How did Soviet Elections Work? (Short Animated Documentary)
When you think of the Soviet Union, you don't often think of elections, democracy or voting. Yet they did have elections, and citizens did go out on polling day just like in many democracies at the time. So how did these elections work and who could a citizen vote for? Were they free and fair? What if you didn't like any of the candidates?
Well tough, Comrade.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Richard Wolfe
Kevin Sanders
Daniel Lambert
Stefan Møller
D. Mahlik
John Garcia
Warren Rudkin
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
Paul McGee
Ariadni Voulgari
Bernardo Santos
published: 13 Dec 2019
What is council communism? | Ideology explained
This video is a short summary of council communism. I explain the core features and the world it aims for. I also explain it's criticisms of unions and social democratic parties and of the soviet union.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/viki1999
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/viki1999
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Viki1999Yt
E-Mail Address: [email protected]
The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
Hello everybody. ...
published: 21 Mar 2021
Soviet Supreme Council Meets (1949)
Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown.
Russian newsreel titles - Soviet Supreme Council Meets. (Soundtrack music throughout but no commentary.)
Moscow, Russia.
General view of buildings in Moscow. M/S of The Kremlin. M/Ss of delegates arriving for the meeting. L/S of people gathered outside the building. L/Ss of people walking across foyer of building.
Several shots of people at the meeting, chatting to one another and listening. General view of assembly standing. L/S of personalities filing onto platform. Vyacheslav Molotov, Beria and Georgi Malenkov (Russian Commissar for Power Stations) seen leading; Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (Chairman of Council of Ministers of the USSR) following on behind. M/S of girls in audience applauding...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Who Picked the UN Security Council? (Short Animated Documentary)
The UN Security Council has five permanent members who wield great influence over international affairs. But who picked them? Who decided who got a seat and who didn't?
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Southside Mitch
Franco La Bruna
אורי פרקש
Kevin Phoenix
Ian Jensen
Mickey Landen
Kevin Sanders
Can’t Think Of A Name
Robert Brockway
Chase Labiste
Kevin Hamako
Brian Giordano
Richard Wolfe
David archaeologist
Jonathan Gasana
Connor Glaze
James Nile
Paul Franche
Mr Sandman
Rod D. Martin
IandB IandB
published: 16 Oct 2020
Soviet (council)
Soviets were political organizations and governmental bodies, primarily associated with the Russian Revolutions and the history of the Soviet Union, and which gave the name to the latter state.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
published: 08 Nov 2015
Why did Soviet Union Collapse???🇷🇺🇷🇺
#Russia #SovietUnion #USSR Europe #EasternEurope #Countries #Shorts #Maps #World
This video shows the 3 main reasons behind the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the first is that it was made up of 15 different republics so it was hard to control, the 2nd is that soviet union had a terrible economy during the 1990s, and the last reason were the reforms made my its last President Mikhail Gorbachev
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
published: 14 Dec 2022
Federation Council - Soviet Anthem Handover Patrotic Song Last Time! Anthem Russia 2000 - 20.12.2000
Russian Anthem 1991 by Michail Glinka (Patriotic Song) To Soviet Anthem 1944 by Alexander Alexandrov
Russian Anthem (Change) of Congress Federation Council 2000
Congress 20 December END. Full-Version
Конгресс Совет Федерации - Гимн России
Source: http://www.council.gov.ru/events/multimedia/video/
#FederationCouncil #2000 #RussianAnthem #Glinka #PatrioticSong
published: 19 Dec 2020
Soviet Union timeline
published: 14 Nov 2021
LAST BIG EXPLOIT! Avoid The Soviet Civil War!
Experience the freedom of fishing in a vast open world on your own or with friends in online co-op multiplayer for up to 12 players. There’s a lot of exciting things planned for the game ahead – in short-term and long-term – including a console release that's coming soon. Learn more:
No step back added the new reworked Soviet focus tree and with it came new alt history paths all result in a civil war. BUT what if I told you there was a exploit to go down the right right opposition path and keep Stalin incharge AND HAVE NO CIVIL WAR! Brutally broken! Not only that but it includes 0 consumer goods and a load of production bonus's. OP Russia all ready for by blood alone. Putin would be proud!
Support me on PATREON http://patreon.com/feedbackgaming
Sub to...
published: 08 Sep 2022
Install March of Empires for FREE here https://gloftmoe.page.link/thesocialstreamers, and get 5000 gold to help kickstart your game! Thank you to Gameloft for sponsoring the video.
Victoria 3 Russia starts as one of the biggest nations but today we're going to FORM the SOVIET UNION in victoria 3. Victoria 3 soviet union? It's actually a formable nation in victoria 3. Communist Russia was something I wanted to do since the release of the game but we do it in style with a command economy and becoming the richest nation in Victoria 3!
Live on Twitch! - http://www.twitch.tv/thesocialstreamers
Join our Discord! - https://discord.gg/sg8MGmG
Help us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheSocialStreamers
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/th...
published: 21 Nov 2022
How did Soviet Elections Work? (Short Animated Documentary)
When you think of the Soviet Union, you don't often think of elections, democracy or voting. Yet they did have elections, and citizens did go out on polling day...
When you think of the Soviet Union, you don't often think of elections, democracy or voting. Yet they did have elections, and citizens did go out on polling day just like in many democracies at the time. So how did these elections work and who could a citizen vote for? Were they free and fair? What if you didn't like any of the candidates?
Well tough, Comrade.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Richard Wolfe
Kevin Sanders
Daniel Lambert
Stefan Møller
D. Mahlik
John Garcia
Warren Rudkin
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
Paul McGee
Ariadni Voulgari
Bernardo Santos
Danny Anstess
August Block
Vesko Diney
Christopher Godfrey
Shaun Pullin
Perry Gagne
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Henry Rabung
Troy Schmidt
Adam Barrett
hamid kadiwala
I’m Not In The Description
Liam Gilleece
Chris Hall
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
Haydn Noble
Gideon Rashkes
Josh Cornelius
Julian Baumann
Richard Manklow
Colin Steele
Konstantin Bredyuk
Gabriel Lunde
João Santos
Donald Weaver
Nick Finan
Seth Reeves
Pierre Le Mouel
Yasin Ayas
Blake Dryad
The Personality Cult of Stalin in Soviet Posters, 1929-1953 by Anita Pisch
Soviet Elections as a Measure of Dissent: The Missing One Percent by Jerome M. Gibson.
Soviet Elections Revisited: Voter Abstention in Noncompetitive Voting by Rasma Karklins
When you think of the Soviet Union, you don't often think of elections, democracy or voting. Yet they did have elections, and citizens did go out on polling day just like in many democracies at the time. So how did these elections work and who could a citizen vote for? Were they free and fair? What if you didn't like any of the candidates?
