Little Britain is a British character-based comedy sketch show which was first broadcast on BBC radio and then turned into a television show. It was written and performed by comic duo David Walliams and Matt Lucas. The show's title is an amalgamation of the terms 'Little England' and 'Great Britain', and is also the name of a Victorian neighbourhood and a modern street in London.
The show comprised sketches involving exaggerated parodies of British people from all walks of life in various situations familiar to the British people. These sketches were presented to the viewer together with narration in a manner which suggested that the programme is a guide—aimed at non-British people—to the ways of life of various classes of British society. Despite the narrator's description of great British institutions, the comedy is derived from the British audience's self-deprecating understanding of either themselves or people known to them. The show was also a huge ratings success, receiving 9.5 million viewers after moving to BBC One in 2005.
Little Britain was a British character-based comedy sketch show which was first broadcast on BBC radio and then turned into a television show. It was written and performed by comic duo David Walliams and Matt Lucas. The show's title is an amalgamation of the terms 'Little England' and 'Great Britain', and is also the name of a Victorian neighbourhood and a modern street in London.
David Walliams and Matt Lucas created this character-comedy BBC sketch show which cleverly pokes fun at all sectors of British Society.
Along with material from the original series, I also included skits from their other series, 'Come Fly With Me', 'Little Britain USA', and a hilarious spoof of the lead singers from ABBA from 'Rock Profile'.
#LittleBritain #DavidWalliams #MattLucas
published: 22 Feb 2019
The Best of Vicky Pollard | Little Britain | Lucas and Walliams
All the very best of the inimitable Vicky Pollard all in one place.
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
published: 06 Jun 2022
🔴 LIVE! Funniest Little Britain Moments
All the most hilarious moments from Little Britain S1!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
published: 18 Nov 2022
Lou & Andy FUNNIEST Moments | Little Britain | Lucas & Walliams
All the very best of the iconic pairing all in one place! What a kerfuffle!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
published: 23 May 2022
Watch Little Britain funniest moments here!!!
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published: 14 Aug 2021
Elsa and Anna could NEVER! #littlebritain #lucasandwalliams
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Dafydd's Most ICONIC Moments | Little Britain | Lucas and Walliams
*Contains adult humour* Relive Dafydd Thomas' finest moments all in one place!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
published: 22 Jun 2022
Hello Mr. Dudwey! - Dudley and Ting Tong Compilation - Little Britain
David Walliams and Matt Lucas created this character-comedy BBC sketch show which cleverly pokes fun at all sectors of British Society.
Along with material fro...
David Walliams and Matt Lucas created this character-comedy BBC sketch show which cleverly pokes fun at all sectors of British Society.
Along with material from the original series, I also included skits from their other series, 'Come Fly With Me', 'Little Britain USA', and a hilarious spoof of the lead singers from ABBA from 'Rock Profile'.
#LittleBritain #DavidWalliams #MattLucas
David Walliams and Matt Lucas created this character-comedy BBC sketch show which cleverly pokes fun at all sectors of British Society.
Along with material from the original series, I also included skits from their other series, 'Come Fly With Me', 'Little Britain USA', and a hilarious spoof of the lead singers from ABBA from 'Rock Profile'.
#LittleBritain #DavidWalliams #MattLucas
All the very best of the inimitable Vicky Pollard all in one place.
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home t...
All the very best of the inimitable Vicky Pollard all in one place.
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the very best of the inimitable Vicky Pollard all in one place.
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the most hilarious moments from Little Britain S1!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the...
All the most hilarious moments from Little Britain S1!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the most hilarious moments from Little Britain S1!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the very best of the iconic pairing all in one place! What a kerfuffle!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams...
All the very best of the iconic pairing all in one place! What a kerfuffle!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the very best of the iconic pairing all in one place! What a kerfuffle!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Watch Little Britain funniest moments here!!!
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Watch Little Britain funniest moments here!!!
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Watch Little Britain funniest moments here!!!
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Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Wall...
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Little Britain's Daffyd Thomas interviews Elton John for his local newspaper in this special sketch for Comic Relief.
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*Contains adult humour* Relive Dafydd Thomas' finest moments all in one place!
Welcome to Lucas and Walli...
*Contains adult humour* Relive Dafydd Thomas' finest moments all in one place!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
*Contains adult humour* Relive Dafydd Thomas' finest moments all in one place!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
David Walliams and Matt Lucas created this character-comedy BBC sketch show which cleverly pokes fun at all sectors of British Society.
Along with material from the original series, I also included skits from their other series, 'Come Fly With Me', 'Little Britain USA', and a hilarious spoof of the lead singers from ABBA from 'Rock Profile'.
#LittleBritain #DavidWalliams #MattLucas
All the very best of the inimitable Vicky Pollard all in one place.
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the most hilarious moments from Little Britain S1!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
All the very best of the iconic pairing all in one place! What a kerfuffle!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Watch Little Britain funniest moments here!!!
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Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #RockProfile #ComeFlyWithMe #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
*Contains adult humour* Relive Dafydd Thomas' finest moments all in one place!
Welcome to Lucas and Walliams, home to the all the best moments from comedy duo Matt Lucas and David Walliams! We are going to be sharing iconic moments from Little Britain, Rock Profile, Come Fly With Me, along with many other appearances and skits throughout the years. Subscribe to our channel to keep up with all new moments and for some classic clips.
This is a commercial channel from BBC Studios.
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#LucasAndWalliams #Lucas&Walliams #LittleBritain #MattLucas #DavidWalliams
Little Britain is a British character-based comedy sketch show which was first broadcast on BBC radio and then turned into a television show. It was written and performed by comic duo David Walliams and Matt Lucas. The show's title is an amalgamation of the terms 'Little England' and 'Great Britain', and is also the name of a Victorian neighbourhood and a modern street in London.
The show comprised sketches involving exaggerated parodies of British people from all walks of life in various situations familiar to the British people. These sketches were presented to the viewer together with narration in a manner which suggested that the programme is a guide—aimed at non-British people—to the ways of life of various classes of British society. Despite the narrator's description of great British institutions, the comedy is derived from the British audience's self-deprecating understanding of either themselves or people known to them. The show was also a huge ratings success, receiving 9.5 million viewers after moving to BBC One in 2005.
In this green and pleasant land We have a dream to understand In the mountains of the mind There is a spirit you will find Just like the angel from above Sent to deliver words of love Ancient cross and Zion star Eastern ways and praise to Jah This is our land This is your land This is our inheritance To lead you on a merry dance In the beginning there was light Shining path and journeys bright When the nations pray as one Then will the races all be won In this green and pleasant land We have a dream to understand Open paradises gate Dance on the land and celebrate Say no matter what your colour Your race or your culture This is our inheritance
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