modern-day Lesser Poland, Galicia (north of Carpathian Mountains), Western Ukraine and Northeastern Bohemia.
They were documented primarily by foreign medieval authors and managed to preserve their ethnic name until the early 20th century, primarily in Lesser Poland.
It is also considered that they were assimilated into Czech, Polish and Ukrainian ethnos, and are one of the predecessors of the Rusyn people.
In the 7th century, some White Croats migrated from their homeland, Great White Croatia, to the territory of modern-day Croatia in Southeast Europe along the Adriatic sea, forming the ancestors of the South Slavic ethnic group of Croats.
- published: 27 Oct 2022
- views: 23519
Which Country Do You HATE The Most? | CROATIA
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- published: 18 Nov 2020
- views: 1692480