Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene
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published: 01 Aug 2020
St. Mary Magdalene - Marian Fathers' Saints in Focus
St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God's mercy worked in the life of this incredible saint. We pray that through the example of St. Mary Magdalene, others will come to give their lives to Christ as she did! Her feast day is celebrated on July 22.
Support our ministries: https://forms.thedivinemercy.org/donation/?source=EWTN
Discover more about the saints on Divine Mercy Plus! https://divinemercyplus.org/tags/saints?utm_source=YT
published: 20 Jul 2023
Story of Saint Mary Magdalene | Stories of Saints
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
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Story of Saint Mary Magdalene | Stories of Saints | Episode 97
Saint Mary Magdalene's story is intimately linked with Jesus. She plays a leading role in one of the most powerful and important scenes in the Gospels. She has been identified with several Marys in the Gospel: Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; Mary, the sinner who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears; Mary, a woman who cared for Jesus and his apostles on their journey. How Saint Mary Magdalen first met Jesus, we are told in the Gospel of Saint Luke. Watch and le...
published: 27 Nov 2020
St. Mary Magdalene HD
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection. She is mentioned at least a dozen times in the Gospels.
Mary Magdalene has long been regarded as a prostitute or sexually immoral in western Christianity, but this is not supported in the scriptures. It is believed she was a Jewish woman who lived among Gentiles, living as they did.
The Gospels agree that Mary was originally a great sinner. Jesus cast seven demons out of her when he met her. After this, she told several women she associated with and these women also became followers.
There is also debate over if Mary Magdalene is ...
published: 26 Nov 2019
St. Mary Magdalene (22 July): Do not Worry About the Past
Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Please "Like" our videos so that Youtube shares it to others by clicking the...
published: 23 Jul 2020
Is St. Mary Magdalene also St. Mary of Bethany? (Part 1) - Marian Teaching
Is St. Mary Magdalene the same person as St. Mary of Bethany, the sister of St. Lazarus and St. Martha? Is she the same person as the penitent woman in Luke 7:36-50?
In 2021, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments added the names of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus to the July 29 memorial of St. Martha, making it a liturgical celebration of all three family members. Does this change the Church's traditional understanding of who Mary Magdalene was, whose feast day is celebrated on July 22? Listen to Fr. Matthew Tomeny, MIC explain what we know about St. Mary Magdalene.
Watch Part 2 here: https://youtube.com/live/fu-x3WIjnSE
Support Our Ministries: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/donation
Discover more on our NEW free Digital Streaming Site! https://divineme...
published: 29 Jul 2023
The TRUTH About St. Mary Magdalene | The Catholic Talk Show
In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss Saint Mary Magdalene and separate the truth from the misconceptions around her.
Episode 244:
In this episode, you will learn:
• Was She Jesus' Wife?
• Was Mary a Prostitute?
• Why she is considered equal to the Apostles
• What did she look like based on reconstructions?
• and much more
Get the #1 Catholic prayer app Hallow now! https://catholictalkshow.com/hallow
Become a supporter of The Catholic Talk Show on Patreon and get awesome gifts like mugs, hoodies, exclusive access, and more: http://bit.ly/SupportTheCatholicTalkShow
Register now to join us January 10-20, 2024 as we visit the Sea of Galilee, Na...
published: 07 Aug 2023
Saint Mary Magdalene and the Eucharist
Fr. Sean Davidson talks about his new book on Saint Mary Magdalene.
Adoration is love, and eucharistic adoration is love of Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospels there are few people who understand love for Jesus as well as Mary Magdalene, which is the reason she is a prophetess of eucharistic love.
This work is an extended meditation on the life of Saint Mary Magdalene, known as the "Apostle to the Apostles" because the Risen Christ appeared to her first and then sent her to announce the Resurrection to the apostles. Based on the biblical texts traditionally associated with Mary Magdalene, this book helps readers to ...
published: 01 Mar 2017
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
#christianmotivation #christian #biblestudy #bible
published: 18 Oct 2024
St. Mary Magdalene (22 July): Penance Brings About Great Blessings
For more please visit http://reginaecclesiae.com & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
The website sensusfidelium.com
To donate please visit sensusfidelium.com/donate-support/
published: 23 Jul 2019
Prayer to St. Mary Magdalene
Like this video? Consider becoming a patron: https://patreon.com/fullofgracetv
Website: https://fullofgrace.tv
Background music:
Like this video? Consider becoming a patron: https://patreon.com/fullofgracetv
Website: https://fullofgrace.tv
Background music:
Like this video? Consider becoming a patron: https://patreon.com/fullofgracetv
Website: https://fullofgrace.tv
Background music:
- published: 01 Aug 2020
- views: 19340
St. Mary Magdalene - Marian Fathers' Saints in Focus
St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God'...
