var global_geo = jQuery('#forecast');
get_forecast_details(city, 4, global_geo, country);
function forecast_status(msg) {
function get_forecast_details(city, days_count, global_geo, country) {
global_geo.html('Loading forecast ...');
data: {
city: city,
report: 'daily'
dataType: 'jsonp',
url: 'https://upge.wn.com/api/upge/cheetah-photo-search/weather_forecast_4days',
success: function(data) {
if(!data) { text = ('weater data temporarily not available'); }
// loop through the list of weather info
weather_info = '';
var weather_day_loop = 0;
jQuery.each(data.list, function(idx, value) {
if (idx < 1) {
if (weather_day_loop >= days_count) {
return false;
weather = value.weather.shift()
clouds = value.clouds
d = new Date(value.dt*1000)
t = d.getMonth()+1 + '-' + d.getDate() + '-' + d.getFullYear()
moment.lang('en', {
calendar : {
lastDay : '[Yesterday]',
sameDay : '[Today]',
nextDay : '[Tomorrow]',
lastWeek : '[last] dddd',
nextWeek : 'dddd',
sameElse : 'L'
mobj = moment(value.dt*1000)
// skip today
if (t == today) {
tempC = parseInt(parseFloat(value.temp.day)-273.15)
tempF = parseInt(tempC*1.8+32)
today = t;
weather_day_loop += 1;
weather_info += '
Soviet Armenia (A Visit to the Homeland)
Originally recorded on 16mm film, this documentary about Soviet Armenia is one of many reels in the archives of the Eastern Diocese, which are being digitized for the first time as part of the Armenian Church of America Archives Project.
The film was produced circa 1969, but if you have additional information on its release, or details surrounding its production, please contact the Eastern Diocese at [email protected].
published: 19 Feb 2016
Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Հայկական Սովետական Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետություն օրհներգ
Haykakan Sovetakan Soc'ialistakan Hanrapetut'yun orhnerg
Гимн Армянской Советской Социалистической Республики
Gimn Armyanskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki
Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան՝
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար՝
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար՝
Որ դառնաս դու մայր հայրենիք հայության:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Լենինն անմահ մեզ հուրն անշեջ պարգևեց՝
Մեր դեմ շողաց երջանկաբեր այգաբաց՝
Հոկտեմբերը կործանումից մեզ փրկեց
և տվեց մեզ նոր՝ պայծառ կյանք փառապանծ:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
published: 23 Mar 2015
National Anthem of the Armenian SSR (1944-1991) - "Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ"
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen.
One of the heroic themes heard in the III Act of Gayane (1942) was later used by Khachaturian in music of this National Anthem.
The main channel of DEROVOLK was closed on July 2019.
This is the OFFICIAL backup channel. I will keep re-uploading my videos in my free time!
Official FB Group:
published: 04 Nov 2019
Sovietization of Armenia Part 1
Today we will talk about the Sovietization of Armenia, how the Bolsheviks came to power and what changes they brought to the region. The key moment in the red revolution of Russia took place on November 7, in 1917, when Vladimir Lenin led a skirmish against the Tsarist Russian government.
My IG: https://www.instagram.com/imperatorarmenator/?hl=en
Akrav History: https://www.youtube.com/c/AkravHistory
"Hayden Folker - The Constellation" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/fSaHNiMPy7A.
published: 07 Sep 2022
National Anthem of the Armenian SSR | Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ
Requested by: goedert
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen".
published: 17 Feb 2019
Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ - State Anthem of the Armenian SSR [1944-1953]
Here is an INCREDIBLY rare version of the Armenian SSR anthem with lyrics unchanged from the Stalin era. The Armenian text kinda screwed up my video editor so I had to do some changes to the normal video formatting, I think it’s gonna stay like this for awhile so I hope you like it.
This was found on a record by Jad's Music Empire along with an instrumental version on the other side. Both are from the Stalin era of 1944-1953. Please be sure to like the original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9tHaasVuHw and subscribe to him, there you will find lots of rare songs from all over the USSR.
Please subscribe for more content
Пожалуйста подпишитесь на больше содержания
published: 07 Feb 2021
Understanding the legacy of the Soviet past in modern Armenia
Dr. Pietro Shakarian, a lecturer at the American University of Armenia and specialist in Russian and Soviet History, in a conversation with CivilNet, speaks about the understudied nature of the Soviet past in modern Armenia. Dr. Shakarian moreover discusses how the Soviet Union achieved relative peace between different national groups, how Soviet decision making affected issues like the Karabakh issue, and how the Soviet Union is remembered in Armenia today.
#CivilNet #ՍիվիլՆեթ
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published: 14 Sep 2021
Anthem of the Armenian SSR (With English Subtitles!!!)
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian SSR.
The anthem was used from 1944 to 1991. It was composed by Aram Khachaturian, a world-famous Armenian composer, who was known for his concertos and ballets, Spartacus and Gayane, the latter including the ever-popular Sabre Dance. Armenak Sarkisyan, who went under the pseudonym Sarmen, wrote the lyrics. Upon independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia adopted the anthem Mer Hayrenik ("Our Fatherland") in its place.
Soviet Armenian National Anthem lyrics
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան,
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար,
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար,
Որ դա...
published: 19 Apr 2010
State Anthem of Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (Remastered)
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen. The lyrics has been changed after the death of Joseph Stalin. Since the independence of Armenia from Soviet Union in 1991, there has been several attempts to restore the music from this anthem with a new lyrics, but never officially.
Translation of the lyrics available in pinned comment.
published: 19 Jan 2022
WW II & The Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia
Armenia was spared the devastation and destruction that wrought most of the western Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of World War II. The Wehrmacht never reached the South Caucasus, which they intended to do in order to capture the oil fields in Azerbaijan. Still, Armenia played a valuable role in aiding the allies both through industry and agriculture. An estimated 600,000 Armenians served in the war, 314,000 more than half of whom did not return. Many attained the highest rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over sixty Armenians were promoted to the rank of general, and with an additional four eventually achieving the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union: Ivan Bagramyan (the first non-Slavic commander to hold the position of front commander when he was assigned to be the commande...
published: 16 Mar 2013
Soviet Armenia (A Visit to the Homeland)
Originally recorded on 16mm film, this documentary about Soviet Armenia is one of many reels in the archives of the Eastern Diocese, which are being digitized f...
Originally recorded on 16mm film, this documentary about Soviet Armenia is one of many reels in the archives of the Eastern Diocese, which are being digitized for the first time as part of the Armenian Church of America Archives Project.
The film was produced circa 1969, but if you have additional information on its release, or details surrounding its production, please contact the Eastern Diocese at
[email protected].
Originally recorded on 16mm film, this documentary about Soviet Armenia is one of many reels in the archives of the Eastern Diocese, which are being digitized for the first time as part of the Armenian Church of America Archives Project.
The film was produced circa 1969, but if you have additional information on its release, or details surrounding its production, please contact the Eastern Diocese at
[email protected].
- published: 19 Feb 2016
- views: 27901
Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Հայկական Սովետական Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետություն օրհներգ
Haykakan Sovetakan Soc'ialistakan Hanrapetut'yun orhnerg
Гимн Армянской Советской Социалистической Рес...
