Liputan Wartawan | Pengebumian Ustaz TM Fouzy
Lebih 7,000 jemaah hadir bagi penghormatan terakhir kepada tokoh agama, Allahyarham Ustaz Tengku Mohd Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat, di Masjid Sultan.
Solat jenazah itu mungkin yang paling ramai disertai, dengan jemaah memenuhi bukan sahaja ruang masjid, tetapi melimpah ke luar pekarangan.
Jenazah Allahyarham, yang meninggal dunia pada usia 69 tahun, selamat dikebumikan di Pusara Aman sekitar 3:00 petang Khamis, 19 Dis.
published: 19 Dec 2024
TM NETWORK 12/18 BD-BOX発売!2025年春ライブ決定!
TM NETWORK速報!40周年イヤーを飾る至高のBlu-ray BOX
【The Force - 40th Anniversary Edition -】発売!
[Get Wild Continual] Music Video初Blu-ray化!
大晦日12月31日に開催されるライブに向けて、TM NETWORKがBlu-ray BOXの発売を発表。レーベル4社の各周年ライブ映像を中心に厳選した究極の選曲により、40年に渡る壮大なストーリーが一つのBOXに集結。94年TMN final Live LAST GROO VE 5.18/ 5.19の未公開映像も初収録。
★TM NETWORK otonano 特設商品ページ
■Sony Music Sho...
published: 17 Dec 2024
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မဲ့ကိစ္စဟာ ဘာမှအရေးမပါသလိုပြောဆိုတာဟာ မမှန်ပါဘူး။
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မှာကို စစ်ခေါင်းဆောင်တွေ ဒူးတုန်အောင်ကြောက်နေကြပါပြီ။
ဘာ့ကြောင့်ကြောက်သလဲ။ အဖမ်းခံရမှာစိုးလို့လား။ မဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ သူတို့နိုင်ငံရေးအားလုံးကို ဂျောက်ထဲဆွဲချသွားနိုင်လောက်တဲ့ နိုင်ငံရေးထိုးနှက်ချက်ကြီးဖြစ်နေလို့ပါ။
published: 29 Nov 2024
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pedrotmclash
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PedrotmClash
Discord : https://discord.gg/2w6smfK3Ny
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pedrotmcr/?...
Pix: [email protected]
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@pedrotmcr?lan...
Membro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO8wTrnhGkcEhDAhVNB3-ag/join
playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPXqFbrT9Iw&ab_channel=Kurumi
#clashroyale #clashroyalememes
published: 20 Dec 2024
ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မင်းအောင်ဖြစ်ချင်တဲ့အိပ်မက်၊ သူသွားချင်တဲ့လမ်းကြောင်း၊ သူရည်မှန်းတဲ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေက ဘာတွေပါလဲ။ သူ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေပေါက်မြောက်အောင် သူအကောင်အထည်ဖော်မဲ့ လမ်းပြမြေပုံကဘာပါလဲ။
published: 23 Nov 2024
TM NETWORK、デビュー40周年!初の完全密着ドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories 3つの個性と一つの想い』予告編
小室哲哉(Key)、宇都宮隆(Vo)、木根尚登(Gt,Key)の3人により1983年5月に結成された音楽ユニット・TM NETWORKのドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories -3つの個性と一 つの想い-』が2025年春に劇場公開!
初解禁となる本予告動画は「40周年を迎えた3人がすごい」という言葉から始まり「もっと見せたい」「TM NETWORKがなければあり得ない」など、“初の完全密着ドキュメンタリー”にかけた想いが伝わってくる冒頭になった。
本予告では過去の映像や名曲「Get Wild」、ツアーで話題を呼び映画公開直前2月26日にCDリリースとなる「Carry on the Memories」の楽曲の一部が公式としては初披露。17万人を動員した舞台の裏側など今まで明かされることのなかった40年の軌跡が詰まった、本編への期待が高まる60秒の本予告になった。
1987年にリリースした「Get Wild」で初のオリコンシングルチャートベスト10入りを果たす。圧倒的なパフォーマンス、シンセサイザーを多く導入した前例のない音楽性、歌詞表現、ミュージック・ビデオに人気が集まる。
2021年10月に「再起動」を発表し、2022年には7年ぶりとなるライブツアー“FANKS intelligence Days”Day1~9を開催。
2023年にはアルバム「DEVOTION」とシングル「Whatever Comes」をリリース。同年公開の『劇場版シティーハンター 天使の涙(エンジェルダスト)』のオープニングテーマや挿入歌として起用されるなど注目を集める。
40周年イヤーとなる2024年にかけては、”FANKS intel...
published: 19 Dec 2024
TM NETWORK「Get Wild」Official Music Video
「Get Wild」の楽曲配信はこちら https://smdr.lnk.to/33lLr2cw
その他のTM NETWORKの楽曲配信はこちら https://lnk.to/Dhtzanza
TM NETWORK最新プロダクト詳細はこちら https://www.110107.com/TMNETWORK
「Get Wild」
アスファルト タイヤを切りつけながら
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
何も こわくはない
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
きっと 強くなれる
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get ...
published: 25 Aug 2020
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးကောင်းမှ တော်လှန်ရေးအောင်မြင်မှုရနိုင်မယ်။
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ။
တပ်တွေမှာ ဘာတွေပြင်ဆင်တည်ဆောက်ဖို့လိုနေသလဲ။
published: 10 Dec 2024
New Jersey Drone Sightings | TM Room Ep. 7
Join the Fieldcraft Survival App to start your preparedness journey TODAY!
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Check out Mike Glover's NEWLY RELEASED book "Prepared" in the link below!
Fieldcraft Survival's Mission is to expand your capabilities in the genre of survival. Our goal is to educate, train, and equip you to survive in the worst-case scenario. To accomplish our mission, we offer life-saving medical equipment, products built to enhance dependability, ...
published: 17 Dec 2024
TM - Kelj fel és járj [Videóklip]
TM - Kelj fel és járj (Classics vol. 3. Underground Rap album), Bloose Broavaz Produkció, 2014
Szöveg: TM
Zene: Tibbah
Klip: Gomzó, Péterke, Pazta
webshop: 🛒 https://bloosebroavaz.hu/shop
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloosebroavazprodukcio
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloosebroavaz
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloosebroavaz
x: https://twitter.com/bloose_broavaz
#tm #bloosebroavaz
published: 26 Nov 2014
Liputan Wartawan | Pengebumian Ustaz TM Fouzy
Lebih 7,000 jemaah hadir bagi penghormatan terakhir kepada tokoh agama, Allahyarham Ustaz Tengku Mohd Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat, di Masjid Sultan.