Well tough, Comrade.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Tenminhistory
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
Special Thanks to the following Patrons for their support on Patreon:
Chris Fatta
Richard Wolfe
Kevin Sanders
Daniel Lambert
Stefan Møller
D. Mahlik
John Garcia
Warren Rudkin
Mitchell Wildoer
Andrew Niedbala
Paul McGee
Ariadni Voulgari
Bernardo Santos
Danny Anstess
August Block
Vesko Diney
Christopher Godfrey
Shaun Pullin
Perry Gagne
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Henry Rabung
Troy Schmidt
Adam Barrett
hamid kadiwala
I’m Not In The Description
Liam Gilleece
Chris Hall
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
Haydn Noble
Gideon Rashkes
Josh Cornelius
Julian Baumann
Richard Manklow
Colin Steele
Konstantin Bredyuk
Gabriel Lunde
João Santos
Donald Weaver
Nick Finan
Seth Reeves
Pierre Le Mouel
Yasin Ayas
Blake Dryad
The Personality Cult of Stalin in Soviet Posters, 1929-1953 by Anita Pisch
Soviet Elections as a Measure of Dissent: The Missing One Percent by Jerome M. Gibson.
Soviet Elections Revisited: Voter Abstention in Noncompetitive Voting by Rasma Karklins
- published: 13 Dec 2019
- views: 1577613
What is council communism? | Ideology explained
This video is a short summary of council communism. I explain the core features and the world it aims for. I also explain it's criticisms of unions and social d...
This video is a short summary of council communism. I explain the core features and the world it aims for. I also explain it's criticisms of unions and social democratic parties and of the soviet union.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/viki1999
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/viki1999
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Viki1999Yt
E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
Hello everybody. What is council communism? Well, essentially it is a form of socialism in which the workers are in charge of the state and economy via a system of worker’s councils.
Council communism is broadly a left communist movement, which means it falls towards the left on the spectrum of communist ideologies, for example to the left of Leninism. And that’s the first feature of council communists, they don’t like Leninism.
As you are probably aware in 1917 Lenin and his party started the October revolution in the Russian Empire. The party was the so-called vanguard of the revolution, meaning they did all the revolution-ing in the name of the working class.
This party later developed into the enforcer of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the only way to be politically active in the USSR. It also developed into a centralized bureaucracy. I have a whole video on the details of how that worked.
Council communists oppose this development. They think the workers should run the revolution directly, not via a vanguard party. They also believe that the party centralized power with non-workers and turned the party members into a separate political class. In council communism there is no political class which rules, instead all control is fragmented and given to de-centrally organised councils.
All workers in one area form a council, like the council of Vienna’s artisans and then they elect one or multiple of themselves to represent them on the city council which then elects representatives for the local council which then elects members to the national council. Because all these representatives are workers, this way there is a dictatorship of the proletariat and no political class can form.
All representatives are still artisans in their day to day life and they only do the tasks of politicians when the council is meeting. All higher councils could at any point be dissolved by the lower councils, ensuring that the higher councils still act in a way the people agree with.
These representatives would also be able to be re-called at any point, making sure they follow the will of the workers, unlike the representatives we have now which need to get elected one time and then do whatever they want to for 4 years, ignoring their constituents.
The economy would also be controlled by councils, meaning workers would collectively own their own workplaces. These workplaces would interact via a market or be managed by councils in a form of de centrally planned economy.
Council communists consider social democrats and traditional or non-revolutionary trade unions to be allies to the bourgeoisie who are used to distract the workers from the necessary revolution. They want to boycott electoral politics and non-revolutionary unions.
The revolution is to be started by the workers themselves, again, no vanguard party. Because it is so de centralized it is often compared to different forms of anarchism, especially syndicalism. The idea is that during a crisis of capitalism councils will naturally form, kind of like how soviets formed before the October revolution and these councils then take over after the collapse of capitalism.
You may think that this system of councils selecting higher councils and sending representatives to a national government is kind of similar to the way the USSR worked. After all it was made up of councils, called soviets, which represented the workers and elected delegates to the national government. The difference is that in the USSR the communist party took part in the political process while in true council communism there is no party.
Council communists also declared that the USSR was not an alternative to capitalism but that it itself was practically capitalist with the full time party officials and bureaucrats or apparatchiks taking over the tasks of the capitalists without worker’s oversight. So, despite the USSR theoretically kind of being a bit like council communism they hate each other, like true leftists.
This video is a short summary of council communism. I explain the core features and the world it aims for. I also explain it's criticisms of unions and social democratic parties and of the soviet union.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/viki1999
Subreddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/viki1999
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/Viki1999Yt
E-Mail Address:
[email protected]
The song in the outro was produced by 08 (who gave me no way to credit them), you can listen to the whole remix on my second channel: https://youtu.be/jZOrMsIOZh0
Hello everybody. What is council communism? Well, essentially it is a form of socialism in which the workers are in charge of the state and economy via a system of worker’s councils.
Council communism is broadly a left communist movement, which means it falls towards the left on the spectrum of communist ideologies, for example to the left of Leninism. And that’s the first feature of council communists, they don’t like Leninism.
As you are probably aware in 1917 Lenin and his party started the October revolution in the Russian Empire. The party was the so-called vanguard of the revolution, meaning they did all the revolution-ing in the name of the working class.
This party later developed into the enforcer of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the only way to be politically active in the USSR. It also developed into a centralized bureaucracy. I have a whole video on the details of how that worked.
Council communists oppose this development. They think the workers should run the revolution directly, not via a vanguard party. They also believe that the party centralized power with non-workers and turned the party members into a separate political class. In council communism there is no political class which rules, instead all control is fragmented and given to de-centrally organised councils.
All workers in one area form a council, like the council of Vienna’s artisans and then they elect one or multiple of themselves to represent them on the city council which then elects representatives for the local council which then elects members to the national council. Because all these representatives are workers, this way there is a dictatorship of the proletariat and no political class can form.
All representatives are still artisans in their day to day life and they only do the tasks of politicians when the council is meeting. All higher councils could at any point be dissolved by the lower councils, ensuring that the higher councils still act in a way the people agree with.
These representatives would also be able to be re-called at any point, making sure they follow the will of the workers, unlike the representatives we have now which need to get elected one time and then do whatever they want to for 4 years, ignoring their constituents.
The economy would also be controlled by councils, meaning workers would collectively own their own workplaces. These workplaces would interact via a market or be managed by councils in a form of de centrally planned economy.
Council communists consider social democrats and traditional or non-revolutionary trade unions to be allies to the bourgeoisie who are used to distract the workers from the necessary revolution. They want to boycott electoral politics and non-revolutionary unions.
The revolution is to be started by the workers themselves, again, no vanguard party. Because it is so de centralized it is often compared to different forms of anarchism, especially syndicalism. The idea is that during a crisis of capitalism councils will naturally form, kind of like how soviets formed before the October revolution and these councils then take over after the collapse of capitalism.
You may think that this system of councils selecting higher councils and sending representatives to a national government is kind of similar to the way the USSR worked. After all it was made up of councils, called soviets, which represented the workers and elected delegates to the national government. The difference is that in the USSR the communist party took part in the political process while in true council communism there is no party.
Council communists also declared that the USSR was not an alternative to capitalism but that it itself was practically capitalist with the full time party officials and bureaucrats or apparatchiks taking over the tasks of the capitalists without worker’s oversight. So, despite the USSR theoretically kind of being a bit like council communism they hate each other, like true leftists.
