The hills are a northward extension of the Central Russian Upland. The ridge is overlain by deposited glacial materials in the form of terminal moraines and other detritus. The Valdai Hills reach their maximum height of 346.9m (1,138ft) near Vyshny Volochyok.
The Volga, the Daugava (the Western Dvina), the Lovat, the Msta, the Dnieper, the Syas, and other rivers originate in the Valdai Hills. The region thus is divided between the drainage basins of the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper), and the Baltic Sea (the Msta and the Lovat via the Volkhov, the Syas via Lake Ladoga and the Neva, and the Daugava).
【K】Russia Travel-Tver Oblast[러시아 여행-트베리]볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉/Valdai Hills/Volga River/Catchment area
"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
셀리게르 호수에서 약 30분 정도 떨어진 발다이 구릉. 이곳의 고도는 해발 228미터다. 숲 사이로 흐르는 작은 샘물. 러시아 사람들은 이 물을 소중하게 여기며 어머니라고 부르기도 한다. 나는 오두막으로 향했다. 땅속에서 끊임없이 물이 솟아나고 있다. 이곳은 러시아 서부를 관통하는 볼가 강이 시작되는 수원지다. 러시아 사람들에게 생명과도 같은 강. 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 볼가 강의 신성한 물을 온몸으로 느끼고 싶어 한다. “아주 상쾌합니다. 말로 표현 할 수 없을 만큼 기분이 좋습니다” “볼가는 러시아에서 유명한 강이며 역사적인 의미가 아...
published: 29 Aug 2017
Lake Valdai , Novgorod, Russia.(Calm Piano Music)
Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills.
Music by: Aakash Gandhi
Calm Ambient Music
Youtube Audio Library
published: 11 Apr 2020
From Valdai Hills to Caspian Sea | The Epic Trek of the Volga River
Discover the wonders of the Volga, Europe's longest river, as we take you on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes and centuries of cultural tales. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of the Mighty Volga's captivating beauty and historical significance.
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#volga #caspian #russia #europe #river #shorts #shortsfeed
published: 15 Jan 2024
Realm of the Volga - A River is Born | Full Nature Documentary
Essequibo: Hidden River | Extra Long Documentary:
The first episode of the Realm of the Volga Nature Documentary Series follows the course of the Volga from its many sources to where it starts to be the dominant force in the European part of Russia. Here, European bison, moose and wild bear live side by side with beavers, minks or otters. The still intact river habitats provide shelter for species that are virtually absent in Western Europe. The Russian Desman’s global distribution is restricted to the Volga basin. In slow-flowing side arms, these strange water moles hunt for insects and fish.
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds dist...
published: 22 Dec 2022
Valdai, Iversky Monastery (clip) / Валдай, Иверский монастырь, музыка к/ф "Тени исчезают в полдень"
Валда́йское озеро (озеро Валдай) — озеро, расположенное на Валдайской возвышенности, на территории Валдайского национального парка в Валдайском районе Новгородской области.
Валдайский Иверский Святоозерский Богородицкий монастырь расположен в Новгородской области, в районе Валдай. Валдай расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, в Новгородской области, как раз посреди дороги между Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом (M10).
Звучит музыка Леонида Афанасьева из фильма "Тени исчезают в полдень" в исполнении Ансамбля песни и пляски Черноморского Флота.
Lake Valdayskoye, Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills. It is one of the biggest lakes in Novgorod Oblast.
Valdaisky Iversky Svyatoozersky ...
published: 10 Sep 2018
How To Pronounce VALDAI HILLS
Learn To Pronounce Correctly With www.how2pronounce .com .
Please Do Subscribe Our Channel For Regular Updates .
published: 17 Oct 2015
2. Kompanie - Valdai Hills (2016)
Reenactors of the "Totenkopf" division patrol and ambush a Soviet bunker during the winter of 41/42.
2. Kompanie is a NON-POLITICAL Re-enacting Group based in the Midwest. We represent German soldiers in WWII, and we are members of the WWII HRS.
Our main impression is that of 2./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. Our goal is to accurately portray soldiers from the German Wehrmacht during WWII.
Our primary impression is of the SS-Division "Totenkopf", however, we do attend events as other units of the Wehrmacht as the scenario may determine. This flexibility to portray an early war unit and a late war unit is something unique to the men of 2. Kompanie
published: 10 Feb 2017
Mayhem In The Valdai Hills
Download free and safe background music for your YouTube videos no royalties, no copyright issues.