Solat jenazah...
Lebih 7,000 jemaah hadir bagi penghormatan terakhir kepada tokoh agama, Allahyarham Ustaz Tengku Mohd Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat, di Masjid Sultan.
Solat jenazah itu mungkin yang paling ramai disertai, dengan jemaah memenuhi bukan sahaja ruang masjid, tetapi melimpah ke luar pekarangan.
Jenazah Allahyarham, yang meninggal dunia pada usia 69 tahun, selamat dikebumikan di Pusara Aman sekitar 3:00 petang Khamis, 19 Dis.
Lebih 7,000 jemaah hadir bagi penghormatan terakhir kepada tokoh agama, Allahyarham Ustaz Tengku Mohd Fouzy Tengku Mahid Jumat, di Masjid Sultan.
Solat jenazah itu mungkin yang paling ramai disertai, dengan jemaah memenuhi bukan sahaja ruang masjid, tetapi melimpah ke luar pekarangan.
Jenazah Allahyarham, yang meninggal dunia pada usia 69 tahun, selamat dikebumikan di Pusara Aman sekitar 3:00 petang Khamis, 19 Dis.
- published: 19 Dec 2024
- views: 74380
TM NETWORK 12/18 BD-BOX発売!2025年春ライブ決定!
TM NETWORK速報!40周年イヤーを飾る至高のBlu-ray BOX
【The Force - 40th Anniversary Edition -】発売!
TM NETWORK速報!40周年イヤーを飾る至高のBlu-ray BOX
【The Force - 40th Anniversary Edition -】発売!
[Get Wild Continual] Music Video初Blu-ray化!
大晦日12月31日に開催されるライブに向けて、TM NETWORKがBlu-ray BOXの発売を発表。レーベル4社の各周年ライブ映像を中心に厳選した究極の選曲により、40年に渡る壮大なストーリーが一つのBOXに集結。94年TMN final Live LAST GROO VE 5.18/ 5.19の未公開映像も初収録。
★TM NETWORK otonano 特設商品ページ
■Sony Music Shop ・・・ オリジナルマグカップ
■TOWER RECORDS全店(オンライン含む) ・・・ オリジナルギターピックキーホルダー
■HMV全店(HMV&BOOKS Online含む/一部店舗除く) ・・・ オリジナルA5クリアファイル
■TSUTAYA RECORDS(一部店舗除く)/ TSUTAYAオンラインショッピング ・・・ オリジナルアクリルキーホルダー
■Amazon.co.jp ・・・ オリジナルA4サイズトートバッグ
■楽天ブックス ・・・ オリジナルクリアポーチ
■セブンネットショッピング ・・・ オリジナルマルチショルダー
■TM NETWORK official
TM NETWORK速報!40周年イヤーを飾る至高のBlu-ray BOX
【The Force - 40th Anniversary Edition -】発売!
[Get Wild Continual] Music Video初Blu-ray化!
大晦日12月31日に開催されるライブに向けて、TM NETWORKがBlu-ray BOXの発売を発表。レーベル4社の各周年ライブ映像を中心に厳選した究極の選曲により、40年に渡る壮大なストーリーが一つのBOXに集結。94年TMN final Live LAST GROO VE 5.18/ 5.19の未公開映像も初収録。
★TM NETWORK otonano 特設商品ページ
■Sony Music Shop ・・・ オリジナルマグカップ
■TOWER RECORDS全店(オンライン含む) ・・・ オリジナルギターピックキーホルダー
■HMV全店(HMV&BOOKS Online含む/一部店舗除く) ・・・ オリジナルA5クリアファイル
■TSUTAYA RECORDS(一部店舗除く)/ TSUTAYAオンラインショッピング ・・・ オリジナルアクリルキーホルダー
■Amazon.co.jp ・・・ オリジナルA4サイズトートバッグ
■楽天ブックス ・・・ オリジナルクリアポーチ
■セブンネットショッピング ・・・ オリジナルマルチショルダー
■TM NETWORK official
- published: 17 Dec 2024
- views: 22280
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မဲ့ကိစ္စဟာ ဘာမှအရေးမပါသလိုပြောဆိုတာဟာ မမှန်ပါဘူး။
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မှာကို စစ်ခေါင်းဆောင်တွေ ဒူးတု...
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မဲ့ကိစ္စဟာ ဘာမှအရေးမပါသလိုပြောဆိုတာဟာ မမှန်ပါဘူး။
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မှာကို စစ်ခေါင်းဆောင်တွေ ဒူးတုန်အောင်ကြောက်နေကြပါပြီ။
ဘာ့ကြောင့်ကြောက်သလဲ။ အဖမ်းခံရမှာစိုးလို့လား။ မဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ သူတို့နိုင်ငံရေးအားလုံးကို ဂျောက်ထဲဆွဲချသွားနိုင်လောက်တဲ့ နိုင်ငံရေးထိုးနှက်ချက်ကြီးဖြစ်နေလို့ပါ။
အိုင်စီစီကို မကြောက်လို့ရမတဲ့လား
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မဲ့ကိစ္စဟာ ဘာမှအရေးမပါသလိုပြောဆိုတာဟာ မမှန်ပါဘူး။
အိုင်စီစီဖမ်းဝရမ်းထုတ်မှာကို စစ်ခေါင်းဆောင်တွေ ဒူးတုန်အောင်ကြောက်နေကြပါပြီ။
ဘာ့ကြောင့်ကြောက်သလဲ။ အဖမ်းခံရမှာစိုးလို့လား။ မဟုတ်ပါဘူး။ သူတို့နိုင်ငံရေးအားလုံးကို ဂျောက်ထဲဆွဲချသွားနိုင်လောက်တဲ့ နိုင်ငံရေးထိုးနှက်ချက်ကြီးဖြစ်နေလို့ပါ။
- published: 29 Nov 2024
- views: 87367
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pedrotmclash
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PedrotmClash ...
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pedrotmclash
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PedrotmClash
Discord : https://discord.gg/2w6smfK3Ny
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pedrotmcr/?...
[email protected]
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@pedrotmcr?lan...
Membro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO8wTrnhGkcEhDAhVNB3-ag/join
playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPXqFbrT9Iw&ab_channel=Kurumi
#clashroyale #clashroyalememes
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pedrotmclash
Twitter : https://twitter.com/PedrotmClash
Discord : https://discord.gg/2w6smfK3Ny
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/pedrotmcr/?...
[email protected]
TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@pedrotmcr?lan...