Հայկական Սովետական Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետություն օրհներգ
Haykakan Sovetakan Soc'ialistakan Hanrapetut'yun orhnerg
Гимн Армянской Советской Социалистической Республики
Gimn Armyanskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki
Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան՝
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար՝
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար՝
Որ դառնաս դու մայր հայրենիք հայության:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Լենինն անմահ մեզ հուրն անշեջ պարգևեց՝
Մեր դեմ շողաց երջանկաբեր այգաբաց՝
Հոկտեմբերը կործանումից մեզ փրկեց
և տվեց մեզ նոր՝ պայծառ կյանք փառապանծ:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Մեծ Ռուսիան մեզ եղբայրության ձեռք մեկնեց՝
Մենք կերտեցինք ամրակուռ նոր պետություն՝
Լենինյան մեր կուսակցությունն իմաստուն
Հաղթորեն մեզ դեպ կոմունիզմ է տանում:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Sovetakan azat ashkharh Hayastan,
Bazum darer dazhan champ’a du ants’ar,
K’aj vordik’ k’o mak’ar’ets’in k’ez hamar,
Vor dar’nas du mayr Hayrenik’ hayut’yan.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Leninn anmah mez hurn anshej pargevets’,
Mer dem shoghats’ yerjankaber aygabats’,
Hoktemberë kortsanumits’ mez p’rkets’
Yev tvets’ mez nor, paytsar’ kyank’ p’ar’apants.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Mets R’usian mez yeghbayrut’yan dzer’k’ meknets’,
Menk’ kertets’ink’ amrakur’ nor petut’yun,
Leninyan mer kusakts’ut’yunn imastun,
Haght’oren mez dep komunizm e tanum.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Soviet free world – Armenia!
You passed a severe path for centuries,
Your brave sons struggled for you,
For you to become the Armenians' motherland.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Immortal Lenin presented us with eternal fire,
The happiness-bringing dawn shone upon us,
The October rescued us from the destruction.
And gave us newly bright and glorious life.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Great Russia extended to us the hand of friendship,
We created a strong new state.
Our wise Party of Lenin,
Is victoriously leading us to Communism.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Հայկական Սովետական Սոցիալիստական Հանրապետություն օրհներգ
Haykakan Sovetakan Soc'ialistakan Hanrapetut'yun orhnerg
Гимн Армянской Советской Социалистической Республики
Gimn Armyanskoy Sovetskoy Sotsialisticheskoy Respubliki
Anthem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան՝
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար՝
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար՝
Որ դառնաս դու մայր հայրենիք հայության:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Լենինն անմահ մեզ հուրն անշեջ պարգևեց՝
Մեր դեմ շողաց երջանկաբեր այգաբաց՝
Հոկտեմբերը կործանումից մեզ փրկեց
և տվեց մեզ նոր՝ պայծառ կյանք փառապանծ:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Մեծ Ռուսիան մեզ եղբայրության ձեռք մեկնեց՝
Մենք կերտեցինք ամրակուռ նոր պետություն՝
Լենինյան մեր կուսակցությունն իմաստուն
Հաղթորեն մեզ դեպ կոմունիզմ է տանում:
Փառք քեզ՝ միշտ փառք՝ Սովետական Հայաստան՝
Աշխատասեր՝ ճարտարագործ-շինարար՝
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Sovetakan azat ashkharh Hayastan,
Bazum darer dazhan champ’a du ants’ar,
K’aj vordik’ k’o mak’ar’ets’in k’ez hamar,
Vor dar’nas du mayr Hayrenik’ hayut’yan.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Leninn anmah mez hurn anshej pargevets’,
Mer dem shoghats’ yerjankaber aygabats’,
Hoktemberë kortsanumits’ mez p’rkets’
Yev tvets’ mez nor, paytsar’ kyank’ p’ar’apants.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Mets R’usian mez yeghbayrut’yan dzer’k’ meknets’,
Menk’ kertets’ink’ amrakur’ nor petut’yun,
Leninyan mer kusakts’ut’yunn imastun,
Haght’oren mez dep komunizm e tanum.
P’ar’k’ k’ez, misht p’ar’k’ Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots’ surb dashink’ov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Soviet free world – Armenia!
You passed a severe path for centuries,
Your brave sons struggled for you,
For you to become the Armenians' motherland.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Immortal Lenin presented us with eternal fire,
The happiness-bringing dawn shone upon us,
The October rescued us from the destruction.
And gave us newly bright and glorious life.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Great Russia extended to us the hand of friendship,
We created a strong new state.
Our wise Party of Lenin,
Is victoriously leading us to Communism.
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbreakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
- published: 23 Mar 2015
- views: 127417
National Anthem of the Armenian SSR (1944-1991) - "Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ"
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of t...
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen.
One of the heroic themes heard in the III Act of Gayane (1942) was later used by Khachaturian in music of this National Anthem.
The main channel of DEROVOLK was closed on July 2019.
This is the OFFICIAL backup channel. I will keep re-uploading my videos in my free time!
Official FB Group:
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen.
One of the heroic themes heard in the III Act of Gayane (1942) was later used by Khachaturian in music of this National Anthem.
The main channel of DEROVOLK was closed on July 2019.
This is the OFFICIAL backup channel. I will keep re-uploading my videos in my free time!
Official FB Group:
- published: 04 Nov 2019
- views: 48964
Sovietization of Armenia Part 1
Today we will talk about the Sovietization of Armenia, how the Bolsheviks came to power and what changes they brought to the region. The key moment in the red r...
Today we will talk about the Sovietization of Armenia, how the Bolsheviks came to power and what changes they brought to the region. The key moment in the red revolution of Russia took place on November 7, in 1917, when Vladimir Lenin led a skirmish against the Tsarist Russian government.
My IG: https://www.instagram.com/imperatorarmenator/?hl=en
Akrav History: https://www.youtube.com/c/AkravHistory
"Hayden Folker - The Constellation" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/fSaHNiMPy7A.
Today we will talk about the Sovietization of Armenia, how the Bolsheviks came to power and what changes they brought to the region. The key moment in the red revolution of Russia took place on November 7, in 1917, when Vladimir Lenin led a skirmish against the Tsarist Russian government.
My IG: https://www.instagram.com/imperatorarmenator/?hl=en
Akrav History: https://www.youtube.com/c/AkravHistory
"Hayden Folker - The Constellation" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/fSaHNiMPy7A.
- published: 07 Sep 2022
- views: 6287
National Anthem of the Armenian SSR | Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ
Requested by: goedert
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armen...
Requested by: goedert
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen".
Requested by: goedert
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by world-famous Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen".
- published: 17 Feb 2019
- views: 69224
Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ - State Anthem of the Armenian SSR [1944-1953]
Here is an INCREDIBLY rare version of the Armenian SSR anthem with lyrics unchanged from the Stalin era. The Armenian text kinda screwed up my video editor so I...
Here is an INCREDIBLY rare version of the Armenian SSR anthem with lyrics unchanged from the Stalin era. The Armenian text kinda screwed up my video editor so I had to do some changes to the normal video formatting, I think it’s gonna stay like this for awhile so I hope you like it.
This was found on a record by Jad's Music Empire along with an instrumental version on the other side. Both are from the Stalin era of 1944-1953. Please be sure to like the original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9tHaasVuHw and subscribe to him, there you will find lots of rare songs from all over the USSR.