- published: 21 Mar 2021
- views: 27991
Soviet Supreme Council Meets (1949)
Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown.
Russian newsreel titles - Soviet Supreme Council Meets. (Soundtrack music through...
Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown.
Russian newsreel titles - Soviet Supreme Council Meets. (Soundtrack music throughout but no commentary.)
Moscow, Russia.
General view of buildings in Moscow. M/S of The Kremlin. M/Ss of delegates arriving for the meeting. L/S of people gathered outside the building. L/Ss of people walking across foyer of building.
Several shots of people at the meeting, chatting to one another and listening. General view of assembly standing. L/S of personalities filing onto platform. Vyacheslav Molotov, Beria and Georgi Malenkov (Russian Commissar for Power Stations) seen leading; Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (Chairman of Council of Ministers of the USSR) following on behind. M/S of girls in audience applauding. M/S of Stalin and uniformed men standing on platform. M/S of people in audience applauding. General view of audience sitting down.
Unidentified man walks to rostrum and makes speech. Shots of people in the audience. Stalin sitting on platform listening. M/S of Molotov, Beria, Malenkov and two others, sitting on platform. M/S of man speaking from rostrum. Two Mongolians in audience. People listening with headphones. General view of assembly. M/S of man addressing assembly. General view of audience applauding.
FILM ID:2495.02
FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.britishpathe.com/
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown.
Russian newsreel titles - Soviet Supreme Council Meets. (Soundtrack music throughout but no commentary.)
Moscow, Russia.
General view of buildings in Moscow. M/S of The Kremlin. M/Ss of delegates arriving for the meeting. L/S of people gathered outside the building. L/Ss of people walking across foyer of building.
Several shots of people at the meeting, chatting to one another and listening. General view of assembly standing. L/S of personalities filing onto platform. Vyacheslav Molotov, Beria and Georgi Malenkov (Russian Commissar for Power Stations) seen leading; Soviet leader Joseph Stalin (Chairman of Council of Ministers of the USSR) following on behind. M/S of girls in audience applauding. M/S of Stalin and uniformed men standing on platform. M/S of people in audience applauding. General view of audience sitting down.
Unidentified man walks to rostrum and makes speech. Shots of people in the audience. Stalin sitting on platform listening. M/S of Molotov, Beria, Malenkov and two others, sitting on platform. M/S of man speaking from rostrum. Two Mongolians in audience. People listening with headphones. General view of assembly. M/S of man addressing assembly. General view of audience applauding.
FILM ID:2495.02
FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT http://www.britishpathe.com/
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website. https://www.britishpathe.com/
- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 91801
Who Picked the UN Security Council? (Short Animated Documentary)
The UN Security Council has five permanent members who wield great influence over international affairs. But who picked them? Who decided who got a seat and who...
The UN Security Council has five permanent members who wield great influence over international affairs. But who picked them? Who decided who got a seat and who didn't?
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Southside Mitch
Franco La Bruna
אורי פרקש
Kevin Phoenix
Ian Jensen
Mickey Landen
Kevin Sanders
Can’t Think Of A Name
Robert Brockway
Chase Labiste
Kevin Hamako
Brian Giordano
Richard Wolfe
David archaeologist
Jonathan Gasana
Connor Glaze
James Nile
Paul Franche
Mr Sandman
Rod D. Martin
IandB IandB
Ainar Garipov
Qi Xiao
Alexander Washofsky
Andreas Mosand
Jeremy Roberson
Chris Fatta
D. Mahlik
Andrew Niedbala
Burt Clothier
Joseph Reinsch
Chris Dolan
Ryan Haber
John Garcia
Adam Stalter
Bernardo Santos
John Bisges
Jane Sumpter
Nathan Perlman
Scott O'Donnell
Jack Mcbeth
Andrew Patane
Riley davidson
Paul McGee
Warren Rudkin
Danny Anstess
Shaun Pullin
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Jack River
Scott P
Justin Pearson
Yick Chung
Mik Scheper
William Hilton
Tristan Kreller
Super Bee 426
Tim Lane
Chris Hall
Perry Gagne
Syagrius Beans
Henry Rabung
Joshua A Bishop
Christopher Godfrey
Zachary Oertel
Vance Christiaanse
bas mensink
Richard W Quarles
Joker 54
Robert Woodward
Gregory Priebe
Clay Carroll
Ramsey Elbasheer
I'm Not In The Description
William Wold
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
FF Nelly
Craig Cunningham
Anthony McCann
James Bisonette Fan #1
Luke Robinson
Kevin Stolz
Liam Gilleece
Ciege Engine
Blake Dryad
Matt Reed
Sytze de Witte
Thomas Wang
Gerald Armstrong
Imperial Pony
Spencer Smith
Brian McKinley
Josh Cornelius
Jack Nelson
Haydn Noble
Colm Byrne
Colm Boyle
Layne Nielsen
David Chaid
Matthew O'Connor
Phillip Gathright
Björn Wittmann
Piotr Wojnowski
Dakota Brunell
Harley Raptopoulos
Steve Bonds
Bumble Jones
Gabriel Lunde
Steve Noworyta
Richard Manklow
Christine Purvis
João Santos
Satya Moturi
Peter O'Connor
Arthur Hosey Jr.
Peter Konieczny
Matthew Hogan
Alan Romero
Pierre Le Mouel
Dennis the Cat
Richard Hartzell
Konstantin Bredyuk
Donald Weaver
Seth Reeves
Ellen Teapot
Alex Adorno
The UN Security Council has five permanent members who wield great influence over international affairs. But who picked them? Who decided who got a seat and who didn't?
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=4973164
Merch: https://teespring.com/stores/history-matters-store-2
A special thanks to all of these Patrons below, without whom the show wouldn't be possible:
Southside Mitch
Franco La Bruna
אורי פרקש
Kevin Phoenix
Ian Jensen
Mickey Landen
Kevin Sanders
Can’t Think Of A Name
Robert Brockway
Chase Labiste
Kevin Hamako
Brian Giordano
Richard Wolfe
David archaeologist
Jonathan Gasana
Connor Glaze
James Nile
Paul Franche
Mr Sandman
Rod D. Martin
IandB IandB
Ainar Garipov
Qi Xiao
Alexander Washofsky
Andreas Mosand
Jeremy Roberson
Chris Fatta
D. Mahlik
Andrew Niedbala
Burt Clothier
Joseph Reinsch
Chris Dolan
Ryan Haber
John Garcia
Adam Stalter
Bernardo Santos
John Bisges
Jane Sumpter
Nathan Perlman
Scott O'Donnell
Jack Mcbeth
Andrew Patane
Riley davidson
Paul McGee
Warren Rudkin
Danny Anstess
Shaun Pullin
Magdalena Reinberg-Leibel
Jack River
Scott P
Justin Pearson
Yick Chung
Mik Scheper
William Hilton
Tristan Kreller
Super Bee 426
Tim Lane
Chris Hall
Perry Gagne
Syagrius Beans
Henry Rabung
Joshua A Bishop
Christopher Godfrey
Zachary Oertel
Vance Christiaanse
bas mensink
Richard W Quarles
Joker 54
Robert Woodward
Gregory Priebe
Clay Carroll
Ramsey Elbasheer
I'm Not In The Description
William Wold
Mark Ploegstra
Jeffrey Schneider
FF Nelly
Craig Cunningham
Anthony McCann
James Bisonette Fan #1
Luke Robinson
Kevin Stolz
Liam Gilleece
Ciege Engine
Blake Dryad
Matt Reed
Sytze de Witte
Thomas Wang
Gerald Armstrong
Imperial Pony
Spencer Smith
Brian McKinley
Josh Cornelius
Jack Nelson
Haydn Noble
Colm Byrne
Colm Boyle
Layne Nielsen
David Chaid
Matthew O'Connor
Phillip Gathright
Björn Wittmann
Piotr Wojnowski
Dakota Brunell
Harley Raptopoulos
Steve Bonds
Bumble Jones
Gabriel Lunde
Steve Noworyta
Richard Manklow
Christine Purvis
João Santos
Satya Moturi
Peter O'Connor
Arthur Hosey Jr.