Membro: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO8wTrnhGkcEhDAhVNB3-ag/join
playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPXqFbrT9Iw&ab_channel=Kurumi
#clashroyale #clashroyalememes
- published: 20 Dec 2024
- views: 26400
ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မင်းအောင်ဖြစ်ချင်တဲ့အိပ်မက်၊ သူသွားချင်တဲ့လမ်းကြောင်း၊ သူရည်မှန်းတဲ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေက ဘာတွေပါလဲ။ သူ့ရည်မှန်း...
ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မင်းအောင်ဖြစ်ချင်တဲ့အိပ်မက်၊ သူသွားချင်တဲ့လမ်းကြောင်း၊ သူရည်မှန်းတဲ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေက ဘာတွေပါလဲ။ သူ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေပေါက်မြောက်အောင် သူအကောင်အထည်ဖော်မဲ့ လမ်းပြမြေပုံကဘာပါလဲ။
ဗိုလ်ချုပ်မင်းအောင်ဖြစ်ချင်တဲ့အိပ်မက်၊ သူသွားချင်တဲ့လမ်းကြောင်း၊ သူရည်မှန်းတဲ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေက ဘာတွေပါလဲ။ သူ့ရည်မှန်းချက်တွေပေါက်မြောက်အောင် သူအကောင်အထည်ဖော်မဲ့ လမ်းပြမြေပုံကဘာပါလဲ။
- published: 23 Nov 2024
- views: 117661
TM NETWORK、デビュー40周年!初の完全密着ドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories 3つの個性と一つの想い』予告編
小室哲哉(Key)、宇都宮隆(Vo)、木根尚登(Gt,Key)の3人により1983年5月に結成された音楽ユニット・TM NETWORKのドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories -3つの個性と一 つの想い-』が2025年春に劇場公開!
小室哲哉(Key)、宇都宮隆(Vo)、木根尚登(Gt,Key)の3人により1983年5月に結成された音楽ユニット・TM NETWORKのドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories -3つの個性と一 つの想い-』が2025年春に劇場公開!
初解禁となる本予告動画は「40周年を迎えた3人がすごい」という言葉から始まり「もっと見せたい」「TM NETWORKがなければあり得ない」など、“初の完全密着ドキュメンタリー”にかけた想いが伝わってくる冒頭になった。
本予告では過去の映像や名曲「Get Wild」、ツアーで話題を呼び映画公開直前2月26日にCDリリースとなる「Carry on the Memories」の楽曲の一部が公式としては初披露。17万人を動員した舞台の裏側など今まで明かされることのなかった40年の軌跡が詰まった、本編への期待が高まる60秒の本予告になった。
1987年にリリースした「Get Wild」で初のオリコンシングルチャートベスト10入りを果たす。圧倒的なパフォーマンス、シンセサイザーを多く導入した前例のない音楽性、歌詞表現、ミュージック・ビデオに人気が集まる。
2021年10月に「再起動」を発表し、2022年には7年ぶりとなるライブツアー“FANKS intelligence Days”Day1~9を開催。
2023年にはアルバム「DEVOTION」とシングル「Whatever Comes」をリリース。同年公開の『劇場版シティーハンター 天使の涙(エンジェルダスト)』のオープニングテーマや挿入歌として起用されるなど注目を集める。
40周年イヤーとなる2024年にかけては、”FANKS intelligence Days”を冠にDEVOTION、STAND 3 FINAL、YONMARUと3本の全国ツアーDay10~40を開催し、全40本・計17万人を動員した。
同年10月には、自身最大のヒット曲となる「Get Wild」が「オリコン週間ストリーミングランキング」で累積再生数1億回を突破し大きな話題となった。
■[動画]小室哲哉、池田エライザらが出席/『Invisible TOKYO』記者発表会
■[動画]小室哲哉が『スティーブ・ジョブズ 』イベントに登場。妻についても語る
【MOVIE Collection [ムビコレ]】
小室哲哉(Key)、宇都宮隆(Vo)、木根尚登(Gt,Key)の3人により1983年5月に結成された音楽ユニット・TM NETWORKのドキュメンタリー映画『TM NETWORK Carry on the Memories -3つの個性と一 つの想い-』が2025年春に劇場公開!
初解禁となる本予告動画は「40周年を迎えた3人がすごい」という言葉から始まり「もっと見せたい」「TM NETWORKがなければあり得ない」など、“初の完全密着ドキュメンタリー”にかけた想いが伝わってくる冒頭になった。
本予告では過去の映像や名曲「Get Wild」、ツアーで話題を呼び映画公開直前2月26日にCDリリースとなる「Carry on the Memories」の楽曲の一部が公式としては初披露。17万人を動員した舞台の裏側など今まで明かされることのなかった40年の軌跡が詰まった、本編への期待が高まる60秒の本予告になった。
1987年にリリースした「Get Wild」で初のオリコンシングルチャートベスト10入りを果たす。圧倒的なパフォーマンス、シンセサイザーを多く導入した前例のない音楽性、歌詞表現、ミュージック・ビデオに人気が集まる。
2021年10月に「再起動」を発表し、2022年には7年ぶりとなるライブツアー“FANKS intelligence Days”Day1~9を開催。
2023年にはアルバム「DEVOTION」とシングル「Whatever Comes」をリリース。同年公開の『劇場版シティーハンター 天使の涙(エンジェルダスト)』のオープニングテーマや挿入歌として起用されるなど注目を集める。
40周年イヤーとなる2024年にかけては、”FANKS intelligence Days”を冠にDEVOTION、STAND 3 FINAL、YONMARUと3本の全国ツアーDay10~40を開催し、全40本・計17万人を動員した。
同年10月には、自身最大のヒット曲となる「Get Wild」が「オリコン週間ストリーミングランキング」で累積再生数1億回を突破し大きな話題となった。
■[動画]小室哲哉、池田エライザらが出席/『Invisible TOKYO』記者発表会
■[動画]小室哲哉が『スティーブ・ジョブズ 』イベントに登場。妻についても語る
【MOVIE Collection [ムビコレ]】
- published: 19 Dec 2024
- views: 3000
TM NETWORK「Get Wild」Official Music Video
「Get Wild」の楽曲配信はこちら https://smdr.lnk.to/33lLr2cw
その他のTM NETWORKの楽曲配信はこちら https://lnk.to/Dhtzanza
TM NETWORK最新プロダクト詳細はこちら https://www.110107.com/TMNETWORK
「Get ...