St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God's mercy worked in the life of this incredible saint. We pray that through the example of St. Mary Magdalene, others will come to give their lives to Christ as she did! Her feast day is celebrated on July 22.
Support our ministries: https://forms.thedivinemercy.org/donation/?source=EWTN
Discover more about the saints on Divine Mercy Plus! https://divinemercyplus.org/tags/saints?utm_source=YT
St. Mary Magdalene was one of Christ's closest disciples during His earthly ministry. On this week's Saints in Focus, Br. Steve Castellano, MIC, shares how God's mercy worked in the life of this incredible saint. We pray that through the example of St. Mary Magdalene, others will come to give their lives to Christ as she did! Her feast day is celebrated on July 22.
Support our ministries: https://forms.thedivinemercy.org/donation/?source=EWTN
Discover more about the saints on Divine Mercy Plus! https://divinemercyplus.org/tags/saints?utm_source=YT
- published: 20 Jul 2023
- views: 13541
Story of Saint Mary Magdalene | Stories of Saints
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to d...
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/christiankids
Story of Saint Mary Magdalene | Stories of Saints | Episode 97
Saint Mary Magdalene's story is intimately linked with Jesus. She plays a leading role in one of the most powerful and important scenes in the Gospels. She has been identified with several Marys in the Gospel: Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; Mary, the sinner who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears; Mary, a woman who cared for Jesus and his apostles on their journey. How Saint Mary Magdalen first met Jesus, we are told in the Gospel of Saint Luke. Watch and learn Her amazing story today!
Please consider donating to help us make more videos. If you donate just $5, the price of your coffee, Christian Kids TV could keep thriving. Use this link to donate:
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/christiankids
Story of Saint Mary Magdalene | Stories of Saints | Episode 97
Saint Mary Magdalene's story is intimately linked with Jesus. She plays a leading role in one of the most powerful and important scenes in the Gospels. She has been identified with several Marys in the Gospel: Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus; Mary, the sinner who washed Jesus’ feet with her tears; Mary, a woman who cared for Jesus and his apostles on their journey. How Saint Mary Magdalen first met Jesus, we are told in the Gospel of Saint Luke. Watch and learn Her amazing story today!
- published: 27 Nov 2020
- views: 73506
St. Mary Magdalene HD
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unk...
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection. She is mentioned at least a dozen times in the Gospels.
Mary Magdalene has long been regarded as a prostitute or sexually immoral in western Christianity, but this is not supported in the scriptures. It is believed she was a Jewish woman who lived among Gentiles, living as they did.
The Gospels agree that Mary was originally a great sinner. Jesus cast seven demons out of her when he met her. After this, she told several women she associated with and these women also became followers.
There is also debate over if Mary Magdalene is the same unnamed women, a sinner, who weeps and washes Jesus' feet with her hair in the Gospel of John. Scholars are skeptical this is the same person.
Despite the scholarly dispute over her background, what she did in her subsequent life, after meeting Jesus, is much more significant. She was certainly a sinner whom Jesus saved, giving us an example of how no person is beyond the saving grace of God.
During Jesus' ministry, it is believed that Mary Magdalene followed him, part of a semi-permanent entourage who served Jesus and his Disciples.
Mary likely watched the crucifixion from a distance along with the other women who followed Christ during His ministry. Mary was present when Christ rose from the dead, visiting his tomb to anoint his body only to find the stone rolled away and Christ, very much alive, sitting at the place they laid Him. She was the first witness to His resurrection.
After the death of Christ, a legend states that she remained among the early Christians. After fourteen years, she was allegedly put into a boat by Jews, along with several other saints of the early Church, and set adrift without sails or oars. The boat landed in southern France, where she spent the remaining years of her life living in solitude, in a cave.
St. Mary Magdalene's feast day is July 22. She is the patroness of converts, repentant sinners, sexual temptation, pharmacists, tanners and women, and many other places and causes.
Support Catholic Online by Subscribing to our Channel:
Learn more about St. Mary Magdalene: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=83
[http://bit.ly/1VKhnnd] St. Mary Magdalene Collection
[http://bit.ly/1X8TXHt] St. Mary Magdalene 14 kt Gold-Filled Pendant
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Light a Prayer Candle [http://bit.ly/1V6jjVj]
You Can Make a Difference Today - Donate Now [https://ycvf.org]
St. Mary Magdalene is one of the greatest saints of the Bible and a legendary example of God's mercy and grace. The precise dates of her birth and death are unknown, but we do know she was present with Christ during his public ministry, death and resurrection. She is mentioned at least a dozen times in the Gospels.
Mary Magdalene has long been regarded as a prostitute or sexually immoral in western Christianity, but this is not supported in the scriptures. It is believed she was a Jewish woman who lived among Gentiles, living as they did.
The Gospels agree that Mary was originally a great sinner. Jesus cast seven demons out of her when he met her. After this, she told several women she associated with and these women also became followers.