Please subscribe for more content
Пожалуйста подпишитесь на больше содержания
Here is an INCREDIBLY rare version of the Armenian SSR anthem with lyrics unchanged from the Stalin era. The Armenian text kinda screwed up my video editor so I had to do some changes to the normal video formatting, I think it’s gonna stay like this for awhile so I hope you like it.
This was found on a record by Jad's Music Empire along with an instrumental version on the other side. Both are from the Stalin era of 1944-1953. Please be sure to like the original video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9tHaasVuHw and subscribe to him, there you will find lots of rare songs from all over the USSR.
Please subscribe for more content
Пожалуйста подпишитесь на больше содержания
- published: 07 Feb 2021
- views: 17815
Understanding the legacy of the Soviet past in modern Armenia
Dr. Pietro Shakarian, a lecturer at the American University of Armenia and specialist in Russian and Soviet History, in a conversation with CivilNet, speaks abo...
Dr. Pietro Shakarian, a lecturer at the American University of Armenia and specialist in Russian and Soviet History, in a conversation with CivilNet, speaks about the understudied nature of the Soviet past in modern Armenia. Dr. Shakarian moreover discusses how the Soviet Union achieved relative peace between different national groups, how Soviet decision making affected issues like the Karabakh issue, and how the Soviet Union is remembered in Armenia today.
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© Նյութի հեղինակային իրավունքները պատկանում են Սիվիլիթաս հիմնադրամին: ՍիվիլՆեթի խմբագրական քաղաքականության համաձայն` արգելվում է օգտագործել ՍիվիլՆեթի նյութերը առանց պատշաճ հղման, ներբեռնել և այլ օնլայն հարթակից վերբեռնել ՍիվիլՆեթի պատրաստած և տարբերանշանը կրող տեսանյութերը` առանց համապատասխան համաձայնության:
© Copyright of this report belongs to the Civilitas Foundation. In accordance with the editorial policy of CivilNet (the media project of the Civilitas Foundation), materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior consent of CivilNet. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.
Dr. Pietro Shakarian, a lecturer at the American University of Armenia and specialist in Russian and Soviet History, in a conversation with CivilNet, speaks about the understudied nature of the Soviet past in modern Armenia. Dr. Shakarian moreover discusses how the Soviet Union achieved relative peace between different national groups, how Soviet decision making affected issues like the Karabakh issue, and how the Soviet Union is remembered in Armenia today.
#CivilNet #ՍիվիլՆեթ
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© Նյութի հեղինակային իրավունքները պատկանում են Սիվիլիթաս հիմնադրամին: ՍիվիլՆեթի խմբագրական քաղաքականության համաձայն` արգելվում է օգտագործել ՍիվիլՆեթի նյութերը առանց պատշաճ հղման, ներբեռնել և այլ օնլայն հարթակից վերբեռնել ՍիվիլՆեթի պատրաստած և տարբերանշանը կրող տեսանյութերը` առանց համապատասխան համաձայնության:
© Copyright of this report belongs to the Civilitas Foundation. In accordance with the editorial policy of CivilNet (the media project of the Civilitas Foundation), materials may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior consent of CivilNet. You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.
- published: 14 Sep 2021
- views: 3822
Anthem of the Armenian SSR (With English Subtitles!!!)
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as...
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian SSR.
The anthem was used from 1944 to 1991. It was composed by Aram Khachaturian, a world-famous Armenian composer, who was known for his concertos and ballets, Spartacus and Gayane, the latter including the ever-popular Sabre Dance. Armenak Sarkisyan, who went under the pseudonym Sarmen, wrote the lyrics. Upon independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia adopted the anthem Mer Hayrenik ("Our Fatherland") in its place.
Soviet Armenian National Anthem lyrics
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան,
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար,
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար,
Որ դառնաս դու մայր հայրենիք հայության:
Փառք քեզ, միշտ փառք, Սովետական Հայաստան,
Աշխատասեր, ճարտարագործ-շինարար,
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Լենինն անմահ մեզ հուրն անշեջ պարգևեց,
Մեր դեմ շողաց երջանկաբեր այգաբաց,
Հոկտեմբերը կործանումից մեզ փրկեց
եվ տվեց մեզ նոր, պայծառ կյանք փառապանծ:
Մեծ Ռուսիան մեզ եղբայրության ձեռք մեկնեց,
Մենք կերտեցինք ամրակուռ նոր պետություն,
Լենինյան մեր կուսակցությունն իմաստուն
Հաղթորեն մեզ դեպ կոմունիզմ է տանում:
(Armenian "English letters" Translation)
Sovetakan azad ashkharh Hayastan,
Bazum darer dazhan champa du antsar,
Kaj vordik ko makaretsin kez hamar,
Vor darnas du mayr Hayrenik hayutyan.
Park kez, misht park Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots surb dashinkov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Leninn anmah mez hurn anshej pargevets,
Mer dem shoghats yerjankaber aygabats,
Hoktemberë kortsanumits mez prkets
Yev tvets mez nor, paytsar kyank parapants.
Mets Rusian mez yeghbayrutyan dzerk meknets,
Menk kertetsink amrakur nor petutyun,
Leninyan mer kusaktsutyunn imastun,
Haghtoren mez dep komunizm e tanum.
(English Translation)
Soviet free world Armenia!
You passed a severe path for centuries,
Your brave sons struggled for you,
For you to become the Armenians' motherland!
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbrakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Immortal Lenin presented us with eternal fire,
The happiness-bringing dawn shone upon us,
The October rescued us from the destruction.
And gave us new, bright and glorious life!
Great Russia extended to us the hand of friendship
We created a strong new state.
Our wise Party of Lenin,
Is victoriously leading us to Communism!
(Turkish Translation)
sovyet,özgür dünya Ermenistan
sen yüzyıllar boyu ciddi bir yoldan geçtin
senin cesur oğulların için,mücadele
ermenilerin ana yurdu olması içindi
Şanlı ol daima Sovyet Ermenistan!
Sevgiyle çalış ve inşa et,
insanların kutsal ittifakı kırılmaz
Çiçekleniyor ve yaratıyorsun parlak geleceğini!
Ölümsüz Lenin sonsuz ateşle bize başvurdu
üzerimize mutluluk getiren şafak parlıyordu,
Ekim devrimi bizi yıkımdan kurtardı
Ve bize yeni, parlak ve şanlı hayat verdi!
Büyük Rusya bize dostluk elini uzattı
Bize güçlü,yeni bir devlet yarattı.
Bizim Lenin'in bilge partisi
Zaferle Komünizm bize yol açmaktadır!
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian SSR.
The anthem was used from 1944 to 1991. It was composed by Aram Khachaturian, a world-famous Armenian composer, who was known for his concertos and ballets, Spartacus and Gayane, the latter including the ever-popular Sabre Dance. Armenak Sarkisyan, who went under the pseudonym Sarmen, wrote the lyrics. Upon independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia adopted the anthem Mer Hayrenik ("Our Fatherland") in its place.