「Get Wild」の楽曲配信はこちら https://smdr.lnk.to/33lLr2cw
その他のTM NETWORKの楽曲配信はこちら https://lnk.to/Dhtzanza
TM NETWORK最新プロダクト詳細はこちら https://www.110107.com/TMNETWORK
「Get Wild」
アスファルト タイヤを切りつけながら
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
何も こわくはない
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
きっと 強くなれる
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
Get wild and tough…
「Get Wild」の楽曲配信はこちら https://smdr.lnk.to/33lLr2cw
その他のTM NETWORKの楽曲配信はこちら https://lnk.to/Dhtzanza
TM NETWORK最新プロダクト詳細はこちら https://www.110107.com/TMNETWORK
「Get Wild」
アスファルト タイヤを切りつけながら
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
何も こわくはない
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
It’s your pain or my pain or somebody’s pain
It’s your dream or my dream or somebody’s dream
きっと 強くなれる
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
Get wild and tough
Get wild and tough
Get chance and luck
Get chance and luck
ひとりでも 傷ついた夢をとりもどすよ
Get wild and tough…
- published: 25 Aug 2020
- views: 19662369
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးကောင်းမှ တော်လှန်ရေးအောင်မြင်မှုရနိုင်မယ်။
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ။
တပ်တွေမှာ ဘာတွေပြင်ဆ...
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးကောင်းမှ တော်လှန်ရေးအောင်မြင်မှုရနိုင်မယ်။
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ။
တပ်တွေမှာ ဘာတွေပြင်ဆင်တည်ဆောက်ဖို့လိုနေသလဲ။
တော်လှန်ရေးအဖွဲ့တွေ တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးပြန်လုပ်ဖို့လိုနေပြီ
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးကောင်းမှ တော်လှန်ရေးအောင်မြင်မှုရနိုင်မယ်။
တပ်တည်ဆောက်ရေးဆိုတာ ဘာလဲ။
တပ်တွေမှာ ဘာတွေပြင်ဆင်တည်ဆောက်ဖို့လိုနေသလဲ။
- published: 10 Dec 2024
- views: 53354
New Jersey Drone Sightings | TM Room Ep. 7
Join the Fieldcraft Survival App to start your preparedness journey TODAY!
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fieldcraf...
Join the Fieldcraft Survival App to start your preparedness journey TODAY!
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fieldcraft-survival/id6450740477
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Check out the Mike Glover Show: https://youtube.com/@mikeglovershow
Subscribe to Fieldcraft's Newsletter BELOW
Check out Mike Glover's NEWLY RELEASED book "Prepared" in the link below!
Fieldcraft Survival's Mission is to expand your capabilities in the genre of survival. Our goal is to educate, train, and equip you to survive in the worst-case scenario. To accomplish our mission, we offer life-saving medical equipment, products built to enhance dependability, as well as training courses led by resident duty experts.
Find us on our other channels:
Fieldcraft Website: https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/
Fieldcraft Premium Content: https://fieldcraftsurvival.locals.com/
Fieldcraft Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival
Join the Fieldcraft Survival App to start your preparedness journey TODAY!
IOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/fieldcraft-survival/id6450740477
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ott.fieldcraftsurvival&pcampaignid=web_share
Check out the Mike Glover Show: https://youtube.com/@mikeglovershow
Subscribe to Fieldcraft's Newsletter BELOW
Check out Mike Glover's NEWLY RELEASED book "Prepared" in the link below!
Fieldcraft Survival's Mission is to expand your capabilities in the genre of survival. Our goal is to educate, train, and equip you to survive in the worst-case scenario. To accomplish our mission, we offer life-saving medical equipment, products built to enhance dependability, as well as training courses led by resident duty experts.
Find us on our other channels:
Fieldcraft Website: https://fieldcraftsurvival.com/
Fieldcraft Premium Content: https://fieldcraftsurvival.locals.com/
Fieldcraft Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/fieldcraftsurvival
- published: 17 Dec 2024
- views: 52319
TM - Kelj fel és járj [Videóklip]
TM - Kelj fel és járj (Classics vol. 3. Underground Rap album), Bloose Broavaz Produkció, 2014
Szöveg: TM
Zene: Tibbah
Klip: Gomzó, Péterke, Pazta
TM - Kelj fel és járj (Classics vol. 3. Underground Rap album), Bloose Broavaz Produkció, 2014
Szöveg: TM
Zene: Tibbah
Klip: Gomzó, Péterke, Pazta
webshop: 🛒 https://bloosebroavaz.hu/shop
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloosebroavazprodukcio
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloosebroavaz
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloosebroavaz
x: https://twitter.com/bloose_broavaz
#tm #bloosebroavaz
TM - Kelj fel és járj (Classics vol. 3. Underground Rap album), Bloose Broavaz Produkció, 2014
Szöveg: TM
Zene: Tibbah
Klip: Gomzó, Péterke, Pazta
webshop: 🛒 https://bloosebroavaz.hu/shop
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloosebroavazprodukcio
instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bloosebroavaz
tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@bloosebroavaz
x: https://twitter.com/bloose_broavaz
#tm #bloosebroavaz
- published: 26 Nov 2014
- views: 475949
Visit Shugborough Estate on the Trent and Mersey Canal (2019)
We were moored up on the Trent and Mersey Canal right next to the Shugborough Estate. So we took the opportunity to visit and walk through the extensive grounds.
Subscribe to follow our journey: https://www.youtube.com/TheNarrowboatExperience?sub_confirmation=1
Other ways to follow or support us:
Buy us a cuppa - https://www.paypal.me/NarrowboatExp
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatexperience
Anna's Art Shop - https://artbyannamarie.com
Redbubble - http://www.redbubble.com/people/narrowboatexp
Twitter - http://twitter.com/NarrowboatExp
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/NarrowboatExperience
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nbexperience
Our blog - http://www.narrowboatexperience.com
Anna also wrote a short book available on Kindle.
UK - http://tinyurl.com/joynudf
US - http...
published: 15 Aug 2019
Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk Willington to Burton upon Trent
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
The Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk Willington to Burton upon Trent
In this part i pick up from Willington where we left off in Part 2, and head on off towards our destination of Burton upon Trent.
A complete towpath walk with plenty of drone footage also
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
published: 02 Oct 2020
Trent and Mersey Canal
Javid Iqbal from the ICE Staffordshire branch talks to us about the Trent and Mersey Canal and its main instigators, including Josiah Wedgewood who was unable to expand his pottery business until the canal was built.
To learn more about the Trent and Mersey Canal click here: http://bit.ly/2M67Pkn
published: 11 Jun 2018
The Trent and Mersey Canal Collapsed! Ep. 152.
We visit the site of the Dutton Breach and revisit the day the Trent and Mersey Canal collapsed after heavy rain and flooding. We moor narrowboat Silver Fox right by the site of the collapse and Colin finds out how they managed to reopen the canal.