There is also debate over if Mary Magdalene is the same unnamed women, a sinner, who weeps and washes Jesus' feet with her hair in the Gospel of John. Scholars are skeptical this is the same person.
Despite the scholarly dispute over her background, what she did in her subsequent life, after meeting Jesus, is much more significant. She was certainly a sinner whom Jesus saved, giving us an example of how no person is beyond the saving grace of God.
During Jesus' ministry, it is believed that Mary Magdalene followed him, part of a semi-permanent entourage who served Jesus and his Disciples.
Mary likely watched the crucifixion from a distance along with the other women who followed Christ during His ministry. Mary was present when Christ rose from the dead, visiting his tomb to anoint his body only to find the stone rolled away and Christ, very much alive, sitting at the place they laid Him. She was the first witness to His resurrection.
After the death of Christ, a legend states that she remained among the early Christians. After fourteen years, she was allegedly put into a boat by Jews, along with several other saints of the early Church, and set adrift without sails or oars. The boat landed in southern France, where she spent the remaining years of her life living in solitude, in a cave.
St. Mary Magdalene's feast day is July 22. She is the patroness of converts, repentant sinners, sexual temptation, pharmacists, tanners and women, and many other places and causes.
Support Catholic Online by Subscribing to our Channel:
Learn more about St. Mary Magdalene: http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=83
[http://bit.ly/1VKhnnd] St. Mary Magdalene Collection
[http://bit.ly/1X8TXHt] St. Mary Magdalene 14 kt Gold-Filled Pendant
[http://bit.ly/1ZdKv4a] St. Mary Magdalene of Canossa 14 kt Gold Medal
[http://bit.ly/1SP5eaB] St. Mary Magdalene Sterling Silver Pendant
[http://bit.ly/1W8fq3Q] St. Mary Magdalene Holy Card
[http://bit.ly/1q0R2De] 14 kt Gold-Filled Corregated Rosary Bracelet
Light a Prayer Candle [http://bit.ly/1V6jjVj]
You Can Make a Difference Today - Donate Now [https://ycvf.org]
- published: 26 Nov 2019
- views: 39514
St. Mary Magdalene (22 July): Do not Worry About the Past
Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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Please remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
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- published: 23 Jul 2020
- views: 90104
Is St. Mary Magdalene also St. Mary of Bethany? (Part 1) - Marian Teaching
Is St. Mary Magdalene the same person as St. Mary of Bethany, the sister of St. Lazarus and St. Martha? Is she the same person as the penitent woman in Luke 7:3...
Is St. Mary Magdalene the same person as St. Mary of Bethany, the sister of St. Lazarus and St. Martha? Is she the same person as the penitent woman in Luke 7:36-50?
In 2021, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments added the names of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus to the July 29 memorial of St. Martha, making it a liturgical celebration of all three family members. Does this change the Church's traditional understanding of who Mary Magdalene was, whose feast day is celebrated on July 22? Listen to Fr. Matthew Tomeny, MIC explain what we know about St. Mary Magdalene.
Watch Part 2 here: https://youtube.com/live/fu-x3WIjnSE
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Is St. Mary Magdalene the same person as St. Mary of Bethany, the sister of St. Lazarus and St. Martha? Is she the same person as the penitent woman in Luke 7:36-50?
In 2021, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments added the names of Mary of Bethany and Lazarus to the July 29 memorial of St. Martha, making it a liturgical celebration of all three family members. Does this change the Church's traditional understanding of who Mary Magdalene was, whose feast day is celebrated on July 22? Listen to Fr. Matthew Tomeny, MIC explain what we know about St. Mary Magdalene.
Watch Part 2 here: https://youtube.com/live/fu-x3WIjnSE
Support Our Ministries: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/donation
Discover more on our NEW free Digital Streaming Site! https://divinemercyplus.org/?source=YT
To access our weekly podcast, go to your preferred podcasting platform and search: Explaining the Faith
or visit: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/podcasts
Fair Use Policy: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/house/fair-use-policy
- published: 29 Jul 2023
- views: 13977
The TRUTH About St. Mary Magdalene | The Catholic Talk Show
In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss Saint Mary Magdalene and separate the truth from the misconceptions around her.
Episode 244:
In thi...
In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss Saint Mary Magdalene and separate the truth from the misconceptions around her.
Episode 244:
In this episode, you will learn:
• Was She Jesus' Wife?
• Was Mary a Prostitute?
• Why she is considered equal to the Apostles
• What did she look like based on reconstructions?
• and much more
Get the #1 Catholic prayer app Hallow now! https://catholictalkshow.com/hallow
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In this episode of The Catholic Talk Show, the guys discuss Saint Mary Magdalene and separate the truth from the misconceptions around her.
Episode 244:
In this episode, you will learn:
• Was She Jesus' Wife?