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Track: — Mayhem In The Valdai Hills (TubeTracks release)
Music provided by TubeTracks
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🎵 Track Info:
Title: Mayhem In The Valdai Hills
Artist: R.G Backus & The Philharmonic Strings
Genre: Orchestral
Mood: String Background
💥Subscribe now!
published: 18 Apr 2022
Valday hills
published: 14 Jun 2021
DNIEPER RIVER | Kiev, Ukraine
The Dnieper basin includes the Volyn-Podilsk plain, the Belorussian ridge, the Valdai hills, the Central Russian highlands and the Smolensk-Moscow region.
The climate of the Dnieper River basin is, in general, temperate and much milder and more humid than that of the regions located to the east in the southwest of Russia, located at the same latitude. The continental nature of the climate increases from northwest to southeast.
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"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Clic...
"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
셀리게르 호수에서 약 30분 정도 떨어진 발다이 구릉. 이곳의 고도는 해발 228미터다. 숲 사이로 흐르는 작은 샘물. 러시아 사람들은 이 물을 소중하게 여기며 어머니라고 부르기도 한다. 나는 오두막으로 향했다. 땅속에서 끊임없이 물이 솟아나고 있다. 이곳은 러시아 서부를 관통하는 볼가 강이 시작되는 수원지다. 러시아 사람들에게 생명과도 같은 강. 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 볼가 강의 신성한 물을 온몸으로 느끼고 싶어 한다. “아주 상쾌합니다. 말로 표현 할 수 없을 만큼 기분이 좋습니다” “볼가는 러시아에서 유명한 강이며 역사적인 의미가 아주 큰 강입니다. 우리는 러시아의 동맥이라고 부르기도 합니다” 볼가 강의 물을 직접 만져봤다. 진한 붉은 색이다. 이곳의 지형은 빙하의 퇴적물과 석탄기가 섞여있어 지하수가 붉은 색을 띈다. 러시아 사람들은 볼가강의 붉은 색을 신성시 여긴다.
[English: Google Translator]
The valley hill about 30 minutes from Lake Seliger. The altitude here is 228 meters above sea level. A small spring flowing through the forests. The Russian people value this water and call it a mother. I turned to the cabin. Water is constantly rising from the ground. It is the water source where the Volga River runs through the western part of Russia. A life-like river for the Russians. Those who visit here want to feel the sacred water of the Volga River. ""It is very refreshing. I can not express myself in words. """" The ball is a famous river in Russia and a river with a very historical meaning. We also call it the Russian artery. ""I touched the water on the Volga River directly. It is dark red. The terrain here is a mixture of glacial sediments and coal mines, and groundwater is red. The Russians regard the red color of the Volga River as sacred.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Долина долины около 30 минут от озера Селигер. Высота здесь составляет 228 метров над уровнем моря. Небольшая весна течет через леса. Российские люди ценят эту воду и называют ее матерью. Я повернулся к каюте. Вода постоянно поднимается с земли. Это источник воды, где Волга проходит через западную часть России. Реальная жизнь для русских. Те, кто здесь, хотят почувствовать святую воду Волги. «Это очень освежает. Я не могу выразить себя словами ».« Мяч - известная река в России и река с очень историческим смыслом. Мы также называем это русской артерией ». Я сразу коснулся воды на Волге. Он темно-красный. Местность здесь представляет собой смесь ледниковых осадков и угольных шахт, а грунтовые воды - красные. Русские считают красный цвет Волги священным.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-18 볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암기타장소,place,전통의식/기타풍습,풍습,,traditional ceremony,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월트베리 주Tver Oblast ProvinceТверска́я о́бластьTverskaya oblastJuly걸어서 세계속으로"
"■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
셀리게르 호수에서 약 30분 정도 떨어진 발다이 구릉. 이곳의 고도는 해발 228미터다. 숲 사이로 흐르는 작은 샘물. 러시아 사람들은 이 물을 소중하게 여기며 어머니라고 부르기도 한다. 나는 오두막으로 향했다. 땅속에서 끊임없이 물이 솟아나고 있다. 이곳은 러시아 서부를 관통하는 볼가 강이 시작되는 수원지다. 러시아 사람들에게 생명과도 같은 강. 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 볼가 강의 신성한 물을 온몸으로 느끼고 싶어 한다. “아주 상쾌합니다. 말로 표현 할 수 없을 만큼 기분이 좋습니다” “볼가는 러시아에서 유명한 강이며 역사적인 의미가 아주 큰 강입니다. 우리는 러시아의 동맥이라고 부르기도 합니다” 볼가 강의 물을 직접 만져봤다. 진한 붉은 색이다. 이곳의 지형은 빙하의 퇴적물과 석탄기가 섞여있어 지하수가 붉은 색을 띈다. 러시아 사람들은 볼가강의 붉은 색을 신성시 여긴다.