After another, more recent landslip, closed the canal we arrive just in time as it reopens, enabling us to cruise from Preston Brook to Barnton, taking in the beautiful Cheshire countryside, through Preston Brook, Saltersford, and Barnton Tunnels, before mooring close to the Anderton Boat Lift.
Catch-up on every vlog, from the beginning, in order, as we explore Britain by Narrowboat:
Photos generously supplied by https://trentandmerseycanalsociety.org.uk
❓Got a question...
published: 07 May 2021
Stoke on Trent (Harecastle to Etruria) - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal.
Harecastle Tunnel South Portal to Etruria, Stoke on Trent - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal. On the way I pass by Westport Lake, Longport, Middleport Potteries, Burslem, Etruria. 2nd Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
published: 22 Sep 2021
Narrowboat through the HAUNTED Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey Canal - Ep. 78
Join us as we take a spooky narrowboat journey through Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey canal. Are the rumours about the Kidsgrove Boggart true? Can you spot the ghost of the Harecastle Tunnel? 👻
Continuing our adventure exploring Britain by Narrowboat, we start the day at Westport Lake, cruising the short distance to the south portal of Harecastle Tunnel. Colin takes a look at the history of both canal tunnels, the original, built by James Brindley, and the current tunnel, built by Thomas Telford, and investigates the giant fans used to clear the tunnel of fumes. Then we take narrowboat Silver Fox through Harecastle Tunnel!
Many thanks to the Canal and River Trust for the historic images of Harecastle Tunnel.
For information on passage through the tunnel, click this link; https:/...
published: 29 Nov 2019
Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk : Sawley to Weston on Trent
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
Walking the Trent & Mersey Canal Part 1
Sawley to Weston on Trent
Join me as we start a brand new Canal walk adventure, along the famous Trent & Mersey Canal.
Starting at Sawley, we head to our destination of Weston on Trent Via Shardlow and also Aston on Trent.
This was walked in October 2019 during a period when the River Trent was in flood
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
published: 20 Jun 2020
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal.
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal. I decided to move from my original mooring place because a hireboat almost crashed into my boat. 15th Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
All of the orig...
published: 05 Oct 2021
A narrow boat journey incorporating: Leigh Branch, Bridgewater Canal, Trent and Mersey Canal.
published: 24 Jun 2024
98. Taking my narrowboat into and through Middlewich on the Trent and Mersey canal
#narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut
Taking the narrowboat up to and through Middlewich and out the other side.
The Cut 'n' Edge Narrowboat Adventure's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwAaLzzP1lY67TA2HthL68g
Got a question? Read this!
Boat & Filming gear I use:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CruisingTheCut
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CruisingTheCut
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CruisingTheCut
Web: http://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk
Tip jar at https://www.ko-fi.com/davidjohns
or https://www.patreon.com/CruisingTheCut
Get your Cruising the Cut mugs, t-shirts and other merch here: https://cruisingthecut.myspreadshop.co.uk
Buying anything via this Amazon link...
published: 01 Jul 2017
Visit Shugborough Estate on the Trent and Mersey Canal (2019)
We were moored up on the Trent and Mersey Canal right next to the Shugborough Estate. So we took the opportunity to visit and walk through the extensive grounds...
We were moored up on the Trent and Mersey Canal right next to the Shugborough Estate. So we took the opportunity to visit and walk through the extensive grounds.
Subscribe to follow our journey: https://www.youtube.com/TheNarrowboatExperience?sub_confirmation=1
Other ways to follow or support us:
Buy us a cuppa - https://www.paypal.me/NarrowboatExp
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatexperience
Anna's Art Shop - https://artbyannamarie.com
Redbubble - http://www.redbubble.com/people/narrowboatexp
Twitter - http://twitter.com/NarrowboatExp
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/NarrowboatExperience
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nbexperience
Our blog - http://www.narrowboatexperience.com
Anna also wrote a short book available on Kindle.
UK - http://tinyurl.com/joynudf
US - http://tinyurl.com/hwvh7ot
CA - http://tinyurl.com/z23je6v
Australia - http://tinyurl.com/zxumjgk
We were moored up on the Trent and Mersey Canal right next to the Shugborough Estate. So we took the opportunity to visit and walk through the extensive grounds.
Subscribe to follow our journey: https://www.youtube.com/TheNarrowboatExperience?sub_confirmation=1
Other ways to follow or support us:
Buy us a cuppa - https://www.paypal.me/NarrowboatExp
Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatexperience
Anna's Art Shop - https://artbyannamarie.com
Redbubble - http://www.redbubble.com/people/narrowboatexp
Twitter - http://twitter.com/NarrowboatExp
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/NarrowboatExperience
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/nbexperience
Our blog - http://www.narrowboatexperience.com
Anna also wrote a short book available on Kindle.
UK - http://tinyurl.com/joynudf
US - http://tinyurl.com/hwvh7ot
CA - http://tinyurl.com/z23je6v
Australia - http://tinyurl.com/zxumjgk
- published: 15 Aug 2019
- views: 16137
Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk Willington to Burton upon Trent
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
The Tren...
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
The Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk Willington to Burton upon Trent
In this part i pick up from Willington where we left off in Part 2, and head on off towards our destination of Burton upon Trent.
A complete towpath walk with plenty of drone footage also
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
The Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk Willington to Burton upon Trent
In this part i pick up from Willington where we left off in Part 2, and head on off towards our destination of Burton upon Trent.
A complete towpath walk with plenty of drone footage also
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
- published: 02 Oct 2020
- views: 2519
Trent and Mersey Canal
Javid Iqbal from the ICE Staffordshire branch talks to us about the Trent and Mersey Canal and its main instigators, including Josiah Wedgewood who was unable t...
Javid Iqbal from the ICE Staffordshire branch talks to us about the Trent and Mersey Canal and its main instigators, including Josiah Wedgewood who was unable to expand his pottery business until the canal was built.
To learn more about the Trent and Mersey Canal click here: http://bit.ly/2M67Pkn
Javid Iqbal from the ICE Staffordshire branch talks to us about the Trent and Mersey Canal and its main instigators, including Josiah Wedgewood who was unable to expand his pottery business until the canal was built.
To learn more about the Trent and Mersey Canal click here: http://bit.ly/2M67Pkn
- published: 11 Jun 2018
- views: 1198
The Trent and Mersey Canal Collapsed! Ep. 152.
We visit the site of the Dutton Breach and revisit the day the Trent and Mersey Canal collapsed after heavy rain and flooding. We moor narrowboat Silver Fox rig...
We visit the site of the Dutton Breach and revisit the day the Trent and Mersey Canal collapsed after heavy rain and flooding. We moor narrowboat Silver Fox right by the site of the collapse and Colin finds out how they managed to reopen the canal.