Peter Konieczny
Matthew Hogan
Alan Romero
Pierre Le Mouel
Dennis the Cat
Richard Hartzell
Konstantin Bredyuk
Donald Weaver
Seth Reeves
Ellen Teapot
Alex Adorno
- published: 16 Oct 2020
- views: 1900851
Soviet (council)
Soviets were political organizations and governmental bodies, primarily associated with the Russian Revolutions and the history of the Soviet Union, and which g...
Soviets were political organizations and governmental bodies, primarily associated with the Russian Revolutions and the history of the Soviet Union, and which gave the name to the latter state.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
Soviets were political organizations and governmental bodies, primarily associated with the Russian Revolutions and the history of the Soviet Union, and which gave the name to the latter state.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 08 Nov 2015
- views: 36
Why did Soviet Union Collapse???🇷🇺🇷🇺
#Russia #SovietUnion #USSR Europe #EasternEurope #Countries #Shorts #Maps #World
#Russia #SovietUnion #USSR Europe #EasternEurope #Countries #Shorts #Maps #World
This video shows the 3 main reasons behind the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the first is that it was made up of 15 different republics so it was hard to control, the 2nd is that soviet union had a terrible economy during the 1990s, and the last reason were the reforms made my its last President Mikhail Gorbachev
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
Russia,Soviet Union,USSR,Why Soviet Union collapse,Why did Soviet Union Collapse,Soviet Union history,Soviet Union GDP,Eastern bloc,Warsaw pact,Europe,European countries,Europe geography,Countries,Countries geography,Russia geography,what if Soviet Union returns,Soviet Union facts,European countries Facts,RealLifeLore,RealLifeLore Maps,Maps,Countries Maps,Interesting maps,United States
#Russia #SovietUnion #USSR Europe #EasternEurope #Countries #Shorts #Maps #World
This video shows the 3 main reasons behind the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the first is that it was made up of 15 different republics so it was hard to control, the 2nd is that soviet union had a terrible economy during the 1990s, and the last reason were the reforms made my its last President Mikhail Gorbachev
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
Russia,Soviet Union,USSR,Why Soviet Union collapse,Why did Soviet Union Collapse,Soviet Union history,Soviet Union GDP,Eastern bloc,Warsaw pact,Europe,European countries,Europe geography,Countries,Countries geography,Russia geography,what if Soviet Union returns,Soviet Union facts,European countries Facts,RealLifeLore,RealLifeLore Maps,Maps,Countries Maps,Interesting maps,United States
- published: 14 Dec 2022
- views: 6022461
Federation Council - Soviet Anthem Handover Patrotic Song Last Time! Anthem Russia 2000 - 20.12.2000
Russian Anthem 1991 by Michail Glinka (Patriotic Song) To Soviet Anthem 1944 by Alexander Alexandrov
Russian Anthem (Change) of Congress Federation Council 200...
Russian Anthem 1991 by Michail Glinka (Patriotic Song) To Soviet Anthem 1944 by Alexander Alexandrov
Russian Anthem (Change) of Congress Federation Council 2000
Congress 20 December END. Full-Version
Конгресс Совет Федерации - Гимн России
Source: http://www.council.gov.ru/events/multimedia/video/
#FederationCouncil #2000 #RussianAnthem #Glinka #PatrioticSong
Russian Anthem 1991 by Michail Glinka (Patriotic Song) To Soviet Anthem 1944 by Alexander Alexandrov
Russian Anthem (Change) of Congress Federation Council 2000
Congress 20 December END. Full-Version
Конгресс Совет Федерации - Гимн России
Source: http://www.council.gov.ru/events/multimedia/video/
#FederationCouncil #2000 #RussianAnthem #Glinka #PatrioticSong
- published: 19 Dec 2020
- views: 46196
LAST BIG EXPLOIT! Avoid The Soviet Civil War!
Experience the freedom of fishing in a vast open world on your own or with friends in online co-op multiplayer for up to 12 players. There’s a lot of exciting t...
Experience the freedom of fishing in a vast open world on your own or with friends in online co-op multiplayer for up to 12 players. There’s a lot of exciting things planned for the game ahead – in short-term and long-term – including a console release that's coming soon. Learn more:
No step back added the new reworked Soviet focus tree and with it came new alt history paths all result in a civil war. BUT what if I told you there was a exploit to go down the right right opposition path and keep Stalin incharge AND HAVE NO CIVIL WAR! Brutally broken! Not only that but it includes 0 consumer goods and a load of production bonus's. OP Russia all ready for by blood alone. Putin would be proud!
Support me on PATREON http://patreon.com/feedbackgaming
Sub to my MAIN YouTube: @DaveFeedBackGaming
Sub to my FEEDBACKIRL on YouTube: @FeedbackIRL
Sub to MEMES channel: @feedbackmemes
Sub for SHORTS: @feedbackshorts3731
DISCORD talk with me http://www.discord.gg/feedbackgaming
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[email protected]
Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. Released on June 6, 2016, it is the sequel to Hearts of Iron III and part of the Hearts of Iron series of grand strategy games focusing on World War II. The player may take control of any nation in the world in either 1936 or 1939 and lead them to victory or defeat against other countries.
Feedbackgaming is known for his exploits, cheats, unlimited money videos. Is inspired by other successful influencers like the spiffing brit, isp, bokoen and tommykaylive.
Business email:
[email protected]
#hoi4 #sovietunion #stalin
Experience the freedom of fishing in a vast open world on your own or with friends in online co-op multiplayer for up to 12 players. There’s a lot of exciting things planned for the game ahead – in short-term and long-term – including a console release that's coming soon. Learn more:
No step back added the new reworked Soviet focus tree and with it came new alt history paths all result in a civil war. BUT what if I told you there was a exploit to go down the right right opposition path and keep Stalin incharge AND HAVE NO CIVIL WAR! Brutally broken! Not only that but it includes 0 consumer goods and a load of production bonus's. OP Russia all ready for by blood alone. Putin would be proud!