[English: Google Translator]
The valley hill about 30 minutes from Lake Seliger. The altitude here is 228 meters above sea level. A small spring flowing through the forests. The Russian people value this water and call it a mother. I turned to the cabin. Water is constantly rising from the ground. It is the water source where the Volga River runs through the western part of Russia. A life-like river for the Russians. Those who visit here want to feel the sacred water of the Volga River. ""It is very refreshing. I can not express myself in words. """" The ball is a famous river in Russia and a river with a very historical meaning. We also call it the Russian artery. ""I touched the water on the Volga River directly. It is dark red. The terrain here is a mixture of glacial sediments and coal mines, and groundwater is red. The Russians regard the red color of the Volga River as sacred.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Долина долины около 30 минут от озера Селигер. Высота здесь составляет 228 метров над уровнем моря. Небольшая весна течет через леса. Российские люди ценят эту воду и называют ее матерью. Я повернулся к каюте. Вода постоянно поднимается с земли. Это источник воды, где Волга проходит через западную часть России. Реальная жизнь для русских. Те, кто здесь, хотят почувствовать святую воду Волги. «Это очень освежает. Я не могу выразить себя словами ».« Мяч - известная река в России и река с очень историческим смыслом. Мы также называем это русской артерией ». Я сразу коснулся воды на Волге. Он темно-красный. Местность здесь представляет собой смесь ледниковых осадков и угольных шахт, а грунтовые воды - красные. Русские считают красный цвет Волги священным.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-18 볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암기타장소,place,전통의식/기타풍습,풍습,,traditional ceremony,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월트베리 주Tver Oblast ProvinceТверска́я о́бластьTverskaya oblastJuly걸어서 세계속으로"
Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills.
Music by: Aakas...
Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills.
Music by: Aakash Gandhi
Calm Ambient Music
Youtube Audio Library
Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills.
Music by: Aakash Gandhi
Calm Ambient Music
Youtube Audio Library
Discover the wonders of the Volga, Europe's longest river, as we take you on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes and centuries of cultural tales. J...
Discover the wonders of the Volga, Europe's longest river, as we take you on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes and centuries of cultural tales. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of the Mighty Volga's captivating beauty and historical significance.
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#volga #caspian #russia #europe #river #shorts #shortsfeed
Discover the wonders of the Volga, Europe's longest river, as we take you on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes and centuries of cultural tales. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of the Mighty Volga's captivating beauty and historical significance.
Follow us on X:
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#volga #caspian #russia #europe #river #shorts #shortsfeed
Essequibo: Hidden River | Extra Long Documentary:
The first episode of the Realm of the Volga Nature Documentary Series follows th...
Essequibo: Hidden River | Extra Long Documentary:
The first episode of the Realm of the Volga Nature Documentary Series follows the course of the Volga from its many sources to where it starts to be the dominant force in the European part of Russia. Here, European bison, moose and wild bear live side by side with beavers, minks or otters. The still intact river habitats provide shelter for species that are virtually absent in Western Europe. The Russian Desman’s global distribution is restricted to the Volga basin. In slow-flowing side arms, these strange water moles hunt for insects and fish.
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos.
New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week!
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Essequibo: Hidden River | Extra Long Documentary:
The first episode of the Realm of the Volga Nature Documentary Series follows the course of the Volga from its many sources to where it starts to be the dominant force in the European part of Russia. Here, European bison, moose and wild bear live side by side with beavers, minks or otters. The still intact river habitats provide shelter for species that are virtually absent in Western Europe. The Russian Desman’s global distribution is restricted to the Volga basin. In slow-flowing side arms, these strange water moles hunt for insects and fish.