After another, more recent landslip, closed the canal we arrive just in time as it reopens, enabling us to cruise from Preston Brook to Barnton, taking in the beautiful Cheshire countryside, through Preston Brook, Saltersford, and Barnton Tunnels, before mooring close to the Anderton Boat Lift.
Catch-up on every vlog, from the beginning, in order, as we explore Britain by Narrowboat:
Photos generously supplied by https://trentandmerseycanalsociety.org.uk
❓Got a question? Check out the FAQ's on our website:
🛒 Foxes Afloat Merchandise:
Grab yourself a Foxes Afloat mug or t-shirt from our online store:
Colin has a gallery where you can browse and buy his photographs in a digital image format or a framed print:
If you shop with Amazon, save this link and we'll get a small commission every time you buy using the link. You won't pay a penny extra:
Foxes Afloat Amazon store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/foxesafloat.
★ Please support our channel in one of the following ways:
1. Subscribe and click the notifications bell.
YouTube will let you know when we release new episodes
2. Become a member of our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaFsF378jNuL2xmZMH9knQ/join
3. Become a Patron through Patreon:
Our supporters get access to exclusive footage, bonus features, and freebies!
4. You can also make a one-off donation through Paypal:
⚑ Follow our great canal journeys on social media:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/foxesafloat
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/foxesafloat
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxesafloat/
📷 If you'd like to know what equipment we use to produce our canal boat diaries, below are links to them. If you buy from these links we will receive a small commission but you won't pay a penny extra.
Video Recording:
Sony FDR-AX-700 Camcorder: https://amzn.to/3aLxj68.
DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone: https://click.dji.com/AAUkyEcEGBe0kGd98jdmiw?pm=link
DJI Osmo Pocket: https://click.dji.com/AJXM1L1X3pZFKDS7c8be2A?pm=link
Insta 360 One X2: https://amzn.to/34LHV0G
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/3pnsjZp
Sound Recording:
Rode VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3aLxI8E
Rode Wireless Go: https://amzn.to/34LdyaV
Rode Procaster Microphone: https://amzn.to/2Mevm85
Rode Deadcat Windshield: https://amzn.to/34JuYVu
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Gimbal: https://click.dji.com/ACB51coEOkuobGdfriuaiw?pm=link
Geekoto 79 inch Tripod/Monopod: https://amzn.to/3ryT3b5
Neewer 47.2 Inch Camera Track: https://amzn.to/34Jv2Ve
Drone Landing Pad: https://amzn.to/38BUz3D
Jaws Clamp Mount for GoPro7 Hero: https://amzn.to/3rw3hsU
SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC Memory Card: https://amzn.to/2WPBqpi
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 128GB Memory Card: https://amzn.to/3ppc1PF
Download these tracks from https://bit.ly/37zHWFf.
'We Are Giants' by Silver Maple.
'Timeless Clouds' by Luwaks.
'Dancing On The Tables (Instrumental Version)' by Elijah N.
'Halland' by Pure Indigo.
'Off The Walls' by Harry Edvino.
#canal #collapse #duttonbreach #narrowboat #trent&mersey
We visit the site of the Dutton Breach and revisit the day the Trent and Mersey Canal collapsed after heavy rain and flooding. We moor narrowboat Silver Fox right by the site of the collapse and Colin finds out how they managed to reopen the canal.
After another, more recent landslip, closed the canal we arrive just in time as it reopens, enabling us to cruise from Preston Brook to Barnton, taking in the beautiful Cheshire countryside, through Preston Brook, Saltersford, and Barnton Tunnels, before mooring close to the Anderton Boat Lift.
Catch-up on every vlog, from the beginning, in order, as we explore Britain by Narrowboat:
Photos generously supplied by https://trentandmerseycanalsociety.org.uk
❓Got a question? Check out the FAQ's on our website:
🛒 Foxes Afloat Merchandise:
Grab yourself a Foxes Afloat mug or t-shirt from our online store:
Colin has a gallery where you can browse and buy his photographs in a digital image format or a framed print:
If you shop with Amazon, save this link and we'll get a small commission every time you buy using the link. You won't pay a penny extra:
Foxes Afloat Amazon store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/foxesafloat.
★ Please support our channel in one of the following ways:
1. Subscribe and click the notifications bell.
YouTube will let you know when we release new episodes
2. Become a member of our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaFsF378jNuL2xmZMH9knQ/join
3. Become a Patron through Patreon:
Our supporters get access to exclusive footage, bonus features, and freebies!
4. You can also make a one-off donation through Paypal:
⚑ Follow our great canal journeys on social media:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/foxesafloat
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/foxesafloat
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxesafloat/
📷 If you'd like to know what equipment we use to produce our canal boat diaries, below are links to them. If you buy from these links we will receive a small commission but you won't pay a penny extra.
Video Recording:
Sony FDR-AX-700 Camcorder: https://amzn.to/3aLxj68.
DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone: https://click.dji.com/AAUkyEcEGBe0kGd98jdmiw?pm=link
DJI Osmo Pocket: https://click.dji.com/AJXM1L1X3pZFKDS7c8be2A?pm=link
Insta 360 One X2: https://amzn.to/34LHV0G
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/3pnsjZp
Sound Recording:
Rode VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3aLxI8E
Rode Wireless Go: https://amzn.to/34LdyaV
Rode Procaster Microphone: https://amzn.to/2Mevm85
Rode Deadcat Windshield: https://amzn.to/34JuYVu
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Gimbal: https://click.dji.com/ACB51coEOkuobGdfriuaiw?pm=link
Geekoto 79 inch Tripod/Monopod: https://amzn.to/3ryT3b5
Neewer 47.2 Inch Camera Track: https://amzn.to/34Jv2Ve
Drone Landing Pad: https://amzn.to/38BUz3D
Jaws Clamp Mount for GoPro7 Hero: https://amzn.to/3rw3hsU
SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC Memory Card: https://amzn.to/2WPBqpi
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 128GB Memory Card: https://amzn.to/3ppc1PF
Download these tracks from https://bit.ly/37zHWFf.
'We Are Giants' by Silver Maple.
'Timeless Clouds' by Luwaks.
'Dancing On The Tables (Instrumental Version)' by Elijah N.
'Halland' by Pure Indigo.
'Off The Walls' by Harry Edvino.
#canal #collapse #duttonbreach #narrowboat #trent&mersey
- published: 07 May 2021
- views: 189845
Stoke on Trent (Harecastle to Etruria) - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal.
Harecastle Tunnel South Portal to Etruria, Stoke on Trent - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal. On the way I pass by Westport Lake, Longport, ...