Soviet Armenian National Anthem lyrics
Սովետական ազատ աշխարհ Հայաստան,
Բազում դարեր դաժան ճամփա դու անցար,
Քաջ որդիք քո մաքառեցին քեզ համար,
Որ դառնաս դու մայր հայրենիք հայության:
Փառք քեզ, միշտ փառք, Սովետական Հայաստան,
Աշխատասեր, ճարտարագործ-շինարար,
Ժողովրդոց սուրբ դաշինքով անսասան՝
Դու ծաղկում ես և կերտում լույս ապագադ:
Լենինն անմահ մեզ հուրն անշեջ պարգևեց,
Մեր դեմ շողաց երջանկաբեր այգաբաց,
Հոկտեմբերը կործանումից մեզ փրկեց
եվ տվեց մեզ նոր, պայծառ կյանք փառապանծ:
Մեծ Ռուսիան մեզ եղբայրության ձեռք մեկնեց,
Մենք կերտեցինք ամրակուռ նոր պետություն,
Լենինյան մեր կուսակցությունն իմաստուն
Հաղթորեն մեզ դեպ կոմունիզմ է տանում:
(Armenian "English letters" Translation)
Sovetakan azad ashkharh Hayastan,
Bazum darer dazhan champa du antsar,
Kaj vordik ko makaretsin kez hamar,
Vor darnas du mayr Hayrenik hayutyan.
Park kez, misht park Sovetakan Hayastan,
Ashkhataser, chartaragorts-shinarar,
Zhoghovrdots surb dashinkov ansasan,
Du tsaghkum yes yev kertum luys apagad.
Leninn anmah mez hurn anshej pargevets,
Mer dem shoghats yerjankaber aygabats,
Hoktemberë kortsanumits mez prkets
Yev tvets mez nor, paytsar kyank parapants.
Mets Rusian mez yeghbayrutyan dzerk meknets,
Menk kertetsink amrakur nor petutyun,
Leninyan mer kusaktsutyunn imastun,
Haghtoren mez dep komunizm e tanum.
(English Translation)
Soviet free world Armenia!
You passed a severe path for centuries,
Your brave sons struggled for you,
For you to become the Armenians' motherland!
Glorious be, glorious always Soviet Armenia!
Work-loving and architect-building,
Unbrakable by peoples' holy alliance,
You are blooming and creating your bright future!
Immortal Lenin presented us with eternal fire,
The happiness-bringing dawn shone upon us,
The October rescued us from the destruction.
And gave us new, bright and glorious life!
Great Russia extended to us the hand of friendship
We created a strong new state.
Our wise Party of Lenin,
Is victoriously leading us to Communism!
(Turkish Translation)
sovyet,özgür dünya Ermenistan
sen yüzyıllar boyu ciddi bir yoldan geçtin
senin cesur oğulların için,mücadele
ermenilerin ana yurdu olması içindi
Şanlı ol daima Sovyet Ermenistan!
Sevgiyle çalış ve inşa et,
insanların kutsal ittifakı kırılmaz
Çiçekleniyor ve yaratıyorsun parlak geleceğini!
Ölümsüz Lenin sonsuz ateşle bize başvurdu
üzerimize mutluluk getiren şafak parlıyordu,
Ekim devrimi bizi yıkımdan kurtardı
Ve bize yeni, parlak ve şanlı hayat verdi!
Büyük Rusya bize dostluk elini uzattı
Bize güçlü,yeni bir devlet yarattı.
Bizim Lenin'in bilge partisi
Zaferle Komünizm bize yol açmaktadır!
- published: 19 Apr 2010
- views: 186006
State Anthem of Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (Remastered)
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as...
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen. The lyrics has been changed after the death of Joseph Stalin. Since the independence of Armenia from Soviet Union in 1991, there has been several attempts to restore the music from this anthem with a new lyrics, but never officially.
Translation of the lyrics available in pinned comment.
The State Anthem of the Armenian SSR (Armenian: Հայկական ՍՍՀ օրհներգ) was the national anthem of Armenia when it was a republic of the Soviet Union and known as the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It was used between 1944 and 1991. Its music was composed by Armenian composer Aram Khachaturian and the lyrics were written by Sarmen. The lyrics has been changed after the death of Joseph Stalin. Since the independence of Armenia from Soviet Union in 1991, there has been several attempts to restore the music from this anthem with a new lyrics, but never officially.
Translation of the lyrics available in pinned comment.
- published: 19 Jan 2022
- views: 11269
WW II & The Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia
Armenia was spared the devastation and destruction that wrought most of the western Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of World War II. The Wehrmacht n...
Armenia was spared the devastation and destruction that wrought most of the western Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of World War II. The Wehrmacht never reached the South Caucasus, which they intended to do in order to capture the oil fields in
Azerbaijan. Still, Armenia played a valuable role in aiding the allies both through industry and agriculture. An estimated 600,000 Armenians served in the war, 314,000 more than half of whom did not return. Many attained the highest rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over sixty Armenians were promoted to the rank of general, and with an additional four eventually achieving the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union: Ivan Bagramyan (the first non-Slavic commander to hold the position of front commander when he was assigned to be the commander of the First Baltic Front in 1943), Admiral Ivan Isakov, Hamazasp Babadzhanian, and Sergei Khudyakov. The Soviet government, in an effort to shore up popular support for the war, also allowed for token expressions of nationalism with the republication of Armenian novels, the production of films such as David Bek (1944), and the easing of restrictions placed against the Church.
Some Armenians who were captured by the Germans as POWs opted to serve in German battalions rather than risk life-threatening conditions in POW camps. As with many Soviet soldiers who surrendered to German forces during fighting, Armenians were punished by Stalin and sent to work at labor camps located in Siberia. Stalin temporarily relented his attacks on religion during the war. This led to the election of bishop Gevork in 1945 as new Catholicos Gevork VI. He was subsequently allowed to reside in Echmiatsin.
At the end of the war, after Germany's capitulation, many Armenians in both the Republic and worldwide lobbied Stalin to reconsider the issue of taking back the provinces of Kars, Iğdır, and Ardahan that Armenia had lost to Turkey in the Treaty of Kars. In September, 1945, the Soviet Union announced that it would annul the Soviet-Turkish treaty of friendship that was signed in 1925. Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov presented the claims put forth by the Armenians to the other Allied heads.
Turkey itself was in no condition to fight a war with the Soviet Union, which had emerged as a superpower after the war. By the autumn of 1945, Soviet troops in the Caucasus were already assembling for a possible invasion of Turkey. However, as the hostility between the East and West developed into the Cold War, especially after the issuing of the Truman Doctrine in 1947, Turkey strengthened its ties with the West. The Soviet Union relinquished its claims over the lost territories, realizing that the newly formed NATO would intervene on Turkey's side in the event of a conflict.