Welcome to the official Get.factual youtube channel! 🌍
We are a documentary streaming channel covering history, science, technology, and nature. Explore worlds distant, forgotten, and unknown; from the depths of ocean trenches to the far reaches of the cosmos.
New uploads of full-length documentaries and docu-series every week!
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Валда́йское озеро (озеро Валдай) — озеро, расположенное на Валдайской возвышенности, на территории Валдайского национального парка в Валдайском районе Новгородс...
Валда́йское озеро (озеро Валдай) — озеро, расположенное на Валдайской возвышенности, на территории Валдайского национального парка в Валдайском районе Новгородской области.
Валдайский Иверский Святоозерский Богородицкий монастырь расположен в Новгородской области, в районе Валдай. Валдай расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, в Новгородской области, как раз посреди дороги между Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом (M10).
Звучит музыка Леонида Афанасьева из фильма "Тени исчезают в полдень" в исполнении Ансамбля песни и пляски Черноморского Флота.
Lake Valdayskoye, Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills. It is one of the biggest lakes in Novgorod Oblast.
Valdaisky Iversky Svyatoozersky Bogoroditsky Monastery is situated in Novgorod region, district of Valdai, 10 km away from Valdai. Valdai is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation, in Novgorod region, just in the middle of the road between Moscow and Saint Petersburg (M10).
Leonid Afanasyev - Melody from a film "Shadows disappear at noon". Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet.
Валда́йское озеро (озеро Валдай) — озеро, расположенное на Валдайской возвышенности, на территории Валдайского национального парка в Валдайском районе Новгородской области.
Валдайский Иверский Святоозерский Богородицкий монастырь расположен в Новгородской области, в районе Валдай. Валдай расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, в Новгородской области, как раз посреди дороги между Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом (M10).
Звучит музыка Леонида Афанасьева из фильма "Тени исчезают в полдень" в исполнении Ансамбля песни и пляски Черноморского Флота.
Lake Valdayskoye, Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills. It is one of the biggest lakes in Novgorod Oblast.
Valdaisky Iversky Svyatoozersky Bogoroditsky Monastery is situated in Novgorod region, district of Valdai, 10 km away from Valdai. Valdai is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation, in Novgorod region, just in the middle of the road between Moscow and Saint Petersburg (M10).
Leonid Afanasyev - Melody from a film "Shadows disappear at noon". Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet.
Reenactors of the "Totenkopf" division patrol and ambush a Soviet bunker during the winter of 41/42.
2. Kompanie is a NON-POLITICAL Re-enacting Group based in ...
Reenactors of the "Totenkopf" division patrol and ambush a Soviet bunker during the winter of 41/42.
2. Kompanie is a NON-POLITICAL Re-enacting Group based in the Midwest. We represent German soldiers in WWII, and we are members of the WWII HRS.
Our main impression is that of 2./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. Our goal is to accurately portray soldiers from the German Wehrmacht during WWII.
Our primary impression is of the SS-Division "Totenkopf", however, we do attend events as other units of the Wehrmacht as the scenario may determine. This flexibility to portray an early war unit and a late war unit is something unique to the men of 2. Kompanie
Reenactors of the "Totenkopf" division patrol and ambush a Soviet bunker during the winter of 41/42.
2. Kompanie is a NON-POLITICAL Re-enacting Group based in the Midwest. We represent German soldiers in WWII, and we are members of the WWII HRS.
Our main impression is that of 2./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. Our goal is to accurately portray soldiers from the German Wehrmacht during WWII.
Our primary impression is of the SS-Division "Totenkopf", however, we do attend events as other units of the Wehrmacht as the scenario may determine. This flexibility to portray an early war unit and a late war unit is something unique to the men of 2. Kompanie
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Track: — Mayhem In The Valdai Hills (TubeTracks release)
Music provided by TubeTracks
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🎵 Track Info:
Title: Mayhem In The Valdai Hills
Artist: R.G Backus & The Philharmonic Strings
Genre: Orchestral
Mood: String Background
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Download free and safe background music for your YouTube videos no royalties, no copyright issues.
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⚠️ You’re free to use this track please include the following credits in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Track: — Mayhem In The Valdai Hills (TubeTracks release)
Music provided by TubeTracks
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🎵 Track Info:
Title: Mayhem In The Valdai Hills
Artist: R.G Backus & The Philharmonic Strings
Genre: Orchestral
Mood: String Background
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The Dnieper basin includes the Volyn-Podilsk plain, the Belorussian ridge, the Valdai hills, the Central Russian highlands and the Smolensk-Moscow region.