Harecastle Tunnel South Portal to Etruria, Stoke on Trent - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal. On the way I pass by Westport Lake, Longport, Middleport Potteries, Burslem, Etruria. 2nd Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
All of the original music you hear on my channel was composed and recorded by myself. You can purchase tracks, or listen for FREE on BandCamp: https://kryfoldsky.bandcamp.com/
Cards, Mugs, and other merchandise are available from my RedBubble store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/phil-ball
Check out and subscribe to my NEW real-time channel Narrowboat Journeys: SLOW TV
Harecastle Tunnel South Portal to Etruria, Stoke on Trent - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent & Mersey Canal. On the way I pass by Westport Lake, Longport, Middleport Potteries, Burslem, Etruria. 2nd Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
All of the original music you hear on my channel was composed and recorded by myself. You can purchase tracks, or listen for FREE on BandCamp: https://kryfoldsky.bandcamp.com/
Cards, Mugs, and other merchandise are available from my RedBubble store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/phil-ball
Check out and subscribe to my NEW real-time channel Narrowboat Journeys: SLOW TV
- published: 22 Sep 2021
- views: 7011
Narrowboat through the HAUNTED Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey Canal - Ep. 78
Join us as we take a spooky narrowboat journey through Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey canal. Are the rumours about the Kidsgrove Boggart true? Can you ...
Join us as we take a spooky narrowboat journey through Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey canal. Are the rumours about the Kidsgrove Boggart true? Can you spot the ghost of the Harecastle Tunnel? 👻
Continuing our adventure exploring Britain by Narrowboat, we start the day at Westport Lake, cruising the short distance to the south portal of Harecastle Tunnel. Colin takes a look at the history of both canal tunnels, the original, built by James Brindley, and the current tunnel, built by Thomas Telford, and investigates the giant fans used to clear the tunnel of fumes. Then we take narrowboat Silver Fox through Harecastle Tunnel!
Many thanks to the Canal and River Trust for the historic images of Harecastle Tunnel.
For information on passage through the tunnel, click this link; https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/canal-and-river-network/trent-and-mersey-canal/harecastle-tunnel-opening-times
Catch-up on every vlog, from the beginning, in order, as we explore Britain by Narrowboat:
❓Got a question? Check out the FAQ's on our website:
🛒 Foxes Afloat Merchandise:
Grab yourself a Foxes Afloat mug or t-shirt from our online store:
Colin has a gallery where you can browse and buy his photographs in a digital image format or a framed print:
If you shop with Amazon, save this link and we'll get a small commission every time you buy using the link. You won't pay a penny extra:
Foxes Afloat Amazon store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/foxesafloat.
★ Please support our channel in one of the following ways:
1. Subscribe and click the notifications bell.
YouTube will let you know when we release new episodes
2. Become a member of our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaFsF378jNuL2xmZMH9knQ/join
3. Become a Patron through Patreon:
Our supporters get access to exclusive footage, bonus features, and freebies!
4. You can also make a one-off donation through Paypal:
⚑ Follow us on social media:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/foxesafloat
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/foxesafloat
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxesafloat/
📷 If you'd like to know what equipment we use to produce our canal boat diaries, below are links to them. If you buy from these links we will receive a small commission but you won't pay a penny extra.
Video Recording:
Sony FDR-AX-700 Camcorder: https://amzn.to/3aLxj68.
DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone: https://click.dji.com/AAUkyEcEGBe0kGd98jdmiw?pm=link
DJI Osmo Pocket: https://click.dji.com/AJXM1L1X3pZFKDS7c8be2A?pm=link
Insta 360 One X2: https://amzn.to/34LHV0G
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/3pnsjZp
Sound Recording:
Rode VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3aLxI8E
Rode Wireless Go: https://amzn.to/34LdyaV
Rode Procaster Microphone: https://amzn.to/2Mevm85
Rode Deadcat Windshield: https://amzn.to/34JuYVu
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Gimbal: https://click.dji.com/ACB51coEOkuobGdfriuaiw?pm=link
Geekoto 79 inch Tripod/Monopod: https://amzn.to/3ryT3b5
Neewer 47.2 Inch Camera Track: https://amzn.to/34Jv2Ve
Drone Landing Pad: https://amzn.to/38BUz3D
Jaws Clamp Mount for GoPro7 Hero: https://amzn.to/3rw3hsU
SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC Memory Card: https://amzn.to/2WPBqpi
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 128GB Memory Card: https://amzn.to/3ppc1PF
Music (in order).
'All Day In Bed (Instrumental Version)' by Bang Bang.
'Nanoprobe' by Jay Varton.
'Gotta Give Me Something' by River Run Dry.
'Move Like This' by Jules Gaia.
#HarecastleTunnel #TrentandMerseyCanal #BritainByNarrowboat
Join us as we take a spooky narrowboat journey through Harecastle Tunnel on the Trent & Mersey canal. Are the rumours about the Kidsgrove Boggart true? Can you spot the ghost of the Harecastle Tunnel? 👻
Continuing our adventure exploring Britain by Narrowboat, we start the day at Westport Lake, cruising the short distance to the south portal of Harecastle Tunnel. Colin takes a look at the history of both canal tunnels, the original, built by James Brindley, and the current tunnel, built by Thomas Telford, and investigates the giant fans used to clear the tunnel of fumes. Then we take narrowboat Silver Fox through Harecastle Tunnel!
Many thanks to the Canal and River Trust for the historic images of Harecastle Tunnel.
For information on passage through the tunnel, click this link; https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/canal-and-river-network/trent-and-mersey-canal/harecastle-tunnel-opening-times
Catch-up on every vlog, from the beginning, in order, as we explore Britain by Narrowboat:
❓Got a question? Check out the FAQ's on our website:
🛒 Foxes Afloat Merchandise:
Grab yourself a Foxes Afloat mug or t-shirt from our online store:
Colin has a gallery where you can browse and buy his photographs in a digital image format or a framed print:
If you shop with Amazon, save this link and we'll get a small commission every time you buy using the link. You won't pay a penny extra:
Foxes Afloat Amazon store: https://www.amazon.co.uk/shop/foxesafloat.
★ Please support our channel in one of the following ways:
1. Subscribe and click the notifications bell.
YouTube will let you know when we release new episodes
2. Become a member of our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkaFsF378jNuL2xmZMH9knQ/join
3. Become a Patron through Patreon:
Our supporters get access to exclusive footage, bonus features, and freebies!