Support me on PATREON http://patreon.com/feedbackgaming
Sub to my MAIN YouTube: @DaveFeedBackGaming
Sub to my FEEDBACKIRL on YouTube: @FeedbackIRL
Sub to MEMES channel: @feedbackmemes
Sub for SHORTS: @feedbackshorts3731
DISCORD talk with me http://www.discord.gg/feedbackgaming
Follow on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/feedbackgaming
Follow for TWITCH livestreams: https://twitch.tv/feedbackgaming
Business email:
[email protected]
Hearts of Iron IV is a grand strategy wargame developed by Paradox Development Studio and published by Paradox Interactive. Released on June 6, 2016, it is the sequel to Hearts of Iron III and part of the Hearts of Iron series of grand strategy games focusing on World War II. The player may take control of any nation in the world in either 1936 or 1939 and lead them to victory or defeat against other countries.
Feedbackgaming is known for his exploits, cheats, unlimited money videos. Is inspired by other successful influencers like the spiffing brit, isp, bokoen and tommykaylive.
Business email:
[email protected]
#hoi4 #sovietunion #stalin
- published: 08 Sep 2022
- views: 273063
Install March of Empires for FREE here https://gloftmoe.page.link/thesocialstreamers, and get 5000 gold to help kickstart your game! Thank you to Gameloft for s...
Install March of Empires for FREE here https://gloftmoe.page.link/thesocialstreamers, and get 5000 gold to help kickstart your game! Thank you to Gameloft for sponsoring the video.
Victoria 3 Russia starts as one of the biggest nations but today we're going to FORM the SOVIET UNION in victoria 3. Victoria 3 soviet union? It's actually a formable nation in victoria 3. Communist Russia was something I wanted to do since the release of the game but we do it in style with a command economy and becoming the richest nation in Victoria 3!
Live on Twitch! - http://www.twitch.tv/thesocialstreamers
Join our Discord! - https://discord.gg/sg8MGmG
Help us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheSocialStreamers
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theSStreamers
Shoutout to our Patreon Supporters!
Holy Emperor Dar
Lewis Wright
Tyler McGlynn
Hunter Grabski
Matvei Novikov
Arthur Pendragon
Ken Jones
Of The Dragon
Stuart Watson
Thomas Carmichael
Bobby Bottle Service
Brandon Smith-Darby
Red Star
Søren Ryge
Jason Boomgarden
Joey Arnold
Morgan Jones
Tobias Lauge Borgstrøm
#vic3 #victoria3 #vicky3
Install March of Empires for FREE here https://gloftmoe.page.link/thesocialstreamers, and get 5000 gold to help kickstart your game! Thank you to Gameloft for sponsoring the video.
Victoria 3 Russia starts as one of the biggest nations but today we're going to FORM the SOVIET UNION in victoria 3. Victoria 3 soviet union? It's actually a formable nation in victoria 3. Communist Russia was something I wanted to do since the release of the game but we do it in style with a command economy and becoming the richest nation in Victoria 3!
Live on Twitch! - http://www.twitch.tv/thesocialstreamers
Join our Discord! - https://discord.gg/sg8MGmG
Help us out on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TheSocialStreamers
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/theSStreamers
Shoutout to our Patreon Supporters!
Holy Emperor Dar
Lewis Wright
Tyler McGlynn
Hunter Grabski
Matvei Novikov
Arthur Pendragon
Ken Jones
Of The Dragon
Stuart Watson
Thomas Carmichael
Bobby Bottle Service
Brandon Smith-Darby
Red Star
Søren Ryge
Jason Boomgarden
Joey Arnold
Morgan Jones
Tobias Lauge Borgstrøm
#vic3 #victoria3 #vicky3
- published: 21 Nov 2022
- views: 247843
Workers & Resources Soviet Republic - World Maps Release Trailer
Take your Soviet Republic city -building skills to new countries with the World Maps DLC! With eight new realistic maps spanning the globe - each with its unique landscapes and resources - socialism knows no borders!
➤ STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3333420/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic__World_Maps/
➤ GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/workers_resources_soviet_republic_world_maps
➤ EPIC: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-world-maps-1be015
published: 13 Dec 2024
Absolute Beginners Guide: Getting Started | Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Guides | Tutorial
With all the New Features, its time to go over a new 'How to get started' tutorial. No Realistic Mode this time, just pure structure and building and making it work, just to speed everything up.
This is a simple series to get you started.
If you have any questions, please ask, and I will add a video to the Series that explains it in detail.
My tutorials and how to guides are aimed at new players, who may have skipped the in game tutorial or found issue with the same. This game has many hidden features, and I aim to show you all of them.
WR:SR is an amazing sandbox city/republic builder, that allows you to control all aspects of your new country, from citizens happiness, health, education to production chains, vehicle and resource production, import export. You can do all this by tru...
published: 18 Sep 2023
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic -1.0 Release Review - The Most Comprehensive City Builder Ever?
Join Tom from LT Gaming as he dives into 'Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic,' the ultimate city-building and logistics simulation game. Coming out of Early Access on June 20th, this Soviet-themed game offers intricate gameplay mechanics, complex infrastructure systems, and vast buildable areas. Tom explores the new features in the full release, shares his thoughts on the game's pros and cons, and gives a recommendation for potential players. Whether you're a fan of deep simulation games or curious about this unique city builder, this review will give you all the insights you need. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gaming content!
0:00 Introduction
0:57 Overview of the Game
2:36 Gameplay Mechanics
4:52 Presentation
5:47 What’s New in the Full Release?
published: 17 Jun 2024
Is Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Worth It? In-Depth Review
Welcome to GameVault HQ! In this video, we dive deep into "Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic," the highly detailed and immersive city-builder and economic simulation game by 3Division. Join us as we explore the intricacies of managing a fictional communist country, transforming it from a struggling state into an industrial superpower. We cover gameplay mechanics, graphics, sound design, learning curve, and much more!
#workers&resoucessovietrepublic #gaming #gamevaulthq #WorkersAndResources #SovietRepublic
published: 25 Jun 2024
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - EA Launch
Early Access starting 15th March 2019
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the ultimate real-time soviet-themed city builder tycoon game. Construct your own republic and transform a poor country into a rich industrial superpower!
Some of the cities areas was made by:
published: 11 Mar 2019
Худшая республика в Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
https://pixgames.ru/allaster?erid=LjN8KUrVb — забрать набор бонусов и бесплатно скачать War Thunder. Сезон с советской техники скоро завершится - торопись!
70-е годы, Я - ужаснейший градостроитель современности и по совместительству Первый Секретарь городского Совета Партии, вынужден построить идеальное советское общество.