The c...
The Dnieper basin includes the Volyn-Podilsk plain, the Belorussian ridge, the Valdai hills, the Central Russian highlands and the Smolensk-Moscow region.
The climate of the Dnieper River basin is, in general, temperate and much milder and more humid than that of the regions located to the east in the southwest of Russia, located at the same latitude. The continental nature of the climate increases from northwest to southeast.
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The Dnieper basin includes the Volyn-Podilsk plain, the Belorussian ridge, the Valdai hills, the Central Russian highlands and the Smolensk-Moscow region.
The climate of the Dnieper River basin is, in general, temperate and much milder and more humid than that of the regions located to the east in the southwest of Russia, located at the same latitude. The continental nature of the climate increases from northwest to southeast.
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셀리게르 호수에서 약 30분 정도 떨어진 발다이 구릉. 이곳의 고도는 해발 228미터다. 숲 사이로 흐르는 작은 샘물. 러시아 사람들은 이 물을 소중하게 여기며 어머니라고 부르기도 한다. 나는 오두막으로 향했다. 땅속에서 끊임없이 물이 솟아나고 있다. 이곳은 러시아 서부를 관통하는 볼가 강이 시작되는 수원지다. 러시아 사람들에게 생명과도 같은 강. 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 볼가 강의 신성한 물을 온몸으로 느끼고 싶어 한다. “아주 상쾌합니다. 말로 표현 할 수 없을 만큼 기분이 좋습니다” “볼가는 러시아에서 유명한 강이며 역사적인 의미가 아주 큰 강입니다. 우리는 러시아의 동맥이라고 부르기도 합니다” 볼가 강의 물을 직접 만져봤다. 진한 붉은 색이다. 이곳의 지형은 빙하의 퇴적물과 석탄기가 섞여있어 지하수가 붉은 색을 띈다. 러시아 사람들은 볼가강의 붉은 색을 신성시 여긴다.
[English: Google Translator]
The valley hill about 30 minutes from Lake Seliger. The altitude here is 228 meters above sea level. A small spring flowing through the forests. The Russian people value this water and call it a mother. I turned to the cabin. Water is constantly rising from the ground. It is the water source where the Volga River runs through the western part of Russia. A life-like river for the Russians. Those who visit here want to feel the sacred water of the Volga River. ""It is very refreshing. I can not express myself in words. """" The ball is a famous river in Russia and a river with a very historical meaning. We also call it the Russian artery. ""I touched the water on the Volga River directly. It is dark red. The terrain here is a mixture of glacial sediments and coal mines, and groundwater is red. The Russians regard the red color of the Volga River as sacred.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Долина долины около 30 минут от озера Селигер. Высота здесь составляет 228 метров над уровнем моря. Небольшая весна течет через леса. Российские люди ценят эту воду и называют ее матерью. Я повернулся к каюте. Вода постоянно поднимается с земли. Это источник воды, где Волга проходит через западную часть России. Реальная жизнь для русских. Те, кто здесь, хотят почувствовать святую воду Волги. «Это очень освежает. Я не могу выразить себя словами ».« Мяч - известная река в России и река с очень историческим смыслом. Мы также называем это русской артерией ». Я сразу коснулся воды на Волге. Он темно-красный. Местность здесь представляет собой смесь ледниковых осадков и угольных шахт, а грунтовые воды - красные. Русские считают красный цвет Волги священным.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-18 볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암기타장소,place,전통의식/기타풍습,풍습,,traditional ceremony,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월트베리 주Tver Oblast ProvinceТверска́я о́бластьTverskaya oblastJuly걸어서 세계속으로"
Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills.
Music by: Aakash Gandhi
Calm Ambient Music
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Discover the wonders of the Volga, Europe's longest river, as we take you on a mesmerizing journey through diverse landscapes and centuries of cultural tales. Join us for an unforgettable exploration of the Mighty Volga's captivating beauty and historical significance.
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Essequibo: Hidden River | Extra Long Documentary:
The first episode of the Realm of the Volga Nature Documentary Series follows the course of the Volga from its many sources to where it starts to be the dominant force in the European part of Russia. Here, European bison, moose and wild bear live side by side with beavers, minks or otters. The still intact river habitats provide shelter for species that are virtually absent in Western Europe. The Russian Desman’s global distribution is restricted to the Volga basin. In slow-flowing side arms, these strange water moles hunt for insects and fish.