4. You can also make a one-off donation through Paypal:
⚑ Follow us on social media:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/foxesafloat
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/foxesafloat
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/foxesafloat/
📷 If you'd like to know what equipment we use to produce our canal boat diaries, below are links to them. If you buy from these links we will receive a small commission but you won't pay a penny extra.
Video Recording:
Sony FDR-AX-700 Camcorder: https://amzn.to/3aLxj68.
DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone: https://click.dji.com/AAUkyEcEGBe0kGd98jdmiw?pm=link
DJI Osmo Pocket: https://click.dji.com/AJXM1L1X3pZFKDS7c8be2A?pm=link
Insta 360 One X2: https://amzn.to/34LHV0G
GoPro Hero 7: https://amzn.to/3pnsjZp
Sound Recording:
Rode VideoMic Pro+: https://amzn.to/3aLxI8E
Rode Wireless Go: https://amzn.to/34LdyaV
Rode Procaster Microphone: https://amzn.to/2Mevm85
Rode Deadcat Windshield: https://amzn.to/34JuYVu
DJI Osmo Mobile 3 Gimbal: https://click.dji.com/ACB51coEOkuobGdfriuaiw?pm=link
Geekoto 79 inch Tripod/Monopod: https://amzn.to/3ryT3b5
Neewer 47.2 Inch Camera Track: https://amzn.to/34Jv2Ve
Drone Landing Pad: https://amzn.to/38BUz3D
Jaws Clamp Mount for GoPro7 Hero: https://amzn.to/3rw3hsU
SanDisk Extreme 128GB microSDXC Memory Card: https://amzn.to/2WPBqpi
SanDisk Extreme Pro SDXC 128GB Memory Card: https://amzn.to/3ppc1PF
Music (in order).
'All Day In Bed (Instrumental Version)' by Bang Bang.
'Nanoprobe' by Jay Varton.
'Gotta Give Me Something' by River Run Dry.
'Move Like This' by Jules Gaia.
#HarecastleTunnel #TrentandMerseyCanal #BritainByNarrowboat
- published: 29 Nov 2019
- views: 92671
Trent & Mersey Canal Towpath Walk : Sawley to Weston on Trent
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
Walking ...
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
Walking the Trent & Mersey Canal Part 1
Sawley to Weston on Trent
Join me as we start a brand new Canal walk adventure, along the famous Trent & Mersey Canal.
Starting at Sawley, we head to our destination of Weston on Trent Via Shardlow and also Aston on Trent.
This was walked in October 2019 during a period when the River Trent was in flood
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
Please watch: "The Most Beautiful Closed Railway in the UK? Scarborough to Whitby Railway Episode 2"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtZ56J5XXDg --~--
Walking the Trent & Mersey Canal Part 1
Sawley to Weston on Trent
Join me as we start a brand new Canal walk adventure, along the famous Trent & Mersey Canal.
Starting at Sawley, we head to our destination of Weston on Trent Via Shardlow and also Aston on Trent.
This was walked in October 2019 during a period when the River Trent was in flood
Would you like to help support my Channel? Hit the link to find out how: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL6BAVDccOWUt16LFzdv0LA/join
Buy me a Coffee at https://ko-fi.com/trekkingtowpaths Additional Music by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0.
- published: 20 Jun 2020
- views: 2519
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal.
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal. I decided to move from my original mooring place because a hireboat almost crashed into my b...
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal. I decided to move from my original mooring place because a hireboat almost crashed into my boat. 15th Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
All of the original music you hear on my channel was composed and recorded by myself. You can purchase tracks, or listen for FREE on BandCamp: https://kryfoldsky.bandcamp.com/
Cards, Mugs, and other merchandise are available from my RedBubble store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/phil-ball
Check out and subscribe to my NEW real-time channel Narrowboat Journeys: SLOW TV
Barlaston - More narrowboat journeys on the Trent and Mersey Canal. I decided to move from my original mooring place because a hireboat almost crashed into my boat. 15th Sept 2021.
Hi, Just in case you haven't found this yet... All of my 2021 cruises are being added to this playlist on my channel. It lists them in order and makes them easier to find and binge-watch! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8yd2PsM4j5OvZoOf5Tdx-NsrhlEQ5xk2
It would be great if you would like to help me to continue making these videos by sponsoring my channel on Patreon - Thank you: https://www.patreon.com/narrowboatjourneys
Or, use this link for a one-off PayPal donation (please don't click the "goods and services" box as I will then incur fees):
All of the original music you hear on my channel was composed and recorded by myself. You can purchase tracks, or listen for FREE on BandCamp: https://kryfoldsky.bandcamp.com/
Cards, Mugs, and other merchandise are available from my RedBubble store: https://www.redbubble.com/people/phil-ball
Check out and subscribe to my NEW real-time channel Narrowboat Journeys: SLOW TV
- published: 05 Oct 2021
- views: 4159
98. Taking my narrowboat into and through Middlewich on the Trent and Mersey canal
#narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut
Taking the narrowboat up to and through Middlewich and out the other side.
The Cut 'n' Edge...
#narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut
Taking the narrowboat up to and through Middlewich and out the other side.
The Cut 'n' Edge Narrowboat Adventure's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwAaLzzP1lY67TA2HthL68g
Got a question? Read this!
Boat & Filming gear I use:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CruisingTheCut
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CruisingTheCut
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CruisingTheCut
Web: http://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk
Tip jar at https://www.ko-fi.com/davidjohns
or https://www.patreon.com/CruisingTheCut
Get your Cruising the Cut mugs, t-shirts and other merch here: https://cruisingthecut.myspreadshop.co.uk
Buying anything via this Amazon link gets me a commission to help me keep the videos coming. Thank you! https://geni.us/CtC_CanalBoats
Theme music: "Vespers" by Topher Mohr and Alex Alena, from the YouTube music library
#narrowboat #narrowboats #canal #canals #liveaboard #cruisingthecut
Taking the narrowboat up to and through Middlewich and out the other side.
The Cut 'n' Edge Narrowboat Adventure's channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwAaLzzP1lY67TA2HthL68g
Got a question? Read this!
Boat & Filming gear I use:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CruisingTheCut
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/CruisingTheCut
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CruisingTheCut
Web: http://www.CruisingTheCut.co.uk
Tip jar at https://www.ko-fi.com/davidjohns
or https://www.patreon.com/CruisingTheCut
Get your Cruising the Cut mugs, t-shirts and other merch here: https://cruisingthecut.myspreadshop.co.uk
Buying anything via this Amazon link gets me a commission to help me keep the videos coming. Thank you! https://geni.us/CtC_CanalBoats
Theme music: "Vespers" by Topher Mohr and Alex Alena, from the YouTube music library
- published: 01 Jul 2017
- views: 144893