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
🔹 Плейлист с подобными видео: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBj0GEFzeq3NBl2Y3cBxL3QS5the0PcbD
🔹 Telegram канал: https://t.me/Allasteryoutube
🔹 Группа в vk: https://vk.com/allastergames
🔹 Дискорд сервер: https://discord.com/invite/Rb4M23EBdm
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
Музыка из видео:
Anthem Of Soviet Republic
Vordt Of The Boreal Valley OST Dark_Souls_3
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
#allaster #sovietrepublic
published: 27 Jul 2024
Building a Communist PARADISE in the USSR? - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
I Grew an Irish EMPIRE From IRELAND... https://youtu.be/z3iazfxw1d0
Get Dutch & Swiss Plushies HERE https://www.makeship.com/search?q=drew+durnil
🤓 Main Channel ► https://www.youtube.com/drewdurnil
🩳 DrewShorts ► https://www.youtube.com/DrewShorts
🤳 Drew_IRL ► https://www.youtube.com/@drew_irl
⏰ TikTok ► https://bit.ly/3NX7Zuv
📷 Instagram ► https://bit.ly/3s0nlnA
🐤Twitter ► https://bit.ly/388Ncla
👽 Reddit ► https://bit.ly/3QyFcyj
💵 Patreon ► https://bit.ly/3xLCXQB
published: 09 Sep 2024
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Subscribe if you like! + http://bit.ly/1PG8z9G
Watch More Strange Simulator Games Here! + https://youtube.com/watch?v=n4CisUucR68&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dZZE5yZ8wbks2F674kl5iH
I was happy we could get the life expectancy down so low.
Follow me on Twitter! + https://twitter.com/GrayStillPlays
Like me on Facebook! + https://www.facebook.com/graystillplays/
Worker's and Resources: Soviet Republic on Steam! + https://store.steampowered.com/app/784150/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic/
Watch More From GrayStillPlays:
The Best VR Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHtqaUilsU&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fqRS8Og9EgEQPlIMtCDCFw
The Strangest Random Games: https://www.youtube.com/...
published: 17 Mar 2019
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - Season 2 - Ep 108 - The Long Road
This will by my 2nd series of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. The aim will be to make a successful and mostly self-sufficient centrally planned republic.
Get the Game:
published: 07 Jan 2025
Nasz kraj potrzebuje własnego asfaltu! - Polska w W&R Soviet Republic cz. 11
Różne pierdoły na mojej stronie - http://avalkiz.net
Lajwy na tłuczu prawie codziennie - http://twitch.tv/avalkiz
Instagramy: http://instagram.com/avalkiz1
published: 06 Jan 2025
Workers & Resources Soviet Republic - World Maps Release Trailer
Take your Soviet Republic city -building skills to new countries with the World Maps DLC! With eight new realistic maps spanning the globe - each with its uniqu...
Take your Soviet Republic city -building skills to new countries with the World Maps DLC! With eight new realistic maps spanning the globe - each with its unique landscapes and resources - socialism knows no borders!
➤ STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3333420/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic__World_Maps/
➤ GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/workers_resources_soviet_republic_world_maps
➤ EPIC: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-world-maps-1be015
Take your Soviet Republic city -building skills to new countries with the World Maps DLC! With eight new realistic maps spanning the globe - each with its unique landscapes and resources - socialism knows no borders!
➤ STEAM: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3333420/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic__World_Maps/
➤ GOG: https://www.gog.com/en/game/workers_resources_soviet_republic_world_maps
➤ EPIC: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-workers-and-resources-soviet-republic-world-maps-1be015
- published: 13 Dec 2024
- views: 8805
Absolute Beginners Guide: Getting Started | Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Guides | Tutorial
With all the New Features, its time to go over a new 'How to get started' tutorial. No Realistic Mode this time, just pure structure and building and making it ...
With all the New Features, its time to go over a new 'How to get started' tutorial. No Realistic Mode this time, just pure structure and building and making it work, just to speed everything up.
This is a simple series to get you started.
If you have any questions, please ask, and I will add a video to the Series that explains it in detail.
My tutorials and how to guides are aimed at new players, who may have skipped the in game tutorial or found issue with the same. This game has many hidden features, and I aim to show you all of them.
WR:SR is an amazing sandbox city/republic builder, that allows you to control all aspects of your new country, from citizens happiness, health, education to production chains, vehicle and resource production, import export. You can do all this by truck, train, ship, and in the near future plane. There are a million ways to make your republic your own and that’s what we will do.
If you read all the way to here, I appreciate your commitment and support and hope you are enjoying what I am creating.
All the best!
0:38 First Things
1:27 Series Notes: Ask Questions!
1:49 Actual Start
2:20 Starting Area Criteria
2:42 NOTES: shortcut menu setup
3:41 First Road
4:29 CITY: Center
6:05 CITY: Leave Space
6:36 CITY: Religion, Culture, Sport
8:11 Notes: Weather Requirements
8:25 CITY: Hospital & Firestation
9:10 CITY: School & Kindergarten
10:3 CITY: Crime & Justice
11:15 CITY: Utilites
13:45 NOTES: Delete Shortcut
14:18 CITY: Residential Buildings
15:55 CITY: Water & Sewage
19:56 CITY: Connect Heat
22:24 CITY: Connect & Import Power
25:10 CITY: Footpaths
25:52 NOTES: Check Connection
26:51 CITY: Monuments Placement
27:35 CITY: Add Waste Containers
31:01 CITY: "Get Citizens" Option
32:52 CITY: Auto Import Water
33:45 CITY: Buy Basic Vehicles
34:15 CITY: Waste Collection Setup
34:54 CITY: Fuel Setup & Auto Purchase Check
35:43 CITY: Turn on Heat
39:15 CITY: Adjust Worker Numbers
40:08 CITY: Kindergarten(s)
40:49 CITY: First Bus line & Line Spacing Options
44:00 CITY: Upgrade Rodes
45:43 NOTES: Take Score of you City
47:52 Outro & Next Topic
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bballjo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bballjo
Discord: https://discord.gg/zYf84kJcQU
With all the New Features, its time to go over a new 'How to get started' tutorial. No Realistic Mode this time, just pure structure and building and making it work, just to speed everything up.
This is a simple series to get you started.
If you have any questions, please ask, and I will add a video to the Series that explains it in detail.
My tutorials and how to guides are aimed at new players, who may have skipped the in game tutorial or found issue with the same. This game has many hidden features, and I aim to show you all of them.
WR:SR is an amazing sandbox city/republic builder, that allows you to control all aspects of your new country, from citizens happiness, health, education to production chains, vehicle and resource production, import export. You can do all this by truck, train, ship, and in the near future plane. There are a million ways to make your republic your own and that’s what we will do.
If you read all the way to here, I appreciate your commitment and support and hope you are enjoying what I am creating.
All the best!
0:38 First Things
1:27 Series Notes: Ask Questions!