Հայ ժողովրդի զավակները ռազմի դաշտում
Հայրենական մեծ պատերազմի հայ մասնակիցների թիվը հասնում էր 600 հազարի, որից 300 հազարը Հայաստանից էին, մյուսները խորհրդային միության մյուս հանրապետություններից։ 314 հազար Հայ մարտիկներ ու սպաներ զոհվեցին խորհրդային երկրի պաշտպանության ու հաղթանակի համար։
Armenia was spared the devastation and destruction that wrought most of the western Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War of World War II. The Wehrmacht never reached the South Caucasus, which they intended to do in order to capture the oil fields in
Azerbaijan. Still, Armenia played a valuable role in aiding the allies both through industry and agriculture. An estimated 600,000 Armenians served in the war, 314,000 more than half of whom did not return. Many attained the highest rank of Hero of the Soviet Union. Over sixty Armenians were promoted to the rank of general, and with an additional four eventually achieving the rank of Marshal of the Soviet Union: Ivan Bagramyan (the first non-Slavic commander to hold the position of front commander when he was assigned to be the commander of the First Baltic Front in 1943), Admiral Ivan Isakov, Hamazasp Babadzhanian, and Sergei Khudyakov. The Soviet government, in an effort to shore up popular support for the war, also allowed for token expressions of nationalism with the republication of Armenian novels, the production of films such as David Bek (1944), and the easing of restrictions placed against the Church.
Some Armenians who were captured by the Germans as POWs opted to serve in German battalions rather than risk life-threatening conditions in POW camps. As with many Soviet soldiers who surrendered to German forces during fighting, Armenians were punished by Stalin and sent to work at labor camps located in Siberia. Stalin temporarily relented his attacks on religion during the war. This led to the election of bishop Gevork in 1945 as new Catholicos Gevork VI. He was subsequently allowed to reside in Echmiatsin.
At the end of the war, after Germany's capitulation, many Armenians in both the Republic and worldwide lobbied Stalin to reconsider the issue of taking back the provinces of Kars, Iğdır, and Ardahan that Armenia had lost to Turkey in the Treaty of Kars. In September, 1945, the Soviet Union announced that it would annul the Soviet-Turkish treaty of friendship that was signed in 1925. Soviet Minister of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov presented the claims put forth by the Armenians to the other Allied heads.
Turkey itself was in no condition to fight a war with the Soviet Union, which had emerged as a superpower after the war. By the autumn of 1945, Soviet troops in the Caucasus were already assembling for a possible invasion of Turkey. However, as the hostility between the East and West developed into the Cold War, especially after the issuing of the Truman Doctrine in 1947, Turkey strengthened its ties with the West. The Soviet Union relinquished its claims over the lost territories, realizing that the newly formed NATO would intervene on Turkey's side in the event of a conflict.
Հայ ժողովրդի զավակները ռազմի դաշտում
Հայրենական մեծ պատերազմի հայ մասնակիցների թիվը հասնում էր 600 հազարի, որից 300 հազարը Հայաստանից էին, մյուսները խորհրդային միության մյուս հանրապետություններից։ 314 հազար Հայ մարտիկներ ու սպաներ զոհվեցին խորհրդային երկրի պաշտպանության ու հաղթանակի համար։
- published: 16 Mar 2013
- views: 6747
Armenia 4K. Interesting Facts About Armenia
Lets take a look at Armenia in 2019! This up and coming country has great potential in tourism. #Armenia
published: 19 Jul 2019
Ugly History: The Armenian Genocide - Ümit Kurt
Dig into the history of the Armenian Genocide, during which the Ottoman Empire killed over 1 million Armenians during WWI.
When an Armenian resistance movement began to form in the 19th century, Sultan Abdul Hamid II took decisive action. He led the Hamidian Massacres— a relentless campaign of violence that killed over 150,000 Armenians. These massacres were the culmination of centuries of oppression, yet they were only the beginning of an even greater tragedy. Ümit Kurt uncovers the history of the Armenian Genocide.
Lesson by Ümit Kurt, directed by Héloïse Dorsan-Rachet.
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published: 12 Nov 2024
Did you know in Armenia🇦🇲🇦🇲.....
#Countries #Shorts #Maps #Armenia #Asia #Eeurope
Armenia is a nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region between Asia and Europe, it is one of the oldest nation and Its Capital Yerevan is among the oldest cities in the entire world
This video is about the the things or facts you might not know about Armenia
So did you know Armenia has the Oldest Pair Cathedral in the world??
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
published: 19 Oct 2022
The Unspeakable Things That Happened In The Armenian Genocide
The 20th century had no shortage of terrible events that cast a shadow over people today. The deaths of over a million Armenians is one such tragedy. Few tragedies have faced such bitter political discussion after the fact as the Armenian Incident. , others deny it ever happened, insist it was an accident, or that it was a justified response to a political threat.
In this video, we look at the unspeakable things that happened in the Armenian Incident and how its complicated legacy is still hotly debated today. If you appreciate these videos, leave a like to show your support and subscribe to A Day In History for more content like this.
Setting the Stage
Nestled in the Caucasus Mountains on the border between Europe and Asia, Armenia’s long history has seen it caught between countless e...
published: 06 Jun 2023
Armenia Travel Guide: Best Things to do in Armenia
Armenia should be your next bucket list destination; you may not know this yet, but after seeing its ancient temples, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, you'll be convinced. This Armenia travel guide will show you why this country deserves a spot on your travel radar.
If you are coming to Armenia and need a car you can use our link to get a discount on your next rental:
0:00 Armenia
0:30 Yeravan
6:39 Garni Temple
8:00 Bread Maker
9:54 Symphony of Stones
10:44 Geghard Monastery
12:19 Authentic Armenia
13:47 World's First Cathedral
14:41 Ancient Ruins
15:42 Dungeon
17:02 World's First Winery
19:06 Switzerland of Armenia
#Armenia #ArmeniaTravel #visitarmenia
published: 22 Aug 2024
Wonders of Armenia | 8,000 Years of Secrets Revealed in 4K
Discover Armenia, a land of ancient secrets and untamed landscapes. This documentary takes you on a journey through Armenia’s most incredible places—from dramatic highlands and centuries-old monasteries to hidden, untouched destinations. Uncover 8,000 years of culture, history, and natural wonders offered by this unique country.
If you enjoyed this video and found it useful please consider leaving a LIKE. Subscribe for more content:
Looking for other travel inspirations and wonders in the world?
Wonders of Georgia: https://youtu.be/7jpqj_pTPOg
Wonders of Pakistan: https://youtu.be/_JSlbVqTBlQ
Wonders of Mongolia: https://youtu.be/JPzREbuXkCM
Wonders of Canada: https://youtu.be/PxAgw0v_T-4
Wonders of Montenegro: http...
published: 21 Dec 2024
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
Full Documentary "Armenia, the Land of Noah" A travel across Armenia, one of the most fascinating places in Europe.
The marvelous adaptation of the Armenian people, their exemplary spiritual strength and the establishment of enduring culture have made possible the consolidation of a lineage that for millennia, has kept alive the legacy of one of the world's oldest civilizations.
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FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
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TUMBLR | http://bit.ly/TbPlDoc
published: 12 Dec 2013
5 Reasons Why You Should Visit ARMENIA Right Now
I can't get over how beautiful Armenia is 💛 We need to start talking about this country right now, because with its epic nature and friendly people, I can see it becoming the next BIG travel destination 😍
My roadtrip across Armenia took me from the capital Yerevan (which is super cool and happening, by the way!) to the mountains in the West, across all the Monasteries (Tatev, Sevan, Khor Virap...), to Lake Sevan and Garni. It. Was. Epic.
» FOLLOW ME ON INSTA FOR DAILY TRAVEL: http://www.instagram.com/evazubeck
published: 23 Oct 2019
Places in Armenia that don’t feel real 🇦🇲🤯 #travel #adventure #explore #nature #armenia
published: 21 Aug 2024
The Armenia and Azerbaijan war, explained
And where it leaves war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh.
Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO
Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous area in the Caucasus region between Europe and Asia. For more than 30 years, it's been locked in a conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan. The fight between the two countries began in the early 20th century but became a frozen conflict for 60 years while the whole region was under the control of the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union fell, newfound independence sparked a brutal six-year war in the region, where Armenia emerged victorious. From 1994 to 2020, Armenia controlled Nagorno-Karabakh, while Azerbaijan rebuilt its military. Fighting erupted again in summer 2020, and Azerbaijan went on the offensive — eventually capturing most of Nagorno-Karabakh and ...
published: 03 Dec 2020
Armenia 4K. Interesting Facts About Armenia
Lets take a look at Armenia in 2019! This up and coming country has great potential in tourism. #Armenia
Lets take a look at Armenia in 2019! This up and coming country has great potential in tourism. #Armenia
Lets take a look at Armenia in 2019! This up and coming country has great potential in tourism. #Armenia
- published: 19 Jul 2019
- views: 6979800
Ugly History: The Armenian Genocide - Ümit Kurt
Dig into the history of the Armenian Genocide, during which the Ottoman Empire killed over 1 million Armenians during WWI.
When an Armenian resistance move...
Dig into the history of the Armenian Genocide, during which the Ottoman Empire killed over 1 million Armenians during WWI.
When an Armenian resistance movement began to form in the 19th century, Sultan Abdul Hamid II took decisive action. He led the Hamidian Massacres— a relentless campaign of violence that killed over 150,000 Armenians. These massacres were the culmination of centuries of oppression, yet they were only the beginning of an even greater tragedy. Ümit Kurt uncovers the history of the Armenian Genocide.
Lesson by Ümit Kurt, directed by Héloïse Dorsan-Rachet.
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Keep Learning
View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/ugly-history-the-armenian-genocide-umit-kurt
Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/ugly-history-the-armenian-genocide-umit-kurt/digdeeper
Animator's website: https://www.instagram.com/helo.dr
Composer's websites: https://www.youtube.com/@UCUVF-xZ23Tf6DA-DwjYRduw, https://danyessian.com, https://www.yessian.com
"An Armenian Trilogy” documentary with concert performed by the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra: https://armeniantrilogy.com
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Mi Mi, Thomas Rothert, Brian Elieson, Oge O, Weronika Falkowska, Nevin Spoljaric, Sid Chanpuriya, Anoop Varghese, David Yastremski, Noah Webb, Roberto Chena, Oliver Koo, Luke Pisano, Andrea Gordon, Aleksandar Donev, Nicole Klau Ibarra, Jesse Lira, Ezekiel Raui, Petr Vacek, Dennis, Olivia Fu, Kari Teffeau, Cindy Lai, Rajath Durgada Manjunath, Dan Nguyen, Chin Beng Tan, Tom Boman, Karen Warner, Iryna Panasiuk, Aaron Torres, Eric Braun, Sonja Worzewski, Michael Clement, Adam Berry, Ghaith Tarawneh, Nathan Milford, Tomas Beckett, Alice Ice, Eric Berman, Kurt Paolo Sevillano, Jennifer Heald, Megulo Abebe, isolwi, Kate Sem, Ujjwal Dasu, Angel Alberici, Minh Quan Dinh, Sylvain, Terran Gimpel and Talia Sari.
Dig into the history of the Armenian Genocide, during which the Ottoman Empire killed over 1 million Armenians during WWI.
When an Armenian resistance movement began to form in the 19th century, Sultan Abdul Hamid II took decisive action. He led the Hamidian Massacres— a relentless campaign of violence that killed over 150,000 Armenians. These massacres were the culmination of centuries of oppression, yet they were only the beginning of an even greater tragedy. Ümit Kurt uncovers the history of the Armenian Genocide.
Lesson by Ümit Kurt, directed by Héloïse Dorsan-Rachet.
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Keep Learning
View full lesson: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/ugly-history-the-armenian-genocide-umit-kurt
Dig deeper with additional resources: https://ed.ted.com/lessons/ugly-history-the-armenian-genocide-umit-kurt/digdeeper
Animator's website: https://www.instagram.com/helo.dr
Composer's websites: https://www.youtube.com/@UCUVF-xZ23Tf6DA-DwjYRduw, https://danyessian.com, https://www.yessian.com
"An Armenian Trilogy” documentary with concert performed by the Armenian National Philharmonic Orchestra: https://armeniantrilogy.com
Thank you so much to our patrons for your support! Without you this video would not be possible! Mi Mi, Thomas Rothert, Brian Elieson, Oge O, Weronika Falkowska, Nevin Spoljaric, Sid Chanpuriya, Anoop Varghese, David Yastremski, Noah Webb, Roberto Chena, Oliver Koo, Luke Pisano, Andrea Gordon, Aleksandar Donev, Nicole Klau Ibarra, Jesse Lira, Ezekiel Raui, Petr Vacek, Dennis, Olivia Fu, Kari Teffeau, Cindy Lai, Rajath Durgada Manjunath, Dan Nguyen, Chin Beng Tan, Tom Boman, Karen Warner, Iryna Panasiuk, Aaron Torres, Eric Braun, Sonja Worzewski, Michael Clement, Adam Berry, Ghaith Tarawneh, Nathan Milford, Tomas Beckett, Alice Ice, Eric Berman, Kurt Paolo Sevillano, Jennifer Heald, Megulo Abebe, isolwi, Kate Sem, Ujjwal Dasu, Angel Alberici, Minh Quan Dinh, Sylvain, Terran Gimpel and Talia Sari.
- published: 12 Nov 2024
- views: 415568
Did you know in Armenia🇦🇲🇦🇲.....
#Countries #Shorts #Maps #Armenia #Asia #Eeurope
Armenia is a nation, and former ...
#Countries #Shorts #Maps #Armenia #Asia #Eeurope
Armenia is a nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region between Asia and Europe, it is one of the oldest nation and Its Capital Yerevan is among the oldest cities in the entire world
This video is about the the things or facts you might not know about Armenia
So did you know Armenia has the Oldest Pair Cathedral in the world??
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
#Armenia,#europe,#Armenia Facts,#Europe Facts,#Countries facts,#geo Facts,#Geography,#geography now,#Armenia Country,#Armenia geography,#European countries,#RealLifeLore,#RealLifeLore Maps,#Maps,#Interesting Maps,#United States,#European all countries,#Armenia History,#Armenian language,#Armenian Culture,#Happy Earth
#Countries #Shorts #Maps #Armenia #Asia #Eeurope
Armenia is a nation, and former Soviet republic, in the mountainous Caucasus region between Asia and Europe, it is one of the oldest nation and Its Capital Yerevan is among the oldest cities in the entire world
This video is about the the things or facts you might not know about Armenia
So did you know Armenia has the Oldest Pair Cathedral in the world??