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Валда́йское озеро (озеро Валдай) — озеро, расположенное на Валдайской возвышенности, на территории Валдайского национального парка в Валдайском районе Новгородской области.
Валдайский Иверский Святоозерский Богородицкий монастырь расположен в Новгородской области, в районе Валдай. Валдай расположен на северо-западе Российской Федерации, в Новгородской области, как раз посреди дороги между Москвой и Санкт-Петербургом (M10).
Звучит музыка Леонида Афанасьева из фильма "Тени исчезают в полдень" в исполнении Ансамбля песни и пляски Черноморского Флота.
Lake Valdayskoye, Lake Valdai is a freshwater lake, located in the center of Valdaysky District of Novgorod Oblast in Russia, in the middle of the Valdai Hills. It is one of the biggest lakes in Novgorod Oblast.
Valdaisky Iversky Svyatoozersky Bogoroditsky Monastery is situated in Novgorod region, district of Valdai, 10 km away from Valdai. Valdai is located in the North-West of the Russian Federation, in Novgorod region, just in the middle of the road between Moscow and Saint Petersburg (M10).
Leonid Afanasyev - Melody from a film "Shadows disappear at noon". Song and Dance Ensemble of the Black Sea Fleet.
Reenactors of the "Totenkopf" division patrol and ambush a Soviet bunker during the winter of 41/42.
2. Kompanie is a NON-POLITICAL Re-enacting Group based in the Midwest. We represent German soldiers in WWII, and we are members of the WWII HRS.
Our main impression is that of 2./SS-Totenkopf-Infanterie-Regiment 1. Our goal is to accurately portray soldiers from the German Wehrmacht during WWII.
Our primary impression is of the SS-Division "Totenkopf", however, we do attend events as other units of the Wehrmacht as the scenario may determine. This flexibility to portray an early war unit and a late war unit is something unique to the men of 2. Kompanie
Download free and safe background music for your YouTube videos no royalties, no copyright issues.
❤️ Here is your link:
⚠️ You’re free to use this track please include the following credits in your video description (Copy & Paste):
Track: — Mayhem In The Valdai Hills (TubeTracks release)
Music provided by TubeTracks
Free Download:
🎵 Track Info:
Title: Mayhem In The Valdai Hills
Artist: R.G Backus & The Philharmonic Strings
Genre: Orchestral
Mood: String Background
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The Dnieper basin includes the Volyn-Podilsk plain, the Belorussian ridge, the Valdai hills, the Central Russian highlands and the Smolensk-Moscow region.
The climate of the Dnieper River basin is, in general, temperate and much milder and more humid than that of the regions located to the east in the southwest of Russia, located at the same latitude. The continental nature of the climate increases from northwest to southeast.
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The hills are a northward extension of the Central Russian Upland. The ridge is overlain by deposited glacial materials in the form of terminal moraines and other detritus. The Valdai Hills reach their maximum height of 346.9m (1,138ft) near Vyshny Volochyok.
The Volga, the Daugava (the Western Dvina), the Lovat, the Msta, the Dnieper, the Syas, and other rivers originate in the Valdai Hills. The region thus is divided between the drainage basins of the Caspian Sea (the Volga), the Black Sea (the Dnieper), and the Baltic Sea (the Msta and the Lovat via the Volkhov, the Syas via Lake Ladoga and the Neva, and the Daugava).
Tarralyn Ramsey - Faultless Lyrics So created me a clean heart and renewed the right spirit within me Lord wash me with hyssop and I shall be clean, Purge me from all of my iniquities and I shall be clean cuz' your return is for people without spot or wrinkle. Lord I wanna be, teach me to be Faultless Lord I wanna be, teach me to be... faultless. Lord since I've opened my eyes I realized I've got oh so far to go So this is my earnest prayer lord cleanse me from all of my unrighteousness and I shall be clean cuz' your return is for people without spot or wrinkle. Lord I wanna be, teach me to be Faultless. Lord I wanna be teach me to be faultless. Nothing but the pure at heart shall see God. So let your spirit cry out to be... Faultless Lord I wanna be teach me to be faultless (Repeat 4X) When I stand before you present me simply...