1:49 Actual Start
2:20 Starting Area Criteria
2:42 NOTES: shortcut menu setup
3:41 First Road
4:29 CITY: Center
6:05 CITY: Leave Space
6:36 CITY: Religion, Culture, Sport
8:11 Notes: Weather Requirements
8:25 CITY: Hospital & Firestation
9:10 CITY: School & Kindergarten
10:3 CITY: Crime & Justice
11:15 CITY: Utilites
13:45 NOTES: Delete Shortcut
14:18 CITY: Residential Buildings
15:55 CITY: Water & Sewage
19:56 CITY: Connect Heat
22:24 CITY: Connect & Import Power
25:10 CITY: Footpaths
25:52 NOTES: Check Connection
26:51 CITY: Monuments Placement
27:35 CITY: Add Waste Containers
31:01 CITY: "Get Citizens" Option
32:52 CITY: Auto Import Water
33:45 CITY: Buy Basic Vehicles
34:15 CITY: Waste Collection Setup
34:54 CITY: Fuel Setup & Auto Purchase Check
35:43 CITY: Turn on Heat
39:15 CITY: Adjust Worker Numbers
40:08 CITY: Kindergarten(s)
40:49 CITY: First Bus line & Line Spacing Options
44:00 CITY: Upgrade Rodes
45:43 NOTES: Take Score of you City
47:52 Outro & Next Topic
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/bballjo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bballjo
Discord: https://discord.gg/zYf84kJcQU
- published: 18 Sep 2023
- views: 133185
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic -1.0 Release Review - The Most Comprehensive City Builder Ever?
Join Tom from LT Gaming as he dives into 'Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic,' the ultimate city-building and logistics simulation game. Coming out of Early A...
Join Tom from LT Gaming as he dives into 'Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic,' the ultimate city-building and logistics simulation game. Coming out of Early Access on June 20th, this Soviet-themed game offers intricate gameplay mechanics, complex infrastructure systems, and vast buildable areas. Tom explores the new features in the full release, shares his thoughts on the game's pros and cons, and gives a recommendation for potential players. Whether you're a fan of deep simulation games or curious about this unique city builder, this review will give you all the insights you need. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gaming content!
0:00 Introduction
0:57 Overview of the Game
2:36 Gameplay Mechanics
4:52 Presentation
5:47 What’s New in the Full Release?
6:57 Pros and Cons
9:28 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Connect with us:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/THPauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LTGaming22/
Discord: https://discord.gg/Du2yMdhvXH
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 1.0 Release Review - The Most Comprehensive City Builder Ever?
Join Tom from LT Gaming as he dives into 'Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic,' the ultimate city-building and logistics simulation game. Coming out of Early Access on June 20th, this Soviet-themed game offers intricate gameplay mechanics, complex infrastructure systems, and vast buildable areas. Tom explores the new features in the full release, shares his thoughts on the game's pros and cons, and gives a recommendation for potential players. Whether you're a fan of deep simulation games or curious about this unique city builder, this review will give you all the insights you need. Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more gaming content!
0:00 Introduction
0:57 Overview of the Game
2:36 Gameplay Mechanics
4:52 Presentation
5:47 What’s New in the Full Release?
6:57 Pros and Cons
9:28 Conclusion and Final Thoughts
Join this channel to get access to perks:
Connect with us:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/THPauthor
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LTGaming22/
Discord: https://discord.gg/Du2yMdhvXH
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - 1.0 Release Review - The Most Comprehensive City Builder Ever?
- published: 17 Jun 2024
- views: 52597
Is Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic Worth It? In-Depth Review
Welcome to GameVault HQ! In this video, we dive deep into "Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic," the highly detailed and immersive city-builder and economic si...
Welcome to GameVault HQ! In this video, we dive deep into "Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic," the highly detailed and immersive city-builder and economic simulation game by 3Division. Join us as we explore the intricacies of managing a fictional communist country, transforming it from a struggling state into an industrial superpower. We cover gameplay mechanics, graphics, sound design, learning curve, and much more!
#workers&resoucessovietrepublic #gaming #gamevaulthq #WorkersAndResources #SovietRepublic
Welcome to GameVault HQ! In this video, we dive deep into "Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic," the highly detailed and immersive city-builder and economic simulation game by 3Division. Join us as we explore the intricacies of managing a fictional communist country, transforming it from a struggling state into an industrial superpower. We cover gameplay mechanics, graphics, sound design, learning curve, and much more!
#workers&resoucessovietrepublic #gaming #gamevaulthq #WorkersAndResources #SovietRepublic
- published: 25 Jun 2024
- views: 1401
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - EA Launch
Early Access starting 15th March 2019
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the ...
Early Access starting 15th March 2019
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the ultimate real-time soviet-themed city builder tycoon game. Construct your own republic and transform a poor country into a rich industrial superpower!
Some of the cities areas was made by:
Early Access starting 15th March 2019
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic is the ultimate real-time soviet-themed city builder tycoon game. Construct your own republic and transform a poor country into a rich industrial superpower!
Some of the cities areas was made by:
- published: 11 Mar 2019
- views: 299371
Худшая республика в Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
https://pixgames.ru/allaster?erid=LjN8KUrVb — забрать набор бонусов и бесплатно скачать War Thunder. Сезон с советской техники скоро завершится - торопись!
https://pixgames.ru/allaster?erid=LjN8KUrVb — забрать набор бонусов и бесплатно скачать War Thunder. Сезон с советской техники скоро завершится - торопись!
70-е годы, Я - ужаснейший градостроитель современности и по совместительству Первый Секретарь городского Совета Партии, вынужден построить идеальное советское общество.
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
🔹 Плейлист с подобными видео: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBj0GEFzeq3NBl2Y3cBxL3QS5the0PcbD
🔹 Telegram канал: https://t.me/Allasteryoutube
🔹 Группа в vk: https://vk.com/allastergames
🔹 Дискорд сервер: https://discord.com/invite/Rb4M23EBdm
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
Музыка из видео:
Anthem Of Soviet Republic
Vordt Of The Boreal Valley OST Dark_Souls_3
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
#allaster #sovietrepublic
https://pixgames.ru/allaster?erid=LjN8KUrVb — забрать набор бонусов и бесплатно скачать War Thunder. Сезон с советской техники скоро завершится - торопись!
70-е годы, Я - ужаснейший градостроитель современности и по совместительству Первый Секретарь городского Совета Партии, вынужден построить идеальное советское общество.
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
🔹 Плейлист с подобными видео: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBj0GEFzeq3NBl2Y3cBxL3QS5the0PcbD
🔹 Telegram канал: https://t.me/Allasteryoutube
🔹 Группа в vk: https://vk.com/allastergames
🔹 Дискорд сервер: https://discord.com/invite/Rb4M23EBdm
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
Музыка из видео:
Anthem Of Soviet Republic
Vordt Of The Boreal Valley OST Dark_Souls_3
❈ ═══════❖═══════ ❈
#allaster #sovietrepublic
- published: 27 Jul 2024
- views: 423405
Building a Communist PARADISE in the USSR? - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
I Grew an Irish EMPIRE From IRELAND... https://youtu.be/z3iazfxw1d0
Get Dutch & Swiss Plushies HERE https://www.makeship.com/search?q=drew+durnil
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I Grew an Irish EMPIRE From IRELAND... https://youtu.be/z3iazfxw1d0
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I Grew an Irish EMPIRE From IRELAND... https://youtu.be/z3iazfxw1d0
Get Dutch & Swiss Plushies HERE https://www.makeship.com/search?q=drew+durnil
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- published: 09 Sep 2024
- views: 56817
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Subscribe if you like! + http://bit.ly/1PG8z9G
Watch More Strange Sim...