This video is also inspired by real life lore channel
Spaghetti Road:https://www.youtube.com/c/SpaghettiRoad
Real life lore:https://www.youtube.com/c/RealLifeLore
#Armenia,#europe,#Armenia Facts,#Europe Facts,#Countries facts,#geo Facts,#Geography,#geography now,#Armenia Country,#Armenia geography,#European countries,#RealLifeLore,#RealLifeLore Maps,#Maps,#Interesting Maps,#United States,#European all countries,#Armenia History,#Armenian language,#Armenian Culture,#Happy Earth
- published: 19 Oct 2022
- views: 620366
The Unspeakable Things That Happened In The Armenian Genocide
The 20th century had no shortage of terrible events that cast a shadow over people today. The deaths of over a million Armenians is one such tragedy. Few traged...
The 20th century had no shortage of terrible events that cast a shadow over people today. The deaths of over a million Armenians is one such tragedy. Few tragedies have faced such bitter political discussion after the fact as the Armenian Incident. , others deny it ever happened, insist it was an accident, or that it was a justified response to a political threat.
In this video, we look at the unspeakable things that happened in the Armenian Incident and how its complicated legacy is still hotly debated today. If you appreciate these videos, leave a like to show your support and subscribe to A Day In History for more content like this.
Setting the Stage
Nestled in the Caucasus Mountains on the border between Europe and Asia, Armenia’s long history has seen it caught between countless empires. By the late 19th century, Western Armenia was firmly under the control of the Ottoman Empire while a smaller Eastern portion was controlled by the Russians. The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire faced many obstacles. As a Christian minority in a Muslim-majority Empire, they were subject to legal discrimination and higher taxes. Over time, racial ideologies that privileged ethnic Turks opened new opportunities for anti-Armenian discrimination.
Another significant obstacle was their role as a middleman minority. A middleman minority is an ethnic group that is overrepresented in occupations like bankers, merchants, and bureaucrats relative to their small overall population. Other middleman minorities around the world included the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Gujaratis in India, and most famously the Jews in Europe and the United States. Although only a small percentage of Armenians worked in these lucrative jobs, all Armenians were subject to discrimination that described them as parasites, thieves, and leeches who were stealing the wealth of the rest of the population.
This caused outbreaks of violence and persecution throughout the late 19th century. The Ottoman government regularly seized Armenian land to redistribute to Muslim and Kurdish settlers and the Kurdish Hamidian regiments were given free reign to raid Armenian villages as part of their resettlement. Despite attempts to muster international support, the Armenians were left to defend themselves and formed a number of impromptu militia groups to defend their towns, but the Ottoman authorities interpreted this as a sign of rebellion and cracked down hard in the 1890s.
#armenian #history #worldwar1 #ottoman #armenianhistory
Music: Motionarray.com & Epidemic Music
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to
[email protected]
Copyright © 2021 A Day In History. All rights reserved.
The 20th century had no shortage of terrible events that cast a shadow over people today. The deaths of over a million Armenians is one such tragedy. Few tragedies have faced such bitter political discussion after the fact as the Armenian Incident. , others deny it ever happened, insist it was an accident, or that it was a justified response to a political threat.
In this video, we look at the unspeakable things that happened in the Armenian Incident and how its complicated legacy is still hotly debated today. If you appreciate these videos, leave a like to show your support and subscribe to A Day In History for more content like this.
Setting the Stage
Nestled in the Caucasus Mountains on the border between Europe and Asia, Armenia’s long history has seen it caught between countless empires. By the late 19th century, Western Armenia was firmly under the control of the Ottoman Empire while a smaller Eastern portion was controlled by the Russians. The Armenians of the Ottoman Empire faced many obstacles. As a Christian minority in a Muslim-majority Empire, they were subject to legal discrimination and higher taxes. Over time, racial ideologies that privileged ethnic Turks opened new opportunities for anti-Armenian discrimination.
Another significant obstacle was their role as a middleman minority. A middleman minority is an ethnic group that is overrepresented in occupations like bankers, merchants, and bureaucrats relative to their small overall population. Other middleman minorities around the world included the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Gujaratis in India, and most famously the Jews in Europe and the United States. Although only a small percentage of Armenians worked in these lucrative jobs, all Armenians were subject to discrimination that described them as parasites, thieves, and leeches who were stealing the wealth of the rest of the population.
This caused outbreaks of violence and persecution throughout the late 19th century. The Ottoman government regularly seized Armenian land to redistribute to Muslim and Kurdish settlers and the Kurdish Hamidian regiments were given free reign to raid Armenian villages as part of their resettlement. Despite attempts to muster international support, the Armenians were left to defend themselves and formed a number of impromptu militia groups to defend their towns, but the Ottoman authorities interpreted this as a sign of rebellion and cracked down hard in the 1890s.
#armenian #history #worldwar1 #ottoman #armenianhistory
Music: Motionarray.com & Epidemic Music
DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to
[email protected]
Copyright © 2021 A Day In History. All rights reserved.
- published: 06 Jun 2023
- views: 1447917
Armenia Travel Guide: Best Things to do in Armenia
Armenia should be your next bucket list destination; you may not know this yet, but after seeing its ancient temples, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, ...
Armenia should be your next bucket list destination; you may not know this yet, but after seeing its ancient temples, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, you'll be convinced. This Armenia travel guide will show you why this country deserves a spot on your travel radar.
If you are coming to Armenia and need a car you can use our link to get a discount on your next rental:
0:00 Armenia
0:30 Yeravan
6:39 Garni Temple
8:00 Bread Maker
9:54 Symphony of Stones
10:44 Geghard Monastery
12:19 Authentic Armenia
13:47 World's First Cathedral
14:41 Ancient Ruins
15:42 Dungeon
17:02 World's First Winery
19:06 Switzerland of Armenia
#Armenia #ArmeniaTravel #visitarmenia
Armenia should be your next bucket list destination; you may not know this yet, but after seeing its ancient temples, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, you'll be convinced. This Armenia travel guide will show you why this country deserves a spot on your travel radar.
If you are coming to Armenia and need a car you can use our link to get a discount on your next rental:
0:00 Armenia
0:30 Yeravan
6:39 Garni Temple
8:00 Bread Maker
9:54 Symphony of Stones
10:44 Geghard Monastery
12:19 Authentic Armenia
13:47 World's First Cathedral
14:41 Ancient Ruins
15:42 Dungeon
17:02 World's First Winery
19:06 Switzerland of Armenia
#Armenia #ArmeniaTravel #visitarmenia
- published: 22 Aug 2024
- views: 71217
Wonders of Armenia | 8,000 Years of Secrets Revealed in 4K
Discover Armenia, a land of ancient secrets and untamed landscapes. This documentary takes you on a journey through Armenia’s most incredible places—from dramat...
Discover Armenia, a land of ancient secrets and untamed landscapes. This documentary takes you on a journey through Armenia’s most incredible places—from dramatic highlands and centuries-old monasteries to hidden, untouched destinations. Uncover 8,000 years of culture, history, and natural wonders offered by this unique country.
If you enjoyed this video and found it useful please consider leaving a LIKE. Subscribe for more content:
Looking for other travel inspirations and wonders in the world?