• Was Mary a Prostitute?
• Why she is considered equal to the Apostles
• What did she look like based on reconstructions?
• and much more
Get the #1 Catholic prayer app Hallow now! https://catholictalkshow.com/hallow
Become a supporter of The Catholic Talk Show on Patreon and get awesome gifts like mugs, hoodies, exclusive access, and more: http://bit.ly/SupportTheCatholicTalkShow
Register now to join us January 10-20, 2024 as we visit the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Jericho, The Dead Sea, Petra, and more.
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- published: 07 Aug 2023
- views: 45614
Saint Mary Magdalene and the Eucharist
Fr. Sean Davidson talks about his new book on Saint Mary Magdalene.
Fr. Sean Davidson talks about his new book on Saint Mary Magdalene.
Adoration is love, and eucharistic adoration is love of Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospels there are few people who understand love for Jesus as well as Mary Magdalene, which is the reason she is a prophetess of eucharistic love.
This work is an extended meditation on the life of Saint Mary Magdalene, known as the "Apostle to the Apostles" because the Risen Christ appeared to her first and then sent her to announce the Resurrection to the apostles. Based on the biblical texts traditionally associated with Mary Magdalene, this book helps readers to learn from her inspiring example and to enter more deeply into adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
In telling the story of Mary Magdalene's profound conversion after the Lord had to expel seven demons from her soul, this book shows how she is a shining witness to the transforming power of an encounter with Jesus Christ. Mary Magdalene is the perfect model for those who have experienced the redeeming love of Christ and who seek to deepen their devotion to him and to the Eucharist.
"Saint Mary Magdalene reminds us of the need to recover the primacy of God and the primacy of adoration in the life of the Church and in the liturgical celebration."
-- Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Author, God or Nothing: A Conversation on Faith
"Saint Mary Magdalene has finally been given her deserved praise and understanding. Her amazing story of renewed life, restored love and relentless devotion to Christ as Savior is deeply inspiring!"
-- Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., Author, The Ear of the Heart: An Actress' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows
"This bracing immersion into the life, heart and soul of one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented of saints, is rooted in Scripture, history, and deep contemplation. It calls us to emulate Magdalene's 'holy recklessness' and her radical adoration of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament."
-- Carl Olson, Author, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
Fr. Sean Davidson talks about his new book on Saint Mary Magdalene.
Adoration is love, and eucharistic adoration is love of Christ present in the Blessed Sacrament. In the Gospels there are few people who understand love for Jesus as well as Mary Magdalene, which is the reason she is a prophetess of eucharistic love.
This work is an extended meditation on the life of Saint Mary Magdalene, known as the "Apostle to the Apostles" because the Risen Christ appeared to her first and then sent her to announce the Resurrection to the apostles. Based on the biblical texts traditionally associated with Mary Magdalene, this book helps readers to learn from her inspiring example and to enter more deeply into adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Blessed Sacrament.
In telling the story of Mary Magdalene's profound conversion after the Lord had to expel seven demons from her soul, this book shows how she is a shining witness to the transforming power of an encounter with Jesus Christ. Mary Magdalene is the perfect model for those who have experienced the redeeming love of Christ and who seek to deepen their devotion to him and to the Eucharist.
"Saint Mary Magdalene reminds us of the need to recover the primacy of God and the primacy of adoration in the life of the Church and in the liturgical celebration."
-- Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, Author, God or Nothing: A Conversation on Faith
"Saint Mary Magdalene has finally been given her deserved praise and understanding. Her amazing story of renewed life, restored love and relentless devotion to Christ as Savior is deeply inspiring!"
-- Mother Dolores Hart, O.S.B., Author, The Ear of the Heart: An Actress' Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows
"This bracing immersion into the life, heart and soul of one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented of saints, is rooted in Scripture, history, and deep contemplation. It calls us to emulate Magdalene's 'holy recklessness' and her radical adoration of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament."
-- Carl Olson, Author, Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?
- published: 01 Mar 2017
- views: 37136
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
#christianmotivation #christian #biblestudy #bible
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
#christianmotivation #christian #biblestudy #bible
Mary Magdalene - Was she Jesus' Closest Disciple
#christianmotivation #christian #biblestudy #bible
- published: 18 Oct 2024
- views: 577
St. Mary Magdalene (22 July): Penance Brings About Great Blessings
For more please visit http://reginaecclesiae.com & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
The website sensusfidelium.com
To donate please visit sensusfide...
For more please visit http://reginaecclesiae.com & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
The website sensusfidelium.com
To donate please visit sensusfidelium.com/donate-support/
For more please visit http://reginaecclesiae.com & remember to say 3 Hail Marys for the priest
The website sensusfidelium.com
To donate please visit sensusfidelium.com/donate-support/
- published: 23 Jul 2019
- views: 29256