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Subscribe if you like! + http://bit.ly/1PG8z9G
Watch More Strange Simulator Games Here! + https://youtube.com/watch?v=n4CisUucR68&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dZZE5yZ8wbks2F674kl5iH
I was happy we could get the life expectancy down so low.
Follow me on Twitter! + https://twitter.com/GrayStillPlays
Like me on Facebook! + https://www.facebook.com/graystillplays/
Worker's and Resources: Soviet Republic on Steam! + https://store.steampowered.com/app/784150/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic/
Watch More From GrayStillPlays:
The Best VR Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHtqaUilsU&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fqRS8Og9EgEQPlIMtCDCFw
The Strangest Random Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHtqaUilsU&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dZZE5yZ8wbks2F674kl5iH
The Long Dark Story Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21cRpG2ekPnXgCBd5mwB2bFu
Ravenfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qm-oPk13F0&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21f33Ch39OBlmbON7HRIXqzu
Total Tank Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrb7ktzaRTc&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21ff_ky6fggbPQo_hlsuxczq
My Summer Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75N96As-2Kg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fSpKwt_HOlpsLVSnykDpa2
My Little Blacksmith Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQEOwtOQCM&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21e93cljO92di6wdJapOJ8DV
BeamNG Drive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA9NIiTgcV4&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21cYOq_6dHYfRsBukbTlOAzy
Brick Rigs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMjJLWWtpTg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21eouNgeRox6tSwWvc1utwF7
Raft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ku9IyFNB-s&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fIDAAlug4WKQQyRnPZWWT6
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I_3dq60d_A&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dHe6ValEsWiRogVVtqXMg3
ABOUT: Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic
Manage all aspects of your own republic with planned economy, including mining resources, manufacturing goods, construction, investments, and citizens too.
Create your own industrial complexes with loading and unloading stations, storage, warehouses, and factories.
Build the infrastructure and manage its traffic, including roads, railways, sidewalks, conveyors, wiring, and pipelines. Wisely place and connect factories, houses and warehouses, and make the most efficient connections.
Plan and build the living areas with everything your citizens may need to live their happy life, such as playgrounds, cinema s, taverns, and shops.
Send your citizens to the mine to get coal, iron and other natural resources; or send them to the fields to pick up the crops; or take them to factories to produce manufactured goods.
Sell and purchase resources and goods from western countries or other soviet countries to get dollars or rubles and buy the products or resources you need ... or invest in new infrastructure or buildings.
Enjoy authentic soviet buildings and vehicles, as well as realistic landscapes of the 60's to the 90's.
Play the way you want! You can focus on getting natural resources or products and trade them for money; or you can build a self-sufficient republic; or you can just use the easy sandbox mode with unlimited money/resources and just enjoy building something live.
Economic simulation. Prices of resources on the global market are changing over time as you play –one day you can sell or purchase steel for a $100 per ton, but in a few months the cost can rise to $200 or decrease to $50. The price of everything is connected to the cost of work and resources.
Increasing difficulty.As prices change, the demands of the citizens also change, and you will need more resources to keep them happy and force them to work.
#graystillplays #indie #simulation
I Built a Soviet Republic That Just Destroys Lives - Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic
Subscribe if you like! + http://bit.ly/1PG8z9G
Watch More Strange Simulator Games Here! + https://youtube.com/watch?v=n4CisUucR68&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dZZE5yZ8wbks2F674kl5iH
I was happy we could get the life expectancy down so low.
Follow me on Twitter! + https://twitter.com/GrayStillPlays
Like me on Facebook! + https://www.facebook.com/graystillplays/
Worker's and Resources: Soviet Republic on Steam! + https://store.steampowered.com/app/784150/Workers__Resources_Soviet_Republic/
Watch More From GrayStillPlays:
The Best VR Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHtqaUilsU&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fqRS8Og9EgEQPlIMtCDCFw
The Strangest Random Games: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aHtqaUilsU&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dZZE5yZ8wbks2F674kl5iH
The Long Dark Story Mode: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLw8xXEJ0p21cRpG2ekPnXgCBd5mwB2bFu
Ravenfield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Qm-oPk13F0&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21f33Ch39OBlmbON7HRIXqzu
Total Tank Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrb7ktzaRTc&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21ff_ky6fggbPQo_hlsuxczq
My Summer Car: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75N96As-2Kg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fSpKwt_HOlpsLVSnykDpa2
My Little Blacksmith Shop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GQEOwtOQCM&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21e93cljO92di6wdJapOJ8DV
BeamNG Drive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA9NIiTgcV4&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21cYOq_6dHYfRsBukbTlOAzy
Brick Rigs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMjJLWWtpTg&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21eouNgeRox6tSwWvc1utwF7
Raft: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ku9IyFNB-s&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21fIDAAlug4WKQQyRnPZWWT6
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I_3dq60d_A&list=PLw8xXEJ0p21dHe6ValEsWiRogVVtqXMg3
ABOUT: Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic
Manage all aspects of your own republic with planned economy, including mining resources, manufacturing goods, construction, investments, and citizens too.
Create your own industrial complexes with loading and unloading stations, storage, warehouses, and factories.
Build the infrastructure and manage its traffic, including roads, railways, sidewalks, conveyors, wiring, and pipelines. Wisely place and connect factories, houses and warehouses, and make the most efficient connections.
Plan and build the living areas with everything your citizens may need to live their happy life, such as playgrounds, cinema s, taverns, and shops.
Send your citizens to the mine to get coal, iron and other natural resources; or send them to the fields to pick up the crops; or take them to factories to produce manufactured goods.
Sell and purchase resources and goods from western countries or other soviet countries to get dollars or rubles and buy the products or resources you need ... or invest in new infrastructure or buildings.
Enjoy authentic soviet buildings and vehicles, as well as realistic landscapes of the 60's to the 90's.
Play the way you want! You can focus on getting natural resources or products and trade them for money; or you can build a self-sufficient republic; or you can just use the easy sandbox mode with unlimited money/resources and just enjoy building something live.
Economic simulation. Prices of resources on the global market are changing over time as you play –one day you can sell or purchase steel for a $100 per ton, but in a few months the cost can rise to $200 or decrease to $50. The price of everything is connected to the cost of work and resources.
Increasing difficulty.As prices change, the demands of the citizens also change, and you will need more resources to keep them happy and force them to work.
#graystillplays #indie #simulation
- published: 17 Mar 2019
- views: 1436456
Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic - Season 2 - Ep 108 - The Long Road
This will by my 2nd series of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. The aim will be to make a successful and mostly self-sufficient centrally planned republic....
This will by my 2nd series of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. The aim will be to make a successful and mostly self-sufficient centrally planned republic.
Get the Game:
This will by my 2nd series of Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic. The aim will be to make a successful and mostly self-sufficient centrally planned republic.
Get the Game:
- published: 07 Jan 2025
- views: 44
Nasz kraj potrzebuje własnego asfaltu! - Polska w W&R Soviet Republic cz. 11
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- published: 06 Jan 2025
- views: 9203