Wonders of Georgia: https://youtu.be/7jpqj_pTPOg
Wonders of Pakistan: https://youtu.be/_JSlbVqTBlQ
Wonders of Mongolia: https://youtu.be/JPzREbuXkCM
Wonders of Canada: https://youtu.be/PxAgw0v_T-4
Wonders of Montenegro: https://youtu.be/ebZwyWG3JgA
Wonders of Croatia: https://youtu.be/mhJs4kB0gBs
Wonders of Colombia: https://youtu.be/GlvO1f80d4k
Wonders of Hawaii: https://youtu.be/9enNVmZ3z8k
Wonders of Bali: https://youtu.be/sY6BGVE-PBE
#armeniatravel #explorearmenia #hiddengems #caucasus #adventuretravel #traveldocumentary #amazingplaces #travel #bucketlist
Discover Armenia, a land of ancient secrets and untamed landscapes. This documentary takes you on a journey through Armenia’s most incredible places—from dramatic highlands and centuries-old monasteries to hidden, untouched destinations. Uncover 8,000 years of culture, history, and natural wonders offered by this unique country.
If you enjoyed this video and found it useful please consider leaving a LIKE. Subscribe for more content:
Looking for other travel inspirations and wonders in the world?
Wonders of Georgia: https://youtu.be/7jpqj_pTPOg
Wonders of Pakistan: https://youtu.be/_JSlbVqTBlQ
Wonders of Mongolia: https://youtu.be/JPzREbuXkCM
Wonders of Canada: https://youtu.be/PxAgw0v_T-4
Wonders of Montenegro: https://youtu.be/ebZwyWG3JgA
Wonders of Croatia: https://youtu.be/mhJs4kB0gBs
Wonders of Colombia: https://youtu.be/GlvO1f80d4k
Wonders of Hawaii: https://youtu.be/9enNVmZ3z8k
Wonders of Bali: https://youtu.be/sY6BGVE-PBE
#armeniatravel #explorearmenia #hiddengems #caucasus #adventuretravel #traveldocumentary #amazingplaces #travel #bucketlist
- published: 21 Dec 2024
- views: 214956
Armenia, the Land of Noah | Full Documentaries - Planet Doc Full Documentaries
SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
Full Documentary "Arme...
SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
Full Documentary "Armenia, the Land of Noah" A travel across Armenia, one of the most fascinating places in Europe.
The marvelous adaptation of the Armenian people, their exemplary spiritual strength and the establishment of enduring culture have made possible the consolidation of a lineage that for millennia, has kept alive the legacy of one of the world's oldest civilizations.
SUBSCRIBE | http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
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SUBSCRIBE! http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc Full Documentaries every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday!
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
Full Documentary "Armenia, the Land of Noah" A travel across Armenia, one of the most fascinating places in Europe.
The marvelous adaptation of the Armenian people, their exemplary spiritual strength and the establishment of enduring culture have made possible the consolidation of a lineage that for millennia, has kept alive the legacy of one of the world's oldest civilizations.
SUBSCRIBE | http://bit.ly/PlanetDoc
FULL DOCUMENTARIES | http://bit.ly/Full-Docs
FACEBOOK | http://bit.ly/FBPDoc
TWITTER | http://bit.ly/TwPDoc
TUMBLR | http://bit.ly/TbPlDoc
- published: 12 Dec 2013
- views: 3544727
5 Reasons Why You Should Visit ARMENIA Right Now
I can't get over how beautiful Armenia is 💛 We need to start talking about this country right now, because with its epic nature and friendly people, I can see i...
I can't get over how beautiful Armenia is 💛 We need to start talking about this country right now, because with its epic nature and friendly people, I can see it becoming the next BIG travel destination 😍
My roadtrip across Armenia took me from the capital Yerevan (which is super cool and happening, by the way!) to the mountains in the West, across all the Monasteries (Tatev, Sevan, Khor Virap...), to Lake Sevan and Garni. It. Was. Epic.
» FOLLOW ME ON INSTA FOR DAILY TRAVEL: http://www.instagram.com/evazubeck
I can't get over how beautiful Armenia is 💛 We need to start talking about this country right now, because with its epic nature and friendly people, I can see it becoming the next BIG travel destination 😍
My roadtrip across Armenia took me from the capital Yerevan (which is super cool and happening, by the way!) to the mountains in the West, across all the Monasteries (Tatev, Sevan, Khor Virap...), to Lake Sevan and Garni. It. Was. Epic.
» FOLLOW ME ON INSTA FOR DAILY TRAVEL: http://www.instagram.com/evazubeck
- published: 23 Oct 2019
- views: 916309
The Armenia and Azerbaijan war, explained
And where it leaves war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh.
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Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous area in the Caucasus region be...
And where it leaves war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh.
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Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous area in the Caucasus region between Europe and Asia. For more than 30 years, it's been locked in a conflict between Armenia and
Azerbaijan. The fight between the two countries began in the early 20th century but became a frozen conflict for 60 years while the whole region was under the control of the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union fell, newfound independence sparked a brutal six-year war in the region, where Armenia emerged victorious. From 1994 to 2020, Armenia controlled Nagorno-Karabakh, while Azerbaijan rebuilt its military. Fighting erupted again in summer 2020, and Azerbaijan went on the offensive — eventually capturing most of Nagorno-Karabakh and dramatically reshaping the region.
Sources and further reading:
Thomas de Waal: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Garden-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Anniversary/dp/0814760325
Alex Ward, Vox: https://www.vox.com/2020/11/10/21558428/armenia-azerbaijan-war-nagorno-karabakh-russia-turkey
Charlotte Mathilde Louise Hille: https://www.google.com/books/edition/State_Building_and_Conflict_Resolution_i/yxFP6K8iZzQC?hl=en&gbpv=0
Human Rights Watch: https://www.hrw.org/reports/AZER%20Conflict%20in%20N-K%20Dec94_0.pdf
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And where it leaves war-torn Nagorno-Karabakh.
Subscribe to our channel! http://goo.gl/0bsAjO
Nagorno-Karabakh is a mountainous area in the Caucasus region between Europe and Asia. For more than 30 years, it's been locked in a conflict between Armenia and
Azerbaijan. The fight between the two countries began in the early 20th century but became a frozen conflict for 60 years while the whole region was under the control of the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union fell, newfound independence sparked a brutal six-year war in the region, where Armenia emerged victorious. From 1994 to 2020, Armenia controlled Nagorno-Karabakh, while Azerbaijan rebuilt its military. Fighting erupted again in summer 2020, and Azerbaijan went on the offensive — eventually capturing most of Nagorno-Karabakh and dramatically reshaping the region.
Sources and further reading:
Thomas de Waal: https://www.amazon.com/Black-Garden-Armenia-Azerbaijan-Anniversary/dp/0814760325
Alex Ward, Vox: https://www.vox.com/2020/11/10/21558428/armenia-azerbaijan-war-nagorno-karabakh-russia-turkey
Charlotte Mathilde Louise Hille: https://www.google.com/books/edition/State_Building_and_Conflict_Resolution_i/yxFP6K8iZzQC?hl=en&gbpv=0
Human Rights Watch: https://www.hrw.org/reports/AZER%20Conflict%20in%20N-K%20Dec94_0.pdf
Vox.com is a news website that helps you cut through the noise and understand what's really driving the events in the headlines. Check out http://www.vox.com.
Watch our full video catalog: http://goo.gl/IZONyE
Follow Vox on Facebook: http://goo.gl/U2g06o
Or Twitter: http://goo.gl/XFrZ5H
- published: 03 Dec 2020
- views: 3901113